Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1101 Cang Qing

Received Ye Qingyu's reply letter, on the way to Wo country.

Because he was in the team going to the Yellow River Meeting, and thinking that he would be at Guanhetai soon, Jiang Wang didn't reply.

He was really surprised by Du Yehu's situation.

Although Ye Qingyu said that Du Yehu "misunderstood" him deeply.

But he knew Du Yehu's character well.

Du Yehu would not misunderstand him.

It can only be said that something that he doesn't know now should have happened, which made Du Yehu make his own decision.

And Du Yehu's one can change it.

Just like when he decided to take the path of the ancient military family's energy and blood, he went to Jiujiang Xuanjia to join the army.

The other people knew how dangerous this road was, but they also knew better that they couldn't stop Du Yehu.

Jiang Wang could only silently deduce the exercise for him.

And people like Ling He, who like to speak hard, didn't speak, only worried every day after Du Yehu left. Seeing the soldier with the message, his first reaction was to cry.

In fact, the five of them at the beginning...everyone had a very "positive" idea.

That's why they were congenial and became brothers.

Anyway, since Du Yehu is safe now and is doing well, let him go for now.

It is impossible to change his decision, and it is impossible to kidnap people now.

Then you can only choose to believe, believe in Du Yehu.

Don't know what he's doing, don't know what he wants to do.

But trust him.

And I... just keep going.

When Jiang Wang finished his practice temporarily and opened the door to come out, he found that the Tianfu soldier guarding the corridor was the same one from yesterday.

Then he asked with a smile, "Did you not let those shepherds find out the secret?"

The soldier said with a smile: "These prairie barbarians spend a lot of money, but the museum has made a lot of gold."

Jiang Wang doesn't have any identity boundaries, and he doesn't feel that he is handing over the details.

What makes him respectful is often a person's morality and behavior, never status.

Hearing this, he only smiled and said: "It's not good to earn money from others and call them barbarians behind their backs."

In the joke, there was indeed a bit of criticism. He still remembers the so-called "mountain barbarians" in Sanshan City back then, and he still has a deep impression on them.

The soldier scratched his head: "It's not very good, I won't talk about it in the future."

"By the way." He shared the 'secret' again and said: "Among the three prairie people, there is a princess from the Mu country! Several brothers have seen the blue eyes."

Jiang Wang sighed regretfully: "You didn't tell me earlier."

With that said, he went downstairs.

He came out on purpose to find Cao Jie.

Since Cao Jie, the commander of the Spring Death Army, supervised the expedition, it is reasonable for him, Jiang Wang, as a "soldier" under Cao Jie, to ask General Cao for some spiritual questions, right?

General Cao is of course busy with his affairs. But now I'm not in China, so I don't have much to do, so I should have some time.

And the meeting of the Yellow River is the biggest thing right now.

In terms of emotion and reason, we should give pointers.



In the "Pasture Garden".

The Great Shepherd Princess Helian Yunyun was grooming her Snowflake Conn in the extravagantly decorated single-family stable.

For many prairie people, horses are life.

Although Helian Yunyun is a princess of a country, she often feeds the horses by herself. No one would think it was inappropriate for her to take care of her horse.

"Cher, Cher."

While slowly moving the wooden comb, Helian Yunyun muttered: "I wonder if you like 'Qing'er'?"

"Xue'er" is the name of this Xue Huacong, and "Qing'er" is the name she gave to Zhao Rucheng's green-maned horse.

Of course, she has not informed Zhao Rucheng that his horse already has a name.

Don't worry, things have to be done step by step.

A true blood child of the Helian family, the most glorious descendant of the Holy Blood tribe, and the best hunter on the grassland, she is very patient.

"Xue'er" tilted her head, obviously she didn't think much of the green-maned horse.

Before, it was just because of the instigation of the master, "acting on the spot".

"Why are you so superficial?" He Lianyun said a lesson: "The bloodline is not as good as yours, and the strength is not as good as you, but is bloodline so important? As a horse with noble bloodlines, you have divinity. Have your own pursuit!"

