Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1018 That Man Is So Scary

[The winner is Dugu Invincible, current ranking: fourth in the Inner Palace. 】

The saravaka fairy state didn't even end, the battle was already over!

This is not a matching battle in the ninety or so, but facing the fourth place in the too illusory territory.

In a life-and-death confrontation, the victory or defeat is often only an instant.

But the performance of Shengwen's fairy state is indeed too amazing.

Strictly speaking, it is not just the savanna itself.

"Thousands of voices come to court, I can hear them all." Although his state is powerful, he only controls all the information that can be obtained through voice.

It is Jiang Wang himself who really captures the fighting opportunity and decides the outcome.

Fang is the root of Jiang Wang's superhuman fighting talent.

The combination of the two resulted in such a beautiful result.

Facts have proved that it is a very wise choice for Jiang Wang to choose the fairy state without hesitation and expend a lot of energy to engrave this Taoism.

The battle just now was not the most eye-catching part of Shengwen Xiantai.

What Jiang Wang saw through this battle was actually a wrong path.

The supernatural power of going astray, the biggest restriction lies in "knowledge".

Knowing is consciousness, seeing is seeing. Recognize facts, judge difficulties, and gain insights.

To some extent, it is also "self-knowledge" and "seeing the enemy".

As for the fairy state of sound and hearing, there is no doubt that it can help to supplement the part of "meeting the enemy". In this way, part of the restrictions are lifted for the misguided magical powers, and this is where the greatest value of this Taoism is currently!

Jiang Wang couldn't help but think, if he could cultivate into the immortals of eyes, ears, and nose as depicted in the picture of Wanxian Laichao... Wouldn't it be possible to understand the enemy clearly and "see the enemy" just by meeting him face to face? It will no longer be a restriction, how terrible is the wrong way at that time?

This idea is fleeting, after all, it is too unrealistic.

Ear fairy is still far away!

On the contrary, I just felt some incongruity when using the eight-tone burning sea in the Shengwen fairy state.

Eight-tone Burning Sea is not perfect, at least in the part of Yin-killing, it is not enough.

The outcome of a matching battle did not stay in Jiang Wang's heart for long.

Only by standing firmly on your feet can you climb high.

He silently sank his mind and entered into the meticulous adjustment of the eight-tone burning sea.

This kind of pursuit of perfection that is almost harsh to oneself...

He is not like this for a while, not for a day.



In the same battle, the winner and the loser naturally have different moods.

Jiang Zhaoyuan is the son of Jiang Kelian, the Qinghai Wei General of the Jing State, and he is also the fifth in the prefecture of the Taixuan Territory. He has just been knocked down from the fourth place.

As the only military court empire among the top six in the world, the entire Jing Kingdom is ruled by a military court formed by a total of thirteen armies, the Six Guards and the Seven Guards, and the military leader is the king.

The thirteenth army respected the lord of the country and ruled all the people under it.

Jiang Zhaoyuan's identity can be seen from this.

At this moment, he was sitting on his own bed, still a little dazed.

Although he didn't use his full strength just now, and had some reservations in the illusory realm, but... just lost like this?

The powerful Huoyin mixed Taoism is not the point, the point is that the opponent seems to have completely predicted his battle choice,

He almost sent it to the door by himself, and slammed into the opponent's outer building level Taoism.

This is usually what happens when the strength is completely crushed. Just like the current him, he can easily predict all the opponent's choices when dealing with monks at the Dragon Realm.

So, under the same circumstances as the inner government, have you been completely crushed?

Even if he liberates all his power, is there really a possibility of victory? Is there even a one percent chance?

He intends to participate in the Yellow River Meeting, and he is also working hard to get a place in the Inner Mansion, but the battle just now undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on him.

In the illusory realm where the speed of expansion has always been restricted, it is so difficult to fight against the monks of the same realm, how can you really be the first in the world when you really face the world's pride?

"Zhaoyuan!" A gentle voice sounded from the outside: "The lantern show the day before yesterday, I didn't see you! Why are you tired again?"

This voice is all too familiar, it is my close friend Zhongshan Weisun.

He is the grandson of Zhongshan Yanwen, the general of Yingyangwei.

Qinghaiwei and Yingyangwei have always been in harmony, and he and Zhongshan Weisun are also good friends who played together since childhood. Unlike other friends who drift away, the older they get, the more like-minded they become.

"Nothing interesting!" Jiang Zhaoyuan muffled: "The door is unlocked, you come in yourself!"


Zhongshan Weisun opened the door and entered, dressed in fine clothes and white jade, with a smile on his face and polite manners.

In the state of Jing, where the army is the government, such a gentle and refined son is very rare.

Even Jiang Zhaoyuan himself is a big and three rough, and he is used to topless and backless, drinking in big bowls.

"Why is it boring again?" Zhongshan Weisun walked into the door and said.

"Going to the meeting of the Yellow River and displaying the flag for the Great Jing is the man's interest." Jiang Zhaoyuan got up and poured two bowls of wine: "What a beautiful lantern show!"

"It's not just a man's interest, I want Huang Sheli to know about this, and I'm going to trouble you again!" Zhongshan Weisun smiled, and asked again: "Didn't we agree to see you later on about the meeting of the Yellow River? "

Among the seven guards of the Jing Kingdom, the bald general of Huang Longwei was surnamed Huang.

Huang Sheli is his beloved daughter, quite fierce. It is possible to frighten men like Jiang Zhaoyuan with their reputation.

Jiang Zhaoyuan didn't agree with his previous sentence, he drank a bowl and said in a muffled voice, "You know it, but I don't have a chance!"

Zhongshan Weisun naturally regarded the quota for the Outer Building Realm as something in his pocket. But he was a little surprised by Jiang Zhaoyuan's frustration.

"It's not like you." He asked, "What happened?"

The friendship between the two is very close, but there is nothing to hide.

Jiang Zhaoyuan briefly talked about the battle he just experienced in the Illusory Realm. The point is that the opponent's combat power is completely crushing him.

Zhongshan Weisun frowned, he knew Jiang Zhaoyuan's strength clearly.

"Could it be another Zuo Guanglie?" He asked, "Can you tell which country the other party is from?"

Jiang Zhaoyuan shook his head: "In the illusory world, each one is hidden deeper than the other, how can we see it?"

Zhongshan Weisun thought about Zhao Tiezhu's name in his illusory realm... and couldn't disagree.

"However..." Jiang Zhaoyuan said again: "That person's name in the illusory realm is very arrogant, and I think he is a publicity generation."

"Not necessarily." Zhongshan Weisun said: "A person who is arrogant in the illusory world may just be low-key and restrained in this world. This way, he can hide his identity better, isn't it? What do you think he is called?"

Jiang Zhaoyuan said with lingering fear, "Dugu is invincible."

Dugu is invincible!

Zhongshan Weisun was shocked!

That person is only in the inner court? Can the inner government be able to win the blessed land?

How can it be! ?

Even Zuo Guanglie couldn't do it when he was in the Inner Palace!

But Jiang Zhaoyuan didn't need to lie to him.

There is such arrogance in the world!

Zhongshan Weisun only felt that his self-conceit and pride had been crushed to nothing.

Noticing the abnormal expression on his friend's face, Jiang Zhaoyuan asked, "Why, you know him too?"

Zhongshan Weisun struggled to calm down his emotions: "I can only say that that person may be more terrifying and powerful than you feel and imagine!"

Thanks to the lord of the golden mean for another lord!

Thank you book friend Miaoyu for loving me again and becoming the leader of this book!

Today is another day where I can't make ends meet...

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