Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1109 ? The Enemy's Wish

Chapter 1109 The Enemy's Wish

There are not no practitioners of the art of controlling beasts, but they are extremely rare, and it can even be said that there are fewer practitioners than talisman seal monks.

Places like the offshore islands, because they are at war with the Sea Race all the year round. There is a tradition of capturing the sea tribe, imprisoning the true nature of the sea lord, setting up restrictions, destroying the mind, and using it as a sea beast to protect the island.

It can be regarded as developing value as much as possible on the barren sea people.

But that is not the art of beast control at all, it is no different from imprisoning slaves.

The truly orthodox beast control is the connection between man and beast. The relationship between the two is that of partners and comrades-in-arms.

This technique has a long history and can even be traced back to ancient times.

In the human race in ancient times, there were too few practitioners born with Dao veins, and their combat power was very poor. Some sages created the technique of controlling beasts, using the technique of controlling beasts to domesticate strange beasts, and use them for tribes to increase their combat power.

In a short period of time, the increased combat power of the alien beast is very impressive, and of course it is all the rage. This is also one of the countless attempts of the sages of the human race in the difficult years.

But the problem is that common beasts have almost no ability to interfere in battles at the extraordinary level, and strange beasts with extraordinary power are rare.

Moreover, these strange beasts are generally powerful, and many of them even have wisdom, making them extremely difficult to tame.

For example, the legendary magic beast Xiezhi can also be counted as a strange beast.

The existences called "strange beasts" in ancient times often possessed some kind of divinity, and even qualified to be called divine beasts.

The art of beast control is usually associated with the bloodline descendants of these powerful beasts.

Over time, they went from "uncommon", to "rare", and finally almost extinct.

The art of controlling beasts has come to a dead end.

Later, based on the research on Kaimai Pill, the sages of the human race creatively cultivated the group of "monsters" to supplement the source of Kaimai Pill.

Monster beasts truly possess extraordinary combat power, not losing to some strange beasts. With the continuous improvement of the cultivation ability, the strength of the monsters can also be improved.

Many people think that the art of controlling beasts cannot be revived just now.

But one of the most practical problems is that...

The more powerful the monster, the higher the quality of the Kaimai Pill.

The fundamental meaning of the existence of the art of beast control is to enhance extraordinary power. But monsters and human monks are completely incomparable.

Survival of the fittest, that's all.

In the long history of practice, countless practice methods have been eliminated, and the art of controlling beasts is just one of them.

When later generations mention it, they will inevitably sigh a few times, but that's all.

As far as the alien beast itself is concerned, there are only a few rare bloodlines of the alien beast, which are still difficult to pass on in this world. For example, the giant tortoise in the kingdom of heaven is one of them.

But also too rare.

The puppet art of touching compassion is already extremely accomplished, no matter whether it is the iron man Chi Tiannu, or the scooped tiger, or the chain snake, it is not something that ordinary Momen monks can create.

And the art of controlling beasts that he also practiced also reached an extremely high level.

This one-clawed ghost-faced rat-bat beast was well domesticated, and its talent was amazingly powerful. It knocked down Lin Xian as soon as it came out.

Judging from the fact that the Shence Army generals on the sidelines did not stop it, the beast domesticated by Tiaomin should be counted among the five puppets, and it was not a violation of the rules.

Qiao Lin outside the court was inexplicably shocked.

He even forgot to transmit the sound, and murmured: "Touching... so strong!"

It was indeed an unexpected battle.

Unexpectedly wonderful!

In the eyes of many people, there is no suspense in the battle situation, but on the court, there are twists and turns, one after another.

Lin Xian's unfettered supernatural powers, combined with the extremely lethal swordsmanship he later displayed, can be said to be like breaking mountains at every mountain and cutting off water at every river.

If he hadn't met an opponent like Tuo Min, he would have had every chance of making it to the main match.

The combination of these two forces has an extremely terrifying imagination.

