Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1072?

Chapter 1072 Tiger Minister

The whole world is paying attention to the meeting of the Yellow River.

For all countries that are interested in the Yellow River Conference, the players from the six great powers in the world are naturally the focus of attention.

But the present world is so vast, not all countries have the intelligence capability to observe the world.

In a sense, intelligence capability itself is also a reflection of whether a country is strong or not.

Chen Zeqing of Qi State knew Qin Chu Jingmu's fighters well. Even the detailed performance of a certain battle, basically as long as the information that has been revealed in front of people can be collected and restored... This in itself shows the strength of Qi.

For a national power like Zhuang Guo that is advancing from a small country to a regional power, the military power may temporarily keep up with a part of it, and the intelligence capabilities of the world are not something that can be leapfrogged in one step.

It takes a long time to build.

In fact, Zhuangguo's information about all parts of the world came from Jingguo or Yujing Mountain.

Today, Emperor Zhuang is an ambitious person, and Xiang Zhuang is also capable and dedicated, so naturally he is not willing to do so.

But to be honest, with Zhuang Guo's current strength, it is really difficult for someone to spread the intelligence system to the Eastern Region.

The news that can be obtained a little faster is also such as "Qi Mieyang. Ji Tu led the Qiusha army to fight, and Yang Jiande died with his own body.", "Qi Xia fought in Jianfeng Mountain"...

All in all it's a rough idea.

Compared with Jing Guo, Zhuang Guo must have received much simpler and later information.

And even among the Dao kingdoms, Zhuang Guo is not the most obedient group...Zhuang Chengqian was used to turning his face and being ruthless back then, but the current Zhuang Gaoxian is not a low-browed and pleasing temperament.

Therefore, in terms of intelligence assistance, Zhuang Kingdom also lags behind among the Daoist countries.

In the past, Deputy Prime Minister Dong A was in charge of Zhuang Guo's intelligence work.

After Dong A's death, there is still no substitute for the position of deputy prime minister who can take on heavy responsibilities.

As his last entrusted disciple, Li Jianqiuben has also been helping with government affairs. Now, together with Dong A's former staff, they are still dealing with some things.

This was supported by Prime Minister Du Ruhui.

Of course, it is mainly for the smooth transition of political affairs, and secondly, it can also be regarded as a kind of memory for the relative vice-prime minister of the country, so as not to let him have a cold tea.

No matter what others say, Du Ruhui's regard for Dong A has never changed, and he hopes that he will be the next country's prime minister... Both the government and the public are well aware of it.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Jianqiu and the others to intervene in many important state affairs. Although no more deputy prime ministers have been established, the powers and responsibilities of the remaining deputy prime ministers are slowly being handed over.

However, during this transition period. Li Jianqiu is currently in charge of Zhuangguo's information outside the western border.

It sounds like a lot of power and responsibility, but it's just a matter of saying...

Because Zhuang Guo didn't have any intelligence capabilities outside the western border.

At this moment, Li Jianqiu was walking in the Hall of Compassion.

This hall is the place where Emperor Zhuang Mingqi of Dazhuangren used to handle government affairs. The current emperor often discusses affairs in this hall, perhaps out of memory.

Looking at the three lords of the Zhuang Kingdom, there is indeed only the Emperor Ren who can be called "compassionate".

In terms of achievements, Zhuang Taizu founded the country and established a business, and today's emperor has defeated Qiang Yong and expanded the land and made progress, all of which can be called dazzling.

But to be disrespectful... the hearts of the people are always Huairen Emperor.

After passing the eunuchs serving in the hall, Li Jianqiu walked into the hall.

His peach branches were untied outside the hall, so at the moment his left waist is empty, and a piece of blue jade is hanging on his right waist.

When he walked into the hall, Emperor Zhuang was discussing something with the country.

Li Jianqiu followed the rules and didn't listen carefully.

Speaking of diligence, apart from the time when he deliberately hid himself in the deep palace, the current emperor is indeed not inferior to anyone.

In terms of martial arts and martial arts, he deserves the title of "Xiong Zhu". It is true that he has personally raised the status and influence of the Zhuang Kingdom.

"Jianqiu is here?" Emperor Zhuang looked at Li Jianqiu and smiled: "What's the report?"

