Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1104 The Mountain Ghost

The spectator team from Chu State came yesterday in a gorgeous chariot.

Jiang Wang even went to take a look, he really wanted to see Zuo Guangshu in this world. This young boy didn't compete for the spot, but I don't know if he will come to watch the ceremony.

He wrote to Zuo Guangshu in the Illusory Realm, but the other party might be busy perfecting the water realm technique and didn't reply in time.

In the past few days, the illusory realm near Guanhe Terrace has been blocked.

Just as it is impossible to contact the Illusory Realm within the scope of King Qi Palace, the six Supremes will naturally not allow things such as the Illusory Realm to exist when they come here.

However, he is not familiar with Chu people, and it is not easy to inquire about them. The chariots of the Chu State are more gorgeous than the last one, and the luxury is better than the world, but there are not many Chu people who show their faces.

He wandered outside Chu Street for a while, and was stared at several times.

Only later did he know that at that time, Ye Lan'er, the number one beauty in the Chu Kingdom, came out of the Xiang Pavilion, attracting countless mad bees, waves and butterflies, who just wanted to see her beauty.

But he didn't see anything, so he returned angrily.

As for Qi Guo's spectator team, he had no expectations.

Chongxuan Shengming said that he wanted to practice in seclusion, and Yan Fu was busy coaxing Wen Tinglan.

Xu Xianggan doesn't know where the island is, he follows Zhao Wuyan everywhere.

There are also Li Longchuan siblings, anyway, when Jiang Wang left, they were still on Ice Phoenix Island, busy with Shimen Li's overseas affairs.

The only thing is, it suddenly occurred to him that Wang Yiwu might have left the death row camp because of his achievements in Jianfeng Mountain. He couldn't return to Linzi for three years, but he didn't say he couldn't come to Guanhetai...

If we really met here, I don't know if the person is as arrogant as ever?

In the center of Guanhetai, in the martial arts arena surrounded by the pillars of Liuhe, several duels are going on at the same time.

As the host, Jing Guo is responsible for arranging the competition schedule and ensuring the fairness of the competition. The remaining five countries of the six great powers all have the right to supervise.

The territory behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters was also allocated under Jing Guo's leadership... Who let Tianjing City of others just press down on the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters?

Now, of course, it can be said that using the capital to suppress the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters has delineated huge interests.

But fighting against the Yaozu will not be beneficial from the beginning.

Tianjing City had already been established when the gains were far from making up for the losses.

Today, of course, the six major powers all have troops stationed behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, fighting endlessly, turning the defensive war against the counterattack of the monster race into an offensive war in which the human race actively plunders resources.

But when the top six today are not the top six, when Qin has not yet become the overlord of the western region, when Yang collapsed overnight...

In those days when there was no strong support, it was still Jing Guo who firmly suppressed the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

It can be said that what the people of Jingguo have achieved today is also the result of bloodshed by the ancestors of Jing people. Countless bones were buried before he could dominate the Central Territory today.

Jiang Wang walked out of Qi Street and went to the center of Guanhe Terrace.

A small group of ten soldiers of the Sky Overwhelming Army silently followed behind him, guarding him in honor.

He came here specifically to see the battle of monks competing for the place in the main competition.

He wants to observe people, martial arts, and techniques.

Countries other than the top six may not have enough opponents to match him.

But everyone who can come to this meeting of the Yellow River must have something to be proud of.

Even if there is only a little bit of self-enlightenment, it is better than just sitting in a room and doing penance.

In fact, his third inner palace is already perfect enough, and he can open the fourth inner palace at any time, but he is not in a hurry.

Because the art of the fire realm involves the supernatural powers of the first inner palace, it is impossible to be engraved by the fourth inner palace. Just adding a power source is not enough to provide a qualitative improvement for him now.

He was waiting for a suitable opportunity, and it would be best if he could take off his supernatural powers as soon as he entered the inner palace.

Just like the duel between him and Wang Yiwu back then.

Only a truly powerful enemy can inspire him now.

Those who live in heaven and earth belong to the world.

East, west, north, south, up and down, including everything, is called "Liuhe".

This pillar of Liuhe is the pillar that encompasses the world.

The martial arts field surrounded by the pillars of heaven and earth is the "platform of the world".

Only the leader of the Yellow River Association can raise the national flag on this pillar of heaven and earth.

Therefore, many people call the competition for the first prize at the Yellow River Meeting "exhibiting the flag for the country".

When he was about to approach the Pillar of Liuhe, he happened to meet a group of elite men coming towards him.

The reason why they are said to be elite is not only because of their arrogant aura.

These people are all wearing Yin-Yang battle armor, with a three-foot Dao sword hanging from their waists, and they all have a good aura.

It is Jingbajia's...


They are both strong teams in the world, but they belong to different powerful countries. Between the Tianfu Army and the Dou'E Army, it is inevitable that there is some sign of difference. But it is not likely to cause any friction on the river viewing platform.

It's just that one by one, the head is raised higher, and the back is straightened.

However, Jiang Wang's attention did not fall on the soldiers of the Dou'er Army, but on... the few people following the Dou'Er Army.

Presumably, they are all Tianjiao monks belonging to the Taoist kingdom. I don't know if there are any Tianjiao monks from Jingguo that have kept it secret.

Then Jiang Wang saw...

Lin Zhengren.

He was too familiar with Lin Zhengren.

This person who just wants to win more easily in the Three Cities Discussion.

This person who had a face-to-face confrontation with the masked him in Wangjiang City.

That time, under Zhuang Chengqian's guidance, he obeyed and inflamed the hatred in his heart. And this person did not hesitate to force his own brother to jump into the well.

That time he had an absolute advantage in strength, and his murderous intentions were already on the move. But this person managed to escape in his hands.

This is a very formidable opponent!

Jiang Wang's eyes swept over him lightly, as if he didn't recognize him at all.

And Lin Zhengren...

Lin Zhengren looked at Jiang Wang with just the right amount of doubt and inquiry in his gaze.

Then he followed the team and walked away slowly.

How could he not recognize Jiang Wang?

How could it be just doubts?

This person's face had already appeared in his heart countless times.

He recalled over and over again the face he saw when he was discussing Taoism in the three cities. Just so that in the future, no matter when you meet again, you will be able to recognize it at first sight.

The blood debt of the entire Lin family must be charged to this person.

How many times he woke up in the middle of the night, thinking that he had already died that night in Wangjiang City. This fear can only be washed away with blood.

But not now.

He always told himself one sentence - if you are not sure of perfection, don't fulfill your enemy.

The opponent is now the pride of Qi, and behind him there is a group of soldiers from the Sky Overwhelming Army as a guard of honor.

It's not like him, it's not like them, the pride of a small country, who can only follow behind the Dou'er army.

Since it cannot be recognized.

Then he won't recognize it.

Also let this person feel that he really didn't recognize it.

Only after finally walking away.

He said silently in his heart: We finally meet again, Shangui.

He is cautious to...

Even silently chewing hatred in my heart. But he did not reveal the man's real name.

Thank you book friend Bie Xinqing for becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you book friends, I am the leader of this book because of your thumping!

Chixin Sky Survey 107 Alliance!


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