Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1036 ? There is a shortage of days in the northwest

Chapter 1036 There is a lack of sky in the Northwest (Add more updates for the leader adminnet!)

Now everyone's eyes fell on the two people in the square.

Compared to Cui Zhu's lesser reputation, Jiang Wang and Lei Zhanqian are more well-known talents in Linzi.

Of course, the public duel held by Chongxuan Fatty at the "Invincible Martial Arts Field" at that time was a publicity campaign in order to earn more money.

Many people knew about that battle, and many people knew that Lei Zhanqian was defeated by Yue Xiaojing.

Therefore, if today's battle goes well, it will also be Lei Zhanqian's bloody battle.

"I won't lose to you a second time." Lei Zhanqian said confidently.

"It's the third time."

Jiang Wang emphasized solemnly: "Counting the time in the Seven Stars Secret Realm, you have already lost to me twice. Now it is the third time."

In the solemn atmosphere of the master's ceremony, Chong Xuansheng's loud laughter seemed very abrupt.

Lei Zhanqian's taut arrogance was almost instantly broken.

Although what Jiang Wang said should not be the focus at this time, the problem is that they all know that this is indeed the truth.

In the seven-star secret realm, he had no eyes and wanted to be the champion, but in the game of life and death, Jiang Wang borrowed some power to defeat him with a sword.

At that time in the Seven Star Valley, due to Tian Anping's sudden appearance, he couldn't get back the place.

The fight again is an open contest in that dilapidated martial arts arena. What he still doesn't want to admit is...he lost again. And on the premise of occupying the advantage of cultivation base, he was defeated by the opponent without any tricks.

Now for the third time...

How could it be the third time!

Lei Zhan held out five fingers, and the thunder burst out in an instant, hitting the ground.

With this landing point as the center, the electric light spread in all directions like a spider web, covering the ground of the square.

At the same time, the audience behind Lei Zhanqian could clearly see the complex Leiyuan totem from his back outlined by lightning, which was still clearly visible through the clothes.

The pattern is complex, sacred and majestic.

Boom, boom!

The sky over the entire square was instantly covered with overcast clouds, and thunder and lightning were faintly hidden deep in the clouds.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the end of Lei Guang is coming!

To be honest, after witnessing Chong Xuan Zun with one against three, many spectators were in a state of excitement for a long time, and because of this, they felt tired of the battle in front of them. The battle of Chong Xuan Zun was such a wonderful battle, it infinitely raised their expectations.

Looking back at the battle at the monk level in the Inner Palace, in fact, there were not so many expectations.

But when Lei Zhanqian made a move, the lights and shadows were brilliant, if only in terms of momentum, he was no less inferior to Xie Baoshu and the others in the Outer Building Realm.

No! Is it not just that the momentum is not lost? !

Jiang Wuyou, who was on the high platform, clearly sensed that the lightning world interacted with the earth, and the five parties gathered together, which seemed to be a world of its own. This is an extremely terrifying killing method, which combines several powerful forces into one furnace and complement each other. It's definitely not what the previous Lei Zhanqian could do!

It must be Jiang Wuqi who helped build it.

No wonder Jiang Wuqi has always had confidence in Lei Zhanqian, thinking that he can still fight the famous Jiang Wang on Tianyatai.

To some extent, this technique is indeed amazing!

In the anticipation of the audience being mobilized instantly, Jiang Wang jumped up gently.

The moment he jumped up, there was already a sea of ​​thunder light under his feet, and thunder clouds were overwhelming his top.

A long time ago, Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu discussed Lei Zhanqian's Lei Xi. At that time, Zuo Guangshu said that the appearance of Lei Zhanqian's Lei Xi was a manifestation of his lack of control over Lei Xi. Because Lei Fa's evolution of heaven and earth killing intent is too fierce, he is not enough to tame it in the body, so Lei Xi needs to be condensed outside.

But now, Lei Zhanqian is driving thunder and electricity, but Lei Xi is not visible.

This is enough to show that his development of Lei Xi has reached a new height.

The overwhelming coercion is not false.

Jiang Wang can fully feel how terrifying Lei Zhanqian is at this moment.

But his gaze was always calm, reflecting the dazzling thunder world where the sky and the earth interact.

Shravaka fairy state, open!

What you get in your ears, you can hear everything.

Rumble! Rumble!

The thunder almost drowned out all sounds.

But in the thunder. There are also differences.

