Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1073

The incident of Duan Li's treason did not cause any disturbances in the Zhuang Kingdom. Not to mention the influence abroad.

The once frightening commander of Jiujiang Xuanjia turned out to be a cripple who lost all his cultivation.

There is still honor, there is still office, but in the extraordinary world, there is no place any more.

In the public statement, he died of a recurrence of an old injury.

Except for the soldiers of Jiujiang Xuanjia, few people would investigate the reason.

Anyway, the court said so, that's what happened.

The imperial court... will never lie, will it?

General Duan Li has served the country all his life and is full of honors, even if he dies, he should have no regrets.

He has no wife and no children, and takes the military camp as his home.

It was Du Yehu who organized the funeral for him.

The funeral was a bit hasty. I died the day before, and after a day of remembrance in the coffin, I was buried right after.

The funeral was very simple and was held in the barracks.

But also grand.

On the day of his funeral, the whole army of Jiujiang Xuanjia lined up to express their condolences. Not to mention the county guard, the head of the county government's criminal investigation department...

There should be no regrets.

Many people lamented that General Duan should have no regrets.

Recurrence of old injuries is a decent way to die. This kind of death is very common among generals who are fighting for their lives on the battlefield.

I think it's acceptable for me to come to Duan Li.

After all, what he originally asked for was a five-horse body.

In comparison, the recurrence of old injuries is much more respectable.

Du Yehu didn't know that this was originally Zhuang Gaoxian's plan to arrange his death. Of course, there is nothing to be lucky about this hidden coincidence.

But knowing and not knowing, things have come to this point.

A man cannot be resurrected after death, and he cannot turn back.

After Duan Li was buried, people discovered that General Du Yehu seemed to be a different person.

He no longer drinks day and night, no longer thinks about going to war every moment.

He began to rectify military affairs, began to gather power with the help of deputy general Yang Yin, and began to actively fight for the future of Jiujiang Xuanjia...

In terms of meritorious deeds, during the battle of Zhuang Yong, he was the one who climbed Suolongguan first and planted the battle flag of Zhuang Guo on the tower. That "Hundred Years of Humiliation, Repay Today!" is still talked about today.

In terms of strength, he followed the path of an ancient military strategist, and he was the first in every battle. He was brave and fearless, and he had already made a name for himself in the army.

When he was still at the Soaring Dragon Realm, many people were dissatisfied with him being the fifth general of Jiujiang Xuanjia. After participating in several battles with him, those who were dissatisfied were convinced. No one is as desperate as him. Others are desperately trying to gain fame, so there is a limit to it. He was desperate, as if to fight his life away.

As for him now, who rushed to the Inner Palace, no one in Jiujiang Xuanjia dared to confront him alone. The other generals are all stronger than him, but when it comes to life-and-death struggles, there is indeed a trace of fear that is inconvenient to express.

The only thing Du Yehu lacked was qualifications, but Jiujiang Xuanjia coach Duan Li's recognition of him had already made up for it.

After Duan Li passed away due to a recurrence of an old injury, the position of head coach of Jiujiang Xuanjia was pending, and no one was sent down to take over. Many people are spreading rumors that this was done intentionally by the imperial court just to wait for Du Yehu.

Wait for him to be more powerful, wait for him to be recognized by more people.

At Duan Li's funeral, Guo Xiang whispered to Du Yehu many times, which was also regarded as a trend.

Of course, some people believe this and some don't.

At this moment, Du Yehu was sitting alone in the military tent.

After a day of military exercises, the person who is least willing to think is thinking silently at this moment.

In the future... no one will help him find a way anymore.

Lieutenant General Yang Yin is very good and has a lot of brains, but he can't ask Yang Yin some questions. At least not yet.

He himself was indeed not smart enough. When he was still in Fenglin City, Xiao Wu would laugh at him all day long, and he could only retaliate shamefully and angrily.

But thinking about it, if you follow what Duan Li said, there won't be any problems...

Next to it was a jar of wine, and he didn't take a sip today. Occasionally look at it once or twice to stop the addiction.

It was uncomfortable to be haunted by alcohol bugs, but he never dared to get drunk again.

He agreed, agreed to Duan Li...


The curtain rolled, and a solid figure squeezed in.

After Zhao Er heard this idiot, he bumped in without even making a report.

Du Yehu didn't care about these things in the past, so Yang Yin would take care of them, but now he feels that maybe he needs to establish rules.

Duan Li said that the most important thing in military training is the rules.

I don't know why, those words that I didn't listen to at all before, after Duan Li's death, instead surfaced again and again, becoming more and more clear.

Duan Li should be right, right?