Du Ruhui also put down the file in his hand, and looked over it gently. In the Hall of Compassion, besides Emperor Zhuang, he is the only one who can sit down.

Dong A's entrusted behavior before his death made Zhuang Guo's current high-level people value Li Jianqiu very much.

It is proof that he was allowed to participate in the competition for the number of places in the Yellow River Conference.

However, it will take a lot of time and dedication to get to Dong Ana. It is absolutely impossible to take over the position of Deputy Prime Minister now.

The next errand that Du Ruhui arranged for Li Jianqiu in his mind was actually a city lord in Yongchang County in the north of the Qichang Mountains. If the government and the people can be pacified, the future is limitless.

Dong A also returned from "experience" in the position of the dean of the City Taoist Academy back then, and then he rose to the top and sat on the position of deputy prime minister.

The Lord of a City and the Dean of the City Dao Academy are considered to be of the same rank, but in the case of equal strength, the status of the Lord of the City is still higher.

Li Jianqiu's starting point was already stronger than Dong A's.

Now the disciples follow the legacy of the deceased teacher, walk the old path of the deceased teacher, and participate in the great cause of prosperity and Zhuangguo together. In the future, it can be regarded as a good story.

He will not formally raise this matter until all the affairs of the Deputy Prime Minister's Office have been handed over. However, the private expectations for Li Jianqiu can also be seen from this.

In the current Zhuang Kingdom, there is a gap in the powerhouses who are expected to come to God... But the younger generation actually has some talents.

Zhang Ren of the National Road Academy has high hopes for Fu Baosong, a student of the National Road Academy.

And because of Dong A's entrustment before his death, the head of the Criminal Investigation Department and Du Ruhui himself valued Li Jianqiu very much.

Zhu Weiwo was unanimously favored by all the high-level executives before, but Dong A didn't approve of it very much. After Zhu Weiwo's treason, Dong A's vision became more convincing.

Then there was Duan Li, the commander of Jiujiang Xuanjia, who almost regarded Du Yehu as his own son. However, in his current state, words don't carry too much weight.

He Badao, the commander of the White Feather Army, did not have time to find a successor at all.

General Huangfu Duanming himself did not reveal any preference, nor did he have any particularly promising heirs, only obeying the king's order.

In addition, more people, including the monarch, may be more looking forward to Lin Zhengren.

Zhuangguo's younger generation, who will stand on high ground in the future, may be these few people. Of course, Du Yehu can probably be ignored. It's not just because those who support him have lost their weight...

Hearing Emperor Zhuang's question, Li Jianqiu bowed and said, "I have sorted out the list of opponents worth noting in the Yellow River Conference. In addition to the information given by Jing Guo, we also have some conclusions of our own."

As he spoke, he handed out a booklet.

Emperor Zhuang took a look at it and praised, "It's not easy."

It is indeed not easy. In the list that Li Jianqiu handed over, in addition to the participants of the six great powers, there were also countries such as Wei, Xia, Qu, and He.

Although most of the information is incomplete, basically limited to the name and cultivation level, but with Zhuangguo's intelligence strength outside the western border, it is indeed nothing to be blamed for being able to sort this out.

Li Jianqiu said: "Jianqiu dare not not be devoted to his duties."

Emperor Zhuang glanced casually, and was about to hand it to Du Ruhui, but his hand paused.

There was no expression on his face, as if he asked casually: "This Jiang Wang of Qi State, was born in Zhuangjing?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Li Jianqiu also showed no expression: "Judging from Jing Guo's information, this person should be my junior brother when I was in Fenglin City Taoist Academy."

"Oh. Interesting." Emperor Zhuang said lightly, still not happy or angry, he just handed the information brochure to Du Ruhui: "Master of the country, take a look."

Du Ruhui took it over calmly, and said in his mouth: "Jianqiu has worked hard, go down and rest first. You just knocked open the inner mansion, you need to strengthen your realm, don't ignore it."

"Thank you for your concern." Li Jianqiu saluted Emperor Zhuang again: "I will take my leave."

Then he turned around and left the Hall of Compassion.

When his thin back disappeared outside the hall, Du Ruhui didn't talk about the things in the information brochure first, but said casually: "Dong A didn't hide the things about Fenglin City from him. Between the country and the family , he has made the right choice."

