Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1089 Don't dare to be called invincible in the future

With a little cold glow, Wei Yu retreated with a sword!

When passers-by on the road looked sideways, what they saw was the scene of Wei Yu standing against the wall with his horizontal sword in front of him.

Can't help but hold my breath.

Wei Yu is not some unknown person, he is recognized by the Qin people as the number one dragon in the world, and the pride of the Qin Dynasty! The future is limitless, and the future is not limited to the present.

Now competing with others in the same situation, it seems to be at a disadvantage.

Who is the enemy?


Wei Yu praised again.

"I yearn for the glory of the flying sword era, and I wish I couldn't come to it. I never imagined that such an ancient flying sword can still be seen today. This is my blessing, Wei Yu!"

He turned the long sword sideways, tilted it in front of him, stepped on his hind foot, and shot out with his whole body.

An extremely strong and fierce sword intent gathered his body and mind, condensed his momentum and strength, kept roaring and condensing...

In the end, both the other person and the sword moved forward.

But Xiangqian still stood at the original position, still leaning against the wall, only raised his hand in front of him in a casual posture, raised his index finger slightly, and flicked forward lightly.


A bit of cold light seemed to appear out of nowhere, and it was touching the tip of the long sword that Wei Yu stabbed out suddenly.

Wei Yu didn't want to make this move at all, he was still seven steps away from his opponent.

But he had to come out!

Just now, his sword told him that if the sword does not come out...he will die!

The momentum is not full, the meaning is not exhausted, but the sword has been released.

It wasn't until the moment when the sword tips touched each other that he saw the opponent's sword clearly for the first time in a real sense.

It was a flying sword without a handle, and it was enlarged to more than two feet at this time. From the whole body, it was full of sword light, nowhere was not sharp, and nowhere was not dazzling.

It seems that it has no substance, but a sword made of endless sword light.

But it is against his own long sword, and it exists so clearly.

You can't use spells, any of your own spells can't stop this sword.

Wei Yu is very aware of this point, and any action other than swinging the sword is a burden at this moment. He can only rely on the sword in his hand, and rely on his extraordinary swordsmanship that he has learned and practiced hard!

His swordsmanship was originally his strongest point.

At this moment, Wei Yu encouraged Dao Yuan with all his strength, penetrated Dao Yuan in the sword, and sent that flying sword forward with force! Then he turned around and drew a wonderful arc in mid-air, cutting through the flowing wind, quickly and relentlessly, and slashed towards the enemy with his sword!


It was such a sound again.

Wei Yu had to draw the sword ahead of time while approaching with the sword, but was forced to stop by the flying sword!

How can I do this?

There was only one thought in Wei Yu's mind.

He turned his wrist, and twisted the long sword on the flying sword several times.

The spiraling sword energy twisted a vortex in the air, and temporarily controlled the incomparably agile flying sword.

Amazing swordsmanship!

As for Wei Yu himself, he used his sword energy to wring out the space and approached him...


The sword he was going to use for the lore had to be cut ahead of time again to block the flying sword that suddenly appeared in front of him!

Others may not understand, but he can understand.

This flying sword is too sharp!

It easily shattered his spiral sword energy, completely unrestrained.

It's not that the other party can't avoid that twist, but deliberately gave him a chance, just to waste his lore sword at this moment!

What kind of judgment is this? What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Wei Yu gritted his teeth, turned around again, Jian Guang slashed three times, forcing the flying sword away.

Stepping on the courtyard wall in one step, it fell from the sky again, as graceful as a frightened bird.

This sword is brilliant and gorgeous...


His sword that flew out of the sky was forced to turn back again!

In the eyes of more and more pedestrians gathered in front of the door of Yi'anbo Mansion and Hebo Mansion, what they saw was that Wei Yu, known as the number one dragon in the Great Qin Dynasty, had all kinds of offensive swordsmanship, which could be called exquisite. Keep attacking, keep moving forward.

But... constantly being forced to retreat.

From the beginning to the end, it was impossible to get within five steps of the opponent!

The man standing like a rock by the wall, motionless, only holding up his sword, looked so terrifying at this moment.

"It seems... that's it."

Qianqian whispered in a voice that no one could hear.

He has only raised one index finger all the time, now the middle finger is also raised, the two fingers are joined together, the thumb, ring finger, and little finger are all closed.

The right hand was sent forward in a stabbing posture, and it straightened instantly.

Pointing at Wei Yu side by side, pointing directly at Wei Yu!

Suddenly, there was a scream.

Because the distance was too close, Wei Yu could no longer tell whether he heard the scream first or saw the cold light first.

In short, when he tried his best and still wanted to fight forward...

Clang, clang!

Three consecutive beeps.

For the first time he was within five steps of his opponent.

However, there was only one sword hilt left in his hand.

Holding the bare hilt of his sword, he was only four steps away from his opponent.

But it stopped there.

These four steps can never be crossed.

Because Wei Yu's posture was too decisive, and his forward momentum was too fierce.

So the way he froze and handed out the hilt of his sword seemed extraordinarily funny and ironic.

But no one laughed.

Even his opponent, the man named Qianqian, didn't mean to ridicule at all.


Maybe the whole long street is too quiet.

The sound of the three blades falling to the ground was so crisp.

People seemed to wake up at this moment. The famous sword in Wei Yu's hand was cut off and split into four pieces on the way of his sprint.

And Wei Yu woke up like a dream.

He held the hilt of his sword and looked forward.

The flying sword could no longer be seen in his eyes, but he asked, "What is the name of this sword?"

The sharpness in Xiangqian's eyes has disappeared.

He seemed to have turned into that slovenly down-and-out guy again, staring at the world listlessly with a pair of dead fish eyes.


Only when he mentioned these four words, his chin slightly raised, with a little self-evident pride.

"Longguang Shedou." He said.

Wei Yu turned the hilt of the sword upside down, held it in the palm of his hand, and bowed forward: "Wei's skills are not as good as others, and he is willing to bow down. He will never dare to call himself invincible."

There is no reason, no excuses, winning or losing has always been such a simple matter.

For Yu Weiyu, today he lost the aura of the world's number one Tenglong, was "robbed" of his reputation, and was cut off from his sword. The bitter fruit of this failure cannot be described as tragic.

But as the victor of this battle, Xiangqian has no awareness of being famous from now on.

There was no excitement on his dejected, dead fish face.

Only said: "Farewell."

Then he turned around, and with his gaze all the way, walked into the distance alone.

Wei Yu's words did not make any waves in his heart.

Perhaps for Wei Yu herself, "not daring to be called invincible" is a great recognition.

But to him... Wei Yu shouldn't be called invincible.

That person is gone, who can be called invincible?

As for the so-called "prestige" of surpassing Qin's No. 1 Tenglong, it is even more mediocre.

He could have come and gone quietly. As he has done most of the way. As long as you win or lose, don't win or lose.

It was Wei Yu's own pride that made him refuse to leave a way out for him.

As for Yu Xiangqian, from the beginning to the end, he was just like what he himself said, this trip, he did not do it to hurt people's face, not to win people's reputation...

Just ask the sword.

Just ask about this sword.

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