Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1115 Tianjiao Sees What I Should Do

When Jiang Wang said that he would value Lin Zhengren, he was not just talking.

Before the battle between Zhuang Guo Tianjiao Lin Zhengren and Sheng Guo Tianjiao Jiang Limeng, he was in the stands.

Of course, he didn't just come for this battle.

Every day at Guanhetai, he came here to watch the battle.

The most exciting battles have never left his field of vision, and he has watched the most dazzling moments.

It can be said that no matter how difficult it is for any place in the world, there can be such a dense and wonderful collision between geniuses.

After the three rounds of trials, out of the 112 Inner Palace Talents from all over the world, only 14 Talents remained.

Among the countries that have sadly withdrawn from the stage, 27 of them have forever lost their number one inner-government Tianjiao in their country.

The Tianjiao of the other six countries have been completely abolished, and their path has been cut off since then.

There is no other grand event that allows so many Tianjiao to gamble everything and fight with their lives.

It is precisely because the competition is so fierce and the battle is so cruel that the Tianjiao who won the championship at the Yellow River Meeting is recognized as the number one in the world.

After the three rounds of trials, the remaining fourteen Tianjiao will start the fourth round of battle today. The winner will directly occupy the seven race places. The seven losers will compete for the remaining three places in the main match.

This day is so important, so Jiang Wang found a few strange figures in the stands.

For example, sitting in the stands opposite him was a healthy woman in a yellow jersey with deep features and bronze skin.

He sat there with a big horse and a golden knife, looking at him with disdain, and he was more imposing than most men.

It even reminded him of Jiang Wuyou.

However, this woman is more "sturdy", while Jiang Wuyou is more majestic and noble.

After being "introduced" by Qiao Lin, this person is Huang Sheli, the number one mansion in Jing's country, and the daughter of Huang Fu, the general of Huanglongwei. According to the information provided by Chen Zeqing, Huang Sheli possessed four supernatural powers, and was extremely powerful in the country of Jing.

As the arrogant of the inner state of Qi, Jiang Wang was observed by many people while observing others.

In the entire Guanhetai, people who followed the selection competitions almost knew that among the top talents in the inner court of the six great powers, only Jiang Wang from the Qi State never lost a single selection competition and watched every match.

In fact, the pride of several other great powers. It's not that they don't pay attention to the trials, but they just don't pay attention to every game like Jiang Wang.

In the previous trials, those notable talents and those wonderful battles were naturally screened by someone specially assigned to them, and all kinds of detailed information were prepared for them to focus on research, so as not to waste the training time before the start of the main competition.

Of course, Qi, one of the six strongest countries in the world, also has things in this regard, and it will not do worse than any other party. It's just that Jiang Wang prefers to experience the battle in person.

Like today, it could be regarded as the most important match in the Inner Palace Trials, so Huang Sheli also came to watch the battle in person.

Jiang Wang is no stranger to the eyes of others.

After practicing Qianyang's pupil, he had a further feeling for "gaze".

But this gaze is really too heavy, so heavy... it has some kind of reminder.

It was like an uninvited guest who knocked on the door before a formal visit.

Jiang Wang turned his head to look to the right, and saw a man in black clothes and black boots, as silent and powerful as a rock.

He was looking at Jiang Wang, walking towards this side without any concealment and with a clear goal.

Qiao Lin cleverly transmitted the voice: "Qin Zhizhen."

Of course, Jiang Wang remembered the name of Qin Zhizhen, the aristocrat of Qin's family.

Jiang Wang has read the relevant information of this person many times.

Whether it is his past record or his impression, he is "tough".

Strong strong, hard hard.

Like a reef that can face raging waves, it can stand alone for thousands of years in the torrent.

Jiang Wang sat still and said, "Let him come over."

The two Tianfu soldiers who went forward stood by the road and did not stop them.

But Qin Zhizhen still held up his palms, signaling the group of Ba Rong soldiers behind him to stop, outside the defensive circle of the Tianfu soldiers.

Soldiers of the Tyrannical Army in jet-black heavy armor confronted soldiers of the Tianfu Army in purple-gold armor.

And Qin Zhizhen approached alone, walked up to Jiang Wang, and looked at him.

Jiang Wang's first thought was——

If Zuo Guangshu got the quota of Chu State's inner government this time, and happened to meet this person, he would definitely want to teach him a lesson.

Of course, no Chu person would want to be polite to Qin people.

