Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1102 ?

Chapter 1102 The scenery of all countries come here

"Land and sea" is so majestic, of course not everyone flies across.

If ordinary people want to cross the river, they don't have to risk their lives by sailing the boat.

There are a total of nine bridges over the entire long river.

These nine bridges have a long history and are indestructible. They are ancient buildings inherited from the Middle Ages and have great power.

According to ancient legends, the emperor of the people beheaded the nine sons of the dragon emperor, refined them into nine bridges, and kept the long river forever, so as not to make the long river stir up wind and waves.

And it has continued to this day.

So Nine Bridges is also called "Nine Towns".

There were also many times when the countries or sects on both sides of the river wanted to build new bridges.

After all, the long river is too long, almost running across the known places in this world, and the nine bridges are far from enough to meet the needs of travel.

But no matter which country takes the lead, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, no bridge can survive.

How many ages have passed, how many great forces have dissipated.

In the middle ages, there were nine bridges across the Hengjiang River, but in this world there are still these nine ancient bridges.

The "first town" is located further west of Wanguo, like the throat of a long river. The "Ninth Town" is already approaching Xia Guo, like nailing the tail of a long river.

Qi State's expedition team crossed the south of Wo State, and they took the fifth bridge.

This bridge is named Suanni (Suān ní) Bridge.

If Jiang Wang only listened to "Nine Towns" as a legend in the past, after learning the ins and outs of the Yellow River Meeting, his feelings are different.

Split the water tribe, chase the dragon emperor. It is not inconceivable that the third-generation Human Sovereign, who made such great achievements, really killed the nine sons of the Dragon Sovereign and refined them into Nine Bridges.

"Nine Towns" and "Guanhe Terrace" may be complementary to each other.

The long river runs through the present world, passing through Wo to Jing, and has a south turn.

In other words, the flow direction of the Yellow River section is from northwest to southeast. It is not as straight as before all the way to the east.

The Suanni Bridge is just at the upper end of this turning point, which is where the section of the Yellow River begins.

Even more coincidentally, the place where the section of the Yellow River ends is the "Sixth Town", where Baxia Bridge is located.

The section of the Yellow River happens to flow under the gaze of Guanhetai, and there happen to be two bridges at one end of the town and one at the end of the town, so it can no longer be described as a mere coincidence.

It shows that this section of the river is the top priority of flooding in the Changhe River.

Such "repression" is needed.

Jiang Wang drove "Yanzhao", and together with the other two arrogances of the country, under the guard of the soldiers of the Tianfu Army, set foot on the Suanni Bridge.

At this time, General Cao was at the forefront of the team riding his horse.

Suanni Bridge is a straight bridge, not an arch bridge.

The long river also flowed through here before it became intense, rumbling to the southeast.

This ancient stone bridge is really too broad.

A team of hundreds of people, walking on this bridge, is as small as an ant.

But the shape of this bridge is very simple and simple, without any extra decorations, inheriting the typical medieval style. Everything is practical.

When riding slowly, you can hear the sound of mighty water.

The faint sense of shock brought a real oppression.

It seems that there is a giant beast running and roaring under the stone bridge.

And this stone bridge is so strong and reliable, it can firmly suppress all storms, giving people a great sense of security.

The Qi State team was walking on the right side of the Suanni Bridge. Jiang Wang turned his head to look to the right, passed by Ji Zhaonan and Chongxuanzun on the right, and watched the white waves rolling...

Like a giant dragon galloping from an unknown place. It roared for thousands of miles, traversed Liuhe, broke through majestic mountains, and destroyed plateaus... Sweeping everything seen and passed by with raging waves,

What a long river that is far away!

Even if you have poor eyesight, you can't see the end.

This is not the first time he has seen a long river, but he will still be shocked by this "ancestral river".

This is the mother river that has nurtured countless human races for so many years.

She is so great, so vast.

But today is especially different...

The water level of the long river is already very high.

According to Jiang Wang's visual observation, the long river rushes here, and when the waves are high, it is less than three feet away from the current bridge deck. In terms of the size of the long river. As long as the water level is higher, basically a slightly larger wave can hit the bridge deck.

When the water level spreads across the bridge deck...

One can imagine what the banks of the long river will look like.

The water level of the Yellow River determines the start time of the Yellow River Fair, which is the continuation of the tradition of the Yellow River Fair. Suppress the water of the Yellow River section before it floods the banks.

Jiang Wang was just thinking.

