Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1136 ?

Chapter 1136 The body close to the gods, the power of heaven

Na Liang, who is in the cavalry of the king's tent, is also a proud man with a legendary experience on the grassland.

Emperor Mu once affectionately called him "Wolf Boy".

On the grassland, wolves, eagles, and horses are all divine.

One can imagine the weight of the title wolf boy.

Of course, the closeness of Emperor Mu reflected in this title is what makes people more concerned.

The battle between Naliang and Qi Guozhong Xuanzun has been going on for a while.

Judging from the scene, it was Naliang who had firmly gained the upper hand, almost chasing after Chongxuanzun.

However, both sides in the war knew very well that this was just a warm-up.

Attack each other back and forth.

Speaking of which, it's just...

The probing is done.

During the rapid bounce, Na Liang turned his head suddenly, and looked at Chong Xuanzun who was manipulating the sudden shift of gravitational repulsion.

With one foot in the air, there was a muffled sound like that of a foot on the ground.

The figure moved accordingly, and the right hand wearing the black iron claws was torn off fiercely.

This claw is different from before.

On the pitch-black iron claw, one after another light spots lit up at this moment, like stars shining in the night.

A pattern of a wolf's head was faintly formed.

The four starlight holy buildings standing in the distant sky echo the wolf head pattern.

Strands of star power wrapped around the iron claw.

So the claw suddenly accelerated.

Almost as soon as the starlight came on and the picture of the wolf's head appeared, the tip of the claw had already brushed against the tip of Chong Xuanzun's nose!

The reason why he just brushed the tip of his nose was because Chong Xuanzun, amidst the rapid body changes, also sensed the danger in time, and pushed himself back a few inches with repulsion.

But Naliang turned back with a claw, and faced the door again!

Chong Xuanzun pulled gravity and avoided it again.

Naliang, who activated the power of the star building, increased his speed and lethality stronger.

But what is really terrifying is actually the explosions that he made when he stepped into the void, one after another.

This is supernatural power, 【Restraining Qi】.

The ubiquitous and indispensable "Qi"...

Use it for it!

Relying on the control of "Qi", Na Liang kept jumping in the air, changing directions as he wanted, and launched attacks on Chongxuan Zun again and again from various unimaginable angles.

Suddenly, a cold light shrouded the martial arts arena.

The battle reached its climax in an instant!

As long as the extraordinary monk opens the gate of heaven and earth, he can fly physically.

But turning back and forth in the air relies on its own power. It is the physical strength derived from qi and blood, and it is also the promotion of the power of Dao Yuan in Tongtian Palace.

Fighting up, down, left, and right in the air, for many monks, there is a chance to do it after a long period of hard training.

Just like ordinary people who are not extraordinary, they can run freely on flat ground after they grow up.

But even for an extraordinary monk, if he wants to be "free" like Naliang, moving in the air at a terrifying speed and completely counterintuitive, without special means, it is almost impossible.

The vast majority of monks in the outer building realm cannot exert such a strong impetus only with the promotion of their own Daoyuan power. Not even the physical body can withstand such a fierce tearing inside and out.

What's interesting is that Chacha Naliang's opponent at the moment is a genius with special means.

Using Chongxuan supernatural powers combined with Chongxuan occult techniques, thousands of times of temptations and changes in an instant, Chongxuan Zun was able to make all kinds of exquisite reactions under this stormy attack.

Xingyuan Celestial Wolf's claws flashed a cold light in the air, Na Liangwei bent half of his body, and his feet made a muffled sound, like a lone wolf leaping and hunting in the wilderness.

And Chongxuanzun, in fluttering white clothes, manipulated the power of Chongxuan, dancing like a dancer.

There is also a brilliant and dazzling sun wheel, which circles around and collides with the star edge Sirius' claws from time to time.

The two figures were fighting in the air, going left, right, up and down, it was dizzying.

This peak duel of interpretation speed is also intoxicating!

Huang Sheli in the stands couldn't help but marvel: "So handsome, so beautiful!"

Xia Houlie, the governor of Xiaoqi who was sitting next to her, silently glanced at her.

The meaning in those eyes couldn't be more obvious, what are you looking at? Who are you cheering on? what country are you from?

Huang Sheli came to his senses, and hurriedly looked over to Zhongshan Weisun and Fan Wushu, as if he just lost his mind occasionally.

He also murmured pretendingly: "Well, brother Weisun's move is really beautiful!"

As soon as Xia Houlie looked away, she hurriedly shifted her gaze back to the battle between Qi Mu and Tianjiao.

What's so good about that guy who puts on airs and pretends to be demeanor every day!

From Ji Zhaonan to Chong Xuanzun...

Sure enough, a handsome man should wear hemp and filial piety.

The fluttering white clothes are really eye-catching!

Qi Guo Tianjiao is really good!

In order to appreciate Zhongxuanzun, she didn't even watch Dou Zhao vs. Gan Chang'an. How can a mere grandson of Zhongshan Wei move my mother's mind?