Zhuang Gaoxian was noncommittal, and only said: "Combined with the time when he joined Qi, this Jiang Wang seems to have left Fenglin City when that incident happened. A mere student of the City Dao Academy can be in that kind of flee under the circumstances?"

Du Ruhui is such a smart person, to mention Li Jianqiu is to worry about the emperor's rift. It is enough to mention one sentence. Considering the Sacred Heart of Freedom, and repeatedly emphasizing it, it is easy to annoy the emperor.

At this time, he followed the topic and said: "It should be because he has hidden his identity, or in other words, hidden his strength. He is currently in the inner mansion and participating in the Yellow River meeting, so the time he left Fenglin City must have been in Wusheng Before the Indestructible Formation was completely opened. At that time, our attention was all on Bai Gudao, so we ignored him."

This inference is very simple, because it is impossible for monks in the Inner Palace to rush out of the formation of no birth and no death.

Du Ruhui continued: "Before I deduced that there was still someone alive in Fenglin City, and this person killed Dong A. Now it seems that it should be Jiang Wang."

Zhuang Gaoxian only said: "If he killed Dong Xiang, then he must know the truth about Fenglin City."

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Of course, Du Ruhui knew his emperor's student very well, and said slowly: "The battle of Fenglin City was your battle to sweep up the evil cult. We, Zhuang Kingdom, worked together to defeat the plot of the evil god to come to the world. Although there are certain Sacrifice, but after this battle, the bone path was completely erased...

Even if this Jiang Wang can now participate in the meeting of the Yellow River, he can compete with the arrogance of the nations, and he has the support of Qi. It is not enough to influence the nature of the matter in Fenglin City. That matter has passed, and it has passed forever. "

Zhuang Gaoxian naturally knew this truth, but asked again: "Can we find out the details of this Jiang Wang now? Is he a native of Zhuangguo? What is his hidden identity in Zhuangguo?"

Du Ruhui smiled wryly: "Fenglin City is completely gone. Even if we take it back from the Nether Gap now, Jiang Wang can't find any evidence to prove the so-called truth. Similarly, we can only learn from people who have been in contact with him." mouth, to get some simple information, it is impossible to find out his hidden identity at that time."

Of course, the existence of Jiang Wang can be confirmed. At the beginning of the Three Cities Discussion, many people from other cities knew Jiang Wang, especially the monks in the Three Mountains City.

In addition, Li Jianqiu also had some contact with Jiang Wang.

But if you want to dig deeper clues, know why the person was able to escape from Fenglin City, and how did you know the truth. It's tantamount to a fool's dream.

The Fenglin city was completely destroyed. nothing left...

"Fenglin City, Fenglin City..." Zhuang Gaoxian repeated a few words softly, thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "Is that Du Yehu reliable?"

Du Ruhui sighed: "Not everyone can make a choice between a family and a country. Dong A and Li Jianqiu are already rare. I don't know General Du Yehu well, so I can't screen them out for Your Majesty."

Regarding the matter of Fenglin City, between Li Jianqiu and Du Yehu, he could only protect one Li Jianqiu.

He is Dong A's last disciple, and he has inherited the magical power of endless life, inherited Dong A's ideals, and carried his trust. This kind of Li Jianqiu, both in public and private, he values ​​very much.

The information about the meeting of the Yellow River, which both of them have read, is now being filed.

Zhuang Gaoxian picked up the information brochure, handed it over casually, and ordered: "Give this information to Lin Zhengren intact, and let him think about it."

Naturally, a little eunuch came forward, took the booklet with both hands, and hurried away.

Zhuang Gaoxian smiled at Du Ruhui: "Lin Zhengren has an appointment with Gu. This time Gu will see what he can achieve at the Yellow River meeting."

"Thinking about it, I dare not disappoint His Majesty's expectations." Du Ruhui said.

Zhuang Gaoxian sighed suddenly, before continuing with the previous topic: "General Du Yehu went to Suolong Pass first, he is a lonely warrior and a hero of the country."

He said, "Be presentable."

This is the ending for Du Yehu...

As for suicide, drunken death, or recurrence of old injuries... I think the last way to die is the most honorable.

At that time, on the battlefield of Zhuang Yong, Zhuang Gao envied Xuan Du Yehu, but he didn't come. But at that time, Zhuang Gaoxian didn't care about Du Yehu's rudeness at all, and called him a strong man, saying not to be harsh.

