Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1120

Cao Jie looked at Jiang Wang: "That's it?"

Jiang Wang nodded seriously and said, "That's all. Of course, this is just my personal impulse. If the country has other plans..."

"Yes." Cao Jie interrupted him, and said lightly, "I'll arrange it."

To be honest, before speaking, Jiang Wang didn't think it would be so easy.

It was during this period of time that he and Cao Jie got to know each other, even if they were familiar, Cao Jie's attitude towards him was relatively gentle, but not to the point of being particularly close.

He originally thought that at least he would have to eat and hang up, as if he didn't have a big picture or something.

The reason why he decided to say this after much deliberation is because...if he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know when he will be able to deal with Lin Zhengren.

Lin Zhengren's fearfulness has been fully proved in the martial arts arena these days.

Compared with Wang Yiwu's opponent who is dedicated to pursuing peak power and believes in the truth wherever his fist goes, Jiang Wang is still more afraid of Lin Zhengren's omnipotent enemy.

In order to get Cao Jie to agree, in order to be able to meet Lin Zhengren in the first round of the race, he prepared several sets of arguments.

But there was no time to export.

Cao Jie agreed very simply, without even asking him why.

Jiang Wang just bowed his head and said: "Thank you, General."

"Only one thing." Cao Jie said with a light smile, "If you lose to the opponent you chose, don't blame me for calling you to the military law."

Jiang Wang replied with a serious face: "There will be no resentment!"

Cao Jie raised his chin: "Go back and practice."

Jiang Wang then left and went to his room.

And Cao Jie looked at his back, only felt that this young man was sometimes too serious.

But as someone who has experienced it, he understands very well what kind of young genius can erase his arrogance and become so serious.

But the world is so big, who doesn't suffer?

He didn't say anything other than a sigh.



In the small courtyard that Zhuangguo belongs to.

Du Ruhui and Lin Zhengren were still sitting opposite each other on both sides of the stone table.

Lin Zhengren sat upright, put his hands on his knees, and asked cautiously: "Master Guoxiang, Shengguo..."

Du Ruhui glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "The Yellow River Meeting is a grand event in the world, and no country will be so shallow as to go to war because of the outcome of the Yellow River Meeting. You can rest assured! If there is any trouble, You are fighting for the country, and the country will give you the bottom line."

Lin Zhengren bowed his head and saluted: "Zhengren's incompetence in handling affairs has made the Prime Minister bother you."

"You have already overjoyed me by winning the pride of Shengguo, so how can I be more demanding on you?" Du Ruhui reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Zhengren, in front of my family, I don't need to have so much psychological burden."

As the prime minister of a country, it is natural to have a dignified bearing. For Lin Zhengren, it is rare for him to have such a cordial moment.

This is the case now, because Lin Zhengren deserves it.

Entering the main match of the Yellow River Club is already Zhuang Guo's best result in all previous competitions.

No one can deny that Lin Zhengren is a talent.

Du Ruhui didn't mind being more kind to those who could contribute to the country.

Lin Zhengren nodded solemnly, without concealing his gratitude: "Zhengren knows."

Du Ruhui looked at him, and said earnestly: "Now is the best time for Zhuangguo, but it can be better and should be better. I really hope that you can grow together with the country."

Lin Zhengren said: "I dare not say that I grew up with the country. Zhengren's ancestors have lived in Zhuangdi for generations, and he only wants to contribute to the development of the motherland."

Du Ruhui nodded in satisfaction: "The country will not let people who are loyal to the emperor and patriotic suffer."

He continued to encourage a few more words, and then asked casually: "Your water ghost is well-raised. It's called Xiao Li?"

"It's my younger brother's name." Lin Zhengren dared to call out his name on the martial arts stage, but he didn't intend to avoid the question, and said slowly: "The whole family of my Lin family was murdered by villains, and all of them were wiped out overnight. , I will never forget this grudge!"

Du Ru's eyes were filled with empathy: "This matter is the negligence of Wangjiang City's City Lord's Mansion and the Criminal Investigation Department. They have already been held accountable at that time. Afterwards, I also strictly ordered the Criminal Investigation Department to investigate."

He changed the subject: "Do you know who is the enemy who destroyed your family?"