I'm alive...should be useful, right?

After Zhao Erting bumped in, he just stared at Du Yehu in a daze, but didn't speak for a while.

Rules... Du Yehu thought again.

So some headaches.

"What's wrong?" He asked the fool.

"You shouldn't have arrested General Duan!" Zhao Erting said suddenly.

"Stupid!" Du Yehu said angrily, "Where are you, what nonsense did you hear?"

"Zhang Pianjiang told the people in his tent when he was drinking." Zhao Erting said with a stiff neck, "They said that you traded General Duan for glory and wealth! matter if it is raw or not, it is shameless!"

To Zhao Erting's surprise, the irritable Du Yehu didn't lose his temper immediately.

Instead, he asked, "What else?"

Zhao Erting thought about it seriously: "I also think that the general did something wrong. Even if General Duan is guilty, you should not arrest him. General Duan is so kind to you..."

A wine jar was thrown over.

He flashed expertly.

The wine jar smashed to the ground, and the aroma of wine overflowed immediately.

wasted! Zhao Er thought about it.

"Fuck you!"

The familiar Tiger General is back...

Du Yehu roared: "I'm just asking what do you think? You're an idiot who doesn't know a few big characters, why do you think it's nothing!"

Zhao Er shrank his head when he heard this. For some reason, he felt much more at ease now.

Aggrieved and authentic: "You are the one who wants to ask!"

Du Yehu still wanted to hit him, but when he looked, there was no wine jug at hand, and he wanted to throw out the unclear military book in front of him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't reach out.

He only said angrily: "I asked the old dog surnamed Zhang what else he said!"

Zhao Erting scratched his head: "It seems that I said this."

People with the surname Zhang dare not say more about things suppressed by the prime minister...

Looking at the dumbfounded Zhao Er, Du Yehu was furious and shook his hands: "Get lost!"

"Get out..." Zhao Er looked very proud, turned around and walked out.

"Wait!" Du Yehu stopped him again, and said seriously: "Remember, don't tell me about Fenglin City again! Those words will rot in my stomach forever!"

"That's great!" Zhao Er smiled happily when he heard this: "I've been tired of talking about it for a long time! If it wasn't for fear of being beaten by you..."

He shut up.

Du Yehu said with a gloomy face, "Get lost!"

Zhao Er lifted the curtain and left in a hurry.

In the tent that became empty again, Du Yehu sighed again.

It would be great if Xiao Wu was alive... Why did he need to use his brain?

According to what Duan Li said, in fact, the best way is to kill Zhao Erting, the dead are the best at keeping secrets. If Zhao Er is dead, his relationship with Jiang Wang will no longer be remembered...but he really can't do anything.

Otherwise, Zhao Er would be gone if he heard the jar hit him just now.

Fortunately, this idiot was a little stunned, but he was very obedient. What is promised will be done. I don't think there will be any problem.

Du Yehu rubbed his head and forced himself to read the book on war.

Damn... what does this word read?

Horse or four? Two broken characters have to touch each other, which side should people read?

He was annoyed again.

Yang Yin is a bitch, and I don't know how to explain it!

While annoyed, he suddenly raised his head and reached out to grab the mace.

Immediately, Qi and blood surrounded his body, and a fierce aura was faint.

He did take a precious sword from the emperor's inner treasury, but he didn't use it, but put it in his house and confessed it.

After Du Guoxiang saw it, although he criticized him, saying that knives are for use, he was obviously very happy.

As for the single mace, it was left by Duan Li.

It was originally a pair, one of which was destroyed in the battlefield of Zhuangyong, and was cut off by Li Ying, Marquis of Chengde in Yongguo.

The double mace is called "take the enemy", Duan Li failed to use it to take the enemy at the beginning, now there is only one mace left, presumably the single mace should be called "send to death".

It's still Yang Yin who is more educated, so it's better to call it a funeral.

He thought that he really should send Duan Li to a funeral, so he decided on this name.

At this moment, Du Yehu was holding the funeral mace, he was like a tiger, and he was like a fierce god.

The evil spirit roared and steamed, covering the entire military tent.

A little white crane "drilled" out of the overwhelming murderous intent.

The white crane flew in the air, scattered into flowing clouds, and the flowing clouds turned again, turning into a floating figure.

He faced Du Yehu, and his voice was cold and pleasant: "General Du, I have no malicious intentions."

Du Yehu held a single mace, with a ruthless evil face, and did not give any preferential treatment to the other party because of his exquisite appearance, but said coldly: "You don't have much time to explain."

"Ye Qingyu is Jiang Wang's... friend."

The woman in the form of a cloud said: "This trip is here to help you."