Jiang Wang's purpose in coming to the Yellow River Fair at the beginning was pure, just to fight for the number one in the world.

However, among the top six opponents in the world, there is still a ranking of the opponents he wants to "teach me a lesson".

Xiang Bei, who scolded Zuo Guangshu so angry, was the first.

Zuo Guangshu must really want to beat up Tianjiao Tianjiao of Qin State, who is the second. It was mainly because of his identity as a native of Qin, and had little to do with Qin Zhizhen himself.

Zuo Guangshu couldn't come, he, the big brother Dugu, always wanted to help out.

Of course, there is also a very high possibility that he didn't get angry, but was beaten out of his stomach instead. After all, in the face of these top talents, no one can say that they can just hold on to them and not lose.

But the momentum cannot be lost!

No matter who you face, you must be prepared to beat them violently. This is the ambition to be number one in the world.

The two eyes that are looking at each other, one is heavy and powerful, the other is clear and firm.

And in each other's eyes, they saw a common strength that never gave up.

Jiang Wang remained silent.

As an active visitor, Qin Zhizhen spoke first.

His voice is thicker than his age. And his speaking speed, slow and powerful. Like a rock, it slowly pressed over. No dodge, no resistance.

"Someone mentioned you to me."

He started like this.

When he spoke, his aura seemed to have been squeezed, occupying all the extra space, and he would not stop until he was crushed and suffocated.

At that time, Qiao Lin was sitting on the left side of Jiang Wang, transmitting information at any time through voice transmission.

The seat on the right was empty, and the other Sky Overwhelming soldiers guarded the outer circle.

Jiang Wang glanced at the empty seat on the right, and politely gestured, "Sit down and chat."

Qin Zhizhen thought about it, took a step, stepped over, turned sideways, and sat down on Jiang Wang's right. Tianjiao of the inner government of Qi and Qin countries sat side by side, discussing something, this scene aroused countless people's guesses.

But few people dared to show their doubts in their eyes, and not many people even looked at them openly.

The only exception is Huang Sheli who is directly opposite. She was sitting in a majestic manner, and she was looking at her with a look of "what kind of conspiracy and tricks are you hiding from my mother", she was extraordinarily wanton and contemptuous.

Jiang Wang just pretended not to see it.

After Qin Zhizhen sat down, he asked, "Who mentioned me to you?"

"A person who practiced the ancient flying sword technique." Qin Zhizhen said slowly.

The tone of his words is very cautious, which means that what he mentioned is a person who deserves to be taken seriously.

He also ignored Huang Sheli.

Jiang Wang looked at the audience. Lin Zhengren, who had a refined face, had already stepped onto the C-brand Yanwu stage, and Jiang Limeng, who was calm and confident, was on his way to the stage. This long-awaited battle was about to begin.

He originally wanted to study Lin Zhengren thoroughly in the calmest state.

But at this moment, his heart is already in a mess.

He didn't look away, just asked, "Oh?"

"His name is Qianqian." Qin Zhizhen said.

"So." Jiang Wang asked, "Are you friends? Enemies?"

"Not a friend, nor an enemy." Qin Zhizhen said calmly: "He challenged my friend, and then I challenged him. He told me about you, so I came to see you. Such a simple thing."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then asked: "How is he now?"

He didn't ask about the outcome, because Qin Zhizhen is sitting here now, and the outcome is obvious.

Qin Zhizhen smiled.

This rock-like man didn't smile easily at all, he looked too heavy, and had a disturbing sense of oppression.

"I'll tell you when you beat me," he said.

Jiang Wang still looked in the direction of Yanwutai, without showing much emotion, and only said softly: "Okay."

So casual, but such a firm "yes".

Qin Zhizhen had already got the answer he wanted, so he stood up and said, "Farewell."

Jiang Wang remained calm: "Go slowly."

Qin Zhizhen left his seat and walked down.

Qin Zhizhen, who was dressed in black, was like a rock, slowly moving downward under the erosion of the river.

Go down to the bottom of the stands and turn right.

Every step he takes seems to be strictly set, without any deviation.

When he was about to walk out of the protective range of the Tianfu soldiers, he suddenly looked back at Jiang Wang again, with a curious look he rarely had: "Don't you want to ask, what did he tell me about you? "

Jiang Wang finally turned his gaze back and looked at him seriously: "I'll ask you again when I defeat you."