With Qi Rong on his face, Lin Zhengren's teeth were almost gnawed, and he squeezed out words through the gaps between his teeth: "I only hate that I am incompetent, and I don't even know who the enemy is! I only know that he wears a mountain ghost mask. He is ruthless and powerful. He is tall and strong, and his height is about the same as me."

Of course he couldn't know that that person was Jiang Wang, because if he knew Jiang Wang's identity, he could easily deduce the murderer of the Dong A case through the Deadwood Jue, and then deduce the truth about the destruction of Fenglin city. Very reasonable development.

But the problem is... Before Zhu Weiwo decided to betray the country, he was with Zhu Weiwo in Xin'an City!

With Du Ruhui's wisdom, it is not difficult to guess, I wish you the secret of treason.

So Lin Zhengren really didn't know who his enemy was.

Even before the meeting of the Yellow River, Emperor Zhuang had already given him information about the arrogance of the nations. Even if he already knew that Jiang Wang, the genius of the Qi Kingdom, was from the Zhuang Kingdom.

His secret determined that he must not be able to link Jiang Wang's two identities together.

Du Ruhui looked at him for a while, and said quietly: "That man did not simply do evil, he has a great hatred for our Zhuang country. He first forced the Taoist Jue at the Wangjiang City Taoist Temple, and then went to the Lin clan to slaughter You are full of families, and not long after that, you took advantage of the opportunity of Zhuang Yong's national battle and our army was away, entered Xin'an City at night, and attacked and killed the Deputy Prime Minister Dong Ah by relying on the restraint of the rotten wood art to the wooden Taoism!"

"The murderer who stabbed Dong Xiang to death was also him?" Lin Zhengren was shocked, angry and hated: "Who is it?!"

He made a serious analysis and murmured: "This man knows Kuimujue, and he also knows Dong Xiang very well. He should be from Zhuangguo, or even from Qinghe County. He also hates Zhuangguo very much and has been paying attention to Zhuangguo's situation. ..."

"The former disciple of Fenglin City Daoist Academy, now Qi Guo's arrogance, Jiang Wang!" Du Ruhui gave the answer, and said slowly: "These days, the one who sits in the stands every day."

In the match between Lin Zhengren and Jiang Limeng, of course he saw Jiang Wang, and Jiang Wang also saw him. But the two sides had a very tacit understanding without any communication, and they didn't even stop their eyes, as if the encounter near the Qichang Mountains never happened at all.

But Du Ruhui remembered.

He didn't know how Jiang Wang got into the Qi country, this will be investigated later. But he knew that the blood debt of Fenglin City was tied to this young man.

And Dong A's death, he will not forget.

This is a young man born and raised in Zhuang Country, and now he is also Zhuang Country's unending enemy.

"Why has he become the pride of Qi, with a bright future, but he still wants to return to Zhuang to commit murder?"

Lin Zhengren accurately expressed various emotions of astonishment, anger, and incomprehension, and his tone was mixed with grief and indignation: "Yes, yes. No wonder I have an indescribable familiarity with him. It turns out that he is really the one I know. Jiang Wang! Although the temperament has changed a lot, the outline is still very similar... I thought... I thought it was just the same name. I thought that Jiang Wang in Fenglin City was destroyed along with Fenglin City."

In the information that Emperor Zhuang transferred to him, it only said that Jiang Wang was born in Zhuangjing, but did not say that Jiang Wang was from Fenglin City. However, Lin Zhengren and Li Jianqiu have never been able to speak much, and it is reasonable that they did not discover more specific information.

In a state of half-enlightenment and half-sorrow, Lin Zhengren suddenly raised his head, and said in a hateful voice: "He was born in Fenglin City Taoist Academy, and the country gave him resources to let him practice and cultivate him to become a talent. Qualified to participate in the discussion of the Three Cities! Why does he hate the country so much now? Because of the fall of Fenglin City?"

He said angrily: "But that is Bone Dao doing evil, he should hate Bone Dao!!"

Du Ruhui sighed, and said with great emotion: "There are thousands of people in this world with thousands of thoughts, and some people are like this. No matter how nice you are to him, he will only take it for granted. But as long as there is something that is not what he wants, he will take it for granted. The world is sorry for him, and he feels that all his sufferings are the fault of others.

