Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1134 Rejection (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

The two people who were engaged in the battle rushed to the sky in an instant.

Surrounded by six towering stone pillars and six giant Dharma figures, it keeps going upwards.

The people watching the battle in the arena also raised their heads and looked at the sky.

At this moment, it can be seen that among the four battles that started at the same time in the entire "Taixia Zhitai", more than 60% of the people who paid attention to their battle!

This is an extremely gorgeous scene.

Gan Chang'an danced with his palm and pushed Dou Zhao backwards towards the sky.

The speed is so fast that the air is exploding.

The saber qi that constantly collided and exploded between the two, guided by the saber technique of fate, converged on the dome, and already split the "sky" into a crack!

But Dou Zhao couldn't help himself, and went to the rift in the sky.

At such a tense moment, from the distant star dome, the four starlight holy buildings belonging to Dou Zhao lit up one after another.

Surging power flows in his body.

There was a devastating and suffocating sense of oppression in his brilliant eyes.

Dou Zhao's hand holding the knife suddenly made a mistake, and the edge of Tianxiao's knife, driven by a terrifying force, suddenly moved the tip of Wu's knife in his palm to the side!

The tip of the knife is staggered!

But Gan Changan had an innocent smile on his face.

Karma saber technique, how easy is it?

The tip of his knife was obviously swung away, but he still stabbed upwards. Logically speaking, this knife should have missed Dou Zhao...

But it stuck to Dou Zhao's belly!

Don't give up!


In the sky where the light of the knife is shattered and the "sky" is cracked.

A drop of blood fell down.

Dou Zhao's blood.

With this drop of blood falling...

It was a crisp sound of "clang"!

At the same time that Dou Zhao took the palm dance away with a knife, he turned around in the sky with the knife, and when he looked down at Gan Chang'an, there was only destruction in his eyes.

And the Tianxiao knife turned around with it, and chopped it down heavily!

Wives and children separated, why?

Displaced, why?

The hardships and hardships of the world have nothing to rely on.

If there is no natural disaster, it must be a man-made disaster!

A shadow surrounded Dou Zhao's body, which made his face look a bit illusory. But he and his knife are so real.

It existed before and it will continue to exist in the future.

But if someone witnessed him at this time, his heart would also be darkened. Life is dull and the future is gloomy. There is no hope in this life, and there is no hope in the next life.

This is a curse!

How could Jiang Wang, who was watching the battle, not see it?

When he was in Qingyun Pavilion, Chi Dingfang, the patriarch of Qingyun Pavilion, sacrificed his life to fight against demons and demons. The taboo Taoism was to arouse the misfortune and gather the dark clouds of misfortune.

As the current owner of Yunding Immortal Palace, Jiang Wang certainly thought about whether it was possible to reappear.

It stands to reason that if the good fortune and the blue clouds correspond to the dark clouds of misfortune, Yunding Immortal Palace should have the fairy art that corresponds to the smooth progress of the clouds.

However, although the Taoism that Chi Dingfang performed at that time was taboo, it was not an immortal technique.

From Jiang Wang's current point of view, it was not a surgery guide either. Although it has the name of Black Cloud of Calamity and Misfortune, it is fundamentally different from Qingyun of Good Fortune.

It is similar to Wuxianmen's exploration of the Shengwen Xiandian, and it is probably also a latecomer's exploration and modification.

There is no doubt that this taboo Taoism inherited from Qingyun Pavilion is the result of approaching the Shujie named Black Cloud of Calamity.

It's just that Jiang Wang really lacks understanding of the disaster, so it has been difficult to make progress.

Seeing Dou Zhao's saber at this moment, he suddenly felt familiar.

It would be great if he could talk about how this knife used the "disaster".

If one can have a deep understanding of the misfortune, and use this to invert Qingyun Pavilion's technique of bringing disaster and black clouds, there will be a way of thinking. Coupled with Rumengling, it may not be impossible to reproduce the real black cloud Shujie.