[You'd better prepare the answer. 】


This time it was Qin Zhizhen who said the word.

Then the man in black led the silent Ba Rong soldiers to the right stand, also occupying a large space.

Huang Sheli looked at Qin Zhizhen, then at Jiang Wang. Look at Jiang Wang, then at Qin Zhizhen. Like looking at two thieves.

And Jiang Wang and Qin Zhizhen were staring at the Yanwu stage.

Qiao Lin, who listened to Qin Zhizhen and Jiang Wang playing riddles for a long time, felt itchy.

He really wanted to know who the person who practiced the ancient flying sword technique was, and he was related to Jiang Wang, the genius of Qi, and had fought against Qin Zhizhen, the genius of Qin. , Which country is the pride of heaven.

But after all dare not ask.

Because Lord Jiang...

Obviously in a bad mood.

Today's battle witnessed by the Pillar of Liuhe is so important.

There were quite a few big figures who came to watch the battle, such as the Deputy Prime Minister of the Sheng Kingdom, Meng Wuya, a real person from the Penglai Island lineage, Chu Zhiming, the privy envoy of the Song Kingdom, and Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom...

There are high-level officials from the Snow Country from the arctic Northwest, high-level officials from the Dan Country from the north of the river valley plain, and high-level officials from the Wei Country who have a complicated relationship with the Song Country...

Fortunately, the stands around are high enough to accommodate so many people without even feeling crowded.

There are also three Tianjiao from the Inner Palace of the six great powers in the world who don't have to participate in the trials.

The people who came were Jiang Wang from Qi State, Huang Sheli from Jing State, and Qin Zhizhen from Qin State.

They sat in the stands on three sides, and they were clearly separated from each other. Of course, in Huang Sheli's eyes, Jiang Wang and Qin Zhizhen may have been shameless.

The three Tianjiao who did not come were Xiang Bei from Chu State, Jin Ge from Mu State, and the still-secret Inner Palace Tianjiao from Jing State.

Jing Guo probably wanted to keep it mysterious, while Xiang Bei of Chu State was notoriously arrogant, so he probably looked down on the trials. Only that Jin Ge from the Mu Kingdom didn't come to watch the battle today for some unknown reason, probably because of the arrogance of the world's most powerful country.

Qiao Lin stared at the Yanwu stage eagerly, and glanced at Lord Jiang from the corner of his eye from time to time.

In the past, Lord Jiang had already discussed with him enthusiastically.

But after that Qin Zhizhen left, Lord Jiang stopped talking. Although his mouth was itching badly, he had no choice but to remain silent.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

Telling a person with a broken mouth to shut up is like asking a hungry person to stare at delicious food and refuse to speak.

Damn Qin people!

Of course, he didn't dare to stare at Qin Zhizhen like Huang Sheli, so he could only say a few words in his heart.

People in the stands naturally have various moods. Either look forward to it, or look coldly.

The people on the martial arts stage have only one hope——to win.

Jiang Limeng may be a little different, because she has already won. What she has to consider is how to win.

Lin Zhengren's junior brother from Zhuangguo has a good character and can be regarded as quite promising. Everyone is from the same country of Taoism, shouldn't she save him a little face and make him look good when he loses?

Or, just win as quickly as possible, so that the world can see the power of Shengguo and her Jiang Limeng's talent?

On the way to Yanwutai, she was still thinking and hesitating.

The moment she stepped onto the martial arts stage, facing the focused eyes from all directions, she suddenly realized,

On such an occasion, in such a turbulent place, why should she save face for anyone?

She should only be after victory, beautiful, glorious, unquestionable victory.

In the secret realm of Huangliang, they had the karma of traveling together, because they belonged to the same Taoism, she helped this humble junior at that time, and they both gained something in the end.

Today, it's time for him to repay.

Lin Zhengren replied last night, saying that he had considered it clearly and was willing to retreat despite difficulties, but hoped to save some face in the battle. I hope that the senior sister can give feedback to the domestic high-level, so that Sheng Guo can take care of Zhuang Guo and so on...

He is an honest young man who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

However, if you want to beat a Tianjiao who was born in the Zhuang Kingdom, you have to use outside tactics to spread the word, what will the competitors in the country think? So she will not give feedback.

However, she was very satisfied with Lin Zhengren's attitude, and she would also write down what happened this time.

If she is willing, if there is a chance in the future, she doesn't mind taking care of her again.