When the Bone Road became a disaster, he escaped, but he didn't know how many people died for our country from the Criminal Investigation Department and the City Guards! We mobilized the power of the whole country to wipe out the Tao of Bone Bone, and many Taoist students died in this incident, but this person left with nothing but hatred! Fly away...and come back with hatred. "

"This man has no virtue, but he has talent. Now he is the pride of Qi, representing the world's most powerful country in the Yellow River meeting. The future is smooth. Zhengren."

Du Ruhui looked at him, and said pessimistically: "If one day my old bones are gone, an enemy like Zhuang Guo will have to rely on you to resist..."

Lin Zhengren held back his sorrow: "Du Xiang, you will be able to visit Dongzhen as soon as possible. The entire Zhuang Kingdom cannot do without you. As for Jiang Wang and other villains..."

He gritted his teeth: "I am at stake with him!"

"Dongzhen, Dongzhen, how easy is it to see true immortality?" Du Ruhui sighed, then shook his head, and said, "Perhaps, there is another possibility. If Jiang Wang is related to the Tao of Bone Bone...then he can escape The fall of Fenglin City makes sense. And now that the Path of the Bone has been wiped out, he certainly has a reason to hate the country."

Of course, Lin Zhengren knew the truth about Fenglin City in his heart, and he also knew that Du Ruhui was 'revising' that part of the past, and he also knew that Jiang Wang could not be a Bone Taoist.

But of course he couldn't know.

He doesn't know and doesn't understand.

He is just a young monk who doesn't know the truth at all, and therefore doesn't doubt his country's chancellor.

So he scowled and gritted his teeth.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly 'woke up' and said: "You said it this way, I know why Jiang Wang has so much hatred for me, Mrs. Lin! The night he was in Wangjiang City, he didn't do evil at random. !"

In Du Ruhui's mind, this was indeed a question.

Jiang Wang's hatred of Dong A's hatred of Zhuangguo can be traced, but he also wiped out the entire Lin family in Wangjiang City, which is very inconsistent with this person's true character. After all, Dong A had placed high hopes on him. And on the long street in Xin'an City, he and Dong A fought to death without harming a single innocent person.

But Du Ruhui felt that Lin Zhengren might not have a good answer. For Lin Zhengren, the pride of the country, the 'evil' he might hide should not be exposed to him. At least when he is useful to the country, he should not be exposed.

So he deliberately didn't ask.

At this time, Lin Zhengren could take the initiative to give an answer, that would be great.

Of course, his response was deliberately not to take it seriously, and there was only an understatement——


Lin Zhengren gritted his teeth, as if lost in memory.

Looking at the night in the distance, he seemed to see the bloody night in Wangjiang City again, and finally said: "That Jiang Wang was originally the son of a medicinal material merchant in Fengxi Town, Fenglin City. After his father died of illness, he took the family wealth and He entered Fenglin City Daoist Academy to practice. Only his stepmother and the daughter born to his stepmother were left behind to live a difficult life in Fengxi Town.

Jiang Wang's stepmother was named Song Ruyi, and she lived as a widow in the town. With her daughter alone, she struggled to support a medicinal herb shop that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and couldn't make it through.

Later, because of business contacts, I met a promising young man from my Lin family named Lin Zhenglun. Zheng Lun helped her a lot, and the two gradually developed a good impression of each other.

In terms of seniority, Zhenglun can be regarded as my cousin. He has no talent for cultivation, but he has a good talent for business. My Lin family is considered a big family in Wangjiang City, and the business of medicinal materials in the family is entrusted to him.

Lin Zhenglun and Song Ruyi fell in love with each other, and they decided for life. Although my old man was dissatisfied that the other party was a widow, but because of Zheng Lun's deep affection, he pinched his nose and admitted it.

As for Jiang Wang, except for leaving his sister, saying that it was the Jiang family, and the Jiang family raised her on their own, they didn't stop her.

After marriage, Zheng Lun and Song Ruyi were very affectionate, and Song Ruyi sent some money to Fenglin City from time to time to subsidize the Jiang family with the property of the Lin family, but Zheng Lun didn't say anything. Such a happy day.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. For a while, the medicinal material business was not good, and Zhenglun suffered a lot of losses. My grandfather asked him to let go of his burden and raise his heart first.