Du Yehu remained silent.

Ye Qingyu looked at this ferocious man, so he had no choice but to continue: "Jiang Wang sent me a letter before, saying that he is going to participate in the Yellow River meeting soon, and some things may not be kept secret. You may be in danger in Zhuangguo. So let me pick you up."

"Du appreciates your kindness." Du Yehu said lightly, "Please go back."

It took some time for Yunhe to come here. Occasionally encounter some accidents and be broken up, and it will take time to slowly reunite.

Ye Qingyu received the letter a little later. She came to Jiujiang City yesterday, but she didn't find the opportunity to meet Du Yehu alone until tonight.

Jiang Wang's letter said that Du Yehu would either obey his advice, or go to Xin'an City with a knife without saying a word, but he didn't mention that Du Yehu would react like this now.

"I am indeed Jiang Wang's friend. I have many ways to prove it." Ye Qingyu thought for a while, took out a piece of letter paper, and flicked it forward lightly: "Jiang Wang said that you only know about this, you You can see it at a glance."

She continued: "Follow me to the country of Yun, and I can save your life. I will find an opportunity later to arrange you in the caravan going out to sea, and quietly send you to the country of Qi."

But Du Yehu didn't even look at the letter paper, he just said: "The important place of the military camp, girl, don't make mistakes. Let's go quickly."

The letter floated in front of him, then slowly fell to the ground.

Jiang Wang didn't say that his brotherhood had this attitude?

Ye Qingyu was a little dazed, but she didn't give up, and said, "Are you still worried about it? Why don't you just say it, we can solve any problem."

"Are you going?" Du Yehu said coldly: "I think you are entrusted by others, and I am too lazy to argue with you. You'd better not force me."

Ye Qingyu was a little annoyed.

Thinking about her status, how could anyone dare to talk to her like this?

She came to help with good intentions, and spoke in a nice voice, so it's okay for this fierce man to be ungrateful, and he still wants to fight her?

Her voice also contained some anger: "Jiang Wang said, if you don't want to, I will take you away by force."

Jiang Wang's original words were that if Du Yehu couldn't control himself and insisted on going to Xin'an City with a knife to fight for his life, he should be tied up and taken away by force. Take it back to Yunguo and lock it up.

Although Du Yehu doesn't intend to go to Xin'an City to fight for his life, but he wants to fight with's about the same, right?

Hearing Ye Qingyu's words.

As soon as Du Yehu turned over the funeral mace, his blood surged violently in an instant, and he condensed into the shape of a vicious tiger behind him.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." He had fully developed a fighting posture, and looked at Ye Qingyu with murderous eyes: "You probably can't do it."

This cultivation base, this combat power... is also different from what Jiang Wang said.

Didn't it mean that someone who was cultivated at the Tenglong Realm would be knocked down casually?

Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang, what should I say about you. This person is not what you remember at all!

It's not that Ye Qingyu is afraid of this person, her Yunzhuan supernatural powers are infinitely useful, and she is not afraid of anyone when fighting alone. What's more, if she wasn't afraid of making too much noise, she would be hundreds of traps if she threw it away!

But the problem lies in the word "motion and stillness".

This is the military camp of Jiujiang Xuanjia, and it is also an important place for Zhuangguo.

There's a lot of noise, there's really no way to end it...

"Why don't you listen to persuasion?" Ye Qingyu said angrily: "Jiang Wang has to bear so much and live so hard by himself, as his brother, can't you save some time!?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Yehu stepped up to the case, holding a funeral mace, and said aggressively, "Jiang Wang is shameless, ungrateful, has no father and no king, and seeks glory against the country! He once made a pact with him as a brother." , is the greatest shame in my life! If you dare to say one more word, I will summon an army and surround and kill you here!"

"Okay, very good!" Ye Qingyu was also really angry, and he no longer had any scruples in his words: "Without your burden, I feel relieved for Jiang Wang! Just be your lackey! Fighting against each other, don't beg him for mercy!"

After the voice fell, the people had dissipated into clouds and disappeared into the military tent.

With a flick of his finger, Du Yehu broke through the cover-up circle that Ye Qingyu had set up earlier.

The night wind outside the military tent was blowing around the curtain.

He is far away...

Du Yehu suppressed his blood and anger, bent down, and picked up the letter paper that had fallen to the ground.


That night, the lights in General Du's tent were lit until dawn.

Merge the two chapters.

Add more changes for nine thousand monthly tickets and nine thousand five monthly tickets.

Thanks to all book friends who voted!


Tomorrow there are 10,000 words...

The first update starts at twelve o'clock...

Weakly, ask for a monthly pass...

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