Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1079 ?

Chapter 1079 Different People

What is Zang Xinghai?

Wufuhai corresponds to the torso, Zangxinghai corresponds to the limbs.

But just like the five internal organs do not correspond to the five inner palaces, Zang Xinghai also blends into one body in a way that is different from the limbs.

Tongtian Palace first lived in Spine Sea, also known as Tongtian Sea.

Then the gate of heaven and earth was pushed open, and the Dao vein soared into the dragon, swimming into the sea of ​​five houses.

The feedback from heaven and earth obtained when the gate of heaven and earth was opened, gathered into an isolated island of heaven and earth.

This island floats on the surface of the sea of ​​Wufu, and it needs to be supported by Daoyuan. It is the place where Tenglong Daomai lives.

The cultivator controls the Tenglong Taoism, penetrates into the fog of ignorance, clears away the ignorance, and knocks open the five palaces one by one.

So what happens after the Five Houses are consummated?

Tenglong Daomai has accumulated enough power to leave the isolated island of heaven and earth, and swim into the next sea of ​​the human body, which is the sea of ​​limbs, that is, the sea of ​​hidden stars.

What is Lisheng Tower?

What is the Starlight Holy Building?

The inner mansion is the self-exploration of the cultivator.

The outer building environment is the extension of the cultivator from the inside out.

Practitioners establish a connection with the distant star vault through the secret method, and project their will into the distant star vault. Manipulate star power to build the so-called "holy building".

What is Lisheng Building? It is the practitioner who, after exploring himself, has a clear understanding of himself, and then feeds it back to the outside. Between heaven and earth, establish your own influence. In the distant stars, expand your own "Tao", "explain" your understanding of "Tao", "heaven and earth", and "self".

Practitioners in this world often summarize the stage of the inner mansion leaping from the outer building as "a tall building rises from the four holy spirits".

Gein Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, these four spirit starfields are among the distant stars. So far, practitioners have explored the most complete and detailed starfields, the most inclusive, and the most secure to establish connections.

It is also the ancient star field that has the deepest "tie" with the present world.

To a certain extent, the Four Spirits Starfield is also a reflection of the four directions of the world.

The Qinglong Starfield holds the Yuan of Wood, the White Tiger Starfield holds the Yuan of Metal, the Suzaku Starfield holds the Yuan of Fire, the Xuanwu Starfield holds the Yuan of Water, and the Xuanwu Starfield holds the Yuan of Water, and the Yuan of Earth holds the central world.

There is no need to repeat the great significance of the Four Spirits Starfield.

Most of the monks of the mortal race built the Starlight Holy Building in this Four Spirits Starfield. That itself is also the light of the human race in this world, shining in the universe.

The most critical part of the promotion of the inner mansion to the outer building is to anchor the first star power of the distant star dome, leaving one's own imprint, or in other words, one's own "Tao" in that ancient distant star dome.

That is the most dangerous and easy step to get lost.

But not every practitioner has his own "Tao".

In other words, even if they have their own "Tao", it is difficult for most monks to be clear, thorough, or even firm enough to project distant stars and reflect the four directions.

But just like those great scenes that have happened in the long history, the most difficult, bumpy and dangerous places have long been trampled by the sages.

The sages of the human race have long explored such problems as reflecting the distant stars and building the starlight holy building, and cleared the fog for the latecomers.

Corresponding to the Four Spirits Starfield, different schools of practice have different paths.

It can be said that they have different opinions, but they are generally in the same framework.

Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Baihu, these four spirits.

Taoism takes the four characters of prestige, sincerity, benevolence, and killing; Confucianism takes the four characters of faith, virtue, benevolence, and killing; Take power, fight fiercely, resist, kill...

No matter which one, it is a magnificent avenue.

They are all smooth roads that can be compatible with the personal paths of practitioners.

In a sense, they have also become some kind of "public order and good customs", restricting the world and preventing it from getting worse.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you must be a benevolent person if you build a holy building with the word "benevolence". It’s just that, at least the holy building you erected in the distant sky, what you spread to the universe and spread openly is the brilliance of the word “benevolence”.

As for whether it is true benevolence or false benevolence, it still depends on the practitioner himself.

The "Tao" already exists.

Latecomers only need to cross the bridge instead of swimming alone.

Practitioners in the present world, cultivators in the inner palace can go outside without supernatural powers. A large part of the reason is because of the stability of the Four Spirits Starfield and the development of the "Tao" of the major schools of practice.

Today's cultivators are practicing on the road pioneered by many former sages. Therefore, in this world, it can become more and more prosperous.

Set up the Starlight Holy Building, and expand your "Tao" in the distant stars. And the distant star will also feed back the power of starlight through the Starlight Holy Building.

Cultivators use this to quench their bodies, and in the process of shining the Starlight Holy Building, they can truly find, approach, and condense their own way...the way that belongs to them alone.

This is the way to God's presence.