What does this water level have to do with it?

The mighty river wind blowing across the bridge deck also brought a lot of sounds from the other side of the bridge.

Wolves howling, horses neighing, people talking and laughing.

That was Mu Guo's team.

It was indeed a coincidence that the two groups of them boarded the bridge at about the same time.

However, the teams of the two countries stood side by side, with a clear line of sight, leaving a large gap in the middle of the empty bridge deck.

Muguo's spectator team and expedition team arrived together, Jiang Wang had heard about this for a long time.

The soldiers of the Tianfu army who were spreading gossip even mocked that the grassland people just had no rules.

At this moment, Qi State's army is neat and disciplined. Although there are not many people, they look like elite soldiers and strong generals.

Although Mu Guo's side is mighty and mighty, it can't help but be a bit chaotic.

Jiang Wang subconsciously turned his head and looked to the left of the bridge.

The cart pulled by the white yak and the mighty Cangtu cavalry were already walking ahead. Cangtu Divine Cavalry maintained the proper military appearance.

The frolicking car behind drove up, carrying the nobles from Mu Guo who came to watch the ceremony.

Those servants and slaves would not bring them to the viewing platform, they all stayed in the pasture garden in Fengcheng.

His eyes swept across a burly man with braided hair, a masked man riding a green mane horse, and a beautiful woman riding a white horse with a silver crown on her head.

There are many knights guarding them.

The man with braided hair seemed to be talking about something interesting, and his laughter was hearty.

Jiang Wang thought, maybe these were the people who went to Qiguan to eat and drink.

He just glanced at the so-called princess of the Mu country, admiring the legendary blue eyes without offending them. Instead, he took a closer look at the masked man. The bronze mask he wore was in the shape of a ghost, and the engravings were quite interesting.

"What are you looking at!"

The man with braided hair suddenly turned his head and stared at him menacingly.

If it was on weekdays, Jiang Wang would pass by with a smile. There is no need to go to war over a few words of quarrel.

But now, representing the state of Qi in the war, we cannot lose our prestige.

So he raised his head slightly, looked at the man and said, "Look at you, so what?"

This sound came out.

The entire team of Qi State stopped suddenly.

All the knights of the Sky Overwhelmed Army turned their horses and stared at him indifferently.

He also stared at the entire Muguo team including him.

The sword hangs from the waist, and the rune spear is carried on the back.

Neat and silent, murderous intent.

Surrounding Helian Yunyun were naturally the king's tent cavalry of the Great Shepherd Empire. Seeing the situation, Qi Qile turned his horse's head, carried a longbow and hung a machete on his waist.

And the Cangtu Godrider at the front of the Muguo team also stopped and looked back. A big iron gun in each hand.

The eyes of the giant wolf emitted a cold and faint light.

On the Suanni Bridge, it was silent for a while!

Only the long river roaring under the bridge is still stirring.

At such a tense moment, Cao Jie remained expressionless and did not make a statement.

Namoduo, the golden-crowned priest of Muguo, didn't drive at all.

Make it clear to let them figure it out on their own.

It is impossible to fight naturally. The meeting of the Yellow River has not yet begun, and the teams of the two great powers are fighting on the Suanni Bridge, and it is in vain to make the world laugh if it is said.

However, the two people who caused the friction came to a fight in advance to add to the fun, but there was no problem.

As soon as Yu Wenduo pulled the rein, he wanted to cross the border alone and try his hand with this crazy fellow.


A hand reached out and grabbed his reins.

Ru Chengyi's voice was a bit awkward, but it was very convincing: "When others look at you, you just take a few more glances and go back. What can you suffer from your face? You fight here because you want Jin Ge to see it." Are you joking?"

The second half of the sentence convinced Yu Wenduo.

But he couldn't lose his momentum, so he glared at Jiang Wang viciously, and said angrily, "Look at me, I have eyes of needles!"

King's tent cavalry: ...

Overwhelming Army: ...

Helian Yunyun was on the sidelines, embarrassed for him.

This guy has honed his life and death for several years, is that all?

It doesn't matter if you don't fight well, but you can't speak harshly.

Except for one Zhao Rucheng, after three years of defending the frontier barrenness, they have gained nothing!

Zhao Rucheng directly grabbed Yu Wenduo's reins and pulled him to the other side of the line: "You are drunk at noon, go to the car to rest!"