He does not lack the means to be a wise king.

At this time, if Du Yehu was a little unstable, he would not allow this person to continue to hold military power. At the same time, this person who has a certain foundation in the army will not be allowed to leave Zhuangguo.

This is also the heart of the emperor.

Therefore, if there is no accident, Du Yehu's ending is doomed at this time.

In fact, Zhuang Gaoxian still doesn't know the friendship between Du Yehu and Jiang Wang. Once he knows, he probably won't be "decent" again.

Du Ruhui thought for a while, but in the end he didn't persuade, he just said: "The old minister asked someone to make arrangements."

"Teacher, you arrange it yourself." Zhuang Gaoxian looked at him: "I don't feel relieved to leave this matter to others."

Du Ruhui was about to respond.

Suddenly, a guard in front of the palace stepped in quickly, and shouted anxiously: "Your Majesty! The commander of Jiujiang Xuanjia, Duan Li, conspired against the country and captured Du Yehu with his own hands. He is now detained outside the palace gate!"

Zhuang Gaoxian raised his eyebrows and raised his murderous intent.

And Du Ruhui also lost his composure: "What did you say?!"

The loyalty of Duan Li, commander of Jiujiang Xuanjia, is well known throughout the country.

He and He Badao, commander of the White Feather Army, fought desperately to hold Li Ying, Marquis of Chengde of Yong Kingdom, on the battlefield of Zhuang Yong, and this created an opportunity for Emperor Zhuang to kill Han Yin, the Supreme Emperor of Yong Kingdom.

After this battle, He Badao died and Duan Li was deposed.

This glorious deed is well known to everyone in the Zhuang Kingdom.

How could such a loyal and brave man treason?

How can you treason?

The guard in front of the hall who reported the letter knelt on the ground, very panicked.

Fortunately, Du Ruhui quickly suppressed his emotions and asked directly, "Which door is it?"

"North...north gate!" The guard in front of the hall replied.

Looking up again, the Prime Minister and His Majesty the Monarch had disappeared.

As the Son of Heaven and the Minister of State, he always pays attention to a demeanor, after all, he is a model for the subjects of the Zhuang Kingdom.

When is it not calm and dignified?

In the past when the Zhuang Kingdom was weak, Du Ruhui often moved south and north, relying on his magical powers so close to the world, one person could be used as many people.

Now that Zhuang Yong has shown his prestige in the first battle, he has rarely been in such a hurry.

But anyway.

Du Yehu, who personally brought Duan Li outside Zhuang Wang's palace, finally saw Zhuang Tianzi again.



Du Yehu, who is full of beards, muscular and rough, undoubtedly fits people's imagination of a strong man.


At this moment, holding Duan Li in one hand, he stood silently outside Zhuang Wang's palace.

Undoubtedly painful.

Compared with Duan Li who was still struggling, his expression looked more desperate.

When Du Ruhui stepped closer, the figure of the Lord of Dangzhuang Kingdom appeared outside the gate of Beigong.

The officers and soldiers of the Baiyu Army guarding outside the palace gate all held their breath and concentrated.

But Du Ruhui only looked at Duan Li at first, and the eyes of this old Xiangguo were a little sad.

"Why?" he asked.

Duan Li's throat was sealed by Du Yehu's real energy, so he couldn't make a sound before.

And Du Ruhui lowered his voice, with some anger: "Let him talk!"

Du Yehu let go of his hand and let Duan Li fall to the ground.

Duan Li was not tied up, and he was already a disabled person, so he didn't need to be tied up at all. He can't cause any harm to the Prime Minister and Emperor Zhuang—this is why Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui never thought that he would treason the country.

Wouldn't it be nice for a person without any future to speak of to enjoy wealth and honor from now on?

Where can he go if he has lost all his cultivation? Whenever you meet a ferocious beast anywhere, you will confess.

But Duan Li asked: "Why?"

He looked at Du Ruhui and Zhuang Guojun behind Du Ruhui, and said with a smile, "You actually asked me why?"

"General Duan." Du Ruhui shook his head: "I hope this is not true."

Duan Li gave Du Yehu a venomous look, but Du Yehu stood there lifelessly and did not speak.

