Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1096 ?The Meeting of the Prodigy of the Nations

Chapter 1096: The Meeting of the Prodigy of the Nations

Inside the hall.

Cao Jie looked at Jiang Wang, and said slowly: "As the pride of my great Qi, you also went out for the country to participate in this meeting of the Yellow River. There are some things you should know. The origin of the meeting of the Yellow River, I have just said .The next thing I want to talk about is resources.”

"Do you know the origin of Kaimai Pill?" He asked.

The origin of Kaimaidan...

Reminiscent of the old demon clan he saw in Xu country, Jiang Wang vaguely guessed something.

Said softly: "Know a thing or two."

"Then I needn't waste my breath."

Cao Jie said in an emotional tone: "As we all know, our human race became the master of the world only after winning the battle with the monster race. It was a tragic war that took place in ancient times. It was related to the sovereignty of the present world and our human race. life and death. The flames of war have swept through every corner of the world, and no wise soul can stay out of it."

"The monster race was driven out of the world, and the human race became the masters of the present world. The long and dark ancient era is over. How long that era was, it is impossible to verify. But it is over..."

He changed the subject: "However, the monster clan's counterattack has never stopped. They launched attacks again and again outside the world, regardless of the cost, regardless of life and death. The blood of the human race and the monster race will never stop."

"The history of the early ancient times was the continuous history of the war between the human race and the monster race that counterattacked the present world. But this situation changed in the middle of the ancient times.

The second generation of human emperors, Xiong Shi, joined forces with the three Daoist priests to jointly build the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, completely cutting off the hope of the Monster Race to return to the present world! "

Taoism is the earliest source of practice, and the "Tao" at that time was the "Tao" of the Great Dao.

All practitioners are collectively referred to as "Tao".

It wasn't until later, with the continuous development of the practice world, that there was a gradual differentiation.

Hundreds of schools of thought in the present world all recognize "Tao" as the source of practice.

And today's Taoist three veins have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and they are all orthodox. But this "Tao" is only the "Tao" of Taoism in this world.

It can't cover that much.

Human Sovereign has the Xiong family, and the three Taoist priests, of course they are all great existences. Completely cutting off the hope of the Yaozu's counterattack is also a great achievement for the human race.

It's just that this is indeed the first time Jiang Wang has heard of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Even, if he hadn't followed Yin Guan that time to find out in Xuguo Songtao City, he wouldn't have known what a "monster" looked like. It is even more difficult to understand the relationship between Yaozu and Kaimaidan.

Jiang Wang hesitated and said, "This Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters..."

Cao Jie affirmed his guess: "Jingguo's capital, Tianjing City, stands on the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters!"

The Jing and Mu countries fought against the demons on the line of life and death, and Qi joined forces with the small countries in the eastern region and the offshore islands to fight against the sea people in the lost world for years.

It doesn't make sense for Jing Guoxiong to dominate the Central Territory, but he doesn't have to bear any responsibilities.

I see……

Jingguo, which is faintly regarded as the most powerful country in the world, is guarding the monster clan!

"I see." Jiang Wang muttered to himself.

"The so-called 'the son of heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country.', Jing Taizu, who founded Tianjing City, is indeed a great existence." Cao Jie said with a smile: "It's just that. Hehe, the monster race was the life and death of our human race in ancient times. The enemy, now, can only be regarded as a cultivation resource."

Yaozu can become the "raw material" of Kaimai Pill, so it can naturally be regarded as a cultivation resource.

"But Jingguo's family is not responsible for the monster clan, and he can't handle it. Which family doesn't have an army to fight behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

It turns out that all powerful countries have troops behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters...

Or to put it this way, the ability to send troops to fight behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is one of the criteria for a "powerful country".

"Besides, Jing Mu's fight against the demons didn't gain anything. Qin Chu didn't need to say that either. When we all fought against the Sea Clan, after the changes in the sea, they couldn't use their Dao veins. How poor the Sea Clan is, Jiang Wang, you are a second-rank sea guard, and Zhaonan also went to the Lost Realm this time, so I know it well in my heart."

"According to the calculations, only the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters can gain something, and it involves such fundamental gains as the Kaimai Pill. The war is the war of the entire human race, and the harvest is also the harvest of the entire human race. Jing Guo It must not be swallowed alone."

Cao Jie finally said: "What kind of resources will be distributed by the Yellow River? This is what will be distributed!"

He glanced at Ji Zhaonan and said, "Zhaonan, you have been fighting behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters all year round, and tell them about it."

No wonder it is said that Ji Zhaonan must know the truth about the Yellow River meeting.

No wonder a strong man like Ji Zhaonan seldom appeared in Linzi and disappeared all year round.

It turns out...he has been fighting the monster clan behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters!

Jiang Wang finally understood where the lingering murderous aura in Ji Zhaonan's body came from.

Ji Zhaonan's Peerless Armor was put away after leaving Linzi, and the Shaohua Spear was also in the storage box at this time.

He was wearing a frost-colored military uniform, with nothing on his hands, but his sitting posture was straight and sharp.

At this time, he first gave a wry smile: "Yaozu, it's not that easy to fight."

"In fact, in the ancient times, the great war between the human race and the monster race was not worth the loss, otherwise the sages would not have to work hard to build the gate of ten thousand monsters.

Only later, some sages devoted themselves to research, catalyzed wild beasts into fierce beasts, and then used the monster race as a guide to create monster beasts with natural Dao veins. Since then, Kaimai Pill has a new source. A monster clan can make a lot of open pulse pills. At this time, the income from conquering the monster clan can barely balance.

After another generation of development, until now, it can be said that the gains outweigh the sacrifices. But this "greater than" sacrifice is also extremely tragic..."

After adding some ancient secrets, Ji Zhaonan continued: "The world behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is very vast. And the monster clan itself is composed of many tribes. Naturally, some tribes are difficult to fight, while others are easy to fight." .Some places have high risks and high returns, and some places have great risks and low returns, while there are also treasure lands with low risks but considerable returns.”

He looked at Jiang Wang: "What you said about dividing the territory is the territory behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters."

It turns out that monsters are not born from heaven and earth, but nurtured by humans. In order to increase the output of Kaimai Pill!

It turns out that the war between the human race and the monster race has never ended from ancient times to the present day...

Jiang Wang sat upright and said solemnly: "Jiang Wang has been taught."

Given Ji Zhaonan's background, qualifications and demeanor, what good places can't he go? But he has been fighting silently behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. If it weren't for this meeting of the Yellow River, Jiang Wang would only know that there are three disciples of the God of War alive, but he doesn't know who the second one is.

No amount of respect can be overstated for this general who fought bloody battles behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Just like Ding Jingshan who sits on the isolated island of the Lost World, they are the backbone of the human race.

Ji Zhaonan smiled relaxedly: "As you said, the meeting of the Yellow River is where everyone sits down and divides the territory, but how to divide it, who should give it to some newly opened territories, and where all the guards have died, what should be done?" Who will take over... There must always be a standard."

"Before we talk, we have to try our swords and guns. But it is impossible to let Marshal Zhenguo and the others come to kill them, and no one can accept them... So, in the end, we are the ones to come."

He said—

"This is Guanhe Terrace, the meeting of the heavenly prides of all nations."

Thanks to the lord hello for another lord reward!

Jianmeng said that I was not in a good mood yesterday, please comfort me.

O, O has comfort!

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