Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1008 ?

Chapter 1008

Some servants knocked on the courtyard door and went in to deliver a message.

Liu Yingqi smiled and said, "Then uncle, let's take a step first, so as not to disturb you young people talking."

Yan Fu cupped his hands and saluted, "Uncle Lao Liu is here."

Liu Yingqi boarded his luxurious carriage, surrounded by two teams of guards, and drove away in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Also like this afterglow, looking at the splendor, but I don't know how long it can last.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but asked via voice transmission: "Uncle Xuanhuai is such a character, how could your family have such a marriage before?"

Yan Fu quietly looked at the half-closed courtyard door, and replied via voice transmission: "The marriage was decided by my grandfather and Miss Liu's grandfather. And Uncle Xuanhuai...was never like this before."

It goes without saying how many things are right and wrong.


The courtyard door opened.

No one spoke.

Behind the gate, stood a woman with a weak temperament.

On the brows of the willow leaves, there is a little bit of spring, and in the eyes of the autumn water, there is a little sadness that cannot be resolved.

She stood there like a ray of wind, as if she was about to fly away at any moment.

Yan Fu opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Jiang Wang remained silent, and the servants of Liu's mansion were even more silent.

Even the light of the setting sun hanging down the small courtyard seemed to become depressed.

Yan Fu moved forward, and finally said: "Miss Liu, I..."

"Mr. Yan is standing there." Liu Xiuzhang said, "If you have anything to say, let's talk through the courtyard gate, so as not to teach others to gossip."


"Isn't that why you came here?"

"...Yes. That's fine too."

"Young Master Yan, what's the matter here?"

"Some gossip, I don't know if you've heard it..."

"Look, I live here." Liu Xiuzhang moved his eyes lightly to the left and right, and looked at the lonely small courtyard: "What I see and hear every day is only the breeze and bright moon. How can it be compared to the hustle and bustle of Linzi?"

Yan Fu lowered his gaze slightly, not daring to look directly at the woman across the door, and said slowly: "Many people say that since..., you have been so sad that you wash your face with tears every day..."

"Mr. Yan." Liu Xiuzhang's beautiful melon-shaped face did not show much expression: "There is nothing to gossip about. You and I have known each other since we were young, and we often played together. Since childhood, people have said that we... Even if it was a joke, it has been joked for too long, it will take time to wear it out."

She cut off her memory and looked at Yan Fu: "You want to dissolve the engagement. I have already agreed. Why, I shouldn't even have the right to be sad?"

She doesn't ask whether she is worthy or not, she doesn't ask whether she can or cannot, she only asks whether she should or shouldn't.

Only when she said this sentence did her voice fluctuate.

"That's not what I meant." Yan Fu's expression was also extremely restrained, and his voice was as calm as possible: "It's just that some voices fell on Ting Lan... She will be my Yan Fu's wife in the future, and I have to take care of her reputation. "

"That's right. That's how it should be." Liu Xiuzhang's eyes also lowered: "I closed the door to live my own life, what my father said outside...I don't know."

The two people facing each other across the door only looked at the ground.

It seems that there is some secret to solve the world's problems hidden on the ground.

The threshold is like a high wall, separating the two people inside and outside.

"It's impossible for me to do anything to your father." After Yan Fu said it, he realized that he shouldn't have said that, and added: "The Yan and Liu families are family friends after all."

Liu Xiuzhang only said: "You know his situation. If he can listen to won't be like this."

Yan Fu sighed softly in his heart, and said, "So, I hope you can say something."

"Say something?"

After all, Liu Xiuzhang is smart, and after she asked the question, she understood it.

"May I say that I have no feelings for you? May I say that I have not grieved for it?"

She smiled sadly: "Yan Fu, you are so cruel."

Yan Fu stood outside the courtyard, like a silent tree.

Only when the wind blows, there is a rustling sound.

After a long silence, he said: "Wen Tinglan is my unmarried wife. She has done nothing wrong and should not be slandered like this. I can't settle this matter for her. I stand shamelessly in the world. Now, I There are only two ways. One is that you speak up to dispel the rumors. The other is that you don’t say anything. After I return to Linzi, I will go out with a knife, and I will kill anyone who speaks gossip. Regardless of relatives or enemies, we will not avoid high or low. Even if I am regarded as a lunatic like Tian Anping, I will do that."

Few people have seen Yan Fu make a move, and almost never heard of him using force with anyone in public. Although Jiang Wuyou chased and beat him in Linzi for a while, he just ran away and never fought back.

But no one would doubt Yan Fu's strength.

This was the first time Jiang Wang heard Yan Fufang speak harshly.

This gentle and noble young master, even talking about beheading people, is gentle and restrained.

But the determination he showed was terrifyingly firm.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Liu Xiuzhang raised his eyes and looked at Yan Fu who had never raised his eyes: "You would rather give up everything for her?"

Yan Fu said: "Doctor Wen loves his daughters like his own life. If I protect Wen Tinglan so much, even if her future is ruined in the future, it will not affect the relationship between the Wen family and the Yan family."

"After all, you still care about the Yan family the most."

"I was born in the Yan family, grew up in the Yan family, learned from the Yan family, and gained from the Yan family. So..." Yan Fu finally raised his eyes, and finally met Liu Xiuzhang: "I will also die in the Yan family. "

Liu Xiuzhang looked away: "This matter is my responsibility. I have affected the harmony between your husband and wife. I will deal with it. Mr. Yan, please go back."

All these things, from the beginning to the end, Liu Yingqi was not willing to move his heir, and tied the Yan family tightly. First he refused to withdraw from the marriage, and after Yan Fu came to withdraw in person, he spread everywhere that Yan Fu and Liu Xiuzhang were deeply in love and could not part with each other. It was only because of Wen Yanyu's power that Yuanyang cried blood...

It couldn't be said that it was the responsibility of Liu Xiuzhang who stayed behind closed doors.

But Yan Fu didn't say anything.

He just bowed deeply and deeply, and after paying such a big gift to Liu Xiuzhang, he turned and left.


"How about it?"

As soon as Yan Fu and Jiang Wang left, Liu Yingqi couldn't wait to run back: "Yan Fu and it still possible?"

Liu Xiuzhang gave him a sad look, and walked in without saying a word.

Liu Yingqi chased after him: "Xiu Zhang, Xiu Zhang. Don't rush away, since Yan Fu is ruthless, we don't have to remember it. Look at Jiang Wang Jiang Qingyang who is walking with him? He is the most popular in Daqi right now. The young Tianjiao, who defeated Wang Yiwu in the same place, is already amazingly talented. He even became famous overseas, and suppressed the monks of the same level in Diaohailou. This is a good match! If he can marry..."

Liu Xiuzhang turned back angrily, perhaps for the first time in his life, and shouted at his father: "Do you still think I have not suffered enough humiliation!?"

Liu Yingqi was stunned.

Seeing her daughter bursting into tears and turning around in grief.

Suddenly, he lost all his strength.

"I have... what can I do..."

The smug Liu Yingqi, the Liu Yingqi who vowed to rejuvenate the Liu family, the Liu Yingqi who yelled the oath of "not sharing the sun and the moon with the Tian family" because of the death of the eldest son... has died.

Died on the day Tian Anping left alive.

Thank you book friends for being the leader of this book!

I will continue to pay off the debt today, so I will have it tonight.

Apparently my debt settlement plan has suffered a major setback O,O

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