Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1118 ? Once seen the history, eternal like this (monthly ticket 14 thousand)

Chapter 1118 Once seen the history, it is like this forever (monthly ticket 14 thousand)

This round of the Neifu field competition is over.

The first to get seven places in the main competition are Lin Zhengren from Zhuang State, Yeluzhi from Liao State, Yin Wenhua from Song State, Xiao Shu from Dan State, Bei Gongke from Yong State, Huang Su from Liang State, and Xie from Xue State. sorrow.

This list is very interesting.

First of all, Tianjiao, the inner state of Zhuang Kingdom and Yong Kingdom, entered the main match of the Yellow River Meeting at the same time.

Lin Zhengren is a little-known name, who rose to prominence after Zhu Weiwo left. And this Beigongke is the grandson of Beigongyu, the British Duke of Yong Kingdom.

At the beginning, the Three Kingdoms of Yong, Luo, and Zhuang held talks in the city of Buredao, and the younger generation of Tianjiao "compared with each other".

However, the people of Yong State at that time said that it was only because Bei Gongke, who ranked first among his peers in Yong State, was not there. He was traveling abroad at that time, and Yongting underestimated the enemy. The second young talent. This is the reason why the Yong Kingdom lost face in Unredeemed City.

There are even more voices who believe that it was the eclipse of that meeting that led Zhuang Luo to dare to join forces to invade the country.

Bei Gongke has a background, talent, and strength, and his record is also very impressive. During the battle of Zhuang Yong, he fought against Chimawei on the front line of Jing'an Mansion under the command of Qi Maoxian, Prime Minister of Yong Kingdom.

He stood firm on the city wall and fought bloody battles for three days and nights without retreating. After the battle, he was awarded the first meritorious service in Jing'an Mansion by Qi Maoxian.

Such a person is naturally the pride of Yong Kingdom.

Now the war between Zhuang and Yong has just stopped, and the grievances and grievances between Zhuang and Yong have been entangled for hundreds of years. At the meeting of the Yellow River, Lin Zhengren, the newly-emerged Tianjiao of the Zhuang Kingdom, was listed with the undoubted No. 1 Beigong Ke of the Yong Kingdom, which naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Which of the two of them can go further is also the thing that most people are interested in.

Followed by Huang Su of Liang Guo.

It can be said that Liang Guo has a long history with Xia Guo. In terms of geographical location, it is in the southeast of Xia Kingdom.

Xia Kingdom has a vast territory. For example, the homeland of the Lian family in the south of Qidi is also within the territory of the current Xia State.

Before Shenwu, the Great Xia was even more prosperous for a time. It once spanned the two southeastern regions, fought for supremacy with Qi in the eastern region, and merged countless countries in the southern region.

Unfortunately, Liang State was one of the countries annexed by Xia State.

Xia Guo moved the last Liang Emperor to Xiadu, but within three years, the last Liang Emperor died. There are different opinions on the cause of death, and there is no conclusion so far.

Later, when Qi Xia fought for hegemony, Xia was defeated and lost, and completely withdrew from the Eastern Region.

Xia Ting suffered heavy casualties in the war, and needed to mobilize a large number of troops to garrison the northeast border, so as to prevent the Qi State from going south and destroying the State in one fell swoop. Powerless to suppress the Quartet.

Kang Shao, the royal family of the Liang Kingdom, raised his arms in the downtown area of ​​Biancheng and vowed to restore the country with blood. Thousands of Liang people followed him on the spot, killed the guarding Xia soldiers together, and raised their troops.

Liang people who cherished their homeland responded one after another. In less than five days, Liang land was already full of wars.

It took only two months for Kang Shao to restore the entire territory of the Liang Kingdom and re-establish the Daliang Sheji. Opened an altar in Biancheng and set up a sacrifice to comfort the ancestors, so he became emperor and continued to inherit the title of "Liang".

The relationship between Liang Guo and Xia Guo can be said to be an indelible feud between generations.

From the records of the last emperor of the former Liang Dynasty in the historical books of the two countries, we can get a glimpse of one or two——

"Xia Shu" said: ... In that year, he moved to Xianhou in the capital... Three years later, he died of a serious illness. (hong)

The "Book of Liang" records it like this: ... In that year, Emperor Min moved to Xiadu forcibly. Before three years, he was killed with medicine and collapsed in a shabby room, wrapped in bamboo mats. When the people of Liang heard about it, they all beat their chests and stamped their feet, feeling extremely hated and mournful.