The one that lurks secretly in the sky, with the sound of torture, is the murderous intent evolved by the Nine Heavens Thunder Yanjue. Formed the "sky" of the thunder world

Those that gathered into a sea of ​​thunder that surged and covered the ground interacted with Lei Zhanqian's Leiyuan Diagram behind him incessantly. Formed the "land" of the thunder world.

In Lei Zhanqian's body, calm and orderly like a drumbeat, was Lei Xi's voice. This seal penetrates the heavens and the earth, harmonizes the killing intent, and successfully merges the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder Yanjue and the power of the Leiyuan Diagram. It is really "one seal seals the world, and I am the Lord of Thunder and Lightning", reconciling this side of the Thunder Realm!

This is a terrifying "world" power. If Lei Zhanqian can fully understand this technique, it can even be said that he can master part of the "God's Presence" power in advance!

Of course, his current cultivation base is far from enough, at least he has to reach the outer building realm to have such a slight possibility.

As for now...

The technique is very strong, but Lei Zhan himself... is still too weak!

In the fairy state of sound and hearing, Jiang Wang instantly grasped all the information that could be grasped through sound.

Then, with a little footsteps, he crushed the blue clouds, and flew towards Lei Zhanqian in this thunder world!

"come on!"

Lei Zhanqian opened his hands wide, and countless thunder lights surrounded his body, making him look like a god and a demon.

This "Thunder Realm" technique was an idea proposed by Jiang Wuqi, and he participated in it personally, supplemented by the perfection and guidance of the elders of the Lei family, thus forming an extremely powerful killing method.

He is well aware of the meaning of this style, and it is a lore technique that can be handed down from generation to generation.

If he hadn't continued his painstaking practice, he had cultivated the Nine Heavens Lei Yan Jue and the Leiyuan Atlas from Fulu Chilei Department to an extremely deep level, and it would have been impossible to support Jiang Wuqi's inspiration. It is even more impossible to complete it, to this point!

He used this technique every time he made a move, to kill the opponent with one blow, to wash away the humiliation, and to re-establish his confidence in dominating the universe!

The open hands seemed to be holding countless thunderbolts, staggered in front of him.

The thunder was rumbling, as if the heaven and the earth were playing together, the voice of the sky naturally sounded, and the voice said——

"I am the Lord of the Thunder Realm, and I command to kill demons!"


This statement seems to be the most reasonable thing in the world, and Jiang Wang is naturally the devil waiting to be punished.

In all directions, all the demon-slaying powers of the "Thunder Realm" were mobilized in an instant to knock down Jiang Wang!

This is an extremely terrifying power.


Jiang Wang, who came from Qingyun, raised his right hand high, with five fingers spread, and raised it to the sky.


In the endless thunder, there was the sound of wind.

According to legend, there is a lack of sky in the northwest, and the mountains will not support it so that the sky will not fall.

And the wind that blows since then chills Wanfang!

Even if the world is lacking, how can the world transformed by Lei Zhanqian "Thunder Realm" be perfect?

Especially since he himself is still so weak, he still can't fully control this terrifying killing technique.

Jiang Wang immediately discovered the "disharmony" and weakness of Lei Zhangan's Fanglei world.

So people saw that the "Thunder Realm", which was like a realm of gods and demons, and the "sky" where thunder clouds gathered, were suddenly blown away by a corner!

The wind came from the northwest corner. It was just a small gap at first, but the gap suddenly widened at an extremely terrifying speed. In less than a breath, all the thunderclouds covering the sky were blown away!

The Thunder World... collapsed!

The Demon Slaying Thunder Punishment that was about to be imposed on Jiang Wang's body disappeared with the "Thunder Realm" before it fell.

In Jiang Wang's ears, he could still hear the unwilling roar when the thunder light dissipated, and he could also hear the thunder seal vibrating in Lei Zhanqian's body, trying to control the struggle of the "Thunder Realm" technique.

But he no longer needed to listen.

He crushed the mark of Qingyun and appeared in front of Lei Zhangan with a high whip!


This leg directly blasted the space, sending Lei Zhangan flying!

Thank you book friend Yan San Fat Brother for coming and becoming the silver alliance of this book! (Yes, this is Yanmeng’s trumpet again.)

Mrs. Mrs. is too cruel...

Thanks to the book friend Miaoyu who bought the bottom with a heavy warehouse, and became the leader of this book! (Whose trumpet is this? Whoever it is, love it.)

Thanks for another alliance among book friends!

Hahahaha, I owe twelve more! I am happy!

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