Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1103 ? Wind and Cloud

Chapter 1103 Fengyun

The long line of life and death, deeper in the desert.

In the dim light, some indistinct existences approached quietly.

Or the body of a python with horns, or the body of a horse with snake hair, or a big head and a small body, or a humanoid with hands like chicken feet...

The desert is very "dry".

This "dryness" affects the depths of the soul, and by the way also affects the body.

Only the power of the soul stone can resist it.

And one of the important raw materials of the living soul stone is the head of the Yin Demon.

These deformed monsters, or these normal demons, just like ducks in water in this "dryness".

The body of the demon is also a part of "dryness".

It is not the desert that creates the demon, but the existence of the demon expands the desert.

There are hundreds of Yin Demons approaching, and they are faintly organized, assuming a posture of encircling them quietly. It's not like those sporadic ones who occasionally appear on the line of life and death, always wandering around like headless chickens.

In the boundless desert, the sun is still visible.

But the sun I saw when I looked up was always covered with a layer of darkness, like rust marks on a bronze mirror that could not be wiped off.

You can still see it, but you can never see yourself through it.

"Even able to endure the boundless desert, what does he want to do?" said a man wrapped in a black robe.

This black robe is extraordinary, with a very heavy, iron-like texture. At the corners of the robes on both sides, there are two black arrowheads.

The arrow shone coldly and was very sharp, not just an ordinary decoration. Instead, an arrow shaft can really be installed at any time to kill the enemy.

This kind of robe with arrows hanging from the Xuan Prison is the symbol of the Prison Officer of Daqin Town.

Under the echo of the Prisoner's unique secret technique, a black prison pattern will appear on the back of the black robe. Probably in that state, this kind of robe will be recognized by more people.

However, it is estimated that no one in the world would be willing to recognize it by themselves.

"Go and ask." It was another person wearing the same black robe who spoke.

It's just that the hood was lifted off, revealing a bald forehead with a vertical chain tattooed on it, running down the back of the head and hanging down into the neck.

This person sticks out his right hand and stretches it out in front of him...fingers together!

Those indistinct "things" that were approaching made all sorts of weird and ear-piercing whistles almost at the same time.

But very short.

As soon as that sound came, it was over.

only left……

Heads all over the place.

Bizarre, viciously deformed, Yin Demon's head.

The Yin Demon's body is half empty and half solid, the head is filled with demon energy, and the body has substance. But after death, it is the opposite, only the head can be preserved, and it will turn from virtual to real, while the body will change from real to virtual and dissipate directly.

Fighting against the Yin Demon, the head of the Yin Demon is the only "trophy".

They can be used to create soul stones, but no matter how many soul stones are accumulated, they can only be used in the desert...

"Tu Wei." The man wrapped in a black robe said with some dissatisfaction, "I told you before I came here, just do it, don't make a big fuss."

"Is that too big?"

The man with the chain tattooed on his bald head looked at him, and finally sighed: "Okay."

At this time, from a distance filled with smoke and dust, a figure came striding forward.

He was also wearing the Xuan Prison Hanging Arrow Robe, and the hood was also pulled down. It's just long hair, and there's a hook hanging from the left ear.

With his left hand, he dragged a majestic, motionless humanoid body.

From this angle, one could only see that the "thing" he was dragging forward had a pair of large horns.

"I caught this general!" the man said with a smile.

"Chapter 1." The figure still wrapped in the black robe looked back, with a helpless tone: "It's fine to kill him, what are you going to do after arresting him?"

"General demon." The previous chapter said: "If you kill it, it will be scattered, and there will be nothing left."

Unlike the Yin Demons, the General Demons are sane and qualified to command a large group of Yin Demons. They can be regarded as low-level "officers" of "devils". But in fact, in the world of demons, who knows if there is such a concept as "officer"?

It has been too long since the magic tide is far away from the present era...

But one thing is very clear, for something like a general, there is not even a head left after death, and it will all dissipate into demon energy.

When it comes to "harvest", it is not as good as Yin Demon.

In short, it is very unlucky, and killing is for nothing, but it is not easy to deal with.

"But a general has very limited knowledge and almost no value." The man wrapped in a black robe asked, "What's the point of capturing him back?"

"He's not easy to catch." The man still smiled.

The man wrapped in the black robe was angry: "Is this a question of whether to catch him or not? My mother, I ask you what's the use of arresting him?"

"Okay, okay." Zhang Zhang loosened his left hand.

There was a very light explosion.

The horned demon exploded into a ball of demonic energy, quickly disintegrated, and burrowed into the desert ground like a bug.

"Don't be angry, Yanfeng." Shang Zhang said with a smile. (阏yan)

"Damn, you don't care about everyone! This is not a safe place. It will be troublesome for those wolf cubs to keep an eye on you." Yan Feng urged: "Hurry up and ask questions!"

