Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1029 Emperor Qi Asks Government

Intuitively, this should be a character with an indifferent temperament.

But when Jiang Wang looked over, he turned his head and smiled brightly back. It doesn't seem to be the kind of character that strangers don't get close to.

Jiang Wang nodded with a smile.

On the right side of Ji Zhaonan, standing are the three people competing for the places in the outer building.

From front to back, they are Bao Bozhao, Xie Baoshu, and Chaoyu.

Among them, Bao Bozhao was an acquaintance, and he was much more handsome than his younger brother Bao Zhongqing.

Xie Baoshu just met... don't mention it.

General Chaoyu, who was born in the Winter Mute Army, was a woman, but Jiang Wang never thought of it, because the name sounded so unfeminine.

The medium-length hair is tied into a braid and hangs straight behind the head. The face is somewhat neutral.

On top of Majesty Dan sits the emperor and empress of Daqi.

The position of the phoenix chair is slightly lower than that of the dragon chair.

Go further down and over a few steps.

It is the position of princes and princesses.

There are not many princes and princesses who can attend this kind of occasion.

Prince Jiang Wuhua, Palace Lord Huaying Jiang Wuyou, Palace Lord Yangxin Jiang Wuxie, Palace Lord Longevity Jiang Wuqi, there are only four of them.

Jiang Wuhua sat on the left hand seat, and Jiang Wuyou, as the eldest sister, sat on the right hand seat.

Behind the two, Jiang Wuxie and Jiang Wuqi sat respectively.

Jiang Wuhua wore the prince's regular clothes and sat upright.

Jiang Wuyou, dressed in a frost-colored military uniform, was looking sideways at the people in the square.

Jiang Wuxie casually dressed in brocade clothes, her demeanor was the most relaxed, with a smile on her lips, and from time to time, she picked up a snow-patterned fruit (a kind of grape-sized fruit with a thin skin that reflects snow, sweet taste and cold taste) in the fruit plate in front of her. stuff it in your mouth. If it's not in front of the emperor, don't be too unrestrained, I'm afraid that some beauties will pinch their shoulders and beat their legs.

Jiang Wuqi was wrapped in white fox fur, with a smile on his pale face and a very upright sitting posture.

Except for Jiang Wuhua, the three palace lords coincidentally did not wear ceremonial attire. Compared with the prince's ceremonial attire, their palace lord's ceremonial attire is undoubtedly one level lower, and they wear it as if they are reminding others.

They are all deliberately downplaying this gap.

It's hard to say whether Jiang Wuhua is deliberately strengthening this gap.

Anyway, he always wears what clothes on what occasion, and he can't make mistakes. It is also very reasonable to wear the prince's regular uniform at this "Master's Ceremony" today.

Before the time came, officials from the Ministry of Rituals were sprinkling the square with clean water. This was to wash away the dirt and eliminate hidden dangers, so as to ensure the fairness of the future contests.

Emperor Daqi suddenly said, "Wuqi, come and talk."

Jiang Wuhua was smiling, Jiang Wuyou was still looking at Tianjiao in the square, and Jiang Wuxie continued to eat snowweed fruit. Didn't seem to hear it.

Jiang Wuqi got up and left the table, walked up a few steps unhurriedly, walked to the side of Emperor Daqi's dragon chair, and said politely, "Father Emperor."

Then he bowed to Empress Daqi next to him: "Mother Empress."

Emperor Daqi had nine daughters and seventeen sons, and besides the crown prince Jiang Wuhua, there were three others who were regarded as qualified to challenge the crown prince.

But only Jiang Wuqi, at this moment, was called by his side to speak. It shows that he is very fond of him.

Empress He smiled and nodded in response.

Except for the eunuchs and maids who are standing by, the people above Dan Majesty are all members of the imperial family.

Emperor Daqi also acted very casually: "Let me ask you, hold the 'Master's Ceremony' in front of the Taimiao to decide the arrogance of the country. This is a meeting of the strong. Why invite these old people who can't stand firmly? And these ninety-nine households of ordinary people with no cultivation?"