If there is resentment in your heart... that's it, there will be no more intersections.

As a branch of Taoism, Zhuangguo is stuck in the western region alone. No matter how it moves around, its development is really limited. She and Lin Zhengren are totally different from each other.

It is true that Lin Zhengren's character and morality are very admirable, but in the meeting of the Yellow River, she has her own pursuit that cannot be relaxed.

Now, she stands on the martial arts stage with the character "C".

She knew that even those who made it to the present round were all the Tianjiao among the Tianjiao, in the seven simultaneous battles at the Martial Arts Arena today. The battle with her participation must be one of the most watched ones.

Because Shengguo has such influence. Because she, Jiang Limeng, deserves so much expectation!

She looked at Lin Zhengren, looked at this elegant and humble Daomai junior, and suddenly felt a little pitiful for him. He also worked very hard, and it was very difficult to get to the present, but he could only stop here, without the slightest chance.

But she took good care of the other party's self-esteem and did not show this compassion.

She met Lin Zhengren's restrained and humble eyes with her calm and generous eyes. They confirmed each other's eyes and confirmed the pre-war agreement.

With the announcement of the general of the Shence Army, this battle without any suspense officially began.

Shence Army is really annoying.

Jiang Limeng suddenly thought of it. Then she saw a tall wall of water pushing across.

Behind the wall of water, Lin Zhengren was making moves like flying with both hands. The water flood roars, the green vines grow wildly, and the Taoism of water and wood moves one after another and connects with each other.

It has to be said that his basic skills in Taoism are very solid.

He wants to struggle a bit before losing with honor, right?


Jiang Limeng sighed softly in his heart.

Then leap into the air.

There is compassion in the heart, and there is no mercy in fighting.

Her movements are soft and graceful, as if she is about to fly into the sky and dance.

There is a glow in her eyes.

The overflowing light, so rich and brilliant, almost flowed, overflowed her eyes.

When she leaps into the sky, she becomes the light.

That brilliant and scorching light, centered on her, suddenly exploded, exploding endlessly.

Supernatural powers, Si Yao!

The owner of this supernatural power is the ruler of light!

Jiang Limeng's first move was a killer move, and his first move was a supernatural power. He didn't intend to perform any tacit performance with Lin Zhengren at all. It is to decide the outcome with one blow, and in the fastest and most exciting way, today, be the first to lock the place in the main match!

Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, candlelight... Light can be seen everywhere.

Light is warm and peaceful.

But what about when it gets violent?

Lin Zhengren, who was on the other side of the martial arts stage, let out a muffled snort, and tightly closed his eyes, two lines of blood slipped from the corners of his eyes.

There is no way to avoid it, no way to hide, when you see the light, you are already hurt by it!

If it weren't for the protection of this "platform under heaven", countless spectators in the stands would be blind from then on.

Lin Zhengren was just no exception.

The seal that was about to form in his hand was scattered. Lin Zhengren gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and instinctively stepped back to distance himself from his opponent.

"Junior Brother Lin, admit defeat."

Jiang Limeng didn't catch up immediately to kill him, but was caged in the endless radiance, and said softly: "Your eyes can still be healed. If you move quickly, you will have time to participate in the next round."

The wall of water that Lin Zhengren pushed earlier was already "sparkling" before he could get close to her. Countless rays of light disintegrated Lin Zhengren's Dao Yuan and will, and the water wall collapsed naturally.

At this moment, she seemed to be a person made of rays of light, like a goddess coming to the world.

Her majesty and kindness are all gifts from the Goddess.

And Lin Zhengren, who was like an ant, showed his usual tenacity. He closed his eyes that were bleeding continuously, stepped on the rushing water with his feet, and quickly retreated with his hands.

In addition to tenacity, there is also his rare anger: "Senior Sister Jiang, you lied to me!"

He is really an elegant person, and his self-cultivation has penetrated into his bones. In such an extremely angry situation, he can still call "Senior Sister Jiang". How many people can do it?

But Jiang Limeng would naturally not continue to give him the opportunity to express his anger.

He just sighed: "Senior Sister is for your own good, it's a pity you don't know it!"

The innumerable rays of light suddenly condensed sharply, changing from an imperceptible light to an arrow that chills one's bones.

Use the light as an arrow, kill and die!

These arrows of light had already landed on Lin Zhengren before Jiang Limeng's voice!

No, not really.