Jiang Wang is very sure that if Lin Xian can develop these two powers to the current extreme, he will even be qualified to compete for the top spot at the Yellow River Meeting!

It's a pity that he obviously has too little experience, and Rong Guo hid him very deeply, which also made him lose a lot of opportunities to grow up.

Of course, if he had become famous earlier, he might not be able to achieve what he is today.

A person's strength is determined by his opponents.

It is precisely because Lin Xian is so powerful that the power displayed by Tun Min is even more shocking.

Even Lin Xian, who is so powerful in real strength, can't reverse the defeat, and it is conceivable how powerful Tuo Min is.

It's no wonder that he dared to yell at Qi Guo Tianjiao, and he had the momentum to win back face for Xia Guo.


Jiang Wang sighed softly: "He has no chance."

Still in the trial stage, at such an early stage, Tuo Min met Lin Xian and was forced to resort to most methods.

The three puppets were all destroyed, and even if they could be repaired quickly, they had already been understood.

And the extraordinary ability of the one-clawed ghost-faced mouse bat was also revealed to everyone.

There is at most a place for one puppet or one alien beast in Touching, the space is too small. On the battlefield, this is called "losing strategic depth", and it is already doomed.

On occasions like the Yellow River Meeting, before he steps down, the story of his wonderful battle may have already been known to all powerful opponents.

But for Jiang Wang.

He was not glad to lose this formidable opponent,

On the contrary, it is a pity that there may not be a chance to fight against someone with such thaumaturgy.

Qiao Lin didn't think clearly for a while, and was still worried about Xia Guotianjiao's strength. But after hearing what Jiang Wang said, and seeing the embarrassing and ugly expressions on the field, he could probably figure it out.

At this moment, Tuo Min stood alone on the stage, with no joy of victory on his face.

The one-clawed ghost-faced mousebat hovered beside him.

Lin Xian fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Three puppets that had been cut with a hatchet were scattered around Lin Xian.

For a long time no one made a sound.

At this time, many people belatedly realized that the meeting of the Yellow River is inevitable...

Even, as weak as Rong Guo, in order to keep a low profile, Lin Xian came to the competition alone.

In other words, Lin Xian, who fell into a coma and was unable to voluntarily surrender, was already under the control of Tiao Min's life and death at this time.

So will Tiao Min kill this opponent who ruined his puppet and broke his hope in the Yellow River Society?

"Master Jiang." Qiao Lin swallowed, and said via voice transmission: "Will he kill Lin Xian?"

After the baptism of such a wonderful battle, Jiang Wang was in a very calm mood at the moment, and he asked back: "What do you want him to do?"

Qiao Lin thought for a while and said, "Kill."

The reason is simple, Lin Xian is Rong Guo's pride.

Rong Guo is on the side of Qi Guo's couch.

A small country like Rongguo hid this genius so deeply, Qiguo's vigilance and resistance couldn't be more obvious.

Lin Xianruo's death can be said to have cut off Rong Guo's last hope. This is of course what Qi Guo likes to see.

Jiang Wang said, "So Touch Min won't kill him."

On the court, Tuo Min looked at Lin Xian who fell to the ground, with an undisguised killing intent in his eyes.

Jianfeng Mountain, a famous and meaningful mountain, was "returned by decree".

Xia Guo is already the laughing stock of the world.

As one of Xia Guo's representatives, he came to participate in the Yellow River Meeting in order to win back some honor for Xia Guo.

However, before he was blocked by a mere monk from Rongguo, he had exposed many cards in the selection stage.

How can you not hate?

But he was silent for a while, and finally he just said to the general of the Shence Army who was presiding on the sidelines: "Is the victory already decided?"

The general of the Shence Army had no expression on his face, he raised his hand and said: "The winner of Gengzitai, Xia Guo will take pity on him!"

It's not twelve o'clock, so go to bed early and don't wait.

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