"Cough, cough." Jiang Wuqi stopped coughing, and said with a calm smile: "Most people in this world are ordinary people when they are born. Before becoming a god, everyone will grow old one day. The people you invited, Father, are the beginning and the end. No matter where we go or where we stand, we should remember where we came from and where we went. People are like this, so is the country.”

Emperor Daqi was obviously very satisfied with this answer, and even stretched out his hand to caress his back, and said slowly: "Is it okay?"

Jiang Wuqi replied softly: "It's okay."

Emperor Daqi ordered again: "Bring a chair and let Xiao Shi sit down, he won't be tired."

The great eunuch Han Ling in red robe personally delivered a chair with cloud velvet, which was placed in front right of the dragon chair.

Jiang Wuqi sat up on his knees.

Empress He said at the side: "I have a very good dragon ginseng in my palace. It may be good for you. I will ask someone to send it to the Longevity Palace later."

Jiang Wuqi didn't refuse, he got up and saluted respectfully: "My son thanked the queen mother for her care."

Empress He smiled slightly and said nothing else.

When Jiang Wuqi sat down again, Emperor Daqi suddenly raised his voice, with a narrow smile: "Hey, what are you looking at, Wuyou!"

The emperor's grace is as powerful as the sea, and he rarely shows his emotions. Only this narrow smile at this moment seems to temporarily pull him down from the supreme throne, and give him a little bit of the reality of the role of father in the world.

Jiang Wuyou turned around and said with a large smile: "Look at me, Daqi Tianjiao, Father!"

Emperor Daqi raised his chin slightly to make himself look more serious: "What do you think about my question just now?"

Jiang Wuyou thought for a while, then said: "If a country is so big, with billions of people, and hundreds of thousands of cultivators, what is the foundation? Let a country be like a tall building, the cultivators will raise its height, and the people will thicken its foundation. If there is no The height is not enough to be proud of the world, and if there is no thickness, it is not enough to endure the years."

She originally wanted to use the tower as an example, but she changed it to a building when she got out of the mouth.

"So I believe that ordinary people are the foundation of the country, and practitioners are the backbone of the country, and both are indispensable. That's why I, Daqi, established criminal laws, established green cards, arrested lawbreakers, and killed crooks! To make the people happy in their careers, and make the practitioners happy. Like seedlings. This is the merit of rule of virtue!"

After these powerful words fell, Empress He couldn't help but look at her twice more.

Emperor Daqi smiled: "It's my tiger girl!"

He looked at Jiang Wuxie who was still eating snowweed fruit: "Is it delicious?"

"It's missing some water!" Jiang Wuxie said with a smile, "You don't need to ask, Father, I will answer it myself."

Or he is naturally detached, he is the most relaxed and at ease among the princes and princesses.

He laughed and said: "Since there are historical records, the source of vitality is the vitality of life. Without the nourishment of vitality, the world is not enough to give birth to vitality. In the present world, the vitality of life is popularity. Insufficient popularity, vitality Insufficient. With the country's system, popularity is the source of official spirit. This is the root of the country's rivalry and the plundering of the population."

He picked up the last snowweed fruit and threw it into his mouth: "So let's put people first!"

Emperor Daqi didn't comment on the good or the bad, he just nodded with his hand and said: "Prepare another plate of fruit with this guy, it needs enough water!"

There are palace maids holding jade plates.

The emperor finally looked at Jiang Wuhua, and asked quietly: "What does the crown prince think?"

Jiang Wuhua got up, bowed politely, and said: "The emperor's brothers and sisters have spoken very well, I have nothing to add."

He smiled shyly: "I am very happy."

Thanks to the lord Ashi for another alliance rewarded by the little padded jacket!

Thank you book friend Shimengluo, for becoming the leader of this book!

Um. It seems that on the immature shoulders... a little heavier.

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