Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1028 Peerless

Hundreds of civil and military officials lined up and waited in the square.

The common people who came to watch the ceremony were all standing on the left side of the high platform. Although they were all standing, the magic circle was running slowly with rejuvenated energy.

A high platform was also built on the right side of the square, but the space above it was empty and there were no spectators.

After the officials have completed the worship, they will stand up to "watch the ceremony". Only at that time, children from aristocratic families who are not official enough to participate in the "Master's Ceremony" and who are qualified to watch the ceremony, such as Chong Xuansheng, can enter the venue.

At that time, the position in the middle of the square will be the stage for those young people.

The position opposite to the main entrance of the Taimiao has already risen overnight, so it is naturally the supreme position. It means that the Daqi Emperor and the previous emperors jointly rewarded the heroes of the empire.

The dragon chair and phoenix chair at the highest place had been prepared a long time ago, but it was empty.

His Majesty the Great Qi Emperor is currently offering sacrifices in the Taimiao.

Dan Bi extended to the middle section, where there are several tables on the platform, which are the positions of several princes and daughters.

There is another section of Danbi down, and then the square.

Jiang Wang couldn't pay attention to how complicated the rituals of the entire "Master's Ceremony" were and how high the standards were.

He sat quietly, closing his eyes and meditating.

The posture is correct and the breath is long.

This tranquility is not unique to him, and everyone who can participate in the competition for the final spot will not lack this opinion.

Even Xie Baoshu, who was scratching his heart and lungs because of Wen Tinglan, knew very well what was important.

This "Master's Ritual" may be just a sacrificial ceremony to others.

For the protagonists among them, it is likely to determine their lives.

The distance that can be covered by this step will take many years to catch up in the future.

There is an essential gap between the three strongest people in the same territory of Qi State and the number one in Qi State.

Moreover, only by winning the first place in the Qi country, can you be eligible to compete...

No. 1 in the world that day.



Taimiao, in the Temple of Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu of Qi and the founding ancestor of Qi State are the only two emperors of Qi State who can enjoy a main hall in the Taimiao.

As a hostage, he borrowed 30,000 soldiers, fought thirty-seven times to restore the country, and established Qi Wudi as the overlord of the Qi country. He is also the most respected emperor of Qi today.

Emperor Daqi quietly looked at the golden body of the emperor in front of him, with no joy or anger on his face.

It was Emperor Wu of Qi who saved Daqi Sheji and established Qi's overlord status. But it was him who really allowed Qi to achieve hegemony and compete for the strongest in the world.

Thinking about it, if Bintian is unlucky at this time, there should be a main hall for him in this Taimiao.

But is that enough?

"The quota for the Political Affairs Hall has already been handed over." Emperor Daqi asked in a low voice: "You said, should it be an extra problem?"

At this moment, the only one who can accompany the sacrifice in the Emperor Wu Temple of the Taimiao is the Crown Prince of Daqi, Prince Jiang Wuhua of the Eastern Palace.

The rest of the princes and princesses do not have such qualifications.

Jiang Wuhua, with a very simple face, stood respectfully aside, and politely said: "Father, the emperor holds the sacred heart alone, no matter what decision you make, it has its own reason."

Compared with the heroic Jiang Wuyou, the bewitching and handsome Jiang Wuxie, and the handsome Jiang Wuqi, Jiang Wuhua, the prince, is not even very good looking.

Just like his answer at this time, it was not brilliant, nor could it make a mistake.

If it were Jiang Wuqi present, he would at least say, "The emperor's order is righteousness, and I don't know of any side branch called the emperor's order."

But the prince is as good as the prince.

Emperor Daqi was noncommittal, turned around, and walked out.

A eunuch shouted: "Move!"

Jiang Wuhua waited until the emperor was almost outside the door, then straightened up and followed.

Respectful and polite, meticulous.

How could the Zhengshitang not know that Da Qi still has Tianjiao?

For example, in the Inner Palace, there shouldn't be Wang Yiwu.

But the military law is like a mountain, and since he has been sentenced to death row for three years, he has no way to return to Linzi. The Zhengshitang does not recommend this person because it respects military law.

And if you say that the inner palace is number one, how can you avoid that Chongxuan Fenghua?

Yu Beidou said in the past, "take away the elegance of his peers", and it has been passed down for so many years. Does anyone in Qi know it?

But no one has mentioned it yet.

Because at that time, Emperor Daqi personally asked Chongxuanzun to go to Jixia Academy for retreat.

This is the authority of the Son of Heaven.

The emperor Weifu uses it for himself.



I don't know how long it has passed, but Jiang Wang didn't "listen" to the sounds outside, nor did he feel the passage of time. He is just recuperating silently and practicing as usual.

Then a guard came over: "Master Jiang, please!"

Jiang Wang stood up and said in a warm voice, "Thank you for leading the way."

Today he was wearing a clean and appropriate cyan military uniform, his long hair was simply tied up, and there was still no extra decoration on his body, except for an ordinary white jade hanging from his waist.

Sauvignon Blanc in hand.

Hold your head straight, walk calmly and calmly.

Eyes have weight.

Jiang Wang was deeply impressed by this sentence, and later saw Wang Ao smash the blood king's eyes with his own eyes.

But it seems that today, he really felt the "weight" of his eyes.

When he followed the guards leading the way into the huge square paved with white stone slabs, countless eyes in the square were all focused on him.

On the high platform on the left are common people, and on the high platform on the right are dignitaries and dignitaries. Chong Xuansheng and Yan Fu should also be crowded there. Jiang Wang didn't look closely.

On the highest place above Majesty Dan in front, His Majesty the Emperor of Daqi must be sitting, let alone look up at this moment.

Thinking about it, Jiang Wuyou, the lord of Huaying Palace, should be in that direction.

Countless gazes are countless pressures.

On Tianyatai, he was watched by more people, but at that time he was not in the mood to care. And the weight represented by those people... is far less than it is today.

So only at this moment, I feel "the attention of the world".

Very interesting experience.

Jiang Wang has nothing to be nervous about.

Holding the sword in his hand, he began to look at the "protagonists" who played at the same time as him.

Observing the "opponent" is naturally not impolite.

In the entire huge square, there were only seven people standing, divided into three columns.

They appear small, yet extremely radiant.

Jiang Wang is in the left column, and there are three people in this column.

Lei Zhanqian, who stood at the front and closest to Danbi's direction, needless to say, was already an old friend.

What Jiang Wang focused on was Cui Zhu.

The person stood at the end of this column, that is, near the direction of the Taimiao.

However, there is not much to see. His face is stern, his eyes are not squinted, he stands like a javelin, and he has a military temperament.

Standing between Lei Zhanqian and Cui Zhu, Jiang Wang looked to his right, and the first thing he saw was Ji Zhaonan.

The second disciple of the God of War, who rarely showed up in China, was alone in the middle of the square. Because he had no opponent, he was alone.

It just separates the outer building and the inner mansion.

I didn't know who he was until I met him.

After seeing him, I felt that it was only natural for him to stand here!

Truly a rare character!

Wearing a silver armor and white robe. Lifting a long spear as white as snow.

His long hair was tied behind his head, with only one strand hanging in front of his forehead. His eyes were like cold stars, and his eyebrows were like frost knives.

There was a very faint smell of blood on his body, which was a trace that could not be shaken off after countless killings.

And he looked spotless.

Chong Xuansheng once introduced——

Gun name, Shaohua.

A name, Wushuang.

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