Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1090 Cold Light and Myriad Dao Breaks Ignorance

The inheritor of the ancient flying sword technique appeared in Xianyang City and defeated Wei Yu with his sword.

This news shocked many Qin people.

In the eyes of many people, this person's defeat of Wei Yu in the same situation is considered to be the time to buy.

"Learning civil and martial arts, goods and the emperor's family."

This person became famous all over the world in one fell swoop, and he might have been picked up by some big shot and made a bet. From then on, he jumped into the dragon's gate and occupied a place in the Great Qin Empire.

There are indeed some people who are willing to get in touch with this person and find out about him.

In Xianyang City, such a small ripple indeed opened up.

But forward as a fighter, he has already left Xianyang City slowly.

He doesn't care.

Along the Wei River, he went further west.

Weishui has nurtured countless Qin people, but the footprints of ordinary people basically stop at "Wuguan".

This majestic pass city across the Wei River completely blocked the danger from the northwest for the people of Qin.

Only the real "Jiu Jiu Lao Qin", a brave man, can go to Wuguan.

For the Qin people, it is an honor to go to Wuguan and guard it.

As far as Xiangqian is concerned, there may be stronger practitioners in the same realm at Wuguan... who can try his sword.

It is a pity that the famous Wei Yu did not allow him to display his strongest combat power. Maybe at that time, Jiang Qingyang, who defeated Wang Yiwu with the sword and was famous in Linzi, could do it, but unfortunately after that battle, the Jiang Qingyang was already in the palace.

As for leapfrogging and fighting Jiang Wang... No one in the world dares to be so arrogant.

Along the surging Weishui River, go all the way to the northwest.

The big river is rolling, the mist is vast, and the eyesight is poor, but the water is far away from the sky.

To whom is the surging Weishui heading, and for whom is the majestic Wuguan guarding?

This situation is really exciting.

However, this person walking by the Wei River...

He walked forward slowly, with a pair of dead fish eyes open, no matter how he looked, he was listless.

The so-called ink stains on a painting, rat droppings in a pot of porridge... that's about it. It really spoils the atmosphere.

If this person was a servant, he would have been whipped to death by the supervising army several times.

But what other people think, it doesn't matter if you move forward.

Even he himself has no opinion of himself.

The world insults me, scolds me, slanders me, hates me, what should I do?

You are all right...

In short, ask the sword.

That's the only thing that matters.

He is in the same direction as the Wei River, and coexists with the mountains and rivers of the world, but in fact, there is only a flying sword walking with him.

Just like this moment...

Weishui continued to move forward.

But forward stopped.

He was standing on this side of the Weishui, it didn't matter, he looked at the other side with those dead fish eyes.

At that time, the sun was shining golden, and the waves were rippling.

A man wearing a simple black military uniform came from the other side of the Wei River...

Come on waves.

His first impression is that he is hard.

If it wasn't for him moving, it would be like a rock in the Weihe River.

Wherever he went, he stepped on the waves and cut off the rush.

The surging river can only go around him.

And he won't let anyone, and he won't avoid anyone.

In this way, step by step, he walked across the Weihe River and came to Qianqian.

"Gu Feijian, forward?" He asked.

Standing still, looking at him listlessly: "What's the matter?"

"I'm Qin Zhizhen," said the man in black.

He had a determined countenance and was of medium height. What caught the eye was his fist, which was hard and flat, and the peak of his fist was almost smoothed out, just like himself, with no sharpness to be seen. But it gives people the feeling that it is indestructible and unshakable.

His momentum is very sufficient.

His name is also widely known.

Qin Zhizhen is the inner government-level monk participating in the Yellow River Meeting this time.

This is the person who is qualified to compete for the title of the strongest inner mansion in the world, and he is also the hottest figure in Qin today.

But Xiangqian still looked at him calmly, and repeated: "What's the matter?"

Qin Zhizhen said slowly, "I'm Wei Yu's friend."

He spoke at a slow pace, as if he had thought carefully about what to say and which word to say.

So it won't change.

"Oh." Qianqian said: "Show a friend?"

Qin Zhizhen said: "You broke his sword and took his name. As his friend, I should come to ask for an explanation."

There are many things that can be explained for Xiangqian, for example, it is not that he insists on winning the title, but that Wei Yu himself wants to fight openly. For example, in a battle, the sword has no eyes, at most it will not kill Wei Yu, and it is impossible to show mercy to Wei Yu's swordsman.

But in the final analysis, it was indeed he who took the initiative to challenge the door.

Let’s talk about these truths, right or wrong...

It is too much trouble.

Qianqian is the most afraid of trouble.

So he just said: "So, what do you want to explain?"

"It's very simple." Qin Zhizhen said: "I will treat you as you have done to Wei Yu. However, your cultivation level is not enough now, and I, Qin Zhizhen, will not bully you. I will make a contract with you today. Treat your heart After the palace, come and fight with me."

His speaking speed was still not fast, but he was firm, hard, and very weighty: "At that time, I will take your name, and I will smash your sword."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper with an old smell.

On the top of this piece of paper, there are three big characters written in Qin Dynasty—Military Order.

Especially the word "Ling", which has a seal on it, has a solemn flavor.

Looking down, there is a large blank space on the entire military order, only on the left side, there is a fist imprinted, which should undoubtedly be Qin Zhizhen's fist.

And the blank space on the right is obviously reserved for moving forward.

Going forward is Wei Yu who is challenging from the same situation, and Qin Zhizhen also wants to challenge going forward from the same situation, for the sake of fairness. This military order is to prevent Xiangqian from avoiding the possibility of fighting.

Looking forward, he glanced at the military order expressionlessly: "Actually, you don't need to say, after the Inner Palace, I will come to meet the heroes of Qin again."

He raised his eyelids: "But... If you want to fight, why wait later?"

His pair of dead fish eyes, which were originally lifeless, suddenly became more energetic at this moment.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​five houses that no one could see, a stream of light flashed across and crashed directly into the boundless fog of ignorance.

At the next moment, tens of thousands of sword glows came out through the fog!

The cold light breaks ignorance.

The fog of ignorance that enveloped the Wufu Sea was cut into pieces and wiped away.

And the tens of thousands of Han Guangfu gathered again, turning into a small flying sword, and only picked it in the air.


The First Inner Palace showed its signs and opened up.

The sword knocks on the door of the inner mansion!

On the edge of the Wei River, he temporarily cut through the ignorance, opened the inner mansion, and jumped to the same level as Qin Zhizhen, so as to fulfill the opponent's promise of a war!

Qin Zhizhen, who was as firm as a rock, couldn't help being a little surprised.

This Gu Feijian heir, challenged all the way, obviously did not intend to break through now. Judging by his route, he probably has to go to Wuguan to ask for swords in the same place.

And Qin Zhizhen is confident enough that he can still defeat him after he leaps to the inner palace in a perfect state. In the same way, I want an explanation for Wei Yu.

It's just that he didn't expect that this seemingly lazy person who doesn't care about anything... Once sharpened, he is also really sharp.

There was a moment of silence. Qin Zhizhen said: "I'm not a bully. I'm willing to wait for you for a few years. Why do you do that?"

Xiangqian said with a rare earnestness: "Someone is walking up step by step in the abyss of despair, all the way forward."

"That light shines on me."

He made a gesture of invitation to Qin Zhizhen.

"And I don't want to retreat anymore."

Two-in-one at night is considered a basic update, which is even more of an update.

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