So he turned around again and said with a smile: "No, it's true. I brought the defense map of Yongchang County, I brought the roster of spies from the military department, and I brought all the core secrets of Jiujiang Xuanjia... "

He sternly said: "I want to take them all to Yong Kingdom!"

All these things Duan Li said are in the hands of a palace guard at the moment.

Accompanied by this is a storage box that was almost damaged. Judging from the traces, it should be that when Duan Li was caught, he wanted to destroy it, but was stopped in time...

The person who stopped this matter was naturally Du Yehu.

The presence of witnesses and material evidence is probably the reason why Duan Li did not deny it at this time, but rather some dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

But even though he could see it clearly, Du Ruhui still acted very hard to accept it.

He looked at Duan Li with a sad face: "General Duan, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..."

He said angrily, "Hasn't Your Majesty treated you well enough!?"

"Although you have been abolished, your position has not been lost. You are still the commander-in-chief of Jiujiang Xuanjia. You are bestowed with armor, and your salary will be increased by 30%! Do you know that His Majesty is still discussing with me today, and wants to grant you the title of Earl! !"

If it were Duan Li in the past, this meeting should have been full of tears.

But now he just wants to laugh.

Is it kindness to deceive subordinates and let them go down to die?

The position is not lost, but the real power has been stripped in the name of "keeping the body", isn't it?

Give me armor? Lao Tzu is a useless person, what can he do in the armor given by the emperor? Are you going to visit He Badao's grave?

As for the so-called negotiating the position of earl, why didn't you, Du Ruhui, open your mouth? Who the hell knows if you discussed it or not?

The national war has been over for so long, and now we are talking about conferring noble titles! When I have been so stupid?

Duan Li wanted to laugh wildly and curse, but as expected... he was speechless.

Not only was he speechless, but he also bowed his head deeply.

And the tears have rolled down involuntarily!

It seems that he is regretful and ashamed when he is lost!

But Du Ruhui turned around and continued the drama alone.

The Prime Minister of Dazhuang bowed down to the monarch, and mourned: "Duan Li has been a country all his life, and he was confused for a while! Although he committed an unpardonable crime, the old minister kneels and begs His Majesty to leave his whole body, and at the same time cover up the matter. Injure his name behind him!"

His Majesty the Monarch of Dazhuang, sighed deeply: "The Prime Minister of the country is so sad, how can I be indifferent? I agreed to play this, and although the title will not be given, the name of the lifetime will not be taken away. Even if Zhuang Yong stood side by side on the battlefield Once... this friendship is complete!"

"Old minister, thank you for your kindness!" Du Ruhui kowtowed deeply.

Then he stood up, pulled out a palace guard's saber, walked up to Duan Li in a few steps, half knelt down, half supported him, pierced his heart with a knife!

This series of movements is crisp and neat, and there is a sharp beauty.

He is the prime minister of a country, with his majesty and bearing. But when the country needs him to be an executioner, he can be more like an executioner than any executioner...

At this moment, he hugged Duan Li, patted his back, and said goodbye to him for the last time.

Then let go and stood up.

The meticulously pinned black hair did not waver in the slightest.

Duan Li's corpse, which had lost all vitality, just fell limply to the ground.

No one knows what Duan Li was thinking at the end of his life.

Maybe... I am really regretting it!

Only, only Du Yehu knew.

He knew that this man who fell to the ground limply like a dead dog must have shouted in his heart before he died - Du Yehu, you swear!

So there were tears in Du Yehu's eyes, and he couldn't stop them.

He didn't draw his sword and slash at Du Ruhui, he had exhausted all his restraint.

He really couldn't contain his grief any longer.

Fortunately, Duan Li said that sadness is not a problem. The more sincere the emotion, the less of a problem it is.

What else did Duan Li say?

Du Yehu thought and thought, and finally remembered.

In the abyss of hatred and pain, I remembered... the general's entrustment.


Du Yehu suddenly let out a loud roar, his eyes stained with tears: "I, Du Yehu, am a good man, loyalty and righteousness cannot be combined! What face is there to live in the world!?"

He pulled out his waist knife and cut off his own neck with his backhand!

This knife was extremely ruthless and fast, leaving no leeway.

He really had the determination to die, and wanted to commit suicide outside the Zhuang Palace!

The saber pierced more than half of his neck, and blood ran like a waterfall!

