Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1074 ?

Chapter 1074

Swordsman Ning is really a very good opponent.

In terms of swordsmanship, he has the style of a master.

Especially when she put aside the dismantling of swordsmanship, gave up the exploration of kendo, and focused on the outcome of the battle, the terrifying strength that once reached the top of Taixu's strongest inner palace was fully displayed in front of Jiang Wang.

In the past few days, the two have fought fifteen times.

Jiang Wang won nine and lost six.

During the battle, Jiang Wang had already used all means except going astray, and it seemed that Laining Swordsman could not keep much.

Taixu's honor of being the strongest in the inner palace has been changing people non-stop in the past few days, which is simply dazzling.

But it was only between Dugu Wudi and Ning Jianke.

But for "Swordsman Ning" herself, the more she fought, the more she could feel the terrifying pressure brought by this opponent. She used the Absolute Sword Technique again and again, but the chance of winning became increasingly slim.

She herself has improved rapidly in these days of battles, but the speed of her opponent Dugu Wudi's progress is even more frightening. This is the first opponent whose combat talent makes her feel awed...

But in fact, in the nearly evenly matched battle between the two sides, even if Jiang Wang's progress in the past few days was faster, it was not too much faster. The reason why the pressure on "Ning Swordsman" is increasing is because the "knowledge" in the battle between the two sides is completely filled by fighting with all their strength time and time again.

It is self-evident what "knowledge" means to misguidance.

Jiang Wang became more and more familiar with the battle choices she would make, and her judgment became more and more accurate. Thus, step by step, her chances of victory were gradually strangled.

Speaking of it, this is very similar to Li Longchuan's archery. The longer the contact, the clearer the opponent's flaws in his eyes, and in the end, life and death are often determined with one arrow. Therefore, the enemies of the Li family in Shimen have always tried to avoid contact with the Li family. Either stay away, or meet and divide life and death.

However, while the results are similar. But gaining insight into the opponent's choices and discovering the opponent's flaws are not the same thing.

Although Jiang Wang did not use the magical powers of misguidance from the beginning to the end, in the battle, constantly using offense to induce the opponent to make the choice he wanted, in a sense, it was also the use of misguided methods.

It's just that this kind of guidance is a test of combat wisdom, easy to be detected, and easy to be resisted.

In the end, it is not as good as the real misguided magic power.

If the two are fighting to the death in the present world, Jiang Wang only needs to use his magical powers astray, and if the other party has no other hidden means of lore, he can basically declare the outcome. It's not like it is now, it's still a little stalemate...

In the battle that took place in the galaxy, Jiang Wang seized the opportunity, and a sudden wind blew out Swordsman Ning's right hand, so he took a step back and said politely: "Give way."

It's not at all like the madman who grinned and shouted "again if you don't accept it".

"Swordsman Ning" caught the long sword with his left hand, snorted coldly, and left the Sword Discourse Arena.

"Tsk, it's really not elegant." Jiang Wang shook his head and said with emotion, and then gave up.

The outcome between the two sides is fixed at ten wins and six losses.

It really doesn't matter whether you are graceful or not.

What he needs is a qualified sparring partner, and "Ning Swordsman" undoubtedly meets the requirements perfectly, and his attitude is almost almost... The prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, and a modest gentleman will do it himself!

The sword stage returned to the blessed space, Jiang Wang thought about it, and sent a duel invitation to "Zhen Wudi" and "Lingyue" each.

Of course, the former turned a blind eye, but Zuo Guangshu immediately challenged him.

The Sword Discourse Arena roared up again, crashing into the Milky Way.

Speaking of which, a few days ago, after the contestants in Chu's inner state were settled, Jiang Wang originally planned to find some time to comfort Zuo Guangshu. With the mature status of a person who has experienced it, he will give guidance to the young boy's life path.

Don't tire of teaching.

But when I met Swordsman Ning, the sparring was very enjoyable, so I forgot about it...

Hope it's not too late...

