Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1088 Only for Asking the Sword

Menzi didn't dare to ask more questions, "forward" all the way, hurried into the mansion, and went to report to his young master.

Wei Yu is only nineteen years old, but his swordsmanship is superb, in the same situation, he is invincible in Xianyang.

He is not pampered, he is only good at private fighting, and he is not very old, but he has already experienced in the Suppressing Liao Army.

"Zhen Liao" is not an ordinary bugle.

Qin has ten soldiers, known as the world's powerful army.

Zhen Liao ranked fifth.

In the past, except for the "Ba Rong" who was the leader of the Qin Shibing, almost every army's name had the word "beast".

For example, Xiaolong ranked second and Fengque ranked third.

Since the Suppressing Liao Army appeared and replaced one of them, in less than a hundred years, four powerful armies with the word "beast" were replaced one after another.

Even in the extremely competitive Great Qin Empire, it is rare for a strong team of the Qin Shibing level to change.

So this army simply took the name of "Suppressing Liao", which means to suppress the fangs, which is far better than the first army. Another meaning is that "Liao" means hunting at night, which means evil ghosts cannibalize people. Zhen Liao will suppress this evil thing and evil deed, so that people in the Qin state will have no worries at night.

When the trumpets of Xiaolong and Fengque were still there, this army was able to retain this name, which shows its tyranny.

Strength is the most important thing in the army, and Wei Yu, who has experienced in such a strong army, has no false combat power. His personal name is "The No. 1 Tenglong in the World", which everyone in Xianyang admires.

However, titles such as No. 1 Youmai in the world, even Zhou Tian, ​​Tong Tian... the No. 1 Tenglong in the world, because it is impossible to go to the Yellow River Meeting, are not recognized by the world...

In short, all major powers have one.

Not only Jing, Qin, Qi, Chu, Jing, and Mu are the six strongest in the world, but some regional powers also have the so-called "No. 1 in the world".

As a matter of course, countries will not recognize each other's so-called number one in the world.

There are more than a dozen versions of the famous instrument score!

What's more, these middle and low-level monks are ranked.

Only Yiwu, the king of Qi, who is the most heaven-reaching realm in the past and present, can be regarded as genuine and recognized by the world. Because he really broke the historical limit and left a milestone in the history of practice.

But just like many powerhouses have always disapproved, no matter how the Tongtian Realm is number one throughout the ages, it is only a Tongtian Realm. Not convincing enough for the future.

After Wang Yiwu was defeated by Jiang Wang in the same realm, the title of the most heaven-reaching realm in all ages... became less and less glorious.

Back to Wei Yu.

He is naturally a man of knowledge, and when he saw the piece of cloth in the door's hand, he could feel the visitor's sharp sword intent.

So he stopped dancing the sword and asked loudly, "Who is this person?"

"He didn't want to mention his name, he just asked me to come and report as soon as possible..." Menzi wiped his sweat and said, "What do you mean, if you match your name with reality, you won't avoid him."

What "genuine goods at a fair price", of course, he dare not truthfully repeat.

But even after embellishment, to Wei Yu's ears... it's too rude.

Don't even dare to report the name, but have the nerve to say "name and truth"?


Wei Yu put the sword back into its sheath, and Shi Shiran walked out: "My lord will meet him for a while!"

The earl's mansion is deep and far away.

Wei Yu walked out of the mansion slowly, glanced at the door, and asked involuntarily, "Where is he?"

There are pedestrians coming and going outside the gate of Bofu, but no one stops.

On the left, there is an idler squatting by the wall basking in the sun, other than that, there are no other people blocking the door.

Menzi rushed forward, looked left and right, pointed at the man squatting by the wall like an old farmer, and said, "My lord, he is the one looking for you!"

He hurried forward and greeted that 'strange man': "Uncle, my young master comes out..."

He still didn't finish his sentence, and the person didn't have time to approach, so the person lazily turned his head and interrupted his words: "What uncle? My brother, if we are in order of age, I may be younger than you !"

He supported the wall with one hand, and slowly got up, not feeling at all that there was anything wrong with calling a disciple his brother.

But he looked at the noble young man who was holding his sword and saying nothing behind this door, and he didn't have the consciousness of being inferior at all: "Your Excellency is the number one Tenglong in the Qin Kingdom, Wei Yu?"

Wei Yu smiled very gracefully: "I'm right here."

"It came so slowly." The person complained very rudely: "Really, I was so sleepy waiting!"

Wei Yu is graceful, but not without temper. Hearing this, he frowned and said, "Your Excellency hides your head and shows your tail. You dare not say your name. Are you afraid to wait for a while?"

"What are you hiding your head and showing your tail!" The person looked puzzled: "Didn't I tell you that I am called Qianqian?"

The gatekeeper of Yi'anbo's mansion wanted to cover his face, it turned out that this person's name was Qianqian, he was not asked to move forward!

Wei Yu was silent for a while, and then said: "I heard that brother Xiang came to visit, is to ask me a sword?"

He carefully looked forward a few times: "Where is the sword?"

Qianqian was still standing by the wall, still looking slovenly and lazy, and said casually: "Swords are everywhere!"

As soon as these words came out, in the eyes of Wei Yu and Menzi, the man suddenly saw vigor.

Especially in Wei Yu's perception, the vigor kept burrowing out. It seems that this person in front of him, this skin... can no longer hide his sword at all!

"Good!" Wei Yu couldn't help praising: "Please come and ask!"

He was already delighted to see Lie Xin, and couldn't help but try his sword outside the gate of the uncle's mansion, and win it decisively.

But this guy named Qianqian glanced at him with those dead fish eyes, and then said: "I traveled all the way west just to test the sword. I don't intend to hurt your face, I don't intend to take your reputation. Let's go to the mansion to ask the sword." ,how?"

Wei Yu smiled, and slowly drew out the long sword, holding the sword on the right side: "Maybe you hurt my face, may you take my reputation, Wei will not complain. As long as you... can do it!"

Bow your head slightly forward to show respect: "So, I offended a certain one."

Only this tribute at this time made Wei Yu feel that this challenger really has an extraordinary background, and he is not a person with nothing but force.

So his hand holding the sword loosened by three points. More comfortable, smoother...and more seriously!

At this moment, look forward.

When he raised his head, the sword was already out.

The moment he raised his head, those lifeless dead fish eyes had become sharp and radiant.

And Wei Yu saw a ray of light from these sharpened eyes.

That spot of light is getting farther and farther away in these eyes, but it is getting closer and closer to himself!

It's the technique of flying swords!

This idea suddenly came to Wei Yu's mind.

Instinctively, he moved forward with a sword.

This sword fell horizontally, like a mountain falling down, majestic for thousands of miles.

Firm and firm, unbreakable.


This sound shook the street in front of the Yi'anbo mansion, causing pedestrians to look sideways.

This cold light directly hit Wei Yu's sword lying in front of him.


With his sword in hand, Wei Yu took more than five steps back and put his foot on the door wall before he could barely stop his retreat!




"Liao" means night hunting. But the part of the evil ghost cannibalism is my own extension in order to strengthen the persuasiveness of the story (distortion is also possible).

In short, the student party should not take it seriously, and don't cheat the exam.

There is at night.

After that, as long as I don't say no in advance, there will be in the evening. until the debt is paid off.

Thanks to the book friends for their tricky nights, and became the leader of this book!

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