Then, he was grabbed by a hand.

The hand of Emperor Zhuang Gaoxian of Zhuang Kingdom.

He kept watching with cold eyes, until Du Yehu's knife was really cut down, and he was really about to die in the next breath, before he blocked the knife.

Zhuang Gaoxian grabbed Du Yehu's saber with his right hand, pulled it lightly, and brought it back.

At the same time, his left hand flicked lightly, stopping Du Yehu's gushing blood and closing the wound on his neck.

"Confused!" he snapped angrily.

With this look of anger, he suddenly saw the might of the emperor.

It seemed that Du Yehu's ruthlessness in begging for death had been suppressed.

The man froze there, at a loss, his tiger eyes still had tears.

Du Ruhui couldn't help but praise in his heart, what a hero! True righteousness and bravery!

Zhuang Gaoxian had already untied the knife in Du Yehu's hand, glared at him, hated iron and steel, and said: "You are a loyal person of the country who captured the traitor for the country. Why do you talk about it? The country raises tigers not to watch You swung your knife and cut yourself! Even if a brave general like you is going to die, you should die on the battlefield, and be worthy of merit! Instead of dying here... just make people laugh!"

Du Yehu still gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Du Ruhui knew that this man was not good at words. So he took a few steps forward and said earnestly: "Justice has its size. I know that General Duan treats you well, but before the country's righteousness, there is no room for selfishness. You captured a thief for the country today, which is exactly what a man did. .It’s loyalty and righteousness, how can loyalty be incompatible? Truth and General Duan had a very good relationship in the past, but today he killed him with his own hands, should Truth be like you, self-judgment here?"

Du Yehu remained silent, but looked up at him with complicated emotions.

Du Ruhui sighed, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder: "Good man. I think General Duan is in the sky, and I don't want you to die like this. He told me more than once before his death that he wanted to hand over Jiujiang Xuanjia to the you……"

The old Guoxiang stopped here and sighed: "His reputation after death also needs you to maintain it."

It seems that these words convinced Du Yehu.

"Xiangguo, Your Majesty." Du Yehu's voice was terribly hoarse, and he didn't know if it was because of the pain in his heart, or because the throat pipe had just been cut off and it was difficult to speak.

He said: "The wild tiger is rude."

Zhuang Guoguo looked at him with the tolerance that a holy son should have: "A man doesn't care about trifles. I only saw your true temperament, but I didn't see you being rude."

Du Yehu lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I...I don't know what to say."

"There is no need to say anything more." Zhuang Gaoxian said broadly: "Let's go back and rest, and cultivate your spirit. The country still needs you, Jiujiang Xuanjia still needs you, and there are many things waiting for you to do."

"Minister..." Du Yehu took another look at Duan Li's body, the pain in his eyes couldn't be faked: "Mr. please bury Duan Li."

Zhuang Gaoxian only said: "Yes!"

The magnanimous performance of the Lord Zhuangguo today will inevitably reach the ears of every courtier.

You are really Mingjun!

Du Yehu walked over slowly, picked up Duan Li's body, and glanced at the knife in Zhuang Gaoxian's hand.

This is impolite.

Zhuang Gaoxian didn't care about it, and only said in a gentle voice: "This knife hurts the owner. It's unknown what it will be used for. You don't need to use it anymore. Go back to the lonely inner vault and choose a saber of your own."

The palace guards and the officers and men of the White Feather Army present were all envious.

This person is so favored by His Majesty!

Du Yehu thought for a while, hugged Duan Li and bowed his head: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Then without saying anything else, she hugged Duan Li's body and left Zhuang Palace like this.

Wait for the burly figure holding the corpse to go away.

Du Ruhui said politely: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, old minister!"

"Oh?" Zhuang Gaoxian turned around and walked into the palace: "Blood splashed on the palace gate today, I don't know why?"

Du Ruhui followed behind and said, "Your Majesty just lost a veteran general and gained a tiger minister! It can be seen that the destiny is in the village, so it will not make me weak!"

Zhuang Gaoxian stopped in his tracks for a long time before he let out a long sigh: "Thanks to you, teacher."

A chapter of more than 7,000 characters. Among them, four thousand words are the basic update.

There are more than 3,000 words left, which counts as one chapter plus more.

It is 8,500 plus change for the monthly pass.

And at night.

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