Yu Wenduo was still a bit reluctant: "Why are you pulling me, don't pull me, I'm not drunk. This kid still dares to mess with me..."

Zhao Rucheng used force with his hands and slammed his voice into his ears: "If I were him, I would say that this is the meeting of the Yellow River. If you want to fight against me, call your No. 1 in the inner palace. Are you worthy? You What should I do instead? Beg Jin Ge to help you get ahead? Is it shameful or not?"

Yu Wenduo immediately died down.

He murmured: "I'm just shaking my prestige, who knew that Qi people are so serious..."

On the other side of the Muguo team, the king's tent cavalry gathered their momentum.

The giant wolf flicked his ears and turned back bored.

Cangtu Divine Cavalry continued to move forward.

On the Tianfu army's side, they also silently resumed their queues.

It must be said truthfully that not only is it not very majestic and domineering to clash with this shepherd who seems to have a bad brain, but it seems to be quite embarrassing for himself.

Only Jiang Wang himself, who caused the conflict, walked along with the team normally, but...thoughtful.

The awkward and obviously not real voice of the masked man just now seemed very abrupt to his ears.

Although he hadn't turned on the fairy state of sound and hearing, his keen control of the sound allowed him to capture a sense of familiarity.

He seems... somewhere, he has heard this person's voice, heard this person's real voice.

Although the voice was not clear enough, it must have been heard.

Must have heard it.

Just, when...where?

Jiang Wang turned his head to look there again, but the man wearing the bronze mask was no longer in sight.

"Still watching?" Ji Zhaonan, who was driving 'Xiaobai', said with a smile, "That brazen guy really came over just now, did you really fight him?"

Jiang Wang restrained his mind and smiled: "How come? I will definitely let him call their No. 1 Inner House. The No. 1 Inner House in Muguo is the same for early and late attacks. But this person is definitely not qualified. beat."

Ji Zhaonan nodded, this is the one with brains.

Under the restraint of both parties, a dispute dissipated invisible.

The team moved forward for a while, and when they reached the middle of the Suanni Bridge, Jiang Wang saw a huge sculpture on the bridge in front of him.

What is engraved is a strange beast in the shape of a lion, squatting there, as if bathed in divine light.

I think it is the legendary 狻猊.

In the entire "Fifth Town", there is only this one sculpture.

Very deep and majestic.

It has not faded after years, and it is still clear after the wind and rain.

It seems to have inherited the mighty time from the Middle Ages to the present.

When one looks at it, one feels awe,

Jiang Wang even had a feeling that it would jump out of the stone carving at any time and appear in the world.

This is of course an illusion.

It is the stone carvings that are too vivid, and the breath on them is ancient and real.

Maybe, the stone bridge under my feet really made Suan Ni into it...

However, Jiang Wang didn't study this stone carving for long, and saw two priests coming out of Mu Guo's team, flying past, spreading out a thick woolen blanket to cover the carving.

On the roll of wool blanket, with some paint, there was a picture of a god with wolf body, eagle wings and horse feet, which was very majestic.

"What are they doing?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

Ji Zhaonan said: "In the legend, 狻猊 likes to sit quietly, likes fireworks, and enjoys offerings. The Muguo people cover up its carvings to show that the incense of the Muguo people is never divided. All people who believe in Cangtu God will not care about it."

A group of shepherds just pass by, what kind of incense can they offer...

Jiang Wang was a little speechless: "Is their Cangtu God a little too stingy?"

"Stingy?" Ji Zhaonan said in a low voice, "The battle for incense is very bloody."

It can make Ji Zhaonan, who has been fighting behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters all year round, say bloody.

It must have been really, really bloody.

Jiang Wang couldn't imagine it.

After all, the era of Shinto Dachang is long gone.

Now the entire world is a country where gods are believed. It's just a peace country, a pastoral country.

It wasn't until Muguo's entire team crossed the Suanni Bridge that the two priests who stayed there went to collect the roll of wool blanket with the image of a god.

The process was very strict and the behavior was very pious, but Jiang Wang didn't pay any more attention.

After crossing the Suanni Bridge, you can already see Guanhe Terrace when you look up.

It's not that it's really that close, but because it's tall and majestic.

Guanhe Terrace is named after "Taiwan", but it is not the scale of the common landscape platforms.

It is an ancient circular altar that occupies a very wide area and is extremely tall. Known as "nine hundred miles to and fro", it is much larger than Linzi City.

This is the world's first majestic platform.