Zheng Lun is a strong one, and he feels depressed, so he gets drunk every day. Song Ruyi often quarreled with him because of this.

I actually don't know much about the couple.

All I know is that Zhenglun came home late that day, and they had a big fight, and it is said that they even made a move... Song Ruyi jumped into the well..."

When Lin Zhengren said this, he paused. This was a 'story' that he had carefully edited, and he did not know how many times he repeated it in private. But since it is a memory, it cannot be told too smoothly, too much like a 'story'.

He breathed a sigh of relief before continuing: "This is my family's ugliness, and my family ancestor also deliberately covered it up, so he didn't let this matter go to the official. It's just that Zheng Lun was locked up in the family.

Later, when Jiang Wang heard about Song Ruyi's death, he found a few fellow Taoists and came to him. Ordinarily, at that time they were all at the meridian level, and I alone was enough to expel them.

But first of all, we are all Taoist disciples, and we may be colleagues in the future, I don't want to hurt my friendship. Secondly, Song Ruyi died in the Lin family after all. She married from Fenglin City, and she died within a few days of her good life. My Lin family can't get rid of the responsibility. So I came forward and broke up with him.

He didn't make any rude requests at that time, he just asked the Lin family to give an explanation for Song Ruyi's death..."

Lin Zhengren sighed: "Zhenglun was heartbroken and ashamed of Song Ruyi's family, so he committed suicide on the spot, saying that he would repay with death. I am very sad that Zhenglun died, but this is his choice, and I have to respect it." .

He said that he was only in pain when he was alive, and he thought that if he could see Song Ruyi again after death, he would be able to live a good life. I know that there is no reincarnation in hell, but I just hold such expectations... what else can I do? "

Lin Zhengren looked sad: "After Zhenglun committed suicide, Jiang Wang said that this matter is over.

I also asked people to donate all the medicinal materials business under the name of Zhenglun to the Jiang family, so that they can raise Song Ruyi's daughter.

I thought it was over like this.

I didn't expect it to be a year later..."

Lin Zhengren was a little choked up, but he quickly erased this vulnerability, and said with hatred: "I didn't expect that in Jiang Wang's heart, this matter would never pass. It's just that he was not my opponent at that time, so he could only bear it. After you gain strength, be the first to slaughter my entire family of the Lin family!"

These words are half-truth and half-false, well-organized, every link is clear, and there is no proof.

Apart from Jiang Wang, there is probably no other person in this world who can stand up and expose it.

But now, this proud man of Qi, can the people of Zhuang believe what he said?

So what he says is what he says.

He is really full of hatred.

After repeating it too many times, in his heart, he really felt that it was Jiang Wang who killed his entire Lin clan.

In that bloody night in Wangjiang City, he was just an innocent victim from beginning to end.

Now, he is just a poor man who bears the blood debt of the whole family.

Forward with a heavy load, with perseverance.

This kind of quality, of course, will be appreciated by Du Ruhui.

"Because of this matter that has already been resolved, he is so ruthless that he wants to destroy Lin's family. He is really small-minded, and he must retaliate. From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why he hates the motherland where he was born and raised him so much."

After listening to Lin Zhengren's story quietly, Du Ruhui sighed: "I can't think of a Taoist temple in Fenglin City that raised such villains. This is Dong Azhi's negligence. They only pay attention to practice, not virtue."

Lin Zhengren barely suppressed his hatred, thought for a while, and asked: "This person is so vicious, but he has become the representative of Qi State's Tianjiao. Can we expose his nature to Qi State? The law of heaven is clear, how can we make him Show off your power again?"

Through the conversation tonight, he has completely washed away any possible doubts about himself. won more trust from the Prime Minister. It can also be justified, with the support of Zhuang Guo, to start targeting Jiang Wang.

For Du Ruhui, he also found a reason for Jiang Wang that conforms to the logic of his behavior, which can be used to smooth out the subsequent risks of the Fenglin City incident. It is even more important to take care of the country's Tianjiao, so that this young man's ideas are more in line with the national interest.

Both of them consciously achieved the desired effect through this conversation.

So two people, one old and one young, added a bit of intimacy.

But now is not a good time to settle accounts.

