Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1108 Small Country

Lin Xian's hatchet fell again.

It is unstoppable to open mountains and cut firewood.

Touching empathy but expressionless.

Taking a step back, Piaohu has covered his face.

The scoop tiger was so fast that it caught the hatchet with its scoop back before it fell.

On the back of the ladle, there are three light spots in succession, lighting up in turn, forming a triangle shape.

And the hatchet cut down.


The scoop tiger was hanging in the air, motionless, but Lin Xian's hatchet was lifted by the rebound!

This was the first time since the start of the war that Lin Xian had cut down with a hatchet, but he failed.

In the gear of Piaohu, the energy consumed can be calculated by primeval stones.

Of course, since Tuo Min played on behalf of Xia Guo this time, he didn't have to consider loss.

He had also anticipated the defensive ability of the tiger, so he reacted quickly - he took two steps back.

The right hand pulled out a silver iron chain from the left sleeve, and it exploded with a "pop", shaking into a straight chain gun.

He didn't show a gesture of strength, just loosened his five fingers, and the chain gun shot out quickly, heading straight for Lin Xian's throat.

During the extreme speed, the triangular-shaped tip of the chain gun suddenly opened a pair of dark green eyes!

This is not a chain gun, it is clearly a triangular snake, facing the enemy, showing a ferocious face.

Instantly speeding up and flying wildly, there was a faint sound of wind wherever it passed.

This puppet is named Chain Snake.

It is said in "Puppet Theory": This chain is not for binding, but for killing!

It is not the chains of the prisoner, but the chain spear of the killing.

The lethality of this puppet can be seen from this sentence.

The two people in the battle each had wonderful reactions.

Tuo Min retreated, shook out the chain snake, and fought back viciously.

But before that, Lin Xian raised his saber in the air, and with a slight movement, the hatchet slashed back.

His hatchet and arm were obviously rebounded by the tiger's back shell, but he chopped it down, as if he had raised his arm and used the momentum to exert strength.

Another such natural cut!


The sword fell on the back, but it was still useless.

Under the control of Tuo Min, this tiger has completely given up attacking. Only using the back of the ladle as a shield, relying on extremely fast speed and strong defense, resisted Lin Xian's knife.

Lin Xian's supernatural powers seem to allow him to use his sword without any restrictions.

So after two attempts, Tuo Min immediately gave up grabbing the knife and restraining him, and instead turned to resist.

Chopping the hatchet was useless this time, but it was not unharmed.

Because at the same time that Lin Xian drew back the knife.

The chain snake had already opened its eyes, and rushed towards it with extreme speed, piercing Lin Xian's chest in one fell swoop!

The triangular snake head with bloody flesh exploded on Lin Xian's back, like a snake spitting out a letter, shooting out nine barbs, hooking Lin Xian's back in the opposite direction, nailing his muscles and bones, and suppressing it His Dao Yuan blood.

More than that.

At the same time, there was an arm with metallic luster, which was quietly attached to Lin Xian's neck, with an upside-down lock.

But it was the iron man whose arm was cut off by Lin Xian before!

The two puppets who felt sorry for each other surrounded themselves at this moment.

People have no doubt that this iron arm can easily remove Lin Xian's head.

But Lin Xian...

Still lift the knife.

When he raised the knife, he was still bound by the chain snake and the iron man of the mechanism, as if the only option other than admitting defeat was death.

But when he struck down with the hatchet, he was already in front of him, even with the knife!

If it weren't for the fact that his chest was still bleeding, his neck had obviously collapsed a bit. It was as if everything before had never happened!

At this moment, even Ye Lingxiao, who was talking to people in the stands, couldn't help but take a look.

He recognized this unrestrained supernatural power!

The owner of this supernatural power is not subject to any restrictions. If it is developed properly, it will definitely be a first-class supernatural power.


Piaohu stood in front of Touch Min again, blocking Lin Xian's hatchet.

Touching back three steps, his face became serious.

At this moment, Piaohu was in front of him, firmly resisting the opponent's attack.

The chain snake floated behind Lin Xian, ready to go.

His agency, the iron man Chi Tiannu, has also turned around, ready to attack at any time.