The unfortunate Emperor Liang, named "Nian" and posthumously named "Min", was conferred the title of "Hanhou" by Emperor Xia when he surrendered.

Xia Guoren said that the last Liang Emperor Kangnian died of a serious illness himself, while Liang Guoren said that he was killed by Xia people's medicine.

The hatred between the two countries is so deep, the people of the two countries are naturally incompatible, and they are fighting everywhere.

But at today's Yellow River meeting, Huang Su, the Tianjiao of Liang's domestic prefecture, won the place in the main match ahead of schedule, and Tianjiao of Xiaguo's inner prefecture fell in love with him, but met Rong Guolin Xian first, showing his trump card too early. Today, I met Xiao Shu of Dan Country again, and was targeted hard, and I was defeated early. They can only compete with other losers for the remaining three places in the race.

Liang Guo won a small game, which can be said to be elated.

The defeat of Xiao Shu who touched the embarrassment is also worth mentioning.

Like Xuan, Qiao and other countries, Dan country is also located in the middle zone between the two overlords of Qin and Chu.

The difference is that the country of Dan is much stronger than Xuan and Qiao, and it is a regional power. Moreover, it is politically independent and will not be manipulated by any party from Qin and Chu.

To the south of Dan Country is the River Valley Plain. Further north of the country of Dan is the country of Mo, country of Cheng, and country of Zhuang.

The geographical environment is complex.

Qin and Chu fought in the river valley plain, and both sides mobilized powerful troops. This battle, for the two hegemonic countries, can be said to be traumatic, but the more tragic one is actually the river valley plain that is used as a battlefield.

All the small countries on the valley plain disappeared after this battle.

The nationals of various countries either fled to the south or voted for Qin and Chu.

Or those who don't want to leave...are buried in the ruins.

The entire river valley plain has become a Jedi. The valley states ceased to exist.

In contrast to the geographical location of the Dan Kingdom, the Xuan Kingdom and the Qiao Kingdom are in the south of the river valley plain.

Dan State, Xuan State, and Qiao State faced each other across the river valley and plain. But the countries that once filled them are gone.

"In the first battle between Qin and Chu, the countries in the river valleys perished. People at the time said: "The people in a small country are as humble as the grass on the plain." ("Jingshu · Tianxia")

The country of Dan is in such an awkward position, relatively speaking, it is closer to the country of Qin, and it is also more threatened by the country of Qin. Since the defeat of Chu State, the situation has become more delicate.

Xiao Shu's bravery at the Yellow River meeting this time is also because of the strong need of the Dan Kingdom to show off. At the same time, it is even more necessary to reach out to ask for resources behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, because in this world, no matter whether Qin Xiangchu or Dan Kingdom can't reach out, they will be cut off if they reach out.

And Xiao Shu is worthy of the name of Tianjiao, and his performance on the martial arts stage is very impressive.

Among these arrogances who have secured their places in the main match, Yeluzhi of the Liao Kingdom should also be mentioned in detail.

Yeluzhi was born in the Liao Kingdom, but he represented not only the Liao Kingdom. In fact, he is one of the arrogant figures jointly launched by the Alliance of Five Northwest Nations behind the Liao Kingdom.

The so-called Alliance of Five Nations in the Northwest is an alliance formed by the five countries of Liao, Zhen, Gao, Tie, and Han.

The Northwest has always been regarded as a place of bitter cold, but it is actually rich in resources. Especially in the territory of Liao Kingdom, the reserves of Daoyuan stone veins are astonishing.

Under the strong pressure of Jing State, the five countries of Liao, Zhen, Gao, Tie, and Han joined forces to fight against Jing.

Each of the five kingdoms is small, but they have joined forces and fought against Jing Guo all the year round, and the army's combat power is very strong.

On occasions like the Yellow River Meeting, their intention to challenge Jing is also very obvious.

After Yeluzhi's victory on the court, he even publicly stated that the opponent he wants to defeat is Huang Sheli from Jing Kingdom.

Huang Sheli threw off his yellow robe at that time, ready to end. It was hard to talk about it, so I was persuaded to leave this battle in the main match...

When it comes to the Alliance of Five Nations in the Northwest, it is time to talk about the Snow Country, an extremely cold place.

As the name suggests, the Snow Country has snow in four seasons in the country. This country is farther west in the northwest, and it is the farthest country to the northwest within the known range of the present world.

