Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1095 ?

Chapter 1095   "Qi Guan"

Teams from all over the world marched towards Guanhetai one after another.

The troops of Qi State set out from Linzi, went west through Zheng State, went around the north of Jing State, finally passed through Ji State, and went from Wo State to Guanhetai.

Speaking of which, Jingguo is in the due west of Qi State, and Guanhe Terrace is in the due west of Jingguo.

Qi State's team went directly through Jing State and headed west, which was obviously the fastest route.

But obviously it's impossible to go this way...

Among other things, when the cavalry army of the Qi State crossed the border, if the Jing State officials asked you to disband the troops, would you understand or not?

Jingguo's series of rules and various Taoist etiquettes, do you abide by them or not?

We are all the top six in the world, and whoever gives in to the other will not look good.

Simply turn the avenue to the sky, and each walks on one side.

Every year, the team of Qi State spares no effort to go around the boss and rush to Guanhetai via Wo State.

Jingguo also remained silent, and walked wherever you wanted.

The location of the "Land of Fertile Soil" is naturally excellent, and the land is also very fertile.

But it was the meeting of the Yellow River that really made this small country develop and prosper.

The so-called "Yellow River section" in the vast land and sea is exactly between Wo State and Jing State Jingtian Mansion.

Further west of the country of Wo is the Tianma Plateau.

Not to mention the countries from the south, most of the national teams from the north have to pass through the country of Wo to go to Guanhetai.

The Qi State in the Eastern Region, which has chosen to detour all the year round, even established a "Qi Pavilion" in Wo State to receive Qi people who pass through this place. Of course, the most important function is to let Qi's expedition team stop to rest when the Yellow River reaches the target water level.

Muguo also has "Muyuan" here, and Jingguo has "Jinglou" here.

There is no need to elaborate on other various small countries.

So many national forces have set up footholds here, but unexpectedly harmonious, each other does not interfere with each other.

As a result, the country of Wo became a transportation hub-like existence, with the style of a hundred flowers blooming. Businessmen from many countries must stop here when they pass by.

And because of the checks and balances of all parties, a certain detached independence has been maintained.

Of course, being so close to Jing Guo, it was impossible to completely escape Jing Guo's influence. It can be prosperous, but not powerful.



Cao Jie is neither tall nor strong.

Even his facial features, amidst lukewarm swallowing, naturally carried a bitter look. There is almost no aggressiveness, but it looks easy to bully.

If Jiang Rumo, the Prime Minister of the State, is said to be a "grandmother's face", then he can be said to be a "little daughter-in-law" face.

Both of them were equally low-key.

Jiang Rumo can be said to be the one with the lowest sense of presence among Qixiang in all dynasties. The political platform is mild, the affairs are mellow, and the win-win situation is highly respected. It is often like spring wind and rain, moistening things silently, and things are done without any traces.

There is an old incident that may explain Jiang Rumo's behavior style.

When he was in the Ministry of Rites, there was a servant in the same hall who regarded him as his biggest competitor and made him his enemy everywhere.

As an ordinary person, he would have tried every means to fight to the death of his opponent. Those high officials walked all the way up, and I don't know how many political enemies fell behind them.

And how did Jiang Rumo do it?

At that time, there was an opportunity to be released as a county guard, which was very rare. The experience of serving as a county guard and shepherd guarding one side is also a very useful resume for entering the political affairs hall.

Jiang Rumo had a better chance, but he gave up on his own initiative and recommended the servant who was his enemy to the Zhengshitang.

The servant became the sheriff, and he went to show off in front of Jiang Rumo, making all sorts of sarcasm. Jiang Rumo also responded with a smile, and resigned himself to it.

Later, it was the servant's teacher who couldn't stand it anymore and told him the inside story.

This person knew that he was able to become the sheriff because of Jiang Rumo's nomination. From then on, he was convinced of Jiang Rumo, and even said, "In this life, I am willing to guard the courtyard gate for Jiang Shilang."

In the Ministry of Rites, however, Jiang Rumo lost an opponent who was always holding him back, and outside the capital, he gained a sympathetic friend. The other officials in the Ministry of Rites also admired him very much because of this, he was very handy in doing things, and he made a lot of achievements. A few years later, there was a vacancy in the Ministry of Rites, and almost all the officials in the Ministry of Rites elected him as his successor.

After that, he was out of control, and his official career was prosperous all the way. He entered the political affairs hall and became a court official. Even now, an extremely personable minister, became the Prime Minister of the Great Qi, and the leader of the Political Affairs Hall.

In comparison, Cao Jie in the Military Hall did not have a great reputation.

He is not like Ji Tu, he is a well-known general in the world, and he has the reputation of stopping children from crying at night. It's not like the military god Jiang Mengxiong, who is invincible and invincible.

