Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1080 ?

Chapter 1080 Starlight Like Me

The power of the Starlight Holy Building is almost all acting on oneself.

Only the cultivator himself and the Xingqiong Holy Building built up bit by bit by himself can cross a long distance and form a connection of strength.

From the point of view that the Starlight Sacred Building is a human body standing in the distant star dome, explaining its own "Tao" to the universe.

It is possible for the Starlight Holy Building to project power outwards, but it is only "possible".

Because the distant stars are really too far away.

That is a terrifying distance that cannot be measured or described.

Just like what Jiang Wang knew in the world of Seven Stars, the stars you see may just be the projections of stars in all realms.

Where is the real distant sky?

That is a distant place that the sages can only define as "distant".

In the absence of the main body, only through the Starlight Holy Building, across the distance of the distant star dome, drop power to the present world, specifically affecting a certain monk in the present world...

Even in Xingyueyuan, a place "closest" to the distant stars.

It is also a power that Yue Leng has never imagined.

Whether it is Yue Leng or Li Yougui, it is impossible to do such a thing, and they can't even think of it. To deal with Jiang Wang who is in the Inner Mansion, at most, he would send a god to take action, what else?

They are indeed conscientious, staring at Jiang Wang all the time.

But the accident still happened under their noses...

And if tonight goes well, Jiang Wang is undoubtedly reliable and safe under the watchful eyes of the two god-level green cards. Looking back in the future, tonight will not be suspicious...

On Xingyueyuan, Jiang Wang was in a trance, wondering.

He unconsciously raised his head and looked up at the square star in the night.

His heartbeat unconsciously caught up with the flickering frequency of the square star.

Boom, boom, boom.

Constant, long and cold.

"We need an equal world!"

That kind voice, as if full of love, rang in Jiang Wang's heart again.

Jiang Wang couldn't help murmuring: "We need..."


Just at this time.

Jiang Wang heard a soft sigh.

This sigh is very gentle.

This kind of tenderness is not simply kind, friendly, and soft-spoken, but has a very strong heart, so it can calmly face everything in the world.

True tenderness must be conceived from a strong heart.

And the sigh that sounded at this time was produced by the Yuheng star power surrounding Jiang Wang.

The suddenly strong Yuheng star power, like a hand, gently caressed his scalp.

Is it Master Guanyan?

In the bottom of Jiang Wang's heart, a thought flashed like this.

At the same time, the four-sided star that was twinkling at a constant speed, in the gap between light and darkness, seemed to be held down by something, and stopped in the half-light and half-darkness, no longer twinkling.

A huge amount of Yuheng star power, like the water of a hot spring, washes away quietly, cleansing Jiang Wang's body and soothing his soul.

Jiang Qingyang's secret technique for absorbing star power must be top-notch. Yue Leng, who was watching Jiang Wang from a distance, couldn't help thinking.

And Li Yougui, who "opened his eyes" to see Jiang Wang once again, even said this admiration-"Tianjiao's fortune is really extraordinary, and I don't know where he learned it from. It's really wonderful!"

They found nothing.

But on the Xingyue Plain, the silent "battle" continued.

In a trance, Jiang Wang couldn't help himself. He has hatred and resentment, is puzzled and confused about this world, and can't help but say in his heart——

"This world shouldn't be like this!"

These words seem to be some kind of beginning, about to lead this young man who has not reached the weak crown to another ending...

And Yuheng's star power flows slowly, and Master Guan Yan's gentle voice is perceived and accepted by Jiang Wang through the star power.

"So, what should this world be like?"

Jiang Wang's heart is also very willing to accept this voice. This is his close senior, someone he trusts more. So he started thinking again.

Guan Yan's voice continued: "You have your 'should', and he has his 'should'."

"Everyone has the world they want. The world everyone wants can't be exactly the same."

"So, who do you listen to?"

"Who will call the shots?"

"Who is right?"

"What is this world supposed to be like?"

These voices flowed slowly in Jiang Wang's heart.

Like a stream of clear water, it gently washes away the darkness and gives Jiang Wang sobriety.

"Don't say what the world should be like. Don't put your will above the world. When you have such thoughts, when you start to think, what the world should be like, you have gone astray."

"No matter how great and bright you are."

"No matter how kind and compassionate you are."

"Even the greater and more merciful you are, the greater the crime you will cause."

These words of Guan Yan resounded in Jiang Wang's heart one by one. But it's not just talking to him, but it seems to be talking to the Fangzheng star that has stopped blinking in a form that Jiang Wang can't understand.

"Using your standard to demand others is demanding, but using your standard to demand the world, then you are evil without knowing it, and you are the devil among the devils."

"Instead of asking, what kind of world do you want?"

"It's better to ask, what kind of self do you want?"

Through Yuheng star power, Guan Yan finally said: "You are the world itself."

At that moment in the night, Fangzheng and the stars dimmed silently.

On Xingyueyuan, Jiang Wang opened his eyes.

Guan Yan's voice is a kind of "Sanskrit singing", which is the collision of this way and that way in Jiang Wang's heart.

The voice of Fangzheng Xingchen had already affected Jiang Wang's mind first. The original introductions came from Cui Zhu in the Master's Ceremony and Zhang Yong in the Nine Returns Hou Ling Temple.

What's more, it wasn't Cui Zhu and Zhang Yong who took the initiative to do this. It was a terrible existence that planted seeds in Jiang Wang's heart through them.

And in tonight, Xingyueyuan was born.

What is so powerful about Guan Yan is that when he used one way to collide with the other way, he stopped the Fangzheng star from "speaking" again.

Compared to the two discussing the Dao with Jiang Wang as the battlefield, Fang Zheng Xingchen laid the groundwork and set an "opinion" for Jiang Wang, so that Jiang Wang would naturally lean towards him.

And Guan Yan, after the other party said a few words, sealed the other party's mouth.

Then the outcome is self-evident.

No matter how "opinion" there is, after the other party shuts up, this party can slowly turn around.

"Just now that was..."

When Fangzheng and the stars were dim, Jiang Wang seemed to hear a muffled hum, but it was vaguely unreal.

It seems... a female voice.

Guan Yan's voice was perceived by him through Yuheng's star power, with a faint and gentle smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days, who did you provoke again?"

This sound completely washed away the darkness.

At this time, Jiang Wang's mind was fully awake, and he wanted to understand the cause and effect.

A kind of fear suddenly arises in my heart, Ping An Nation is worthy of being an organization capable of setting off such tricks, and he almost fell for it just now!

"It's an organization called Equality Nation." He replied in his heart.

"Never heard of it."

Guan Yan said: "However, the person who affected you just now did not come from the main body. He relied on the distance between Xingyueyuan and the distant star dome, projected power through the Starlight Holy Building, and used a nearby strong man as the Bridges, this affects you. When I say nearby, I mean around Xingyueyuan. I can’t see beyond Xingyueyuan, so I can’t offer any advice, but it’s probably in the northwest... If you ask your friends to go now Look for it, maybe there may be some clues."

my friend?

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment before he figured out what Guan Yan was talking about was probably the strong man who was secretly following him in the inspection office.

Although he didn't know where those people were hiding, there was always a way to contact them, but...

He said in his heart: "People discovered your existence, I'm sorry..."

Guan Yan's voice seemed to be a smile: "Although I don't want to be in the world now, I have nothing to hide from others. This starlight is like me, and it has been flowing for thousands of years. If you find it, you will find it."

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