It is far away from the nearest cold country, and it does not get involved in the affairs of the Northwest Five Nations Alliance, and rarely communicates with other countries. There is a trend of "hiding in a small building to form a unified system, and caring about spring, summer, autumn and winter".

If it weren't for the fact that Snow Country would still be participating in the Yellow River Meeting, and there were such cold-tempered beauties like Xie Ai appearing this year, perhaps not many people would remember this country.

But the countries in the northwest will never ignore the mystery and strength of Snow Country.

Especially in the past few years, in the face of the increasingly tough attitude of the Jing country, the Northwest Five Nations Alliance has been trying to bring the Snow Country into the alliance, and exchanges have been frequent. The country of Jing also expressed its favor to the country of Xue many times.

In short, Snow Country's current attitude is crucial in the northwest region. You can tell a thing or two just by looking at how much Yeluzhi pleases Xie Ai.

Finally, as two big countries with close geographical proximity, the competition between Song State and Wei State is also very strong.

Yin Wenhua of the Song Dynasty qualified for the main match first, but Dong Guobao, the arrogance of the inner court of the Wei Dynasty, unfortunately met Yeluzhi and was thrown into the loser group.

This seems to mean that Song State overwhelmed Wei State.

Dong Guobao was a tall and thick man with red eyes. That expression of extreme self-blame and guilt is unavoidable.

In this round of final selection, seven winners will directly enter the main match of the Yellow River Club.

The seven losers will compete for the remaining three places in the race. Of course, with Jiang Limeng's state, he was determined not to be able to fight the next battle.

So the remaining six Tianjiao will play the final round to determine the three winners.

This is also a very cruel final choice.

Because they had just experienced a fierce battle, they were all exhausted. But they have to fight one more game than the winners of the first round, and they have to show more means.

In the past, Tianjiao who won these three places in the loser group, very few can advance to another round in the main match. Basically, the main match is the end... But whether they can enter the main match is a world of difference .

Jiang Wang focused on the battle between Lin Zhengren and Jiang Limeng today, and Lin Zhengren was very good at delaying the time, causing him to miss the other six wonderful battles.

I can only briefly browse through the general information on Qi's side, and a more complete and detailed analysis can only be seen after returning to Qi Street.

The six Tianjiao who had lost one game were paired by lottery, and once again stood on the stage of martial arts.

This is a doomed fight, because everyone knows that this is the last chance. The course of the battle was even more intense than the previous one.

The final winners were Dong Guobao from Wei State, Jiang Shaohua from Shen State, and Touchian from Xia State.

The first two victories are undisputed, especially Dongguo Bao of Wei State, who almost got up from the pool of blood. With a slightly harder fate, he survived to the end. And his opponent died on the spot. Jiang Shaohua also won a half-stroke after a hard fight.

Only touching pity made many spectators complain.

In the previous round of his battle with Danguo Xiao Shu, after Chi Tiannu was easily dismembered, he only summoned one-legged ghost-faced mouse bats to attack once, and was easily defended by Xiao Shu, who was well prepared, and was knocked down. Next, he was the first Tianjiao to lose in the previous round.

At the beginning, many people felt that he was known too much and targeted too much, and that the tiger and the chain snake didn't have time to fix it, so he lost so quickly.

But until the beginning of this round of the loser's match, with the puppets, tigers and chain snakes appearing one by one, after Tuo Min defeated his opponent with almost peak combat power.

Everyone just knew that from the very beginning, his eyes were on the loser match. So when he faced Xiao Shu, he retained his combat power to the greatest extent.

In the end, he "waited for work with ease" and defeated his scarred opponent.

This is undoubtedly disgusting.

Those who come to watch the river platform are all the pride of the world. Everyone has their own pride, few people will make such a choice!

Huang Sheli from Jing Country even took the lead in booing in the stands.

But his empathetic face did not change.

He stands here now, while the opponent has fallen.

No one can deny his victory, and no one can take away his place in the race.

That's enough.

Standing proudly on the martial arts stage, he seemed to take the disdain from all directions as praise. Quite a "temporary honor and disgrace, what should I add to me", which made many high-level figures secretly nod.

In any case, Tuo Min was reasonably within the rules and won the place in the main match. So this is the end result.

More than ten years later, when people look back at this Yellow River Meeting, they will probably only remember how many places Xia Guo won. Who will remember how he got it?