Lin Zhengren, who was supposed to see nothing with his eyes closed, took three steps back after saying "you lied to me".

Every time he took a step back, a green tree carved like emerald rose up in front of him.

Step back three steps in a row, and three trees stand up.

These three emerald trees with faint green light are arrayed with three talents.

As soon as he appeared, he had already suppressed his vitality and blocked his momentum.

The arrows of light manipulated by Jiang Limeng fell into the area covered by emerald green trees at a single shot speed, but they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, so slow that people could even see them clearly. , sharp and brilliant appearance.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Limeng's "Unfortunately you don't know" voice fell.

Above the stands, there was a low cry.

Only Jiang Wang's eyes narrowed slightly. Of course he recognized it, and he would never forget it.

This is Dong A's unique secret technique——

Sansheng Bishu!

With Dong A's loyalty to the country, it is not incomprehensible to contribute his original Taoism to Zhuang Ting.

It's just that at this moment, seeing this technique again at Guanhetai, it is inevitable to feel that things are right and people are wrong.

Sansheng Bishu is an absolutely wonderful wood-walking technique. Jiang Wang relied on the fundamental restraint of the dead wood technique to disintegrate it easily.

At that time, Dong A didn't have time to truly show the essence of this Taoism.

Until today, in the hands of Lin Zhengren, Jiang Wang really saw the strength of Sansheng Bishu.

He actually used the power of Taoism to delay Jiang Limeng's attack launched by Si Yao's supernatural power!

It's no wonder that the spectators watching the battle couldn't hide their surprise.

There is no reason to speak of the birth of Tianjiao, and most of the time it depends on luck. A big country and a powerful country are nothing more than having a larger population base and more bloodlines of the strong, so the possibility of the emergence of Tianjiao is greater. At the same time, it can provide Tianjiao with a better growth environment, so that the talented people will not easily disappear from the crowd.

The supreme treasure of supernatural powers is of course related to experience and practice, but to a large extent it depends on the sky. The Tianjiao of a powerful country may not necessarily be stronger than the Tianjiao of a small country.

A very important part that truly embodies the background of a great country and a powerful country is actually the library of spells of each country.

Those are constantly changing and evolving...powerful spells that can be mastered by every qualified genius monk.

The most important point of the strength of Chu State is that "the magic technique is the best in the world."

Of course, whether this title can still be held now is open to question. All countries in the world have never given up on catching up in this regard.

And in the battle that took place on the martial arts arena.

The bright glazed green tree stagnated the arrow of light.

Such a powerful and rare Taoism is hardly something that monks from the Zhuang Kingdom can use. Rather, it should be a high-quality Taoism found in a certain big country's library.

However, it's just a lag.

Jiang Limeng, the pride of Shengguo, certainly wouldn't be hindered by this.

The dazzling light had subsided, and her left hand was in the shape of a claw, and she pulled it back.

The glow on the emerald green tree has been completely stripped of the Taoism itself.

She spread out her five fingers again and pushed forward.

Biguang spun like a flying blade, piercing through the air and killing Lin Zhengren!

It is the so-called Master of Light.

This green light comes from the Sanshengbishu itself, so it is naturally not disturbed by the Taoism effect of the Sanshengbishu.

Lin Zhengren, who was blinded after seeing each other, suddenly took a step forward, retreated instead of advancing, and "walked" into the emerald green tree!

Compared with the light blade, his speed is not fast enough, but this step is unexpected and wonderful. It's almost as if the two sides have rehearsed well.

Ding ding ding ding!

The green light flying blade just chopped down on the emerald green tree, making a crisp sound like a wind chime.

At this moment, those Arrows of Light were still struggling forward within the range covered by the Sanshengbi Tree, as if flying through the mud.

Jiang Li's dream face was filled with light, as holy as a goddess.

And of course there was no flinching.

Facing Lin Zhengren's struggle, she chose to fly away.

The powerful vigor swelled her robe, making her look astonishing, pressing forward with one hand, terrifying power sprouted.

But right now.

In the pool of stagnant water she flew over - that was Lin Zhengren's earlier wall of water, which was defeated by her fierce light, scattered all over the ground, and flowed in all directions.

Suddenly, in the stagnant water that was difficult to notice, a translucent, skinny and ferocious hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Jiang Limeng's right ankle!

There are water ghosts in the water!