It stands on the south bank, across the Changhe River, facing the Tianma Plateau on the north side of the Changhe River. If you look down from a very high place, Guanhe Terrace doesn't even look much smaller than Tianma Plateau.

In the section of the Yellow River that turns to the southeast, it is on the southwest bank, just opposite to Jingguo on the northeast bank.

There are a total of ninety-nine steps to climb up the huge steps of Guanhetai.

Horses can be raced on every step.

The Muguo team that was one step ahead has disappeared.

Probably also in order to avoid any further friction between the two sides, both sides intend to maintain a greater distance.

Mu Guo's team sped up a bit, while Qi's team slowed down a bit.

Chong Xuanzun suddenly asked: "When will our ceremony viewing team arrive?"

Cao Jie rode his horse in front, without turning around, he just said: "Before His Majesty arrives, they will arrive first."

Jiang Wang was a little surprised: "Your Majesty will be there too?"

The presence of Emperor Qi can be said to have raised the standard of the Yellow River Meeting infinitely.

After these few days of understanding, Jiang Wang has already attached great importance to the Yellow River Meeting, but now he realizes that he still doesn't seem to pay enough attention to it!

Never said this before!

But judging by the expressions of Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun, it is obvious that they both know the truth...

"It's not the real body coming." Cao Jie said casually: "Every time there is a meeting in the Yellow River, the emperors of our six countries will always get together once."

After walking a few steps, he explained again: "The water level of the long river requires the joint suppression of the six supreme beings. The second is behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, which is of great importance, and only the supreme can decide. The third, for the six supreme beings, This is also a necessary opportunity to test and understand each other."

The six countries that Cao Jie talked about, of course, there is no country other than the six strongest countries in the world.

And the emperors of the six most powerful countries will also come to watch the battle at Guanhetai...

Even if it is not the arrival of the real body, it is enough to make people panic.

It can be said that those six supreme beings are in charge of the highest authority in this world, and their words and deeds are enough to shake the entire situation in this world.

At that time, the Guanhe Terrace might be the eye of the hurricane.

And the storm it can brew has the power to destroy the world!

Jiang Wang cut off the chaos in his heart and let himself return to the most fundamental idea——

Compete for the first place in the world.

His breathing became steady again.

"That's right." Cao Jie seemed to be unintentional, and said again: "Longjun Changhe will also be there."

This is quite reasonable.

Jiang Wang had also thought about who would do the strengthening of the seal. He always thought that Cao Jie was with people of the same status in several other countries, and at most they used some state-defending weapons to assist them.

I just didn't expect that the emperors of the six hegemony countries would take action in person.

As the six supreme beings of the human race came to Guanhetai, it was naturally inappropriate for Changhe Longjun, as the nominal water master of the world, not to show up.

At the same time, please invite Changhe Longjun to watch the meeting of the geniuses of the nations. It is to show the future of the human race, which is in line with what Jiang Wang speculated before, to show off the meaning of force.

Jiang Wang smiled wryly and said, "Cao Shuai, I will try my best to perform. Don't put pressure on me anymore."

Cao Jie laughed out loud.

In the past few days, Jiang Wang came here every day to ask for advice. Even though he, Master Cao, had a high level of cultivation and broad vision, he couldn't help but get a bit of a headache from being tortured.

At this moment, I deliberately said the words in short, and released the news bit by bit, which is exactly the meaning of a small "revenge".

This is also a sign of intimacy.

The horseshoe crossed the last stone step, and Jiang Wang really stood on the viewing platform.

The first thing he felt was solemnity.

On this ancient, huge stone platform, it seemed as if a long river of history was flowing before his eyes.

The glorious, magnificent, great, surging... countless histories.

At this moment, it echoed for thousands of years, and met with those who came from later generations.

He seems to have seen countless ancestors, step by step, creating the foundation of the human race.

I also seem to feel the weight of the words "The emperor chases the dragon emperor in the sea".

Numerous pictures swirled like lanterns in my mind.

This is the imprint left by the great time to this glorious platform, and it is also a beautiful gift left to the latecomers by the heroic history of the human race.

Jiang Wang was deeply moved by a great emotion and couldn't escape for a long time.

My heart is full of emotion, like a thousand words.

It's hard to say a word about this situation.

When he came back to his senses, Yanzhao had already carried him to the exclusive area of ​​Qi State.

Guanhetai is a huge round platform.

It was originally empty, but in the past few days, many new buildings have been erected.