"Okay okay."

The last chapter then approached, walked past the bald-headed Tu Wei, and walked behind Yan Feng.

With a smile on his face, he lowered his head and looked at the ground.

On the ground lay a man covered in scars.

He probably looks like a middle-aged man, but his eyes are dim, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes seem to be deepening. And the long hair scattered on the ground turned white one by one...

He is aging rapidly.

The golden chalcedony has been broken.

The realm of divine presence no longer exists.

"Hello, Senior Deng Yue." The last chapter looked into his eyes, and said with a smile: "I have fought in a hurry before, and I haven't had time to introduce myself to you. I am the prison chief of Daqin Town, the first chapter. I am among the ten prison chiefs list."

Lying on the ground... is Deng Yue!

On the other hand, Shangzhang looked at Deng Yue, and suddenly felt sad: "Now, there are nine."

Next to Deng Yue, there was another person lying down.

Or rather, a corpse.

The corpse who was also wearing the robe of hanging arrows from the Profound Prison.

Lie on the ground, motionless.

There is a fist-sized hole on the back, piercing through the Xuan Prison Hanging Arrow Robe and his body, and also piercing the ground, so dark that the bottom cannot be seen.

It seemed to be nailed to the ground by an invisible spear.

Obviously, in order to capture Deng Yue, the Prison Officer of Daqin Town also paid a considerable price.

The expression on the last chapter is not vicious.

And Deng Yue looked at him quietly, then twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

He said slowly, "Nice to meet you, Chapter 1."

His voice is also a little old, with little strength.

It's hard to believe that such a weak man was able to fight and flee under the siege of the four wardens of the Daqin Town Prison Division. After three days of entanglement, he even killed one of the wardens!

"Very well, I like to make friends. You treat me well, and I treat you well." The last chapter smiled and said, "Can you answer a few questions for me?"

"Of course, we old Qin people have always had a tradition of supporting our younger generations." Deng Yue must have struggled to speak, but he used terrifying willpower to make his voice appear calm and gentle: "However, based on politeness, shouldn't you How about answering my doubts first?"

The last chapter thought about it seriously: "It should be. But you'd better ask quickly."

He flicked his fingers over Deng Yue's body a few times, as if embarrassed: "Because of your know."

"Ah." Deng Yue smiled again: "I know it well."

This man, whose hair was half white, looked at the previous chapter with curious eyes: "How did you find me?"

"News from your friend." Shang Zhang laughed.

"Impossible." Deng Yue was also laughing: "That friend will never betray me."

"Of course, of course. Your friend is very loyal." The last chapter said reassuringly: "Back then he watched his father being burned to death, and he didn't even tell you your whereabouts."

"However." The last chapter said: "You haven't been in touch for so long, do you know that he gave birth to a child later?"

"Alas." The last chapter sighed with some regret: "This is quite strange. Do you know? Many times, if a person has a child, he will have a weakness."

Deng Yue nodded: "I understand."

The last chapter said with a smile: "Mutual understanding."

I don't know if what you mean is "understanding".

"How is that child?" Deng Yue asked,

"What can I do? Let's raise it." The last chapter said: "Who would be so inhumane to kill a child?"

Deng Yue was silent for a while, then asked again: "What about my friend?"

"This is going to be kept secret." The previous chapter said with a serious expression: "The Prison Officer has rules. You should be able to understand."

"Understood." Deng Yue said.

The last chapter looked at him and smiled: "So I will never have children. I will never marry a wife."

Deng Yue looked at his crotch and said with a smile, "Just enter the palace."

"That can't be done!" The reaction in the last chapter was very intense: "I hate those dead eunuchs the most! I have to repeat a word three times in my mouth, and I'm not yin or yang all day long. The psychology of everyone is very abnormal!"

Yan Feng, who has a bad temper, and Tu Wei, who had a chain tattoo on his bald head, kept silent no matter how impatient they were after they started asking questions in the last chapter. Obviously, in this regard, they all trust him.

But he seemed to be very happy chatting with Deng Yue, and he seemed to have completely forgotten the purpose of the interrogation.

Deng Yue reminded him: "You can ask me questions now."

"Look." The last chapter looked at Yan Feng and Tu Wei, very proud: "Did I say it? It's convenient for others, convenient for yourself. When you go out, you have to rely on friends!"

He turned around and looked at Deng Yue: "Then let me ask you. Where is the person we are looking for?"

Deng Yue looked at him sincerely: "I don't know."

The last chapter pressed the eyebrows: "You have been injured so badly, it may cause amnesia. I can understand."

He is a good friend, struggling to find excuses for Deng Yue.

Then said: "Then let me change the question, what does he want to do?"

Looking around in the last chapter: "Such a ghostly place. Can he stay?"