Corresponding to rising steadily, it is possible to deduce related fairy arts.

Conversely, if one can explore the fairy art corresponding to the black cloud of calamity. With an extra control of the fairy arts, Rumeng Ling also has the opportunity to push it to a higher level, making it suitable for more fairy arts...

This is of course a beautiful idea.

It can only be an idea.

Not to mention that he and Dou Zhao are inseparable friendships, even if there is a real friendship, it is impossible for an outsider to know Dou's secrets.

I can only hope that Dou Zhao will come with a few more knives, so that he can see more clearly...

At a high altitude, Dou Zhaotuan swung his saber, and cut Zhang Wu in half before he continued to thrust.

Gan Chang'an's knife should not have been cut open.

He controls the palm dance with the karma knife technique, which has already pierced Dou Zhao's abdomen, and must penetrate his body and soul.

But when the blade of Tianxiao Dao collided with the blade of Wu Zhongwu.

His essence, energy, spirit, will, and momentum all collapsed for a moment.

Dou Zhao's saber is the second of Dou Zhan's seven moves, which is called [Man-made Disaster]!

Harness the misfortune and kill the enemy.

Man-made disasters are worse than natural disasters.

Gan Chang'an himself was a disaster, and from the inside out, he disintegrated his own saber posture.

Although it was suppressed by him only in an instant, the karmic saber technique repaired itself, turned back, and the saber force reunited.

However, Dou Zhao has already taken advantage of the situation and made the next cut.

The sense of destruction in his eyes has disappeared, and it has become bright and dazzling again.

The Tianxiao Dao is a thick-backed and heavy sword, which often opens and closes, cutting the sky and the earth at every turn.

When the knife fell, it was extremely light.


Paste the palm dance's sword.

To be precise, it was Gan Chang'an who handled the sword brilliantly, and before Tianxiao's sword cut him off, he used the sword dance in his palm to hold him up.

This four-inch long knife, in Gan Chang'an's hands, is like an iron wall and a copper wall.


From the arm where he held the knife, his skin dried and cracked.

A series of cracks spread from the right arm to the whole body.

Dou Zhao's saber is the third of the seven Dou Zhan moves, and it's called Skin Defeat!

The previous slash was based on misfortune, but this slash disintegrated flesh and blood.

The knife is blocked, and the momentum has been cut!

Ye Qingyu, who was watching the battle from the stands, felt a chill down his spine. She had fought against Dou Mian in Chi Yunshan, and she had also tried to defeat Dou Mian at that time. It did feel powerful, but never terrifying.

See you until today.

She couldn't help being afraid when she thought of being cut by this knife and her body would rot like this.

This kind of knife technique is really close to Taoism!

Can her Yunzhuan magical powers resist? Is her puppet soldier talisman enough to kill?

Ye Qingyu was not the only one who was frightened.

But Gan Changan will never be included.

Although his young body began to decay and began to decline uncontrollably.

But he was still in high spirits, he just turned his palm and danced, the four-inch knife swirled and danced around the blade of Tianxiao Dao, approached constantly in the constantly exploding sparks, and finally got close to Dou Zhao's palm, cutting five fingers vertically!

But he said in his mouth: "I am still aspiring to learn at nineteen, so I can't be called old!"

The mysterious veto magic power was used again.

The cracks on his body recovered one by one. Still the freshness, firmness and vigor of a young body.

It exudes amazing vitality.

And Dou Zhao raised his saber high again, and slammed it down: "People are careful and old, and old people are old too!"

He said Gan Chang'an people are careful and old, even though they are nineteen, they are not young.

His eyes were indifferent, and Tian Xiao's sword was determined.

The sound was like frost, and the faint light flowed on the edge of the blade, directly cutting into pieces the light of supernatural power.

Another slash of divine nature!

