Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1097 ? Fengcheng

Chapter 1097 Fengcheng

Ji Zhaonan was still sitting there in the posture of a soldier, like a gun, like a pine, but his tone was very ordinary: "So I came back from the front line, just for the sake of me, the generals of Daqi, who can share a few pieces behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters." Good site. Fewer deaths, more resources."

"Fewer people die, and more resources are gained."

This is such a simple and powerful sentence.

The faint smile on Chong Xuanzun's mouth completely disappeared at this moment.

So he no longer has a sense of intimacy, his elegance, his pride, can completely make people feel the distance,

Now, he is very serious.

Jiang Wang's mood is also different.

Although Jiang Wang said that he only needs to know one thing about this Yellow River meeting, and he wants to be number one in the world. Just knowing this is enough.

Nothing will affect his resolve.

He was doing it for his position in Qi, for helping Chongxuansheng better, and for stabilizing early so that he could take good care of his younger sister.

So he has to do his best to take the number one in the world.

But after listening to the narrations of Cao Jie and Ji Zhaonan, he truly understood the significance of the Yellow River Meeting.

Feel the weight of the meeting of the Yellow River.

At Guanhetai, they are not only fighting for the first place in the world, but also not only the national honor.

It is a real national interest.

After victory or defeat, countless resources and incalculable human lives.

No wonder all countries in the world attach so much importance to it.

No wonder all the arrogances are here to fight for the top!

Jiang Wang has always said that he will do his best, and he will indeed.

But there is a premise, that is, to retain the magical powers of going astray.

Once the wrong way is exposed to the public, it will definitely be cracked by the Tianjiao of the same level. With the talent and background of those Tianjiao, in the worst case, they will find a way to resist.

This is unavoidable.

But Jiang Wang is even thinking at this time, for the weight behind this victory, can he pay more when necessary?

For example... do not keep astray.

"We will display the flag for the country." Jiang Wang said seriously.

"Show the flag on three sides." Chong Xuanzun continued.

Ji Zhaonan smiled: "Of course."

There is no good relationship between these three people, no matter who is with whom.

Some are contradictory.

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun had a conflict because of Chong Xuansheng.

Chong Xuanzun and Ji Zhaonan were in conflict because of Wang Yiwu.

Jiang Wang and Wang Yiwu fought to death. As Wang Yiwu's senior brother, one can imagine where Ji Zhaonan stands.

But at this moment, because of the same weight they carry, they have a common goal. For a moment, the vague and uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment between the three of them disappeared without a trace.

And this is why Cao Jie called them together to talk about the meeting of the Yellow River.

Although the three of them participated in battles of different levels, before the decisive battle, the three armies must be united. This is the most simple principle of using troops.

All the good fighters in the world are all Cao Cao.



As the capital of a country with fertile soil, compared with the capitals of many small countries, Fengcheng can be regarded as quite prosperous.

At least from Jiang Wang's point of view, few places can compare.

There is a cangfeng city in Yangdi, which is very similar to the name of Fengcheng. But the abundant city of Wo Country is not only rich in "warehouses".

When he entered the city, he saw the bustling stream of people and the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere, which almost made Jiang Wang think that he was in some city in Qi State.

And looking around, there are thousands of buildings and hundreds of styles. It is quite admirable that the styles of various countries are so harmoniously unified.

Although this city cannot be compared with Linzi, it is indeed a rare and prosperous place.

Of course, this is not the case for Yu Wenduo...

"What, this is far worse than our royal court!" Yu Wenduo muttered as he walked, "They still talk about the place of clothes and clothes, and say that we are so stupid and so barbaric. Tsk tsk."

There was a bit of resentment in his tone.

He grew up in the grassland since he was a child, and later he was on duty at the line of life and death. It is true that he has not seen much of the scenery of various countries.

In the early years, I have always heard people say that the eyes of people in Zhongyu are higher than the top, and they don't think much of grassland people.

In the end, I came to the country of Wo to have a look, and it was nothing more than that, and it was said to be the capital!

Although he admits that the place is not bad, it is obviously not as good as the High Court.

Wearing a bronze mask, Zhao Rucheng said helplessly: "The strength of the Wo Kingdom may not be as strong as your Yuwen Department. How can you compare them with the Supreme Royal Court?"

The sense of honor and disgrace of this prairie brother is really quite strong.

"Anyway, it's just this petty look. People in Zhongyu have the nerve to look down on us?" Yu Wenduo snorted through his nostrils: "It's really just watching the sky from a well!"

He completely regarded Zhao Rucheng as his own prairie man, saying "we" in every mouthful. It is imperative that Zhao Rucheng, like him, share honor and disgrace, and share the same hatred.

"Actually, you misunderstood. The people in the Central Region don't look down on the grassland people." Zhao Rucheng explained: "They are in the southeast and northwest regions, and they look down on everyone..."

Yu Wenduo: ...

"My Muguo warriors on Guanhetai must make the people of Jingguo look good!" He suddenly became angry.

Immediately, he turned into a complaining tone: "Oh! It's a pity that Jin Ge is not strong enough, so he still insists on occupying a spot. Those who are capable, but refuse to take the stage..."

Well, I have learned to be roundabout.

Jin Gena also fought all over the grasslands, and he was selected as the number one in the inner court, so where is his strength not enough?

Being defeated by Yu Wenduo is like nothing, it seems that Jin Ge is going through the back door.

One word, "sour".

Zhao Rucheng didn't bother to answer, and just continued to look at the buildings on the side of the road.

Yu Wenduo wanted to be bored, so he had no choice but to accept the attitude of not wanting to be beaten, and after taking two steps, he became impatient again: "You don't even go out in the royal court, what's there to do here, why do you have to come out?"

Zhao Rucheng sighed: "I didn't let you follow."

Why didn't I find out before that this guy talks so much? I really miss the days when everyone handed over the head of the yin demon with one hand and the soul stone with the other... At that time, it was so crisp and neat, without delay.

"Hey." Yu Wenduo was not at all embarrassed: "I'm afraid you don't know the way."

Zhao Rucheng didn't care about it because he had already reached his destination for going out today.

He stopped and looked at it quietly for a while, and asked, "Where is the Qi Pavilion?"

Yu Wenduo poked his head over, took a look after him, curled his lips and said, "Yes, the Qi people arrived before us. They are positive!"

From Mu Country to Wo Country is naturally shorter than from Qi Country to Wo Country.

And the Qi people made such a big circle, and the team arrived in Fengcheng first, so he said that the Qi people were too active.

As the two overlords whose spheres of influence have come into contact, the relationship between the Mu State and the Qi State is of course difficult to call harmony. The former always wants to stretch his legs to the east, and the latter often wants to see the scenery of the north. Each supported some small countries, and they coexisted harmoniously on the surface, but there were many fights in the dark.

Of course, Qi State and Mu State still have a tacit understanding when it comes to targeting Jing State.

Therefore, Yuwenduo's resentment towards the people of Jingguo is relatively greater.

Zhao Rucheng couldn't help but glared at him: "How did I find that you don't like this all day long, and you don't like that? Jing Ren is also annoying, and Qi Ren is also annoying. You can stay at home and don't go out, so as not to feel tired !"

He taught the lesson with confidence, but Yu Wenduo didn't listen to it at all, suddenly raised his right hand high, and said ostentatiously: "This way! Over here!"

His voice was so uninhibited that passers-by on the road looked sideways.

And Zhao Rucheng swept his eyes, and saw Helian Yunyun walking towards him with a bright smile.

A sense of absurdity arises spontaneously in my heart——

"I was betrayed by Yu Wenduo, a fool?"

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