"No." Du Ruhui said earnestly: "No matter what Jiang Wang's background is, since he represents the Qi State in the battle this time, it is the face of the Qi State, and the Qi State will definitely protect him. Your Lin family has been wiped out. The Fenglin city was overthrown. This is a blood feud, but we have no evidence to expose it. Even if there is, it will be suppressed by the Qi State. After all, the Qi State is a powerful country in the world. Head-to-head. Xu Tuzhi is responsible for this matter."

Of course Lin Zhengren knew he wanted "Xu Tuzhi", otherwise why would he endure so hard?

But he still showed unstoppable hatred: "Are we just letting him go like this?"

Du Ruhui looked at him and said: "Blood revenge must be repaid with blood, but we must wait for the right time. We were able to raise the flag at Suolong Pass and waited for decades. Remember, the more angry you are, the more calm you must be It's hatred, the more you have to be patient."

Lin Zhengren took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, and clenched his teeth tightly.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and said, "Zhengren has been taught."

Du Ruhui nodded with satisfaction: "You are good at cultivation, your next opponent should be among the five people, Bei Gongke, Huang Su, Xie Ai, Dong Guobao, and Jiang Shaohua. As far as you are concerned, it is a monstrous achievement. Of course, even if you can't win, no one will blame you. As long as you show your style and let people see our heroes, that's enough."

Lin Zhengren said earnestly: "Zhengren will definitely do his best, at the expense of life and death!"

"No, that's not right." Du Ruhui shook his head, looked at him and said, "You must cherish life and death. It doesn't matter if you lose, but you need to save your life for usefulness. Your life must not be thrown on the viewing platform. Zhuangguo still needs People like you are here to build, do you understand?"

This is simply nonsense. The Yellow River Tournament has always been guarded by strong people in the main game, and there are very few dead people.

But Lin Zhengren still nodded his head heavily, expressing being deeply moved: "Understood!"

Du Ruhui looked at the night sky, but saw the stars thin and the moon bright: "It's very late. Do you have any questions about cultivation?"

"I don't understand one thing. You said earlier that Jiang Wang went to force Kui Mu Jue to deal with Vice Minister Dong. That Kui Mu Jue is his family teacher..."

Lin Zhengren made a mistake on purpose, and continued: "The headmaster of the Wangjiang City Taoist Academy said in secret, that the old man once said that only my junior brother, Fu Baosong, is suitable for this technique. Although I have no chance to learn it, I do have some understanding of it. Taoism does have a restraining effect, but it shouldn't have such a strong effect."

Du Ruhui thought for a while, then responded: "The potential of this Taoism has not yet been discovered. Fu Baosong has contributed this technique to the National Academy of Taoism, and the National Academy of Taoism has also made the latest research progress some time ago. After I go back, I will order people to take it. for you."

The old man said that he was not suitable, so he only passed it on to Fu Baosong. This is a technique that will be brought into the coffin. Fu Baosong changed hands and contributed it. Is this a gentleman with integrity? It's ridiculous!

Lin Zhengren hesitated and said: "But...the director of Wangjiang City Taoist Academy once said that I am not suitable for this technique."

"That was before, and the most primitive technique was indeed somewhat obscure and difficult to master." Du Ruhui waved his hand and said, "Now that it has been improved, those problems have been removed. You will know when you learn it later."

"So, Na Zhengren thanked the Prime Minister."

"There is no need to be formal. Your benefit is the benefit of Zhuang Guo. I am happy to see you grow up."

The so-called good teachers and high apprentices, virtuous and talented...

There are bright moons in ancient and modern times.





(Read the chapter and say that everyone is arguing fiercely.

In fact, in a lively world of Xianxia, ​​it is normal to like which character and which character to hate. It's okay to hate the main character.

I just saw the world and shared it with you.

There are all kinds of people in this world, and the sustenance of readers in the novel world can't explain anything.

I just hope that everyone can discuss with reasons and not develop into personal attacks.

In addition, Lin Zhengren has a role card. If you like him, give him a like, it's free.

This paragraph doesn't count. )

It was agreed that the next one would be four thousand, but I suddenly came up with six thousand!

What is it called?


One of the chapters is to add 14,500 to the February monthly pass.


Thanks to the leader evanschen for rewarding two new alliances! !

See you tomorrow!

The next is really four thousand! I really need to save manuscripts.

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