"Maybe it's grown up." Deng Yue said with a smile.

The last chapter said very seriously: "I asked you two questions just now, but you only answered one. I hate people who are not serious in chatting and only answer half of the conversation. We just met, don't let me down, okay? good?"

Deng Yue said slowly: "Young man, the answer to the two questions is the same. I am old, can I still lie to you?"

The last chapter nodded slowly, then pursed his lips, and smiled: "You may not know the current prison officer very well. Our method of interrogation is different from before."

"Congratulations." Deng Yue said: "There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years."

The last chapter squatted down slowly, still with a smile on his face, and gently picked up Deng Yue's right index finger with two fingers: "One finger breaks the river, right?"



In the boundless desert, there is not even wind, because it cannot blow in.

But the helpless wind on the side of the line of life and death may have swept across the grassland, or blown the willows, or may have been blown over the long river.

Then Guanhe Terrace, it may have been here too.

On the Guanhe platform, the heavenly prides of all countries gather. It was already densely covered with banners and crowded with people.

The official start of the Yellow River Meeting is July 11th.

But in fact, as early as July 6th, the contest had already begun.

Or called "pre-selection".

In the main match of the Yellow River Club, there are only 16 places no matter whether it is the inner court or the outer court.

Among them, the six major powers in the world account for six.

The remaining ten places will be competed by other countries.

There is no limit to the field under the age of 30, and there are only eight places in the main match. Only take out two to compete with other countries.

For many countries, the goal of their competition is actually just to qualify for the main match of the Yellow River Club.

After qualifying for the main competition, you will have more say. If he can advance for a round or two, he will already have a foothold behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. With the possibility of capturing the monsters independently and making the pulse opening pill. Instead of being trapped the tribute system built around Kaimai Pill, you can never get rid of the hegemony's grip.

Of course, not all harvests are suitable. It is also terrible that the national strength cannot match the results of Tianjiao. Otherwise, behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, where did those abandoned strongholds... come from?

For big countries like Xia, Wei, Sheng, and Song, they definitely want more than that.

Who would not want to ask about the weight of a tripod?

But there are only those six most powerful countries in the world.

If the latecomers want to replace it, it will take too much effort.

In the middle of Guanhe Terrace, the Martial Arts Field surrounded by the Pillars of Liuhe has already been opened.

In addition to the six most powerful countries in the world, there are a total of 136 countries participating in the meeting of the Yellow River.

In fact, to be able to participate in the Yellow River Conference is already a small country with good national strength. As far as the western region is concerned, such as Mo, Cheng, and Luo, no one was sent to participate at all.

In addition to the lack of hope of victory, the long journey and the waste of the already stretched strong leading the team, there is another very important reason, that is, the early selection of the Yellow River Club is life-or-death.

In many small countries, there may be only a few geniuses worth cultivating. It is also pointed out that they can grow up, become the mainstay of the country, and continue the national fortune for hundreds of years. Put it on the meeting of the Yellow River to fight for can't afford it at all.

In fact, the main match of the Yellow River Club is also life and death. It's just that the strong man who presides over the main match, according to the usual practice, will take action at the last moment to keep Tianjiao from dying.

But nonetheless.

Participating teams from 136 countries competed for the pitifully small number of places in the main match, which is enough to show that the competition was fierce.

And in these one hundred and thirty-six countries.

There are 112 people competing for the ten places in the main competition in the inner court. Most of the countries participating in the Yellow River Conference sent monks from the inner government to join the battle.

There are seventy-five people competing for the places in the ten Wailoujing competitions.

There are only 17 people competing for the two unlimited places under the age of 30...

It is said that there is no limit under the age of 30. If you really send a monk from the Inner Palace who is less than 30 years old, there is no possibility of playing.

"There are so many people in the Neifu field! I can't complain that so many people say that the Neifu field is the most competitive event." In a teahouse on Qi Street, Cao Jie smiled after hearing the guard's report: "Jiang Qingyang , Are you nervous?"

"Of course it can't be counted like this." Jiang Wang, who was sitting cross-legged across from him, said, "It's just that the threshold for the outer court and the unrestricted court under the age of 30 is relatively higher, and a large number of people have been eliminated in advance. As for being nervous... ..."

He lowered his head and looked at Sauvignon Blanc: "I heard that all the heroes in the world are coming here, and my sword is trembling."

Then chuckled: "It's exciting."




1. "Talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years." - "On Poetry Four Poems Two" Qing Dynasty Zhao Yi

2. Because many readers said that they are not used to not updating at 8 o'clock in the evening, so I moved tomorrow's update...

No more manuscripts. There are only two updates tomorrow, and I'll see it the day after tomorrow.

(When the big orgasm breaks out, let me save it from scratch O, O)

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