Jiang Wang in the stands was shocked. [Heavenly Punishment] and [Man-made Disaster] are still within his comprehension.

But the way of destroying the divine nature...

How can it be! ?

If it was the first time that Gan Changan's supernatural power had exhausted its effect, then this time it really collided directly with the supernatural power.

And the results look so amazing.

Could this trick of Dou Zhao really be able to shatter the light of supernatural power every time?

Even if it is known as the number one killing technique since the present world, it is incredible that it can do this!

He fixed his eyes on the battlefield, observing the changes in the battle situation.

But I saw Gan Chang'an's five fingers, like a lotus flower blooming, and the handle of the dancing knife in his palm, standing in the palm.

Like a small beauty, standing in the center of his palm.

His five fingers are clean and strong, the color of blood is clear, and there is no sign of decay.

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief silently. It seems that the deity extermination method can indeed fight against supernatural powers to a certain extent, but it is also very limited and cannot completely dispel the power of supernatural powers.

But... Even so, it really lived up to the title of "the number one killing technique since the present world"!

Gan Chang'an stretched out his five fingers, pushing Palm Dance with his palm.

The four-inch pocket knife spun wildly in his palm.

In the world in the palm of your hand, petite beauties are dancing wildly.

The huge world outside the palm seems to be flying along with it.

Intoxicating, confusing!

Dou Zhao's hand also became soft, as if he was also reduced to the knife, dancing with the opponent's four-inch knife.

But the Tianxiao knife fell lightly, and the blade just hit the tip of the palm dancer.

Soft as a kiss.

It is the skin defeat of the seven styles of fighting, and it is designed to kill good skins!

Palm dance is full of spirituality, she can be regarded as a beauty among famous knives, of course she is a good skin.

The tip of the knife collided with the blade.

Palm Dance stagnated.

Gan Changan took his time and looked at Dou Zhao with his still innocent eyes.

The childishness and youthfulness in the eyes are all gone. His wisdom and austerity shine in his eyes.

He's not really naive, let alone naive.

At the age of eight, he has the ability to stabilize one side, and his wisdom is far beyond ordinary people.

This scene at this moment was planned by him long ago.

All in the palm of your hand!

At this moment, the two knives touched each other and fought together.

The two each hold a knife, only to decide their lives.

It's a good time to divide life and death!

A figure with Eguan Bo belt, stepping out from the spirit of the sky, aloof and majestic, is the soul of Gan Chang'an!

Gan Chang'an, who is in a state of mind and soul, is as ethereal as a fairy, with excellent temperament and unpredictable power.

Just reach out and grab it!

In Dou Zhao's body, a phantom writhed anxiously, about to come out. That is Dou Zhao's soul, which is being manipulated and pulled out!

This is a supernatural power, [Fugue Tour]!

The spirit travels like a fugue, and in front of the "god", everything is an ant. Naturally, it can also control the opponent's soul to a certain extent. If you wander in your own mind, you can also call your opponent to swim with you!

It stands to reason that it is extremely difficult for monks at the level before the presence of gods to resist this kind of supernatural power.

The timing of Gan Chang'an's shot was extremely precise, as if he was aiming at securing the victory and destroying Dou Zhao.

But in the face of such terrible supernatural powers.

Dou Zhao's expression was still bright and bright.

With a change in his saber's posture, his divine nature was immediately destroyed with a single stroke, and he cut through the light of supernatural power.

This knife started too early, no more than before, after Gan Changan's supernatural power took effect, so it failed to cut the supernatural light into pieces.

But he only needs a moment of digestion and stagnation. The knife turned and turned again, and the phantom of the soul that was about to emerge from his body was consistent with his physical body.

Raise the knife at the same time, and cut it down at the same time.

His face seems to be a little old, and his spirit seems to be a little weak.

Decline yourself before you hurt the enemy!

Self-declinement is of course to kill the enemy.

This is the fifth form of the Seven Fighting Forms, and it's called [Body and Soul Decay]!

