Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1019

A meeting of the Yellow River has affected the minds of countless people in the world.

Regardless of Qin and Chu, not only Jing Mu?

In a small courtyard in Xin'an City, Li Jianqiu pushed open the courtyard door and walked in alone.

The peach branch that has become famous in Zhuang country hangs from his waist, and his figure is desolate.


He lost to Lin Zhengren, who was born in Wangjiang City Taoist Academy, in the competition for the place to play in the Yellow River Club.

Zhuang Guo only jumped to a higher level through the national war last year. It takes time to digest the harvest of the war, and the background is not enough after all. There are no young and powerful monks in the outer building who can compete with the arrogance of the nations, let alone the ability to participate in the unlimited finals under the age of 30. Only the inner court has a chance to show off.

When Zhu Wei was still with me, naturally I had no choice but him. I wish only after I left the country that there would be room for competition for this spot.

He, Li Jianqiu, had tried his best, but still faced failure.

This is nothing to be upset about.

Lin Zhengren has always been stronger, more famous, more valued by the monarch, and enjoys more resources.

The relationship with the top and bottom is handled very well, it can be said that the ruling and opposition parties pay attention to him.

In the battle, Lin Zhengren's endless tricks, his trump card that he seemed to never be able to clear up, really convinced him to lose.

With a peach branch and a sword, he amazed Xin'an City. But Lin Zhengren threw out his back hand one after another, continuously and continuously, which actually wore down his Dao sword for life.

Skills are not as good as people, and it is right to lose.

Winning or losing is a common thing, so you shouldn't worry about it.

As early as when he was in Fenglin City Taoist Academy, the other party was the leader of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy, and he was once compared to Senior Brother Zhu.

Losing now seems to be a matter of course.

But he was still not reconciled.

But if you ask him why he is unwilling...he can't tell.

Walk through the stone path of the small courtyard, step on the steps, walk into the quiet room, and close the door.

He crossed his legs and sat on the futon.

At this time, he moved his clenched fist to his body, and spread out his hand, a cyan jade was in the palm of his hand.

This is Master Dong's Jade Jue.

It was also Yu Jue who remained on Master Dong's body.

It was handed over to him by Prime Minister Du Ruhui.

On the night Master Dong was killed, he was deliberately sent away. When he returned to Xin'an City, it was the dismembered corpse that he would meet again.

The conversation on the streets of Xin'an City that night, only after realizing it was Master Dong's last words.

"Only you know sacrifice. Sacrifice is a sacred quality, and it is the foundation of greatness."

"If one day, the whole Zhuang country falls into darkness. You are the fire I keep for this land."

To this day, he doesn't quite understand these words.

Now he sits here alone.

He thought that he hated Dong A, for those innocent dead souls in Fenglin City, and for Dong A who even brought him by his side and didn't hide it—why didn't he hide it from him and make him suffer so much? torment?

But besides hate?

Now that he was sitting here alone, he did think of that unsmiling man again.

A long time ago, when he was still in the City Dao Academy, he thought about what Master Dong would look like when he smiled. But I didn't expect that I would have to wait until he died to see him.

What was he laughing at before he died?

Li Jianqiu stroked the blue jade in his hand silently.

The earliest owner of this jade is said to be Zhang Xinliang, a good friend of Master Dong when he was young.

Zhang Xinliang gave it to Master Dong, and Master Dong gave it to...

To whom?

He really didn't pay much attention to this kind of small object, and its style is also very ordinary.

There are so many people in the entire Fenglin City Taoist Temple, it is impossible for him to remember what everyone is wearing and what they are wearing.

He knew what was in this cyan jade, which contained a secret technique called Control Yuan Jue.

It is a secret method to improve the ability to finely control Dao Yuan.

During the days when he worked with Mr. Dong, he had already learned it and remembered it thoroughly.

When he was in the city daoyuan, he didn't learn it.

Who is the one?

The person who learned the Controlling Jue before him must be the person Master Dong recognized first, right?

After his accident, Master Dong chose himself...

That person must be very dazzling.

Is it Zhang Linchuan, the Bone Messenger who is lurking in the Taoist monastery and exhibiting excellent thunder skills? Is it Wang Changxiang, who is born with different veins and gentle temperament?


Li Jianqiu didn't know why, but a scene suddenly came to mind:

Also a night.

He was on duty at night at the kiosk in front of the inner courtyard.

A handsome young man rushed over, and although he was in a hurry, he opened his mouth and said—"Senior brother Li, there is a heretic monster in the outer courtyard, and a junior has been killed! Please go and take charge of the overall situation!"

There are injuries on his body, but his face is as usual. Surviving a near-death, but still organized and clear, neither humble nor overbearing.

That might not be the first time he met that young man, because they are both in the City Dao Academy, there is always a possibility of meeting him. But it was the first time he remembered that boy.

And the first thing Master Dong did after he came out was to remove the poison from the young man's corpse.

At that time, he felt that Master Dong treated this junior who had just entered the inner sect unusually. Very unusual.

Dong Shi has an upright temperament and a serious life, and rarely has such a gentle moment.

"Then the younger brother must be very good?" He thought so at that time.

And it was true later. Whether it was in the Three Cities Discussion or in the Sanshan City and his party, that junior performed very well.

They could also be considered friends.

He, a once lost dog, a lone traveler who lived alone, found the feeling of a partner again in that junior brother.

Then he went to the County Daoyuan, and they met at a higher place.

At that time, they all had their own ideals. He wants to solve the problem of the beast forever, what is the ideal of that junior brother? Be a high official, achieve success and fame, and settle down, so that my sister can have endless delicious food and endless new clothes?

after that……

Later, Fenglin City was gone. He also knew that his ideal could not be established in the end.

Could it be him?

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Li Jianqiu's mind.

He subconsciously clenched the cyan jade and sank his mind into it.

The information belonging to Controlling Yuanjue slowly flowed into his heart.

He is so familiar with every word and every word. Master Dong once told him word by word.

He feels them, chews on the memories.

Suddenly, in his mind, a drop of blood jumped out.

No, not just thoughts.

From the cyan jade, a drop of blood really jumped out.

A drop of bright red, plump blood.

It directly crashed into Li Jianqiu's palm and into Li Jianqiu's body!


Severe pain!

Li Jianqiu fell to the ground and wanted to scream, but he couldn't.

This drop of blood seemed to have infinite power, directly penetrated into the sea of ​​five mansions, and crashed into the first inner mansion.

Li Jianqiu's No. 1 inner mansion was originally empty.

This drop of blood falls in...


Like spring rain falling.

Immersed into the ground of the inner mansion, no traces can be seen.

No, it left a mark.

When the spring rain falls, everything happens.

Li Jianqiu's pain disappeared, and he felt a great power being conceived.

There is a kind of vigorous vigor, a kind of courage to face life and death.

As if the spring breeze blows across the barren land, the world ushers in the new year.

A blue seed "drilled" out of the ground of the inner mansion.

It's like being pregnant in October and giving birth in one day.

It leaps high and hangs on the dome of the inner mansion.

The blue light illuminates the inner mansion from here!

Li Jianqiu was no longer in pain, vigorous power was continuously generated in his body, but he did not get up.

He lay on the ground, stunned...

Only now did he understand what this drop of blood meant.

That cyan jade was left by Zhang Xinliang. It once left Zhang Xinliang's decision to control Yuan to Dong A.

And Dong A is also in the meantime, leaving his own trace.

This drop of blood is the essence of the inner palace, and its supernatural powers are condensed. It is a masterpiece that belongs exclusively to endless supernatural powers.

This drop of blood was born after Dong A's death.

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