Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1117

Jiang Wang, who was watching the battle from the stands, soon received a detailed and complete piece of information about Lin Zhengren's supernatural powers of nurturing ghosts—this is the essence of Qi State's status as the top six in the world.

Lin Zhengren's supernatural power is called [Hundred Ghosts Day Walk], and it is one of the supernatural powers most suitable for raising ghosts.

Its effect is very simple, the ghosts raised by practitioners through this supernatural power will erase the common weaknesses of ghosts. As its name says, all ghosts can "walk in the daytime"!

It doesn't sound too scary, but the power of it, Lin Zhengren today, has shown it vividly...

Of course, what made people most vigilant was not this supernatural power, but Lin Zhengren's performance in battle.

From the very beginning, Jiang Wang made a completely different choice from Jiang Limeng in Rumeng Ling's simulation.

Because he deeply knew how cunning Lin Zhengren was.

He knew that there must be something wrong with the Yuanshui ghost, and he also thought of the existence of tree ghosts.

But even he ignored Lin Zhengren's eyes and didn't notice until the battle was nearing the end.

Although it was earlier than Jiang Limeng, there was still the advantage of being a bystander after all, so it was hard to call it a successful response.

Lin Zhengren obviously knew Jiang Limeng very well. He had anticipated her choice from the very beginning and made preparations early. He hid the vampire in his eyes. He was not blinded by the bright light at all, but pretended to have been blinded.

He deliberately acted angry and crazy, and then threw out clues bit by bit, leading Jiang Limeng by the nose the whole way.

First use the Hundred Eyed Ghosts to perform a "performance", and guide Jiang Limeng to kill the Hundred Eyed Ghosts with powerful Taoism.

Later, Jiang Limeng wasted Dao Yuan and time by using Yuan Devouring Water Ghost to cooperate with the "reminder".

From the beginning to the end of the performance, even if he was sure of winning, he never showed the slightest bit.

Use a fake vampire to bury Jiang Limeng's last hope.

This person... is terrible!

Especially his last retreat.

With Jiang Limeng having lost all ability to resist, his choice was to retreat!

It seems that he will not make any mistakes at all, and he will not give his opponent any chance at all. It is so cold... chilling.

To be an enemy with such a person, you must kill him early, and you cannot let him grow again.

Although Zhuang Country is small, monopolizing a country's resources can also allow Lin Zhengren to develop very well. Just look at his performance today, you will know!

How could those little devils of his have been raised so well without the support of Zhuang Guo's resources? He can't even go bankrupt on his own.

Jiang Wang already had calculations in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face.

The sound of evil spirits devouring the body on the martial arts stage is chilling.

From the east stand, a voice came——

"Sheng Guojiang Limeng surrendered, let's stop here!"

That was the voice of Sheng Guo's Deputy Prime Minister, Meng Wuya.

This is an old man with a crane face and long beard, with fluttering sleeves and a fairy-like demeanor.

His face was still calm, but the sound he made at this time already showed his anxiety.

But even so, he didn't break the rules, and directly interfered with Yanwutai.

The general of the Shence Army who was in charge of the Yanwu stage of the C brand immediately went on stage: "The battle of the Yanwu stage of the C name is over, and the winner is Zhuang Guolin Zhengren!"

Lin Zhengren was even more "knowledgeable about the rules". After the general of the Shence Army announced the result, he immediately took back the three little ghosts. Under his deliberate control, the three little ghosts were only disintegrating Jiang Limeng's resistance, but they did not forcefully go the way of killing her, leaving her alone.

Killing Jiang Limeng is not in the interest of Zhuang Guo, and for him now, the harm far outweighs the benefit. After solving a Tianjiao who has regarded him as an enemy since then, what he got was the hostility of the entire Sheng Kingdom. Being in the Dao family, there are still many opportunities for contact. If the conditions are right, Zhuang Gaoxian may not protect him.

Wipe away the blood stains from the corners of his eyes and the tumbling mess, and retract the ferocious little devil. At this time, Lin Zhengren still looks elegant.

He took off his coat, stepped forward, half-kneeled on the ground, and gently covered Jiang Limeng's mangled body with the coat, taking care of her dignity.

