Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1135 ? National War

Chapter 1135 National Memorial (Add more changes for the leader adminnest!)

"The winner is the Chu Kingdom Dou Zhao!"

The sky fell, and Yu Xi's voice sounded at the right time.

The warm and clear light flowed, covering Gan Chang'an's body. Protecting his body and soul, nourishing his vitality.

At this moment, Dou Zhao is still holding the Tianxiao knife, which is still embedded in Gan Changan's forehead.

The blood is like a waterfall.

The red ones and the white ones have already blurred Gan Changan's face.

But the knife can no longer penetrate an inch.

Instead, it is pulling out little by little.

It's not that Yu Yu couldn't force the knife out more easily, but that on the one hand, he wanted to save Gan Chang'an's life and prevent the injury from expanding, and on the other hand, he also wanted to protect Dou Zhao from letting his "stop" , What harm did it do to Dou Zhao.

This is the fairness that the host of the main match of the Yellow River Club should have.

Feeling the determination and irresistibility of that force, Dou Zhao confirmed that it was impossible for him to split Gan Chang'an in two. So he raised his hand and pulled out the Tianxiao knife, shaking it lightly.

The red and white matter sticking to the blade came out.

Although he failed to kill his opponent, he finally won.

For the Chu people, the battle with the Qin people is probably more important than the battle for the top.

At this time, Gan Chang'an, the peerless arrogance of the Qin Kingdom, was in a daze, and his body was ruined. The head was split in half! Under the protection of Yu Yu, he was saved from death.

And Dou Zhao stood on the martial arts stage, holding Tianxiao Dao behind his back in one hand, looking at the direction where the Chu people gathered in the stands, with his hands wide open!

He didn't say a word, he didn't have to say anything.

In the stands, the people of Chu in all kinds of Chinese clothes sang the song of offering sacrifices to the state of Chu together.

"Fuck Wu Ge, I was caught by a rhinoceros armor, and the wrong car was picked up by a short soldier." (gu)

"When the sun is covered by the streamers, the enemy is like a cloud, and when the arrows fall, the soldiers fight to be the first."


From Ye Lan'er, to Xiang Bei, to every Chu person who came to watch the ceremony.

Some were crying, and some were hoarse.

Some blushed, and some clenched their fists.

They sing together—

"The weather is fierce and the spirit is angry, and the wilderness is abandoned."


The Battle of the River Valley was so tragic that millions of Chu people lost their loved ones.

A child without a father, a wife without a husband, an old man without a child...

They want revenge...

They want revenge!

The people of Chu State sang in unison, singing the heartbreaking sacrificial song——

"Sincere is both brave and martial, and finally strong and invincible."

"Since the body is dead, the spirit is alive, and the soul is determined to be a ghost hero!"

Dou Zhao put his saber back into its sheath suddenly, and the Chu people in the stands fell silent.

He murmured softly: "Since the body is dead, the spirit is alive, and the soul is determined to be a ghost!"

This peerless arrogance who overwhelmed Qin Guogan and Chang'an, in those brilliant eyes, two lines of hot tears rolled down at some point.

Who can forget the national humiliation?

Add a family feud!

The soul of his own uncle is also mourning in the valley and plain!

Now, can you rest in peace?

This is just the beginning...

This is just the beginning!

Of course the people of Qin were gnashing their teeth, and the people of Chu were certainly excited.

But joys and sorrows are not connected.

For the others present, what was more important was the battle itself.

Everyone in the world knows that the seven styles of Dou Zhan are unmatched.

However, there are very few people who have really experienced this "first killing technique since the present world".

Know it's strong, but it's hard to know that it can be so strong.

In this battle, Dou Zhao used a total of six fighting methods.

Among them, 【Heavenly Punishment】has the power of heaven, 【Man-made Disaster】causes misfortune, 【Skin Destroyer】disintegrates flesh and blood, 【Divine Destroyer】destroys the light of supernatural powers, 【Body and Soul Decay】represses spirit and soul, and 【Severing See Me】directly points to the heart. .