Among the bright stars.

As soon as Lunjiantai merged, before Jiang Wang had time to say hello, what he saw in front of him was already a world of water.

As soon as the battle started, Zuo Guangshu exploded.

It seems that this kid is very angry.

If you don't convince him, you probably won't be able to have a good chat.

Jiang Wang had already made up his mind, so he took a long breath, and the wind rose around him, and the dark white wind blew away all the incoming waves.

At the same time, both hands quickly make a tactic.

With his current level of control, he can complete the Fire Realm Technique within three breaths.

It is really not difficult to turn the bad wind that is used to killing into defense, just to survive the three breaths.

Zuo Guangshu, who was wearing armor and driving a car, cast out more than 30 Taoism skills within three breaths, each of them did not interfere with each other, but complemented each other, which shows his terrifying talent for water movement...

But all of them were annihilated before Jiang Wang's unscrupulous wind.

And after three breaths...

The world of fire has replaced the world of water.

Among the countless howling flame sparrows, Jiang Wang jumped out of the fire, pulled Zuo Guangshu off the Hebo chariot, interrupted his next spellcasting, and laughed loudly: "You lost!"

Zuo Guangshu snorted coldly and didn't speak.

However, the glistening battle armor and the azure cloak on his body have dissipated, and He Bo's supernatural powers have been recovered.

He can't save face, but he will still admit it if he loses.

Jiang Wang let go of the young man, shook the fire world with one hand, and took it back into his palm.

The fiery red dazzling world in the round sky was brilliant in his palm for a while, and it also dangled in front of Zuo Guangshu's eyes for a while... before it slowly dissipated.

"What's the matter?" Brother Jiang put on a posture of a caring brother, and asked with a friendly smile, "I haven't seen you for a few days, so angry?"

"Is there something wrong?" Zuo Guangshu looked unhappy: "It's nothing, I'm in a hurry to catch up with the next game."

"I have something to do." Jiang Wang hurriedly stopped, and said with a smile: "I'm not listening to you, am I planning to participate in the Yellow River meeting? You see, I have already been selected. Don't you have any suggestions for me?"

Jiang Wang is now familiar with Zuo Guangshu's character. If you coax him like a child, he will be very difficult to deal with and loves to fight against you very much. But if you treat him as an adult and discuss business with him, he will be very happy to make some "contributions".

Hearing this, Zuo Guangshu really lost his posture of turning around and leaving.

After all, he is still very close to Jiang. If it were someone else, he wouldn't even bother to say anything. But if it was Jiang Wang, he would be willing to help.

After thinking about it seriously, the young boy said: "I can't give you the information from the Chu country. I can tell you about the information from other countries."

A very principled boy! Jiang Wang praised in his heart.

In fact, the information collected by Chen Zeqing is detailed enough, and it has everything that should be there. Jiang Wang just found an excuse to communicate with this kid.

In fact, I didn't look forward to it, but I had a bright smile on my face: "Then I wish for it, tell me quickly!"

Zuo Guangshu has always liked the way Jiang Wang listened carefully in front of him.

Because Jiang Wang sometimes resembles Zuo Guanglie. This allows him to have a feeling of being an older brother for himself...

Of course, he never told anyone about his youthful feelings.

Immediately, he raised his chin and began to speak "reluctantly".

He was originally interested in the Yellow River Meeting, and the information about his opponent was collected for him by the Zuo family. Speaking to Jiang Wang now, it's clear and logical.

And Jiang Wang listened attentively, and praised from time to time, the Zuo family of Dachu is really famous in the world!

Although the second son from the left showed disdain, the volume he raised unconsciously was not deceiving.

What a joy!

Thank you book friends for seeing the big devil want to shout, so afraid to become the leader of this book!

Red Heart Sky Survey Ninety Alliance!

In addition, let me tell you, when you go back to the second brush and the third brush, please don't spoil it. To give new readers a good reading experience, it is also very hard to operate and delete...


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