"As Senior Sister Jiang said, we belong to the same Dao lineage, and share the same energy. My honor is also the honor of Senior Sister Jiang. I was so angry just now that I hit too hard. I hope Senior Sister Jiang can forgive me."

After saying this, he got up, stepped back and retreated, and met the eyes from all directions.

It's just that Jiang Limeng was already in a coma, and he didn't know who he was speaking to.

But then again, if Jiang Limeng hadn't passed out, he would probably have jumped up with anger.

The battle was officially over, and several people from the Shengguo side immediately came up to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds, while carrying Jiang Limeng away. Someone grabbed Lin Zhengren's coat and threw it on the ground. The hostility was predictable, but unavoidably faux pas.

However, Lin Zhengren just sighed, walked over, bent down and picked up his coat, without saying a word, walked down the martial arts stage silently.

In the stands, Meng Wuya, Deputy Prime Minister of Sheng State, nodded and said, "Lin Zhengren of your Zhuang State has both strength and scheming, and he is very generous, not bad, not bad."

The speaker seems to have no intention, but the listener should be careful.

Sitting next to him, Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of Zhuang Guoguo, immediately complained: "This Lin Zhengren is too inconsiderate in his actions. Even if he, Senior Sister Jiang, has done too much, she is also a senior sister who is also a Daoist. How can he be so cruel?" ? I will not spare him lightly when I go back."

These words made Meng Wuya's eyelids twitch, but he couldn't refute.

Everyone saw this battle clearly, and indeed, as Du Ruhui said, it was Jiang Limeng who "did too much" first.

Even if Lin Zhengren had some calculations, it was Jiang Limeng's initiative to give him the opportunity.

If Jiang Limeng hadn't preserved her strength and had the ambition to achieve better results in the main match of the Yellow River Club, but only used hard power to collide with Lin Zhengren and was not negligent with Lin Zhengren, she would still have a better chance of winning today's battle.

The organ is too clever to calculate, but it is self-contained, and it stops there.

"Since we are on the stage of martial arts, the most important thing is to win or lose. There is no need to talk about what is not measured."

Meng Wuya waved his hand, with the bearing of a great country's prime minister: "I think Lin Zhengren performed very well. But Jiang Limeng was arrogant and negligent, and he deserved the loss."

"Don't talk about Meng Xiang's words to outsiders." Du Ruhui shook his head and smiled, "What kind of person are you? To get your praise, the rotten tree will be towering! If that boy Lin Zhengren hears it, his tail will stick out if he can't tell. To heaven!"

Meng Wuya glanced at him with a smile, but did not speak again.

Meng Wuya has never underestimated the pair of monarchs and ministers who led Zhuang Kingdom to rise.

But until today, he felt that he still underestimated Du Ruhui.

Sheng Guo's previous judgment on Zhuang Guo was not accurate.

As the prime minister of a country, he can let go of his figure. But at critical moments, relying on weaker countries, they dare to fight directly. It can be said that it can be bent and stretched. When bent, it dives into the Jiuyuan, and when stretched, it soars into the Nine Heavens.

There is a prime minister like this, and Lin Zhengren is like this.

From this point of view, the future of Zhuang Kingdom may not stop at the present.

Speaking of which, I didn't deliberately rely on anyone for the names of the characters in the book.

For example, Du Ruhui, my god, when I designed this character, I subconsciously chose Du Ruhui's name. Then I thought, no, it seems like I bumped into a celebrity. Fang Mou decided that it would be inappropriate to involve such a famous historical figure.

So I changed it to Du Ruhai.

But when I edited and uploaded the article later, I suddenly felt that Du Ruhai's name seemed so ordinary, and I should change it. Hey, Du Ruhui seems to have more style! Then change it.

(At that time, for some reason, I forgot about Du.)

(Yes, that's how I struggle with it, and a name can go back and forth.)

Later, some readers exclaimed that Fang Mou Du Juan, my story has been going on for a long time, and he has also appeared many times. Difficult to readjust. So it just continued.

It has nothing to do with historical figures.

It's a formal statement.


Yesterday, I worked hard to update it, so it’s not reasonable to not have twelve o’clock today, right?

See you tomorrow.

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