Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1037

Both the beginning and the end of this battle were sudden and shocking.

The sky and the earth interact with thunder and light into a boundary, which is an extremely powerful killing method that is not lost to any outsider arrogance.

And it fell apart so quickly and suddenly.

Just a ray of white wind blowing through, and the entire Thunder World was shattered.

Jiang Qingyang walked through the Thunder Realm so calmly, won the game in the world of Thunder Light that chooses and kills people, and at the moment when the Thunder World collapsed and the sky exploded with thunder, he threw such a fierce whip kick.


The air was broken, and the hearts of many people were also broken.

It's amazing, it's intoxicating.

This transition between calmness and fierceness has a breathtaking beauty.

Lei Zhangan, who was trying his best to control Lei Xi to save the "Lei Jie", couldn't react at all, and flew out backwards. He flew out of the square before being caught by the guards.

He simply tilted his head and passed out.

He really fainted, but there was really no need to faint.

Jiang Wang didn't draw his sword, and secondly, he didn't receive a Samadhi real fire, but just a whip leg, which would only be enough to pull him out of the field, and could not cause too much damage.

But what a shame...

If he didn't faint immediately, Lei Zhanqian didn't know how to face his bold words before, and didn't know how to face the people who placed high hopes on him.

It is very difficult to defeat Jiang Wang, but it is very easy to faint.

The sideline guard who caught Lei Zhanqian subconsciously wanted to "wake him up".

Fortunately, Jiang Wuqi said at the right time: "The killing method will be counterproductive. I am afraid that the root cause will be injured. Send Mr. Lei down to rest."

After helping Lei Zhangan find a step, he clapped Jiang Wang's palm and praised: "It's wonderful!"

As the inspiration provider of the "Thunder Realm" method of killing, and the person who has been practicing with Lei Zhanqian and cooperating with him to gradually perfect this method of killing.

Jiang Wuqi knows the horror of the "Thunder Realm" method of killing best. He is also very clear that Lei Zhanqian is not enough to fully control this killing method, and he is more aware of the current "Thunder Realm" where the weakness is.

But Jiang Wang saw the "Thunder Realm" for the first time!

It was the first time for him to see the Leijie, but in such a short period of time, with amazing insight and sensitivity, he found the weakness in the first place, thus defeating Lei Zhanqian so simply.

This is terrible!

No wonder Miss Sanhuang would say that this person is the hero of the world who can "make the impossible possible".

His regret for Lei Zhan is sincere, and his admiration for Jiang Wang at this moment is also sincere.

It's me Daqi Haoerlang!

Lei Zhanqian lost so quickly, it was reasonable for Jiang Wuqi, as his cousin, to say a few words to save the game.

So the princes and princesses on the stage didn't say anything.

Of course, with the same smile, Jiang Wuyou must laugh more happily than Jiang Wuxie.

The guard hurriedly carried Lei Zhangan and left.

And Jiang Wang, who was in the middle of the Independence Square, nodded slightly, expressing his gratitude to Jiang Wuqi for his recognition.

No disrespect, but the distance is also noticeable.

Jiang Wuqi smiled disapprovingly.

Jiang Wang turned around, stretched out his right hand to Cui Zhu, made an inviting gesture, and said, "Please!"

He doesn't need to rest!

He really doesn't need to rest...

In the eyes of those ordinary people on the high platform on the left, they even only saw two pictures——

Lightning enveloped the square.

The thunder and lightning disappeared, and Lei Zhanqian was sent flying by a whip.

In the blink of an eye, the fight is over.

Cui Zhu has a typical military style, facing Jiang Wang's invitation to fight, he didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly to the field.

Lei Zhanqian fainted on his own initiative, which means he gave up the next fight.

At this moment, after witnessing how Jiang Wang defeated Lei Zhanqian, few people would think that there is a need for a third match.

In the eyes of underpowered monks and ordinary spectators, Jiang Wang easily crushed Lei Zhanqian, and the two sides were not at the same level at all.

In the eyes of powerful monks, what Jiang Wang showed in the battle just now was unparalleled fighting talent. How much better than Lei Zhanqian?

Whether you like it or not, you have to admit——

In today's Qi State, among the younger generation of monks in the inner palace, Jiang Wang should be the leader!

Maybe Wang Yiwu, who is still in the death row camp, can fight, but in the army, including Cui Zhu, these monks who are not as good as Wang Yiwu really have no chance of defeating Jiang Wang.

However, Cui Zhu himself doesn't seem to think so.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Jiang Wang, still as cold as a stone sculpture, as if he was born without any emotion.

Of course there is no cringe and fear.

At this time, Jiang Wang turned his back to the Taimiao and faced the direction of Emperor Daqi.

And Cui Zhu happened to be opposite him, facing the Taimiao.

On the huge square, only these two confront each other.

The onlookers on the field, heavy Xuanzun in white clothes, and Ji Zhaonan in silver armor.

"Let's start." Jiang Rumo said quietly.

As soon as the voice fell, the two were already facing each other!

Why did Jiang Wang defeat Lei Zhanqian with such a fierce posture?