Lin Zhengren of Zhuang State, Yeluzhi of Liao State, Yin Wenhua of Song State, Xiao Shu of Dan State, Bei Gongke of Yong State, Huang Su of Liang State, Xie Ai of Xue State, Dongguo Bao of Wei State, Shen State Jiang Shaohua, Xia Guo's sympathy.

These ten people, together with the arrogance of the six powerful countries in the world, together form the lineup for the main game of the Yellow River Club. It can be said that the stars are shining brightly, and there is no one weak.

Just when Jiang Wang was about to get up and leave, suddenly, there seemed to be a "buzz" sound from the stands around, and many people whispered to each other, completely giving up the sound transmission, and there was a crowd of voices!

People are spreading such a shocking news that it completely overwhelms the contempt for Tzumi.

Qiao Lin, as the "strong man with a broken mouth", was naturally one of the first to receive the news.

The news was so shocking that when it reached Jiang Wang's ears, Jiang Wang was also taken aback for a moment——

"The Tianjiao of Jing's domestic government has given up the game!"

There is a shortfall of 16 players in the main match of the Yellow River Club.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

It is probably because the roster for the main match has been confirmed at the end, so Jingguo is only now confirming the news.

Jingguo, recognized by the most people as the most powerful country in the world, and Jingguo, who has always aimed at the top three, actually gave up the Neifuchang of the Yellow River Conference?

Why? What happened?

Of course, this has caused too many people's suspicion, confusion, and inquiry.

But at this moment, this may be a question that needs to be considered later. For many people present, another question may be more important-who is the vacant spot for the main match in the Inner Palace of the Yellow River Club? Who has a chance?

People eagerly passed messages to each other, and the scene got out of control for a while.

Amidst the commotion, a tall figure suddenly flew into the arena, hanging in the middle of the sky. He has a square red face, long eyebrows and a high nose, very dignified.

Turn around and go around, so that everyone can see his appearance clearly and notice his firm eyes.

Then he said: "I, Xian Nankui, is now the Commander-in-Chief of the Shence Army. Some people already know about this news, and some don't. I'm here to say it officially."

He looked around with prestige in his eyes: "I'm a landlord, and I don't want to compete with the guests in everything, so I gave up the place in this year's Yellow River Conference to give people in the world a chance to compete for the top spot."

The sound was not loud, but quietly suppressed the noise of the audience.

Today, in the Martial Arts Field surrounded by the Pillars of Heaven and Earth, although many big figures have come, none of the top six in the world are present.

With so many people present, no one can surpass Xian Nankui.

Therefore, when he spoke, he was a little wanton.

"General Xian!"

Jiang Wang suddenly heard a familiar voice, and turned his head away. Cao Jie, who was "faced by the little daughter-in-law", had already sat next to him at some point.

Sitting in the stands, he looked at Xian Nankui who was hanging high in the middle of the martial arts stage, with a bitter expression on his face, but his words could not be ignored: "If you abandon the competition, you will abandon the competition. Don't speak so out of proportion."

At this time, on several scattered martial arts platforms, there were still three Tianjiao who had won the final places in the main competition.

But everyone's eyes will only be attracted by Xian Nankui who is hanging in the air.

No matter how proud Tianjiao is, in front of the commander-in-chief of the Dajing Shence Army, he can't help being bleak.

However, Cao Jie faced him, and his momentum remained unchanged.

He sat next to Jiang Wang, and continued slowly: "You, Xian Nankui, can be said to be the landlord of Jingguo, or even the landlord of the Central Region. Cao is too lazy to correct. But Guanhe Terrace is shared by my human race. This suppression The long river is the holy altar where all the nations of the world sacrifice together. We are not guests, so how can you call yourself the Lord?"

Jingguo considers himself a landlord here, sorry, but I, Qiguo, don't.

I waited for all the countries in the world to come to Guanhetai to participate in the Yellow River Meeting with a glorious history and a long history. This is a meeting to suppress Changhe and distribute the benefits of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, not the Tianxia League held by your Jingguo.

If you want to wear the crown of the leader of the world for yourself, it is still far away!

As soon as Cao Jie said this, he immediately suppressed Xian Nankui's prestige, and stood up to him on the stage of the world.

Sitting next to Jiang Wang, he also felt confident. Qiao Lin, the soldiers of the overwhelmed army, all held their heads up high and were very excited.

Before Xian Nankui could speak, another voice continued: "The place under the sky cannot be said to be close, but it belongs to your Jing country, right? The Sheng country and our Mu country are also very close!"