Lin Zhengren has a supernatural ability to raise ghosts, which was also demonstrated in previous battles, so Jiang Limeng naturally knew about it. It cannot be said that the supernatural powers of raising ghosts are not strong enough, but such supernatural powers do have common weaknesses.

Usually masculine spells are its natural enemies.

There is really no place for ghosts and ghosts in this world. Any monk who wanders the veins can fight ghosts with Dao Yuan.

Of course, there are also some ghost-raising supernatural powers that are not afraid of sunshine, high temperature, and Buddha's light, such as supernatural powers and ghosts.

But Lin Zhengren's supernatural powers of raising ghosts, apart from being considerable in number, are obviously very ordinary...

In the previous rounds of battles, the three ghosts raised by Lin Zhengren, the tree ghost, the vine ghost, and the headless ghost, had all appeared. Among them, the tree ghost had been wiped out, and the vine ghost was also beaten to death. Can't get back in time.

It was the first time this water ghost appeared.


Isn't it too ridiculous to drive ghosts to fight in front of the owner of Si Yao's supernatural power?

The corners of Jiang Limeng's mouth curled up slightly.

There was no movement, her ankle suddenly became the light source. The scorching light burst out from here, shining everywhere! You especially gathered towards that water ghost.

This is the light of the scorching sun, which can best suppress ghosts and exorcise evil spirits.

Unsurprisingly, the water ghost "melted" instantly like snow meeting the morning sun, and it didn't even have time to scream, leaving only a wisp of black smoke to disperse.

But Jiang Limeng's person was still moving forward, and she continued to press forward with her hand shrouded in light.

At the same time, with Lin Zhengren as the center, streaks of scorching and terrifying white light pierced out of thin air, intersecting each other vertically and horizontally, directly covering the entire area covered by the Sanshengbishu!

The white light carried a terrifyingly high temperature, making the air sizzle.

The name of this technique is Burning Light Suppressing Prison!

It is already a very powerful way of light, and under the influence of the supernatural power Si Yao, its power has been greatly enhanced. It's close to super!

Those arrows of light that seemed to be stuck in the mud seemed to be injected with strength, one after another, like moths to the flame, they slammed into the green tree where Lin Zhengren was hiding.

There was a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong!

Like a shower of rain knocking on glass!

Some sharp-eyed spectators have already seen faint cracks on the green tree.

And the scorching white light created by Zhiguang Suppressing Prison also descended at this time, piercing through this green tree viciously! There is faint smoke from burning and incineration floating in the air. With such high temperature, even steel can be easily melted.

But the scorching white light did not easily penetrate Lin Zhengren as everyone expected.

The emerald green tree was instantly riddled with holes. And Lin Zhengren's figure stepped out from another emerald green tree.

This three-lived green tree actually has such uses!

Even in the stands, Jiang Wang, who had personally experienced this technique, never thought of this step at all.

For Jiang Limeng, this Taoism is even more unfamiliar!

When Lin Zhengren walked out, it was the time when the power of Light Arrow and Zhiguang Suppressing Prison was concentrated on the previous emerald green tree.

At this moment, his surroundings are unprecedentedly empty, only the "cage" formed by Zhiguang Suppressing Prison can lock him up.

And he went straight ahead.

Step forward quickly.

Pointing with the right hand together, swipe to the left hand.

A huge wound split the palm, and blood gushed out.

that blood...

It actually condensed in the air, turning into a ferocious vampire, directly attached to the "cage" formed by the scorching white light.


With such a sharp and violent sound, the whole vampire turned into blood and dissipated, as if it had just disappeared.

This is another new ghost that Lin Zhengren showed besides the water ghost. Such a vampire that can break through the cage, I don't know how long it will take to raise it, how much resources will be invested, but it is willing to be buried so easily!

And the "cage" formed by Zhiguang Suppression Prison was also corroded to open a gap.

Lin Zhengren threw himself into a ball, rolled out of the opening, and jumped out of the cage of the Zhiguang Prison, leaving only two emerald green trees, still entangled with the arrow of light in place.

The way he rolled out of the cage was not elegant, it could even be said to be ugly.

Like a dog, it rolled two and a half times on the ground.

For those who are proud and arrogant, such an embarrassing posture is probably worse than death.

Lin Zhengren also looked very angry, his eyes were closed tightly, but his face was flushed, and he shouted angrily: "Senior Sister Jiang, I treat you with sincerity, but you bully me and humiliate me, so I will never let you go!"

It was anger that made him desperate.