Because Chongxuanzun is the best in Linzi today, he also needs to show his edge, so that Chongxuansheng is not so bleak in comparison!

This is true for Lei Zhanqian, and it is also true for Cui Zhu.

So at the beginning of the battle, Jiang Wang skipped the temptation and got close to him directly, seeking the outcome,

The moment he got close, he stretched out five fingers, and the dark white Buzhou Feng jumped out, turning into six killing nails, approaching Cui Zhu like a net!

Chongxuanzun only used three magical powers to defeat his opponent and hid two. He only uses one door to avoid the wind, and also hides two doors.

And this is not Zhou Fengfeng's killing nail, which is a new usage he developed.

The six long nails are as black as night, with a touch of frost at the tip, with a dark white wake, soaring forward at an astonishing speed.

Faintly lock all the directions in front of the opponent, targeting the head, heart, and limbs respectively.

This is so cold, such a cruel supernatural power.

Slaughtering life and soul, nailing down life!

Cui Zhu decided that he couldn't resist, so he withdrew.

He retreated with terrifying speed.

His figure, like a ghost, was so fast that he left a long series of afterimages, far away from the pursuit of the killing nail.

He retreated a little far, there is no need to retreat so far...

Jiang Wang just turned this thought in his mind.

Then Cui Zhu suddenly turned around and faced Emperor Daqi head-on!


With a pull of Jiang Wang's left hand, the prison body chain in his back hand came out of the void - this was originally to limit Cui Zhu's room for movement and let the killing nails calmly perform meritorious deeds.

At this moment, two pitch-black prison chains intertwined and stopped in front of Cui Zhu!

And Cui Zhu's body is already disintegrating, it is the kind of disintegration, the disintegration starts from the limbs and spreads to the heart.

This disintegration provides him with terrifying strength.

So he threw out a throwing spear, a dead gray throwing spear that was constantly spinning and accelerating, nourished by his flesh, soul, and even life essence.


With just one blow from the throwing spear, Jiang Wang's prison chains were broken, and he headed towards His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Qi Empire.

And Cui Zhu yelled sharply, with an indescribable madness in his voice——

"Shenwu thirty-one years. Cui Zhu assassinated Jiang Shu!!!"

This sound echoed endlessly and spread widely.

His target turned out to be Emperor Qi!

And in front of the significant Taimiao, at the "Master's Ceremony", in front of all the civil and military officials of Daqi and the people watching the battle, he threw a spear to stab Qi Jun!

What kind of crazy behavior is this?

Jiang Wang's reaction was very quick, and he instantly activated the fairy state of sound and hearing, and with one hand grasped, Cui Zhu's voice was annihilated, making it impossible to continue to spread the sound.

But what should be heard has been heard. If you don't hear it, you will know it later...

It's nothing more than a remedy after a dead sheep.

At the same time, Jiang Wang crushed the mark of Qingyun with one foot, showing his undisguised fastest speed, approaching Cui Zhu's back extremely quickly.

Between square inches, you can rise to the top!

All this is slow to say, but it happened in an instant.

Cui Zhu and Jiang Wang met each other and backed away, getting faster and faster, and then threw a spear to stab Qi Jun.

Cui Zhu, who flung out the spear, turned around suddenly before rushing out of the square, and met Jiang Wang's eyes.

His expression was crazy, and there was a pilgrimage-like piety in his eyes.

"I have no regrets!"

This was his voice, banned by Jiang Wang, but it fell into Jiang Wang's ears.

Cui Zhu's body was still collapsing, disintegrating rapidly.

His flesh and blood, his soul, his longevity, his fate... his whole life!

Everything disintegrated.


Amidst the soft chanting of Sauvignon Blanc, Jiang Wang's long sword passed by!

But he is dead.

Completely dead.

The long sword chopped Cui Zhu into pieces, as if it had never cut anything.

And the terrifying death-gray throwing gun that was constantly rotating and accelerating, collapsed without a sound even before Dan Bi approached.

The chief eunuch Han Ling stood with his arms folded, his face expressionless, as if he had never made a move at all.

And the scene was completely silent!

Before the entire Taimiao, there was no sound at all!

This has nothing to do with Jiang Wang's Taoism to control his voice.

It's true that even the sound of breathing has stagnated!

Of course no one spoke.

Who dares to speak at this time?

If one is not good, what happened today will turn into a huge catastrophe.

Don't look at Emperor Qi's generous rewards for talents, but when he becomes ruthless, he will never show any mercy.

Many years ago, someone commented on the current Emperor Qi in this way, saying that he is the unrivaled hero of the world - "No matter the grace or punishment, there will be no punishment!"

Many people only see that Emperor Qi's grace is merciless, that the talented and talented can ascend to the sky in one step in Qi State, but they often ignore it, and the punishment is "no increase"!

Why is there only one ruin in the city of Linzi left in the Kurongyuan with branches all over Qi?

In other places, there are no ruins!

The deposed prince Jiang Wuliang was once favored by Wuji, Emperor Qi allowed him to oversee the country every time he went to war, and even when he was in the court, he often let Jiang Wuliang handle political affairs.

But what happens once you lose your favor?