He fought many battles, but did not lead any famous battles.

In some famous big battles, he either cooperated with this famous general or that famous general.

In short, he was steady, and the other generals were shining brightly, so he sat firmly behind. It is always "secondary merit" and "secondary merit".

Moreover, he has fought many defeats, and the number of defeats is more than the rest of the nine generals in the military hall combined. But there has never been a fiasco of total annihilation.

No matter what kind of battle situation you face, you can always keep a part of your troops to retreat. But that's all. What kind of counterattack and turning defeat into victory rarely happened to him.

It is such a general who seems to have no achievements, but his ranking in the military hall is only below Jiang Mengxiong.

Emperor Qi once said: "The world's military is the first, and the country is also. The world's best fighters are all Cao."

"Zhen Guo" is Jiang Mengxiong, Generalissimo of Zhen Guo.

In Emperor Qi's view, the most powerful soldier in the world is Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi Army. But when it comes to people who can fight in the world, the first thing he thinks of is Cao Jie.

Of course, this evaluation is recognized by the people of Qi, but not by people from other countries.

Even within Qi, many people disagree with the second half of the sentence.

It is difficult for people to understand how Cao Jie, who has no sense of existence, can be compared with the military god in the way of using soldiers?

The army of spring death is famous all over the world, but who is the commander of the army of spring death, many people have to think about it before they can remember.

In short, he is such a plain person.

People who met Cao Jie for the first time probably wouldn't have any respect for him.

He does look inconspicuous.

But when he sat there and wanted to say something, he naturally had an air of awe-inspiring attitude.

At least at this time in the "Qi Pavilion", no one dared to underestimate him among the three heroes of the kingdom sitting opposite him.

"Do you know why the Yellow River Meeting was held in the first place?" Cao Jie asked.

At this moment, there are only four of them in the lobby.

Ji Zhaonan didn't speak, he naturally knew it well.

Chong Xuanzun also smiled and remained silent.

Only Jiang Wang said in a daze, "Uh... Divide the territory?"

He did not know the inside story, but he had nothing to hide.

Cao Jie smiled: "It's not unreasonable."

He looked at the arrogance of the three kingdoms, and mainly said to Jiang Wang: "Since the Middle Ages, the human emperor has chased the dragon emperor in the sea, and the dragon race has disappeared in this world. dragon."

He stretched out his hand to draw a long line on the table, and then tapped on the long line with his fingers: "He is the master of this long river. Control all the aquatic species in this world."

Jiang Wang was inexplicably shocked.

He has also traveled to the Changhe several times, and he has a certain degree of understanding of the Aquarium. He believes that there must be Aquarium in the Changhe. But I never knew that there was an old dragon here!

"In the Middle Ages, didn't all the Dragon Clan retreat to the sea following the Dragon King's defeat?" Jiang Wang asked.

Cao Jie said meaningfully: "As long as there is a spirit of wisdom, who has no self-consciousness? Not all dragons agree with the concept of the Dragon Emperor."

"The Changhe River is too vast and majestic. After the Dragon Emperor was expelled, the power of the Changhe Dragon Lord alone was not enough to suppress it. Therefore, in modern times, disasters frequently occurred on the Changhe River, raging on both sides of the river. The ancestors on both sides of the river, the victims were helpless count."

"The sages built a river viewing platform at the section of the Yellow River, and here they jointly suppressed the water veins of the Changhe River. Because countless creatures on both sides depend on the Changhe River for their lives, they cannot be suppressed to death. If you intend to control the power, the seal will inevitably be in the Changhe River. It is constantly washed and loosened. Therefore, every once in a while, the sages will come to strengthen the seal. This is the earliest meeting of the Yellow River."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it also means showing off force."

He noticed the sentence that Cao Jie emphasized—the Long River Lord, in name, rules over all the water tribes in this world.

Cao Jie laughed, feeling like a child can be taught: "Longjun Changhe, now he is only in name to rule over all the water tribes in this world. At the beginning of modern times, that person was not just in name, but in fact He is the real master of the aquatic tribes, ruling over all aquatic tribes."

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking, isn't that another Dragon Emperor?

It's just that after losing the support of other dragon clans and half of the aquatic clans have withdrawn from Canghai, the power and strength of the master of the aquatic clans are not as good as the Dragon Emperor.

The split of the Shui Clan is probably also related to the layout of the Emperor. This Changhe Dragon Lord should be the son of the Human Emperor in the Shui Clan.

The final result is also very satisfactory - at least for the Terran.

After the great split of the Shui Clan, they were still able to cross the sea, fighting back and forth with the Eastern Territory Human Race in the Lost Realm. It can be seen how powerful the aquarium was in the earliest days.

