Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1121 ?

Chapter 1121 Surprise

Some things just can't be covered up.

Especially for the powerful countries in the world.

On the second day, before dawn, Cao Jie summoned the arrogance of the three kingdoms together and told them a shocking news——

Just two days ago, the No. 1 Tianjiao in Jing's domestic prefecture... died in battle behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters!

It turns out that this is the fundamental reason why Jingguo gave up the Neifuchang of the Yellow River Meeting!

In the quiet room where the four of them sat around, Cao Jie himself, who conveyed the news to Jiang Wang and the others, was also somewhat surprised.

It's not to say that there has never been a case where the pride of the world died on the eve of the race, but this kind of thing is rare, and usually only happens to other countries.

For the six major powers in the world, this is almost impossible to happen.

Any country will also strengthen the protection of its own country's arrogance before the meeting of the Yellow River.

For example, Jiang Wang went to Xingyueyuan, accompanied by two monks from the inspection office of the capital city. Ji Zhaonan went to the Lost Realm to practice, and it was said that Qi Xiao, who was stationed on Jueming Island, personally took care of him.

Jingguo definitely has no shortage of strong men, and will never be stingy with protecting Tianjiao.

But their No. 1 pride in the inner government still died on the eve of the Yellow River meeting...

It's hard not to be moved by this news.

Cao Jie knew about the battle behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters two days ago.

A core area where Jingguo was stationed was suddenly attacked by the demon clan, and the two sides fought a fierce offensive and defensive battle. Based on the covenant of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, Qi State also sent troops to the corresponding demon race area of ​​the country at that time.

Behind the Ten Thousand Monsters' Gate where the war continues, this is a common occurrence.

On the eve of the start of the Yellow River Meeting, it is normal for the No. 1 Tianjiao in Jing's domestic prefecture to still practice behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. It is necessary for many strong players to maintain the feeling of fighting and adjust to a better state during the fight.

Moreover, the No. 1 talent in Jing's domestic prefecture is indeed qualified to not care about the trials.

But the No. 1 Arrogant of Jing's Mansion, who was trying out behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, died on the spot.

This is unusual...

Cao Jie knew that the offensive and defensive battle in the Jingguo area was fierce, but he didn't know how intense it was - the top God's presence expert who guarded the Inner Mansion Realm Tianjiao during the trial also died in this battle.

Jingguo suppressed the news for two days. Their contestants had been keeping it secret all along, and other countries hadn't thought of this at all. They hadn't thought that Jingguo's No. 1 talent in the inner court would die in an accident. So it really made Jing Guo cover up the past.

Until yesterday, Jingguo announced that he would abandon the main match of the Yellow River Meeting, which aroused countless speculations. Qi State focused on intelligence mining in this area, and only discovered this news.

"Even so..." Jiang Wang thought for a while, and said, "I still can't understand why Jing Guo gave up the competition directly. Thinking about how strong Jing Guo is, it's not impossible to find a second inner court Tianjiao who is expected to win the championship." Come."

Take Qi as an example. Even if something happened to Jiang Wang, Lei Zhanqian could take over at any time. With his skill in the world of thunder, Lei Yan was punished by heaven, which was stronger than Jiang Limeng, not weaker.

Not to mention that there is Wang Yiwu who is number one in the army over there, who has just become famous as a strong outsider and won the first victory in capturing Jianfeng Mountain. When it comes to the meeting of the Yellow River, who can say that he has no chance to compete for the first place?

Jingguo's three veins are developed simultaneously, dominating the central region, and seeing the world as a tiger, there will only be more choices.

"I think that during these two days, Jing Guo should also be actively looking for a replacement, and find another talent from the inner court to participate in the main match." Ji Zhaonan said.

Among the three arrogances present, only he felt the most about the war behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters: "However, there are too many issues involved in such an occasion as the Yellow River Meeting.

First of all, this year's Yellow River meeting, Jing Guo was directly appointed Tianjiao to participate in the battle from the beginning, and there was no internal final selection. If something goes wrong first, and then it goes wrong, it doesn't work. Because who is the second is a big question. "

Jiang Wang nodded silently, this is indeed a big problem to fight his head, especially when the time is extremely tight.