The so-called "partners" of the abolished prince were almost wiped out. And Jiang Wuliang was imprisoned in Qingshi Palace in the thirty-fifth year of Yuanfeng, and now in the fifty-fifth year of Yuanfeng, in the intervening twenty years, the emperor has never seen him! This is His Majesty's own son, the son with the deepest affection.

But today, on the big day of fighting in front of the imperial court and selecting the nation's pride, one of them unexpectedly plots against and assassinates the king? !

If this matter is pursued.

First of all, Xiu Yuan, the commander of the Prisoner Electronics Army, must be dismissed pending investigation, and he may not even lose his life.

And the person who recommended Cui Zhu to this list...

All the officials in the army who were selected along the way, and even the people in the political affairs hall who personally selected Cui Zhu, all have to bear the responsibility.

This responsibility... no one can bear it!

Emperor Daqi was sitting on the dragon chair, no one could look directly at him, so no one could see his expression clearly.

He was also expressionless.

The emperor's mind is as deep as the sea.

He didn't speak, no one dared to make a sound.

So he spoke.

He said in a low voice: "The men in Qingyang Town have made meritorious deeds for escorting. I will remember this credit for you. After the meeting in the Yellow River, I will reward you together."

Not only is this not stingy, but it is a great kindness.

Capturing and killing an assassin in the inner mansion, the credit can be great or small. Jiang Wang actually failed to stop Cui Zhu, and it was impossible for Cui Zhu to get close to Emperor Qi.

But Jiang Wang intercepted Cui Zhu immediately, and cut off the sound very decisively to reduce the impact of the assassination incident. This decisive handling undoubtedly added a lot of points to him.

Emperor Qi chose to write down this credit, and expected Jiang Wang to repay it.

Once Jiang Wang can make great achievements in the meeting of the Yellow River, the superposition of the two phases is likely to allow Jiang Wang to cross some insurmountable boundaries in one fell swoop-he has only joined in the past two years, and after all, he is not as good as Chong Xuansheng and Li Longchuan. Children are reliable, and it is difficult to gain the same trust as them. Therefore, some thresholds are actually invisible and difficult to cross.

But there are exceptions - don't you see how many unknown surnames became famous when Emperor Wu of Qi returned to the country? Some came to Qi State with Emperor Wu of Qi, and became dignitaries of Qi State because of their achievements in restoring the country.

Jiang Wang took back the killing nail that was still patrolling in the air, put the sword back in its sheath, and bowed his hands and said: "The humble minister just did what he was supposed to do, and he dare not take credit for it."

He is the fourth-rank green brand of Qi State, and speaking of it, arresting murderers is indeed his job.

Emperor Daqi said: "Jiang Aiqing, you are fine. I did not misread you."

What he said was not mistaken, naturally it was referring to the purple clothes given in Donghua Pavilion last time.

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to reply to express his loyalty, he suddenly asked: "Do you know why this thief wants to assassinate me today when he knows he can't do it?"

Jiang Wangduan said cautiously, "I don't know."

Of course he understood that the question of the emperor was not just for him.

At the same time, he really didn't know the answer.

"Do you know?" Emperor Daqi looked at those noble officials again.

On the high platform, all civil and military officials looked at each other in blank dismay. Regarding this extremely dangerous question, no one dared to speak first.

But the emperor himself had the answer.

He sneered: "This is to imitate the old things of Emperor Huai of Qin!"

The honorable officials seemed to be frozen, not even daring to raise their heads.

Jiang Wang even heard the sound of someone gasping for breath. It can be seen the weight of Emperor Qi's words.

But he didn't understand...

What is the old story of Emperor Huai of Qin State?

After Transcendent, he didn't have enough time for daily practice, so naturally he didn't have time to study history. Before Chaofan, he did read some books, but it was not enough to memorize the history of all countries in the world.

Emperor Daqi obviously noticed Jiang Wang's confusion, and said in a low voice: "Prince, you are the prince, please explain to Jiang Qing."

Of course, this level of examination and teaching cannot trouble the prince, but it is really dangerous to speak out at this moment.

Jiang Wuhua was still able to maintain his calm. After getting up and paying respects, he said: "During Emperor Huai of Qin's time. There was a clan Yingzhang who wanted to rebel, but hesitated. Assassinate Emperor Huai. Since then, the world has known that the government is unstable and that Emperor Huai has lost the hearts of the people. Therefore, Yingzhang raised his troops and killed Emperor Huai in Xianyang Palace. In the same year, he ascended the throne as Emperor Xuan of Qin... Today's Qin royal family is like this This one."

Jiang Wang was shocked when he heard that.

And Emperor Daqi stood up, stood in front of the dragon chair, looked down at all the subjects, and asked in a non-stern voice——

"Who has such a heart?"


Jiang Wuhua fell to his knees all of a sudden, his forehead pressed to the ground.

From Majesty Dan to Gaotai, from the princes and princesses, to civil and military officials, and honorable clansmen. Even the common people present.

Everyone, all knelt down on the ground!

Two updates together. At 8 o'clock in the evening, there is a chapter about repaying debts.

Also, may I let you guess the plot?

Brother Zun can be handsome, but Xiao Jiang is not bad either!

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