It can be said that each style has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

It was indeed the strongest killing method Jiang Wang had ever seen in his life.

Gan Chang'an's Karma Saber is also a peerless saber technique handed down from a true king and strong man, but it pales in comparison to the seven fighting styles.

What Jiang Wang was more concerned about was that even if he was as strong as Dou Zhao and as fierce as the Seven Styles of Dou Zhan, with the determination to kill, he could not kill Gan Chang'an in front of the real king Yu Yi.

It is enough to show how difficult it is to do this when Yu Yu is prepared.

So he must not let Yu Yu know his killing intent.

Without attracting the attention of this True Monarch, he who has mastered eight battles at the same time may not be negligent.

At that time, when the wind blows, the soul will be shattered. Could it be that Yu Yu would pay such a huge price for Lin Zhengren?

Jiang Wang was thinking silently, and moved his eyes nonchalantly.

The battle between Dou Zhao and Gan Chang'an is over, but the other battles are still going on.

Jiang Wang swept his eyes and found that there was another battle, which ended earlier than Dou Zhao's battle.

It was a man with long hair hooped in a bundle, eyebrows like qiongdao, and bright eyes.

With a sword on his waist and a simple and plain military uniform, he stood tall and straight in the center of the martial arts platform with a C-brand name, quietly watching the battle on the left side of the martial arts platform.

And not far in front of him, there was only a pool of blood, and the opponent should have been carried away for treatment.

Jiang Wang already knew that this was Yan Shaofei, the ranger from Wei.

The opponent he defeated early on was Ge Fei from the Yue Kingdom.

It is said that this Yan Shaofei came from a humble background, had no famous teachers and few resources, and grew up step by step by himself. He is well-known in Weidi and has many fans. He is a kind of hero.

He has been able to go all the way to the present, defeating Ge Fei, who was born in a famous family in Yue, and secure his position as the top four of the Yellow River Conference. Of course, he can be called outstanding. But in the eyes of many people, it is also a matter of luck. After all, not everyone can be so lucky that they will not encounter the overlord Tianjiao along the way.

If Jingwai Loujing Tianjiao does not give up the game, he should be appointed in the top sixteen...

Before he had time to observe him too much, following Yan Shaofei's gaze, Jiang Wang also looked at the battle on his left.

It was the battle between Chongxuanzun and Naliang, the Tianjiao of Muguo.

On the field, Xuanzun's sun wheel hangs high in the air, shining everywhere.

Still fluttering in white clothes, coming and going suddenly under the influence of heavy mystic techniques, very eye-catching.

Most of the eyes in the stands were also focused on him.

And Naliang, who was thin and thin, wore a pair of sharp iron claws on both hands, half arched his body, and continued to attack.

On the court, he was the one pressing down on Zhongxuan Zun to fight!

His movements are not pretty.

Just bend your feet, then bounce and jump. It's ridiculously crude.

But seeing the speed at which he leaped, no one could laugh.

Almost as soon as his toes left the ground, the iron claws landed in front of Chong Xuanzun.

His claws are also very ugly.

Like a hungry wolf rushing to eat, there is only the most primitive ferocity, but no half beauty.

But he moved like lightning under the light of the sun, and his iron claws swept away the sun again and again.

Using Chongxuan supernatural powers combined with Chongxuan secret techniques, Chongxuanzun who explored the surroundings thousands of times in an instant, Chongxuanzun who was able to escape the siege of Bao Bozhao, Chaoyu, and Xie Baoshu freely...

It's so hard to avoid it!





1. "Fucking Wu Ge, I was caught by a rhinoceros armor, and the car was wrongly picked up by a short soldier..." - "Nine Songs·National Memorial" Qu Yuan

2. I hope that every battle at the Yellow River Gathering will be exciting, worthy of the name [Gathering of the Proud of Nations].

The design of every battle, the conception of every supernatural power, every move, every character creation of Tianjiao...

Can be so much more, I have tried my best.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.

For Jiang Wang, thank the leader for such a reward from the leader!

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