Ji Zhaonan continued: "Secondly, the Tianjiao who participated in the battle in Jingguo's inner government this time came from the lineage of Yujing Mountain. The designated quota for the competition belongs to Yujing Mountain. It is difficult to find another one in Yujing Mountain that is sufficient to replace it. Who would be willing to hand over to Tianjiao from the other two holy lands? Jingguo has three veins running side by side, and its interior is intricate. As a big country with the longest history, the relationship among them is particularly complicated, and it will not be clear for a while .

In the end, it is not so easy to find a candidate who can match the No. 1 Arrogant in the Inner Mansion. And for Jing Guo, sending a Tianjiao who has no hope of winning the championship to join the battle is itself a sign of weakness. "

These words are very clear, but Jiang Wang also has his own thinking: "Having said that... I still don't quite understand the abandonment of the game. Who to send to the battle and which line of talent to send is nothing more than the transfer of their internal interests. And directly Abandoning the game will lose the interests of Jingguo as a whole. Is it better to eat less than not eat at all?"

Cao Jie took the topic and said, "The reason why you can't figure it out is because you don't understand where Jing Guo's interests lie."

"At the meeting of the Yellow River, what the nations are fighting for is the distribution of interests behind the Gate of the Ten Thousand Monsters. But the Gate of the Ten Thousand Monsters is under the city of Tianjing..."

Cao Jie sighed: "It is true that the power of this distribution is shared by our six countries, but it cannot be avoided. Jing Guo occupies the largest share."

Jiang Wang suddenly understood better, when he was on the platform of the world before, why did Cao Jie, Namo Duo, and Xia Houlie attack together as soon as Xian Nankui opened his mouth. Of course, Xian Nankui's statement is very problematic, but Jing Guo is the strongest in the world, and it is the core of the problem...

If the top leaders of Qin State and Chu State confronted each other, no powerful country in the world would support either side. Look at them with a cold eye.

"At the meeting of the Yellow River, the nations competed for the distribution of benefits behind the Gate of the Ten Thousand Monsters, and for the right to participate in wars and plunder the harvest. And we, the top six in the world, have territory and military strength behind the Gate of the Ten Thousand Monsters. How far to fight. What are we, the six countries that preside over the distribution of interests, fighting for?"

Jiang Wang made it clear: "More distribution rights limited to the six countries?"

Cao Jie still had something to say, but Jiang Wang understood.

For countries other than the six strongest in the world, the meeting of the Yellow River does represent the interests of the people behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

But these benefits are only leaked through the fingers of the world's six strongest.

In essence, the meeting of the Yellow River where the prides of the nations compete is nothing more than a hope drawn by the six powers of the world to other countries, giving them the possibility to break free and forge ahead.

It is still a part of the Kaimaidan tribute system.

With such a hope, other countries want to work hard to integrate into it. Participating in the order of the world, a small country becomes a big country, and a big country becomes a powerful country... It is not hopeless, and the only choice in the end is destruction and confrontation.

For example, Rong Guo tried his best to hide Lin Xian so that he could become a blockbuster at the Yellow River Meeting.

If Lin Xian can really go further, Qi State will also recognize Rong Guo's victory and give them the opportunity to fight behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Because maintaining the fairness of the Yellow River Meeting is to maintain the existing order in the world. To maintain order is to maintain the absolute supremacy of the six powers in the world.

Of course, this kind of "fairness" will also be regulated within a framework that is in line with the interests of the six powers.

"So Jingguo's interest lies in being 'the strongest'. It lies in the establishment of this impression and status."

Cao Jie said calmly: "If I'm not wrong, since the Neifu court has already given up... When the quota for today's outer court is confirmed, they will also give up together."

He looked at Ji Zhaonan: "And this only shows that they are absolutely sure of winning the championship for the unlimited field under the age of 30!"

Jing Guo wants to deepen the impression of being the strongest in the world, how can he do it when the first pride in the inner palace has been lost?

Directly abandon the inner mansion field and the outer building field, and only keep the unlimited field representing the strongest talents in all countries under the age of 30.

Leaving no leeway is the strongest confidence in itself.

Once you finally succeed in winning the championship.

It can be explained that the leader of the Yellow River Association, they Jing Guo can take whatever they want, and let them go if they want.

What arrogance!

The leader evanschen is Chen Meng's trumpet, sorry I forgot!

I will remember it later! ! !

Thanks to Chen Zeqing, the first silver alliance in this book!

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