Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1062 Two pairs of father and son

As soon as Mr. Chongxuan said these words, the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly changed.

Chongxuan Mingguang couldn't help slowing down the gesture of pinching his legs attentively.

Chong Xuanzun was in a good mood at first.

Although it is said that Wang Yiwu "joined hands" with his father, in less than a year, his business was gone. It's a real headache.

But the good news that that guy sent back from Xiaguo Jianfeng Mountain, Chongxuan Zunhe Tianfu, still boosted his mood.

Especially today, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren enjoy themselves happily and gossip about family affairs, which is a joy in life.

Steal half a day's leisure from Fusheng!

But what the old man said...

Ruan Jianzheng who can befriend Bowanghou Lun can only be Ruan Yu, the supervisor of Qintianjian.

The famous Guanxing Building, the tallest building in Linzi, is the site of Qin Tianjian. Every day, the morning bell of the Ziji Hall was ringing by the people from Qin Tianjian.

For many people, this is an extremely mysterious yamen. It is also true that they are not very involved in political affairs.

But those who are really important will naturally know the weight of Qin Tianjian.

But then again, Qin Tianjian's status is detached, and the supervisor Ruan You is not accessible to ordinary people. If it weren't for the fact that the old man Chongxuan had been a soldier all his life and was highly respected, the descendants of the family might not have had the opportunity to "point out" Ruan Yu's daughter.

But although it is an "opportunity", not everyone wants it.

At that time, Chongxuanzun was lazily sitting on the stone steps, with his left hand resting on his left knee, holding a book, and hanging it down gently. In my ears, I heard the gossip between my father and grandpa. The right elbow rests on the right knee, propping up the sharp chin, looking at the distant sky and distracted.

Hearing this sentence suddenly, he just twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a light smile: "Jian Ruan can't teach him well, and I think he is so stupid that there is no cure. Grandson should not waste his efforts in vain."

Chongxuan Mingguang's hand was even slower...

Although he often thinks about problems in a simple way, he is not a fool. Especially in the past 60 years of life, almost all of them have been taught by the old man, and he has mastered the way of observing words and deeds very well.

The current atmosphere is very dangerous...

The old man didn't show any expression, he just said in a neutral tone: "The rules passed down from the ancestors. No matter how promising the descendants are, they should respect it."

"Grandpa." Chong Xuanzun took his eyes back, moved his elbows on his knees, and twirled the book in his left hand.

He smiled in the sun: "Actually, I have never understood, what are the rules?"

"The rule is a tool for drawing a circle. The square is a tool for drawing a square. Why do these two tools become 'rules' and must be obeyed by everyone?"

"Who made the rules? That person must be right? Does his rule really draw a circle, and his moment, really draw a square?"

"The arrogance of all ages is gone! Every generation has its coquettishness, and every generation has its rules,"

"As long as I am strong enough, I am stronger than anything else. One day I can also say..."

Holding the book in his left hand, he drew a circle in the air and said with a smile, "This is Fang."

This courtyard in Bowanghou's mansion is not so quiet at this time.

Those servants gave birth to children, those who walked still walked, those who trimmed flowers and plants still trimmed flowers and plants, in short, each had their own things, and it seemed that they did not hear what the master was saying.

But the atmosphere was somewhat frozen in the end.

Chong Xuanyunbo has been a soldier all his life, and he has great prestige in the army. Even the army god Jiang Mengxiong has to respect him a little bit.

In the past, he supported the family, and in the future, he taught excellent children. After Chongxuan Mingtu refused to lead the army, in order to restore the trust of Emperor Qi, he put on the old armor again, and fought for the country with a body that was not in peak condition, killing Qi Xia on the battlefield.

Looking at the whole country of Qi, there are not many people who can compare their qualifications with him.

Inside Chongxuan's family, he also kept his word. Whatever you say is what you say.

But Zhong Xuanzun is obviously too assertive.

Chongxuan Mingguang, as a responsible and responsible father, is also a smart and filial son, with these two identities, under the circumstances, naturally he cannot remain silent.

He must maintain the stability within the Chongxuan family, eliminate the conflicting atmosphere between the grandparents and grandchildren, and promote the Chongxuan family to a longer and brighter future, so that he can have more fun...too far.

Anyway, he's going to stand up.

"Cough." Chongxuan Mingguang cleared his throat: "Let me say a few words about this..."

Grandpa Chongxuan stood up from the reclining chair abruptly, almost knocking Chongxuan Mingguang who was sitting on the saddle down.

Staring at Chongxuan Mingguang with one eye, the old lion is still majestic in his old age.

"Squeeze pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch, you don't have any hand strength at all, pinch your ass! Rice tells you to eat less? I gave birth to four sons, and you are the only one!"

Just cursing, he flicked his robe sleeves and strode away angrily.

Chongxuan Mingguang blinked, looked at the old man's back with some grievances, and then turned his head to look at his promising son.

Chong Xuanzun silently unfolded and erected the book, covering his face.



Knowing the preciousness of this period of time, none of those acquaintances and friends, including Zheng Shangming, came to disturb him. Even Yan Fu, who is very close, is spared the frequent treats.

Jiang Wang devoted himself to practice until the sixth day after the ceremony of the master.

That is the time to go to Dianjiangtai.

Dianjiangtai is in the west of the city.

In the past, when going out for an expedition, the commander-in-chief would set up his formation at this point, so it was named General's Terrace.

Under the stage, there is a huge school field.

All the elite troops of Qi State, including those that have died, have been inspected here. That's why the killing in one place, the evil spirit of the soldiers, can't go away at all.

Standing on the stage and looking at it, one can imagine the scene of soldiers lining up and banners flying all over the sky. That kind of strong military spirit can easily make people feel the atmosphere of the battlefield.

Jiang Wang has been on the battlefield, so he is not uncomfortable in this place.

And Ji Zhaonan with the silver armor and frost spear is like a duck to water here, very natural.

In comparison, Chong Xuanzun, who is fluttering in white, seems not suitable here, but in fact he is not awkward. On the contrary, there is a sense of chicness that is still calm in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

The shape of this platform is very simple. It can be said that it is a high platform with no cover and no fence.

Only the various sword marks and gun marks on the stage are deep - it is said that many famous generals of Qi State have performed martial arts on this stage, so they left these marks.

As the years go by, time wears away all charm.

But the direction, strength, and subtleties of these traces left at that time can be restored slightly according to one's own understanding.

Jiang Wang, Ji Zhaonan, and Chong Xuanzun, these three people really have nothing to talk about. Not together.

They simply took each side of the stage, appreciating those marks, trying to restore the scenes of those famous generals performing martial arts in their minds.

When Yi Xingchen, the court councilor, came over after the court meeting, what he saw was such a scene——

Three people stand with their backs facing each other in a triangle.

Ji Zhaonan stood straight, his eyes fixed on the ground, the spear named Shaohua trembled slightly in his hand, there was neither sound nor strong wind, as if he was fighting those famous generals in his mind,

Chong Xuanzun stood with his hands behind his back, watching intently.

There was also that Jiang Qingyang, who was squatting on the ground, feeling the traces of martial arts with his fingertips like an old farmer examining the soil.

Not at night. No need to wait.

Wait for the day after tomorrow!

To be precise, it will start at twelve o'clock tomorrow night...

in addition,

Friendship pushes a copy of "The Fist of Imagination".

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