He used to be refined and courteous, but now he doesn't care about face, loss, life or death.

Just... like a mad dog.

"Mediocre people humiliate themselves." Jiang Limeng only responded coldly.

Like a goddess, she withdrew in the air. It seemed that she didn't want to confront the crazy Lin Zhengren, but calmly chose to avoid the edge.

at the same time.

After Lin Zhengren rolled on the ground for two and a half laps, he suddenly bounced up.

Fly alone like an arrow.

However, he did not immediately launch a frenzied counterattack against Jiang Limeng as the spectators had expected. Instead, he rushed to the other side of the martial arts stage, pulling the distance from Jiang Limeng even further.

What does he want to do?

The moment it landed, countless vines emerged from the ground, entangled with each other, and protected Lin Zhengren among them.

Everyone who saw this scene felt extremely absurd.

Of course they all recognized the vine snake wrapped around the wall.

But what role can a Taoism of the level of vine snake wrapping wall play in a battle of this level?

Is Lin Zhengren desperate and dying?

But Jiang Limeng retreated in the air, but it was not to avoid Lin Zhengren's crazy counterattack.

How could someone as arrogant as her be afraid of the battle of trapped beasts?

While retreating, she suddenly stretched out her left hand and raised it towards the sky.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Nearly a hundred rays of light suddenly descended from the sky propped up by the pillar of heaven and earth.

These rays of light are like golden threads, like divine punishment.

When it soared down in an instant, there was a scream.

They formed a circle, dazzling in brilliance, piercing the edge of the entire C-brand Yanwu platform, nailing out eyeballs from the void!

Escape is just an illusion, Jiang Limeng's real purpose is precisely the "eyes" surrounding the Yanwu stage!

In the void, a mournful howl sounded, it was Lin Zhengren's hundred-eyed ghost!

All these eyeballs exploded at the same time, indicating that the ghost master had been completely crucified.

Just like the doubts of many spectators.

Lin Zhengren was obviously blind, but he didn't seem to be affected at all during the battle and could see clearly.

Jiang Limeng certainly had similar thoughts.

But she didn't care about it at first, and only planned to forcefully kill Lin Zhengren.

After being temporarily escaped, although she still maintained absolute self-confidence, she also realized the tenacity of her opponent, and thus turned to a steady style of play.

In this battle strategy, she nailed Lin Zhengren's vision immediately, and still inherited the choice of blinding Lin Zhengren at the beginning of the battle.

She is locking her advantage, and then solidifying her victory.

Lin Zhengren had already far exceeded her surprise, and she didn't want another surprise to happen.

Now, what is Lin Zhengren going to do?

Can he still hold on?

Many people are thinking about this question.

Only Jiang Limeng can come and ask in person.

The index finger and middle finger of her left hand stand in front of her body, and a streamer of light surrounds her fingertips, which is a self-defense technique.

After she was ready to defend against the counterattack, she opened her right hand.

One after another, the blazing and dazzling light balls were suddenly formed, blasting out like beads, and smashed towards the ridiculous vine snake wrapped around the wall on the martial arts stage.

Jiang Limeng is not weak, her Si Yao supernatural power combined with the Light Walking Dao technique can almost be compared to the combination of Chongxuan Zun Chongxuan supernatural power and Chongxuan occult technique.

It has almost developed supernatural powers to the limit of the current level.

With just this supernatural power, she defeated another Tianjiao who possessed three supernatural powers in the country, and won the spot for this Yellow River meeting.

At this time, the blazing lights burst out continuously and fell heavily. If Lin Zhengren didn't come out to deal with it, it would be unreasonable.


He really didn't jump out.


More than a dozen explosions joined together, and the place where the vine snake wrapped around the wall was leveled.

If it weren't for the special blessing of this martial arts stage, I'm afraid it would be blown to pieces.

But where is Lin Zhengren?

There is nothing hidden in the vine snake wrapping wall.

Jiang Limeng in the air suddenly turned her head, and she saw...Lin Zhengren walking out of the third emerald green tree!

He did indeed walk out of the second emerald green tree, and he cut open his palm, opened the way with a vampire, and opened the blockade of Zhiguang Suppression Prison.

But what came out of the cage was just a phantom.

A simple vine snake wrapped around the wall wasted Jiang Limeng's terrifying offensive.

Lin Zhengren has played tricks on this Sansheng Bishu!

So, what is brewing for him hiding in the emerald green tree?