There are pavilions, towers and pavilions.

"All the scenery of all countries come here." Jiang Wang had heard such a sentence before, and couldn't help murmuring at this time.

Overnight, it seems that a city on the "stage" was born out of thin air, each with its own thoughts, and it is extremely luxurious.

Jing, Qin, Qi, Chu, Jing, and Mu are arranged in six directions and divide the viewing platform.

The positions of other countries in the world are all scattered among these six countries.

The teams of some vassal states and vassal states even moved directly into the area to which the overlord state belongs.

There are also many independent countries, such as Wei Guo and Qu Guo, who are establishing their own strongholds.

On the viewing platform, the positions occupied by the various countries are different from those in the present world.

The states of Jing and Jing are to the west, the states of Mu and Chu are to the north, and the states of Qi and Qin are to the south.

The position facing the Yellow River section in the east was given up...

Jiang Wang guessed that it might be the place reserved for Changhe Dragon Palace.

In the middle of Guanhetai, there are six towering stone pillars, which seem to crash into the sky. Suddenly, a huge space was formed.

That's where the heroes of the nations will fight.

Around the stone pillar, Dao patterns are faint. The situation inside the stone pillar, nothing can be seen clearly.

At this time, Jiang Wang had a second feeling, which was "magnificence".

This is indeed the first majestic platform in the world, and there is no other viewing platform that can compare with this viewing platform.

Cao Jie suddenly said: "'All the scenery of all countries come here', do you know what the last sentence is?"

Jiang Wang shook his head honestly: "I don't know."

Cao Jie said: "It's all clouds and smoke passing by, only the long river remains the same."

He looked around: "Look at these pavilions, they were built overnight. But when we leave here, they will also be erased overnight."

"Who erased it?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

"Eradicated by this viewing platform." Ji Zhaonan said from the side: "The reason why they can be built now is only temporarily suppressed by the strong men of Jingguo. There are so many blood souls on this viewing platform, how can they To accommodate people?"

Jiang Wang suddenly felt his lips dry: "Whose blood soul?"

"How can I say it here?" Cao Jie said, "I tell you the last sentence, so that you don't get confused."

These words implied a reminder.

Jiang Wang said seriously: "The juniors are taught."

At this moment, there is a tall archway in front of them, and there is only one word "Qi" on the stone plaque.

After the archway, there are various buildings in the style of Qi State, which is simply a "Little Linzi".

These buildings were prepared by a team of Sky Overwhelming soldiers when they stopped in Woguofeng City to recuperate.

Although they don't have the strength of mechanism skills like Momen, it is not difficult to find a few master builders in the huge country of Qi.

In the following time, not only are they all here.

Teams from subordinate countries such as Xu Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom will also settle in Guanhetai if they come to Guanhetai.

Cao Jie walked into this "Qi" street first, and said casually: "You can also go shopping, but there are too many people here. If you want to go out, remember to bring a team of soldiers with you."

Both Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun went straight in, apparently not interested in wandering around.

Jiang Wang has never deliberately concealed his origin from the Zhuang Kingdom, and it will not be a secret at all to a big man like Cao Jie.

What happened to Jiang Wang in his hometown and what he experienced is not important to Qi Guo.

What the state of Qi wants is the present of the man in Qingyang, the loyalty of the man in Qingyang, and the future of the man in Qingyang.

This team of soldiers is actually the guard of honor, and they are also supporting the field.

It means that no matter where Jiang Wang goes, Qi State is his backing.

Of course, if any disputes do arise, this team of soldiers also has extremely strong combat power. An army formation can be formed anytime and anywhere, showing the killing power of the first among nine soldiers.

Jiang Wang didn't know whether Zhuang Guo sent someone to attend the Yellow River meeting.

But if sent, no matter who leads the team.

He can even bring this team of people to show off.

Even if it was Zhuang Gaoxian in person, he would not dare to do anything to him here at Guanhetai.


Does he, Jiang Qingyang, want to show off his might?

What is needed is that only when the Qi State is supporting the field, can they show off their might?

Jiang Wang didn't hesitate for too long at all, and followed a few people...

Walked into "Qi Street".

The night is gone.

This chapter has more than 6,000 words.

One of the chapters is about the addition of 11,000 monthly tickets for February...

The monthly pass for March is already in arrears, and I haven't paid off the monthly pass for February. cry cry.

In addition, I recommend Teacher Qi's "Player Super Justice".

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