Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1063 Fire Realm

Places like Dianjiangtai will not be open to the outside world.

As for Yi Xingchen, as one of the nine court officials in the Zhengshitang, his purpose of coming here could not be more obvious.

He didn't have any shocking ways of appearing on the stage, he just simply climbed up the stairs and slowly walked up to the high platform.

The first person to see him was Ji Zhaonan who was facing him.

The man put away his gun and stood up: "I have seen Doctor Yi."

After hearing Ji Zhaonan's greeting, Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Zun only reacted, turned around and saluted him.

Especially Jiang Wang, who observed relatively carefully. After all, he had only received kindness from his disciples in the inspection office not long ago, and he was also very curious about what kind of person would be able to be as famous as Li Zhengshu when he was young.

This person is tall and thin, and his facial features are not bad, but at first glance, he is actually not too brilliant. Only his eyes, when he looked this way, his whole face suddenly brightened.

Like the light of the stars.

Really brilliant eyes.

His style of doing things is simple and straightforward, without any foreshadowing. He said directly: "I will only teach you for three days, and for the remaining two days, someone will teach you the other parts. So hurry up. Any questions about spells , no matter what Taoism, secret art or even the development of supernatural powers, no matter how you practice or apply it, as long as you have any confusion, you can ask me."

His tone is very flat, so he is very confident.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for any response from the three prides of the kingdom, he directly stretched out his index finger and tapped it in the air, forming a brilliant light spot. Then, using this point of light as a starting point, three lines were drawn in different directions.

Jiang Wang had a feeling in a trance, as if this space was divided into three equal parts by these three lines. The people also separated... That feeling was just like the traces of martial arts performance on the stage where he, Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun turned their backs to the research site.

When he broke away from that trance feeling, he found that he was still on the general platform, and nothing changed, except that Ji Zhaonan and Chongxuanzun... had disappeared,

Only Yi Xingchen was still standing in front of him.

"Doctor Yi." Jiang Wang looked around: "Where is this?"

"It's still the general stage. I'm teaching the three of you at the same time. In order to prevent you from affecting each other, I used some tricks." Yi Xingchen said with a smile: "Are you sure you want to waste time on these issues?"

Although he respected Xuan Sheng's words, Yi Xingchen accepted his favor. But Jiang Wang would not be proud of it.

Especially at the level of the imperial court official, things are rarely affected by personal likes and dislikes.

He resolutely put aside his curiosity about Yi Xingchen's so-called "little tricks", and said very directly: "I've been researching a new technique recently, and there are indeed a lot of confusion..."

If this is the case, describe the problems accumulated in the technique of the fire realm one by one.

After Yi Xingchen listened quietly, he opened his mouth and said: "Lei Xi has the ability to control thunder and lightning, but your Samadhi True Fire is not focused on controlling fire, but focuses on attacking. The construction of this technique depends entirely on your own control Strength, of course, is much harder than the Lei family boy."

He saw the problem immediately, and he knew exactly where Jiang Wang's fire world technique came from.

You must know that the technique of the thunder world was only shown for the first time in the previous master ceremony.

It seems that the person who said that he can answer all the questions about spells is really not bragging.

"Don't blindly imitate. The nature of Samadhi True Fire and Lei Xi is completely different. You might as well change the angle and use your totem as the hub..."

"Your flame totem is very orthodox and ancient, and has the potential to serve as the basis for the evolution of the magic world. But it is not deep enough, and the person who lit it for you must be a little immature."

The Qinghuo Department is indeed a tribe that has been passed down for a long time on the floating land, but it has not fallen down because successive generations of Wu Zhu have devoted themselves to studying the Nether Sky Totem.

Yi Xingchen continued: "But that person is very spiritual. It was a stroke of genius that connected your flame totem and the bone lotus pattern together. There is a wonderful connection between the two. It seems that he was also influenced by someone Infected by this kind of power, let them form a new totem."

Jiang Wang had the illusion that he was naked, as if no secret could be hidden from the other party's eyes.

And apart from the difference in the names of the Fire Source Totem and the Bone Lotus, every point described by the other party is very close to the truth!

Is this the court official, or the hexagram master?

Can these really be seen with just the eyes?

As for the immature and spiritual person that Yi Xingchen mentioned, it is indeed the one in Jiang Wang's impression, the Qinghuo Qiming who leaped into the sky...

Jiang Wang erased all miscellaneous thoughts and focused on listening to the lecture.

"Your bone lotus pattern is very clean, I thought it would connect to some evil god." Yi Xingchen smiled.

Of course it was clean. It was just an ordinary divine seal, and Zhuang Chengqian personally erased the connection...

"This new totem is very divine, although the original totem is essentially a negation of 'God'..."

Is this the real person? Really penetrate the essence directly?

Floating Lu confirmed that "God" is the thief of the source.

Yi Xingchen continued: "You can try to explain the changes in the magic world from this divinity. In the natural growth, with the protection of the Samadhi real fire, you can complete the fire world you want."


The problem that has been troubled for many days has been solved in one day!

Immediately, Jiang Wang's inspiration emerged, and he no longer purely imitated the Thunder World, with Samadhi True Fire as the core. Instead, he gave full play to his own advantages of the Burning Bone Lotus, combining the power of totem and the characteristics of "star power", and based on the Burning Bone Lotus, he built a world of fire.

This world is so beautiful...

First, Tinder.

In the state of nothingness, the spark is born.

It was a crimson fire that was exactly the same as the magical seed in the First Inner Palace.

Represents the kindling of Samadhi true fire.

With fire, there is light, vitality, and everything.

In the very center of this world.

The tinder blooms in the form of fireworks.

Flame flower is the most exquisite Taoism that Jiang Wang mastered in the early days, and it is also the basis of many Taoism later.

It blooms like a fire lotus.

It is shaped like a bone lotus, but condensed with fire.


Choo Choo Choo!

In the middle of the fire lotus.

A flame sparrow fluttered its wings and flew up chirping!

The world has come alive!

The power of the totem built the foundation of this world, and the power of the stars made the sky of this world.

Samadhi True Fire is the origin of this world.

And Jiang hopes that all the understanding and evolution of the fire element will become the vitality of this world!

When Jiang Wang opened his eyes from that inexplicable emotion, he saw a small, fiery world.

appeared before his eyes.

The sky is round and the earth is unique.

Although this world is temporarily not as violent and powerful as the world constructed by the technique of the Thunder World, it is more vivid, more specific, more real, and of course more stable.

The art of the fire realm is now accomplished!

Thanks to the cunning and cunning book friend Tai Xiaoba for becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you Dameng for waiving your surname Yan, and rewarding Baiyinmeng again!

For Li Fengyao, thank the leader for such a reward from the leader!

Tonight, the clock will start to explode. During the period of closing and tweeting, the 4D will be updated every day...

When it comes to the word explosion, I suddenly don't have the confidence to say it...

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