The starlight quenching body is the foundation of the outer building environment, and all outer building monks can strengthen themselves through the starlight quenching body.

But to go further...

The more you rely on your own "Tao", the more feedback you can get from the Starlight Holy Building. The cultivator himself becomes stronger.

The reason why the monks in the inner palace leapfrogged the monks in the outer building happened most often.

It is because in these two realms, whether it is the supernatural power or the starlight holy building, the fluctuation between the upper limit and the lower limit is too large.

The Inner Palace monks with supernatural powers and the inner palace monks without supernatural powers almost crossed a level. And the gap between the outer building monks who can only use the star light of the starlight holy building to quench their bodies, and the outer building monks who know their own "way" is like a gap.

For example, Bob Zhao, to a certain extent, is an outhouse monk who knows where his "way" is. Chaoyu hides the sword and draws the sword, which is also a shortcut to swordsmanship. Even Xie Baoshu is familiar with Confucian classics and knows what "Tao" is.

However, they either did not practice enough or had insufficient experience, and they were far from reaching their own limits. The function of the Starlight Sacred Tower was only similar to their own magical powers, and even not as powerful as the magical powers that had been developed for so long.

As for Chongxuan Zun Wufu Tongyao, each of the magical powers is very strong, and they are all developed perfectly. Furthermore, he also made the Outer Building...

The changes that took place on Xingyueyuan started from a certain Starlight Holy Building standing in the distant sky...

At that time, Jiang Wang was still accumulating star power, and the accumulation of Yuheng's star power gave him a certain amount of capital to explore more possibilities of the Scorching Bone Lotus.

For example, can you accumulate star power faster and reduce your dependence on Xingyueyuan; for example, can you expand the capacity of the Scorching Bone Lotus and accumulate more star power; for example, a deeper understanding of the Fire Source Atlas...

At this moment, he "heard" a voice.

As evidenced by the ability to hear the fairy state, this sound never happened to my ears.

Nor was it Master Guanyan's voice.

The voice suddenly sounded in the bottom of my heart, and it seemed to be far away in the sky.

It gives people a very cordial, very warm feeling.

"We need a just future!"

Jiang Wang almost subconsciously remembered the words "Zhang Yong" said in the Nine Returns Hou Ling Temple——

"This world... shouldn't be like this."

What kind of world is this?

Jiang Wang involuntarily began to think about these issues.

The emperor and officials of the Zhuang Kingdom sat and watched hundreds of thousands of people being killed by evil gods, just for the purpose of capturing the white bones; in order to keep the turtles and beasts, the God Blessed Kingdom sacrificed the best geniuses in the country to the turtles and beasts every year...

What he has seen, heard, and experienced, all the ugliness and darkness in this world, come to the fore one by one.

So, what is this world like?

Jiang Wang's calm and clear eyes gradually began to be in a trance.

what is it like...

Standing at the place closest to the star dome, the stars and the moon seem to be the place where you can reach out to pick up the stars.

Above the head, in the vast river of stars in the night sky, there is a square star, twinkling slightly.

On the nameless hill outside Xingyueyuan.

For Li Yougui, I hope I can monopolize Xingyueyuan's words...

While staring at the compass, Yue Leng casually said, "How can it be that simple?"

He kept a close eye on what was going on around Jiang Wang, but he didn't notice anything.

Thanks to book friend Xiao Huang for his beriberi and became the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend You Xianyi for dreaming of Luofu and becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend Panda for planting bamboo and becoming the leader of this book! (A Shu, you, write your paper well! Understand?)

The Ninety-Six Alliance of Chixin Sky Survey! ! !


The above paragraph was added temporarily...

I changed from 94 to 95 to 96...

that what...

The feeling of getting more and more is too scary...

I owe this until National Day.

On the balance of justice, my debts are getting heavier and heavier, and my sense of responsibility is being pried higher and higher...

I'm really afraid that one day I'll collapse, start to lose face, roll around on the spot, let it go...

In order to save this situation where repayment of debts cannot catch up with the owed updates, after discussions with the operations and the bosses, I have decided to adjust the rules for adding updates to the bosses:

After Baimeng, the new leader still added one update, and the new Silver League was adjusted to add three updates.

There will be no more updates for the accumulated multiple alliance leaders... two more updates will be added after the accumulation of the Silver Alliance.

(Add 20 more to the Golden League. Mr. Di said that adding this item will appear inflated, and it will be easy to be scolded, because there is no gold at present. But if you don’t add this item, you are afraid that if it happens... it will not move. So we still agree first good.)

Let Shuai breathe a sigh of relief and store up his hair. Slowly pay off the debt, you can have time to play or something...

So we made an appointment.

Love you guys!


It needs to be emphasized that.

The existing debts will still not be less.

The new rules are only for after Baimeng.

Thanks again for your support brothers and sisters.

When I adjust my state, I will return with passion again!

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