The Tianxiao Saber almost flicked out, and immediately hit the spirit of Gan Chang'an who was carried by Gao Guanbo after the divine nature was destroyed.

Like an eagle hitting the sky, a fish flying in the shallow bottom.

There is no lag between the front and back, as if it should be so smooth and natural.

Gan Changan showed a surprised expression.

He really didn't expect that Dou Zhao actually practiced this pose to the point where his body and soul are both mortal.

People seek tigers, and tigers seek people.

He is waiting for Dou Zhao to fight the sword, and Dou Zhao is also waiting for him to wander!

This is a knife designed to cut the soul.

Destroying the body also destroys the soul.

One style of divine extinction cuts open the light of supernatural powers, and one style of body and soul decay drives straight in, facing the spirit directly.

The soul of Gan Chang'an brought by Gao Guanbo made a mistake on the spot and split into two.

Immortal travel is a powerful and terrifying supernatural power, but after all, it is also a wandering soul, and it was cut off directly by this knife!

Did Gan Changan lose?

Many people are thinking about this question.

The Qin people present were even more unwilling to believe that how could such a peerless genius like Gan Chang'an stop at the top eight?

But he couldn't lie to himself. The soul has been cut off, so where is the possibility of fighting again?

But Gan Chang'an, who held the palm dance high, obviously didn't think so, and never thought that he would lose.

His fugue failed, and his spirit was severely injured.

But he still held his knife, dancing in his palm, still beating in his palm.

He moved his lips and said again: "I can live in Chang'an at the age of eight, and at the age of nineteen, I want to make peace in the world!"

If you want to secure the world, you must start with winning the championship at the Yellow River Meeting.

He once again used the veto supernatural power to veto the failure of Shenyou!

This is obviously a very difficult thing, even for a terrifying supernatural power like [Negate].

The harder it is to "veto" the outcome, the more things have to give. Gan Changan looked at Dou Zhao calmly, the Starlight Holy Building belonging to him flickered violently, and the five inner mansions in his body rumbled and rotated.

He focused all his strength!

But Dou Zhao grinned, revealing his brilliant white teeth: "Wang Xixu coaxes the child. You lie to yourself too!"

Flipping is a knife!

This one hits the nail on the head.

Pointing directly at Gan Chang'an's spirit.

It seems to open his heart and face his darkness. It seems to cut off his miscellaneous thoughts and see his life and death face to face.

Dou Zhan's seventh style and sixth style, meet me with a slashing nature!

Cut sex to see me, who am I?

You are naive and mediocre, young and immature.

Young people become famous, and old people make no progress.

You stand still and feel complacent.

Living in praise, I don't know how much it is.

"Yellow-mouthed boy, how dare the world be called Queye!?"

Facing such a knife, Gan Changan was momentarily stunned.

He wouldn't have collapsed so quickly, but his soul had just been severely injured, and he had repeatedly used the supernatural power of veto to veto extremely difficult, and this last time, he hadn't had time to fully exert it...

There are so many reasons!

He suddenly woke up, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For a peerless genius like him...

It's all an excuse!

And Dou Zhao's Tianxiao knife had already fallen, and it slashed on Gan Chang'an's forehead, cutting Gan Chang'an all the way through the starlight of the body guard.

Just like before, Gan Changan used the palm dance to push against Dou Zhao all the way into the sky.

At this time, in turn, Dou Zhan slashed Gan Chang'an with the Tianxiao knife and fell all the way.

And faster, heavier, and more determined!

In less than a breath, Gan Chang'an was chopped off to the ground.

The starlight that protects the body just collapsed at this time.

The Tianxiao knife continued to chop mercilessly, cutting into half of the forehead!

Dou Zhao he...

Vetoed Gan Chang'an, who possesses supernatural powers of veto!

These two chapters are merged to form a basic update.

There's another chapter at twelve.

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