At the entrance to the east, an old man wearing a gorgeous golden and blue sacrificial robe stood at some unknown time.

Namodo, the golden-crowned priest of the Shepherd Kingdom!

He stood there with his eyes slightly lowered, like a feeble old man in his twilight years, he didn't seem to have such domineering words out of his mouth just now.

Meng Wuya, Deputy Prime Minister of Shengguo, was present at the scene, so of course he couldn't be silent at this moment, even if the opposite was a powerful country in the world.

Immediately, I rolled up my sleeves, stood up on the stand, looked at Namodo and said, "This golden-crowned priest, I have no limits to my dreams, so I can teach you that although Shengguo is close to Mu, Muguo is also close to Sheng. !"

Sitting next to Meng Wuya, Du Ruhui couldn't help shrinking his gaze.

Sheng country is really tough, it is worthy of being the first vassal country, a country that really dares to fight a large-scale war with Mu country. For other countries, even if it is a matter of national dignity, they would never dare to respond in this way. Because it is as strong as the Great Shepherd Empire, if it says to destroy you, it will really destroy you, not just to show off its prestige.

"Well said." Namodo raised his eyelids, opened his hands suddenly, and his body was bathed in divine light.

From a dying old man to a radiant priest of the gods, his voice suddenly became magnificent. He looked at Meng Wuya with eyes full of golden light and said: "The light of Cangtu God shines, my great shepherd Wanli Grassland, welcome athletes from Shengguo to gallop!"

"Everyone, everybody!" Xian Nankui pressed his hands together and said with a smile, "It's Xian who made a slip of the tongue, I apologize to you all here. This is just to show kindness, there is no other intention. You don't need to be too sensitive. The meeting of the Yellow River It's a grand event in the world, everyone is at war here, what's the proper way?"

"If you can't beat it, say you can't beat it. If there is no one, say there is no one." A faint voice said.

Everyone followed the prestige, and on the seat behind Huang Sheli, they saw a strong man with a strange face and light armor.

He looked at Xian Nankui and said, "You're so stupid, it's not very interesting!"

Sitting behind Huang Sheli, and able to talk to Xian Nankui like this, of course only Xia Houlie, the governor of Jing Guoxiao's cavalry!

Xian Nankui looked at him quietly for a while.

He also looked at Xian Nankui nonchalantly, and even continued: "Jing Guo is so magnanimous, why not give up the next round, the next round, and every subsequent round?"

It is true that Jing Guo is known as the strongest in the world, dominating the central region, and seeing the world as a tiger. But when it comes to war, Da Jing, a military empire that all serves the war, really won't back down from anyone.

It is also a temptation.

There must be a reason for Tianjiao's abandonment in Jing's domestic prefecture. And the reason behind this, if it can be spread out in front of the stage, it can explain the situation of Jingguo to a large extent.

Among the top six in the world, who would not care about Jing Guo?

It is those Dao-dependent countries. Doesn’t anyone want to replace them and become the Dao Zongguo?

For example, the first Dao belongs to the prosperous country, although it has always been submissive and willing to work without complaint. But in terms of its heart, is it willing to be the steel knife in Jing Guo's hands forever, or does it want to be the knife holder? Based on Sheng Nation's own interests, is it really willing to fight a tough battle with a world power like Mu Nation?

This is not at all influenced by anyone's will, and the fundamental interest of the country lies. It just goes the other way, directing the flow of those wills.

At this moment, Namodo did not speak, and Cao Jie watched coldly. The others didn't have the confidence to speak out, and they absolutely didn't want to get involved.

In the end, Xian Nankui smiled, and he couldn't see the expression on his maroon face.

He turned around and glanced at Namodo and Cao Jie one by one: "A leader, you take it too seriously. Then let me put it another way. Jing Guo voluntarily withdrew from the inner court of the Yellow River meeting. The main competition is to give countries other than the so-called top six in the world a chance. This general thinks that it is more appropriate to give Bai Yuxia, the Tianjiao of the Yue Kingdom, the extra quota for the main competition, what do you guys think?"



ps: 閨 (hong): The death of the princes is called 薨. The death of the Son of Heaven is called Beng.

Six thousand words is not too much to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, is it?

One of the chapters is to add 14,000 changes to the February monthly pass.

The night is gone. Really gone. Not a drop. No matter what.

Again, monthly tickets are required, and it is very important to squeeze forward at the beginning of the month.

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