Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1114 ?

Chapter 1114

In the eyes of many people, Lin Zhengren is an honest gentleman, refined and respectful.

And very tough.

In other words, "toughness" was the deepest impression Lin Zhengren left on these people during this period.

Pick persimmons that are soft.

They all knew that there were so many people rushing to fight Lin Zhengren, and it took a lot of effort to "coincidentally" meet Lin Zhengren in the selection battle.

Everyone who can meet Lin Zhengren is naturally confident that he can win against him.

Everyone's paper combat power seems to be stronger than Lin Zhengren.

In fact it is true.

After winning the preliminary round with difficulty, Lin Zhengren was almost beaten in the next two rounds.

Every game he was bruised and bruised.

But in every game, he could grit his teeth and persevere, suffering from the beginning to the end. Can always find the opponent's flaws in the defeat. Win in the end.

He is indeed not strong enough, but he is indeed very tough.

It is awe-inspiring.

Stumbled all the way, but also came to the present.

King Street, an elegant courtyard.

Lin Zhengren withdrew from the yard humbly, and said sincerely: "Everyone, please stop and don't send any more. Zhengren will definitely consider Sister Jiang's suggestion seriously."

After exchanging pleasantries, the people in the room dispersed and the courtyard door was closed.

Lin Zhengren's elegant face still showed neither sullenness nor resentment. He just looked worried, shook his head, and returned alone with a sigh.

As one of the Dao vassal states, Zhuang State, which is rising day by day, can also occupy a good courtyard in the area of ​​Jing State.

Of course, it was far from being able to compare with a Taoist country like Sheng country.

There is no need to compare with Jing Guo's team.

Lin Zhengren went back to the courtyard where Zhuang Guo belonged, and closed the courtyard door. He sat alone on the stone chair in the courtyard, waiting silently.

Du Ruhui has not been idle at Guanhe Terrace, he has been making friends and visiting friends these few days. The rising Zhuang Kingdom needs a matching status in the world, but this cannot be easily obtained.

The majestic Prime Minister of the state, feasts with people every day, trying to figure out the thoughts of all parties... I have to say that Du Ruhui has paid too much for this country.

However, Lin Zhengren was also outside every day during this time, apart from participating in the selection battle, he was trying his best to make friends. In the circle of Tianjiao in the Taoist country, he has won a good reputation.

In short, both of them are actually very busy and work hard, and they rarely have moments of private communication with each other.

But tonight, we have to talk.

Lin Zhengren sat quietly, very patiently.

Many people are rushing to fight him, but those who are rushing to squeeze the persimmon are not the targets of his "selection"?

Although he didn't seem to do anything, just waited.

The waiting time is often seen by people only after the results come out.

And Lin Zhengren is by no means lacking.

It was not until late at night that the old man with black hair stepped into the courtyard.

Seeing Lin Zhengren's posture, Du Ruhui didn't say much, sat down opposite the stone table, and asked in a broad voice, "What's the matter?"

In the qualifiers for several consecutive days, Lin Zhengren won very "difficultly".

No matter what his own senses are, no matter who he values ​​more, as the Prime Minister of Dazhuang, he will take good care of Lin Zhengren's feelings.

The current Lin Zhengren is qualified to let him consider his feelings.

Lin Zhengren looked up at the Prime Minister.

A day of socializing did not bring much fatigue to him.

But the indelible wrinkles on his face are still telling of his painstaking effort.

There are not many gods who are strong, need to be so tired. In particular, he possesses top-level supernatural powers like So Far Away.

Looking at Du Guoxiang's kind face.

For a moment, Lin Zhengren even thought of his grandfather.

But he quickly wiped it out.

In this world, it is impossible for another person to treat him like a grandfather.

No longer possible.

He is very aware of this.

In fact, he didn't need to think about anything, because he had already thought about it. But sitting opposite Du Ruhui, he still let himself think for a while.

Think again about your wording.

Then he said, "Senior sister Jiang Limeng from Shengguo found me today."

Du Ruhui raised his eyelids: "Oh?"

"We will meet tomorrow." Lin Zhengren said: "Senior Sister Jiang means that she hopes that I will not make unnecessary resistance, so that she can retain more strength and easily enter the main match. The original saying is 'Everyone is a vassal of the Dao , my honor, and your honor.'”

Du Ruhui was noncommittal, and only asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Zhengren put his hands on his knees, and said solemnly: "The interests of the country are where Zhengren's views lie. It's just that Zhengren is blunt and doesn't know how to choose, which is in line with the fate of our country. I don't know which way to go, which is the blessing of our country. Therefore Come and ask the Prime Minister."

For the Zhuang Kingdom to obtain a status that matches its strength, the opinions of other Dao vassal states are very important, and the opinion of the most powerful Dao vassal state like Sheng State is even more important.

When Du Ruhui himself talked to the strong men led by Sheng Guo, they were very respectful. Of course, he is a cultivator in the presence of God, and it is very common for him to be very respectful to real people in this world.

Because of these reasons, Lin Zhengren could not make his own decisions.

Hearing Lin Zhengren's honest confession, Du Ruhui smiled kindly.

The two talents who came out of Wangjiang City Daoist Academy have completely different personalities.

If it must be compared.

The person in front of him is sincere and close to hypocrisy, but he is not as good as Fu Baosong, who is straightforward and selfless.

Both have the ability to do things.

Lin Zhengren is used to winning over people's hearts, and Fu Baosong's charisma is also very convincing. This aspect is different.

But in terms of extraordinary strength, Lin Zhengren is still better.

Two people have different usages and must be placed in different positions.

The evaluation and calculation in the heart will not be exported.

Du Ruhui said with emotion: "Unknowingly, you have come to this step. I am really proud of you."

Lin Zhengren said respectfully: "Thanks to your painstaking guidance, I am lucky to have such a meager achievement."

Du Ruhui smiled and said: "It's you who strives for it."

Just laughing, he looked into Lin Zhengren's eyes suddenly: "If you let go and fight, how sure are you?"

For this problem, Lin Zhengren had expected it for a long time.

So there is already an answer.

"I have had contact with Senior Sister Jiang in the Huangliang Secret Realm, so I know her well, and I have observed her a lot these days. Senior Sister Jiang is the pride of a great country, with high talent, strong strength, rare supernatural powers, and rich combat experience. My talent is not as good, and my realm is not as good. The skills are not as good as..."

Lin Zhengren said in a low voice: "Only 65% ​​sure."

Du Ruhui smiled.

He knew Lin Zhengren's very cautious character. Not to mention very full when things happen, more than 60% is the 80-90% of others.


Du Ruhui said: "You might as well resist 'unnecessarily'. There will always be someone to advance in the main match. I think not only Jiang Limeng is suitable, but you are also suitable."

Lin Zhengren didn't agree straight away, but said, "Zhengren is still worried about one thing."

Facing Du Ruhui's questioning eyes, he said, "I don't know about the resources behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, whether we can take it, or not."

Du Ruhui stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Let you young people think ahead and worry about these things."

He sighed: "It's the old man's fault..."

"Just let go and fight."

He withdrew his skinny hand, got up and walked into the room.

Just leave the voice in the courtyard——

"Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, if we can have a place. Then I, an old bone, will not hesitate to confess to being there."

No at twelve.

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