Jiang Limeng was very determined, with a flick of her left fingertip, the stream of light suddenly circled around her body, forming a streamer shield to protect her firmly.

With this skill, Jiang Limeng is confident that he can take over any of Lin Zhengren's Taoist skills, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

But after Lin Zhengren walked out of the third emerald green tree, he didn't act immediately, but turned his ears slightly, as if he was listening to something.

Then he jumped out from the gap corroded by the vampire earlier, and fell outside the scope of Zhiguang Prison.


He is already blind, and his domeki has been killed.

He has completely lost his vision!

No, not right.

For some reason, Jiang Limeng felt a strong and uneasy feeling in his heart.

Under the protection of the streamer, she suddenly looked at the emerald green tree in the range of the burning light prison.

She knew what the problem was!

Lin Zhengren moved back and forth among several emerald green trees, easily avoiding her attacks one after another, this is by no means the effect of this Taoism.

How could Taoism at this level be so powerful?

Even in Shengguo's library of Taoism, there is no such powerful Taoism among the Taoism that can be controlled by inner palace monks.

It can not only delay the opponent's attack, but also has an extremely strong defense, and can also suppress the vitality... If it still has the ability to move, it is at least a super-grade level. How could it be controlled by the current Lin Zhengren?

So, what really allowed Lin Zhengren to come and go freely among the three emerald green trees...

A flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Limeng's mind, and she found the source of her uneasiness!

Raising his hand and pressing it, the almost endless light immediately covered the martial arts stage, and also illuminated the ferocious, blue-colored ghost attached behind Lin Zhengren.

It's the tree ghost!

It was the tree ghost that was supposed to have been wiped out by Lin Zhengren's Yang Dao technique in the previous round of battle!

It has not been wiped out at all.

The ghosts raised by Lin Zhengren are not afraid of sunlight at all, are not afraid of masculine Taoism, and do not have the common weaknesses of ghosts!

This is a bureau, a bureau that has been laid down since then!

Maybe it wasn't aimed at her, she was just the one who fell into the trap on her own initiative!

I remembered Lin Zhengren's dejected face at that time.

I think of what he said at that time——"It takes a lot of resources to raise ghosts, but they are easily killed. My supernatural power is so weak, I really don't know how to go the next way..."

At that time, I also comforted him, saying that there are no weak supernatural powers, only people who can't use them.

remember these...

Jiang Limeng felt cold all over his body!

She had always thought highly of herself, but for the first time she was afraid of a man's city.

But these negative emotions were quickly disintegrated by Zhiguang, and she let herself return to the battle with the self-esteem of a strong person.

If the ghost raised by Lin Zhengren was not afraid of the fierce light at all, then the water ghost from before...

Jiang Limeng suddenly lowered his head and pointed.

A ray of light flashed, cutting off half of the corner of the robe, exposing ankles as snowy as jade.

On the ankle, a purple-black handprint! ! !

Thanks to the lord bili, who has eight teeth exposed, and became the silver lord of this book! Thanks to the silver lord bili for another leader who donated eight toothpastes!

Thanks to the leader of the new alliance who read slowly!

Thanks to the leader Di D for his new alliance!

Thanks to the leader Yang Saosao for the new alliance who loves to read!

Thanks to the lord Ashga for the new alliance of the Creditor Organizing Committee! (Thanks to Yang Saosao)

Thanks to the leader Green's newly sprouted old Buddha for cheering on the three new alliances!

Thanks to book friend Shao Wuyin for two consecutive lord awards and becoming the lord of this book!

Thanks to the book friend Er Tu Me Me Da, for becoming the leader of this book! (Thanks Xia Bureau)

Thanks to the new alliance leader Zhijiu o!

Thank you book friend Dreaming of Fighting the Sword to the End of the World for becoming the leader of this book!

Thanks to the book friend who came back to the No. 1 machine and became the leader of this book! (Thank you for starting over again)

Thanks for the new alliance among book friends!

Thanks to Shuyoushu for rewarding the four new alliances of this 12!

Thank you book friend Guang Shuzhen, the heroine, for becoming the leader of this book! (who is this!)

Thank you, thank you to all the book friends who gave rewards, and thank you for every monthly ticket you voted for! (Though they're all my debts)

This chapter was updated with 10,000 words, and it was not finished until 1:30 in the morning. Please forgive me if there are any typos or omissions.

See you tomorrow.

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