And in such a glorious era, the Renhuang Lieshan clan chased the Dragon Emperor into the sea, split the Shui clan into the Changhe, and stabilized the position of the human race's current master. It has to be said that it is a great achievement.

After that, for a long time, Lord Changhe Long gradually lost the power to control the world's water veins, and only served as the nominal co-owner of the world's water tribes. In fact, the water tribes everywhere have either become self-governing, or joined forces with the human race.

Changhe Longjun can only control Changhe.

Or it may not be possible to control the long river, because every meeting of the Yellow River is a time for the powers of various countries to suppress the water level and show off their force...

After the efforts of countless sages, and Changhe Longjun either consciously or unconsciously retreated.

The Shui tribe, which once had conflicts with the human race in the Middle Ages, has now coexisted harmoniously. The human and aquatic tribes continue the ancient covenant and are almost one.

At least in publicity on the surface, many people believe that the Shui people are just the human race living in the water. The two races share the same origin and are closely related.

This is already a sign of great convergence.

That's why Jiang Wang was angry when he saw someone privately robbing the women of the Shui tribe on the banks of the Qingjiang River.

This is how he was educated since he was a child. He was motivated by the kindness and passion of a young man, and his simple feelings. Regard the aquarium as "people".

This is exactly what those sages wanted to see back then.

But, probably time has changed. Many people have probably felt that the human race no longer needs the help of the aquatic race. Whether it is foreign wars or the suppression and regulation of water veins. There is no longer any talk of great integration, nor any ancient covenant.

Now there is even a country like Luo that blatantly sells slaves of the Shui people, and a monarch like Zhuang Gaoxian who oppresses and manipulates the Shui people as a tool of war...

But how?

As Master Guanyan said, everyone has his "should", and everyone has his ideal world.

Perhaps in the "ideal world" of many people, the aquarium should only exist as slaves and tools of war.

Jiang Wang is slowly getting to know this world, but he still doesn't know enough.

He has been thinking all the way, but he dare not say that his thinking is right.

He wanted to get some teachings from Cao Jie.

But Cao Jie didn't continue this topic, but changed the subject: "Except for Zhaonan. Do you two know what is assigned to the Yellow River meeting?"

Chong Xuanzun smiled and said nothing.

Ji Zhaonan has already been dismissed, so naturally he has nothing to say...

Jiang Wang shook his head resolutely: "I heard from Chong Xuansheng that everyone sat down to divide the territory, but I didn't ask in detail how and what the territory was divided."

Cao Jie looked at him and couldn't help laughing: "You didn't understand anything, so you came to the meeting of the Yellow River?"

Jiang Wang said frankly: "I only know that I want to be number one in the world. I know this is enough."

This may be a somewhat arrogant sentence, but he said it sincerely and firmly. He did think so, so he said so.

As soon as this remark came out, Ji Zhaonan twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled appreciatively.

Chong Xuanzun couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Just now, he suddenly thought. If he hadn't chosen to make a breakthrough at that time, but had fought with Jiang Wang in the same place before the Taimiao, it would have been exciting if he thought about it...

"Very good." Cao Jie said approvingly, "Knowing what you want is already difficult. It's even more difficult to be firm about what you want."

His eyes flicked over Jiang Wang, Chong Xuanzun, and Ji Zhaonan one by one: "I look forward to you showing the flag for the country!"

On behalf of the Qi State, General Cao made his wish here, and wants to win the third prize at the Yellow River Meeting...!

Jiang Wang was not humble at this time, but said: "Just do everything you can."

Ji Zhaonan sat up straight and didn't say anything. But as he sits here, he is already the answer.

But Chong Xuanzun had a vague smile on his mouth, as if he didn't think it was such a difficult goal to accomplish.

Cao Jie smiled, very satisfied in his heart.

Among the three, Jiang Wang didn't hide or pretend. If you don't understand something, just ask openly. Where there is doubt, boldly suspect, not afraid of making mistakes. Very sober, very firm.

As for Ji Zhaonan and Chongxuanzun, they both knew a lot about the intelligence of the Yellow River Meeting. But he is not in a hurry to perform at this moment, not to grab the so-called limelight at this moment. All without saying a word, just listening...

They are all proud people. he thinks.




ps: I said those words yesterday to reverse the anxiety of some readers, so that everyone can calm down and read the book. Not to hate anyone. There was a little grievance that was not understood, and I couldn't control it. My apologies if the wording hurt anyone.

Everyone who urges and encourages likes this book, so don't quarrel.

I will try to write more, and at the climax of the Yellow River Conference, I will come up with a million words or something. (It may not be possible, but I will try my best.)

Love you guys.

The two chapters are merged, which is today's basic update. There will be more updates at night.

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