And on Lin Xian's chest, the piercing wound was so ferocious that blood was flowing...

"I don't want to kill people, so you admit defeat." Touch Min raised his head and said, "Rongguo is such a small country, I probably can't afford to lose a genius like you."

Lin Xian's supernatural power is indeed powerful, but now on the field, the advantage of touching empathy is very obvious,

Unrestricted supernatural powers allow Lin Xian to launch an attack anytime, anywhere without restraint. But his saber couldn't cut through the tiger, and couldn't really do harm to Touch Min. The sympathetic chain snake cooperates with the organ iron man, but it may kill Lin Xian at any time.

not to mention……

There are still two puppets who have not yet revealed the quota of Tiao Min, who knows what trump card he has?

At this moment, Tuo Min made Lin Xian admit defeat, which is very demeanor of a big country.

But Lin Xian held the knife, his eyes did not waver.

Rong Guo hid him very well and trained him very carefully.

His face is very young, and he is not even murderous enough. Everything shows that he is still young.

Being young means having a long-term future with many possibilities.

Cut off here, not worth it.



Yang Jiande was also praised by everyone as the Tianjiao back then, and he was once called together with Chongxuan and Chuliang.

Ji Cheng was also brilliant back then, and even entered the main match of the Yellow River Games, only to lose to Jing Guo Tianjiao.

What happened next?

Ji Cheng was stymied by Qi Guo, and all the opportunities for the sprint were destroyed, and in the end he couldn't even achieve God's Promenade.

It is true that time is on Tianjiao's side.

But Qi State... has more and stronger Tianjiao, and has a stronger and more invincible present.

Can he wait?

If the Yellow River Meeting can't open up the situation and show its potential this time, join the war behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Rongguo is over...

Back then, Yang Country was right next to Rong Country, and there were occasional frictions between the two countries.

What now?

Only "Qi Guoyang Land" remains.

"Rong Guo is really small." Lin Xian looked at Touch Min, the penetrating wound on his chest seemed to have no effect on him at all, he said calmly, "But in my heart, it is very big."

How big is my country?

fills my heart.

Lin Xian took a step forward, took a step forward in an ordinary way, and slashed down like a woodcutter chopping firewood!

No, not a knife.

His knife cut from left to right, from front to back, from countless different angles.

The woodcutter came to cut down the mountain!


This sound was thicker and heavier than all the previous sounds. This is thousands of sounds superimposed on one sound.

The hatchet fell.


The back of the gourd was cracked, and the whole goat puppet was split in two and fell to the ground dejectedly!

The highly defensive scoop tiger was cut in two, and the tiger's mouth where Lin Xian held the knife was already full of blood.

But at this time, the chain snake has soared.

The Iron Man Chi Tiannu is coming on rampage!

Lin Xian turned around with a knife!

The blade of the hatchet collided with the "spear tip" of the chain snake.

This knife even split the chain snake in half!


It wasn't the sound of the chain snake breaking, but the phalanges of Lin Xian's right hand, which were all broken so far.

He used the power he couldn't control, and the hatchet came out of his hand...

caught by his left hand.

One step forward, the hatchet fell, and then the arm of the iron man was broken, and another horizontal cut, Chi Tiannu's head flew up!

The organ iron man crashed to the ground.

Simple, natural and crisp.

In the blink of an eye, the situation on the field has changed.

Touching the three puppets were all destroyed, but Lin Xian turned around and stepped forward.

The hatchet fell!

This time there is no match for the tiger.

Qiao Lin almost wanted to applaud Lin Xian, celebrating Xia Guoren's early exit.

But Touch Min suddenly pressed his middle finger on his left ear, tilted his head, and suddenly a round black shadow flew out from his right ear.

The black shadow suddenly stretched in the air.

Single claw, ghost face, like a mouse, a pair of meat wings.

It held its head high, and its mouse-like beak suddenly opened.

Just then, holding a knife vertically and horizontally, Lin Xian, like a god of heaven, bled from his seven orifices, and fell when he threw his head up!

This thing is definitely not a puppet, it is a living thing.

Touching Min is not only a Mohist monk, he is not only proficient in the art of puppets, he also possesses the art of taming animals!

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