Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1064 Teach You To Kill

As soon as Yi Xingchen came out, he said, "You can ask any questions about the technique."

Although Jiang Wang knew the other party's identity, he was actually skeptical.

A real person can know everything without seeing it.

Not to mention Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun. He himself has learned a lot of miscellaneous and varied techniques.

Can Yi Xingchen understand everything?

Facts have proved that he really can.

The breadth and complexity of the spells mastered by this court official is simply appalling. Almost all-encompassing, such as the deep like the sea. To Jiang Wang, it felt like he was facing a humanoid art library.

What is even more superior than Shuku is that this court councilor has his own understanding and cognition, and every word must hit the mark, which is thought-provoking.

In addition to the reservations of Xianju and Rumengling, Jiang Wang asked for advice on the techniques of Concealing the Snake, Concealing the Snake, and Burning the Sea with Eight Sounds, including the pupil of Qianyang that he just learned.

Yi Xingchen's task is to give advice, not accept disciples. It is impossible to teach unique techniques, but it is no problem to help Jiang Wang sort out the system of techniques and point out some shortcomings in the way of thinking.

This has been a great help.

Three days passed quickly...

too fast.

Jiang Wang is eager to learn, and feels that he still needs to make up in many aspects.

In a trance, Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun had already appeared in front of him.

The high point will come to the stage, and they see each other again.

Judging from the unfinished expressions, everyone has gained a lot.

Of course Chongxuanzun had studied in Jixia Academy, but everyone's cultivation base, realm, perspective, and even teaching ability are different.

Of course Ji Zhaonan's master is powerful, but the military god has so many opportunities to deal with every day, it is impossible to care about every detail of his technique.

And Yi Xingchen's understanding of spells may be ranked first in the whole country of Qi.

It is reasonable for Zhengshitang to let him guide.

However, it was Jiang Wang who gained the most.

His foundation is the least solid, he has the most problems, and he has the least opportunity to be instructed by real people in the world.

In fact, Yi Xingchen did devote the most effort to him among the three-point and three-point guidance. Of course, this is not enough for outsiders.

"Okay, three days are up. For the rest of the class, someone else will take it." Yi Xingchen waved his sleeves and turned around to leave.

It's really not a waste of time.

As a court official, I don't know how many state affairs I have to participate in every day. It is indeed very rare to be able to set aside three days to teach them.

Afterwards, the one who boarded the platform was a short, fat old man with a kind face.



"Lord Hou!"

The three calls sounded almost at the same time.

The person who came was none other than the Commander of the Autumn Killing Army in the Military Hall, Chong Xuan Chu Liang!

It is also called murderous slaughter.

The one called Uncle was of course Chongxuanzun, and during the Qiyang War, Jiang Wang had fought under his command, and he happened to be on the general stage at this time, so he called him the commander in chief.

Ji Zhaonan's relationship is more distant than the other two, so he is only called a title.

Chongxuan Chuliang, who was born in the army, has a more capable style of work.

Sweeping his eyes lightly, it was considered a response. Then he said, "I'm here today, and I'll just teach you one thing."

He smiled and said, "Kill."

He obviously smiled so kindly, and his face was so kind.

But the last two words were exported.

The pride of the three kingdoms suddenly felt like a gold and iron horse, as if they could see blood red before their eyes, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Chongxuan Chuliang used his supernatural cultivation to teach this lesson to the three kingdoms' arrogance, naturally because when it comes to "killing people", Ji Tu is an expert!

He knows how to kill better than any of the court officials in the political affairs hall, and any nine-pawn commander in the military affairs hall.

Even if he only has God's presence, speaking of it, he seems to be in the same realm as Ji Zhaonan!

His title of number one god in the Eastern Region... was earned.

"How do you teach killing? It's better to kill one person than say it a thousand times!" Chong Xuan Chuliang stepped forward: "Come, kill me!"

His voice is not high-pitched, but very heavy, the kind of "heavy" that steps on your heart, making you breathless.

There was a bloody feeling, and for some reason, he quietly covered his eyes.

Taking Jiang Wang himself as an example, he is very clear-headed and fully aware of where he is and what he is going to do, but facing Zhongxuan Chuliang, he suddenly has a violent killing intent rushing out.

He knew that this was what Chongxuan Chuliang wanted, so he didn't restrain his killing intent.

So at this moment, he wanted to kill this person very much!

The figure moved, and the long sword was out of its sheath!

One sword is the downfall of celebrities.

After ten years of desperation, revenge with death!

Before that, he had already heard the whistling wind, and the figure of Shengxue in white had caught the sun wheel at some point, and threw it on the head of Xuan Chuliang!

At the same time, there was a cold light in the corner of his eyes, it was the Shaohua Spear coming suddenly.

At the same time, the three prides of the kingdom were ignited with murderous intent, and launched an attack on Zhong Xuan and Chu Liang.

None of these three people is weak.

But strength and weakness have always been relative concepts.

Chongxuan and Chuliang were still talking, with a calm attitude: "You are all arrogance, and you have all experienced countless battles. You must all think that killing people is very simple."

He slapped upwards and directly overturned the sun wheel.

"You have fought all the way, and you must think that you have done the best within your ability. But! What is the best?"

With a slap back, he wiped away the horizontal line that Jiang Wang cut out on the spot.

Erase it as easily as a scratch on a pile of sand.

"Is it the strongest killing power?"

"Is it the most threatening blow?

"What you think and pursue is the best within your ability. Is it really the best to kill your opponent?"

He slapped Ji Zhaonan's Shaohua gun with a backhand.

"Put back your gun, kill people, you don't have to use so much force!"

He took another step forward and stood face to face with Chong Xuanzun. Grab his sun wheel, hold his hand, and hit him back into his chest!

"Are you swinging a sledgehammer? Killing people is not forging!"

Turning around again, he slapped directly.

Jiang Wang, who had just smashed Qingyun and came here, almost had his entire long sword thrown out of his hand.

"It's hard for me to imagine that today's young people actually call this swordsmanship!"

He took a step back, put his shoulders together and slammed into Ji Zhaonan's spear, knocking him into the air: "An inch is long and an inch is strong. If you can't keep your strength, you will be weaker by an inch!"

Honestly. In the beginning, Ji Zhaonan was somewhat dissatisfied.

We are all on the verge of God. I am a rising star, the pride of the country, and I was also killed out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Even if you are stronger than me, how much stronger can you be?

I respect your status and record. But isn't it inappropriate for you to come here and teach me like a three-year-old?

But after fighting...

I really can't accept it.

What makes Chongxuan Chuliang so admirable is not that he easily subdued the three of them with his powerful force.

It's that when he faces everyone, he only shows the same level of power as the other person.

The three who are being "tortured" are all the pride of the country, and they can fully feel that everything Zhongxuan Chuliang has done is absolutely achievable with their current level of strength.

In other words, this is an absolute crushing battle skill!

there at twelve o'clock

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