She pinched Xue Huacong's ears: "He looks pretty good-looking too, do you admit it?"

"Xue'er"'s big eyes were full of innocence.

"Do you admit it?" Helian Yunyun asked.

So it snorted...

"Look, we have reached an agreement." Helian Yunyun let go of his hand, and continued to comb it with a happy face.

"your Highness!"

A figure rushed into the stable, as if the door panel was pressed several feet into the house.

But it is Jin Ge, the son of Jin Tandu, the master of Iron Buddha.

The smile on Helian Yunyun's face remained unchanged, and he turned his head: "What's wrong?"

Jin Ge's mighty face, which was exactly the same as his father's, was filled with anger at this moment: "I invited you to go swimming in the lake yesterday, but you said you didn't have time. But it turned out that you went out with that savage from Yuwen's family?"

Helian Yunyun was still smiling: "Don't call him a savage, it's rude. He has a name."

Her smile is really nice and bright.

It is like the brilliant rays of light spreading slowly in the distant sky on the vast and endless prairie. Dazzling.

Only in this way, Jin Ge was even more angry.

"He doesn't have the holy blood of the grassland at all, and he doesn't know where it came from. He has no clan and no clan. What is it if he is not a savage?"

Helian Yunyun sighed softly: "General Jin, you are tired, go back and rest early."

"What's so good about that person? You are so noble, you are a colorful cloud in the blue sky, but you want to go to the mud?"

Not only did Jin Ge not retreat, but he took a step forward instead: "I, Jin Ge! The future master of Tiefutu, how can I not compare to him?"

His tall and majestic body stood in front of Helian Yunyun like an iron wall.

"If you have to say..." Helian Yunyun blinked: "He looks better than you."

Jin Ge was extremely angry: "In terms of blood, I am a true blood child of the Jin family, a descendant of the Holy Blood tribe. In terms of family background, I am the son of Jin Tandu, and I am destined to take over Tiefutu in the future! On..."

"He looks much prettier than you." Helian Yunyun interrupted him, and added seriously: "A lot."

Jin Ge also failed to talk about "on talent", he couldn't "talk" anymore, he was so angry that he couldn't help himself.

"It makes no sense!"

He gritted his teeth and turned around: "I'm going to take off his mask and see what he looks like. Then scratch his face!"


There was a crisp sound of a horsewhip.

Jin Ge's majestic body was pumped and fell to the ground!

The real essence in the body is displaced, and the blood is chaotic!

He is the number one inner palace of the younger generation of the Great Shepherd Empire, a true blood child of the Jin family, and he was knocked down by a whip!

And he didn't even know how and when the whip came from.

Jin Ge fell to the ground, still in disbelief.

Then he saw Her Royal Highness's boots appearing in front of his eyes.

He raised his head, just in time to see Helian Yunyun lowering his head.

Those beautiful blue eyes met his gaze.

But in the meantime, there is no bright smile.

"I didn't slap you in the face with this whip. Because what you represent now is the face of my Great Shepherd Empire."

Helian Yunyun said calmly: "But you'd better be able to figure out what kind of attitude you should have when talking to me."





Let me inform you that Ash's mythical novel "Journey to the West" is on the market.

This is a story that keeps my fighting spirit alive.

It's about my idealism.

Many times later, I silently looked back at it.

It can be said that it is the four words "fight forever" that support me and allow me to go through those difficult roads. jointly launched a full discount activity, with a discount of 50 percent. If you buy it, you can put together a few books (such as "When I Love You", it is more cost-effective...

In addition, for the first 1,000 copies, Dangdang will exclusively give away a limited edition Journey to the West notebook, which is very beautiful!

If you are more anxious, you can buy it and see it.

Love you guys!

It's no more than twelve o'clock.

We talked for a long time about what was published today. So I don't have time to write.

Mainly Journey to the West...

There are also traditional and simplified characters of Chixin. (Already in progress. But the listing may take a long time. The publishing process is very slow now.)

Tomorrow will continue to pay off the debt.


Thank you book friend Shangxian Qitian for becoming the leader of this book!

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