Xia Houlie has nothing to do with her, as long as this girl doesn't brazenly applaud and encourage other countries' talents, he will pretend that she didn't see it.

As soon as Huang Sheli looked away, the battle situation on the field changed again.

The shuttle's cold light and the light of the sun are chaotically drilling through the sky.

In the midst of the extremely fast attack, Naliang stepped into the air, turned upside down, and slammed his claws, covering Chong Xuanzun's face!

And Chong Xuanzun raised his hand very gracefully, spread out his five fingers, and laid them across in front of him, the sun disc suddenly stuck to his palm, just collided with the iron claw.

Clang! !

Make such a fierce sound of gold and iron.

Naliang hit his knee directly, and the air in front of his knee instantly condensed into a translucent cone that was invisible to the naked eye.

Also at this moment, Chong Xuanzun's entire body, from the head down, was pulled up by a strong suction force.

His face and his hand in front of him were still in place, and the sun wheel was still blocking Naliang's star edge Sirius claw. Below the neck, it floats up against common sense.

The whole person forms an oblique angle.

It was as if an invisible big hand was holding his leg and lifting him up.

Just to avoid Naliang's knee bump mixed with the power of imperial power!

While the suction was still going on, Chong Xuanzun used the power of Chong Xuan to control his body, and directly took advantage of the situation to complete an upside-down.

Stretching out a hand to support the sun wheel, the whole person rises up into the sky, starlight surrounds the body, blessed by the power of heavy mystery, breaks through the air, steps down with one foot, and steps on the sun wheel! There was a terrible shock.

But before that, when Naliang's knee hit the ground, his calf had already popped out, and he stepped on the air that seemed to be solid, and amidst the dull sound of stepping, the whole person retreated extremely quickly.

When Chong Xuanzun stepped on the sun wheel and fell, he had already withdrawn his claws and left.

The sun wheel fell into the sky!

This kind of wonderful offensive and defensive transition is not limited to this moment, but happens all the time.

The only difference from before was that Naliang's retreat this time did not become the momentum for the next attack. Instead, he really kicked away and distanced himself from Chong Xuanzun.

Perhaps he has realized that this level of attack cannot knock down the opponent.

At this moment, he who was flying upside down, and Chong Xuanzun who was falling gracefully met their eyes again.

His eyes are already like wolves, emitting a miserable green light, which is frightening!

Jiang Wang had seen green eyes before, and was deeply impressed.

But Yin Guan's green eyes after entering Xie are completely different from Na Liang's green eyes.

Yin Guan's green eyes are strange and evil, mixed with almost all malice.

Naliang's green eyes... only have extreme cruelty.

In the legend about Cangtu God, there are two kinds of power represented by wolves, one of which is God's punishment, which is cruel power.

In the teachings of the Cangtu Temple, there is also a tradition of flogging sinners and letting hungry wolves devour them.

At this moment, those good eyes glowed with a miserable green light.

Two pairs of fangs protruded from the upper and lower lips respectively. The pale white fangs flowed with glistening light.

Only his figure is still so thin.

Arched slightly, like a thin wolf lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to hunt.

The thinner the wolf, the fiercer it is.

Because it is hungry.

Just as Naliang looked at Chongxuanzun, his fangs suddenly came out.

The dazzling sun wheel around Chongxuanzun's body suddenly went out!

On the martial arts stage that belonged to the two of them alone.

Night fell.

This is Naliang's second supernatural power, 【Eternal Night】.

Night and sun cannot coexist.

Undoubtedly, Chongxuanzun's sun wheel, which had been consumed many times, was quickly suppressed by Naliang's eternal night magic power.

This supernatural power is similar to Wuguang, but it is different from Wuguang supernatural power.

The non-light supernatural power mastered by Bao Bozhao is to annihilate all light, which is exactly the opposite of Jiang Limeng's Si Yao. Who can gain the upper hand depends only on who is the stronger master of the supernatural power.

And the effect of Eternal Night is just like its name, which is to create a long night.

At first glance, this supernatural power seems very weak.

All practitioners have the ability to fight at night, and night will not have any substantial negative effects on extraordinary monks.

Therefore, the "long night" seems to be useless.

But the night itself has real power.

It's just that not all practitioners can discover it.

For example, Fu Yanqing from Ding Wei Fu Island in the Lost Realm, if his magic power of playing shadows is displayed at night, what can be described as more than "scary"?

This is just one of the many forces of the night.

What is night?

It is the time when human beings are asleep.

Most ordinary humans work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Even for extraordinary monks, nights are mostly used for meditation, meditation, and meditation.

Everything is silent, and the mind is wandering.

Night is more suitable for practice.

And such, for human beings, means quiet moments.

Also some other lives...

Moment of recovery.

In the dark night, pairs of green eyes appeared.

It's wolf eyes.

One wolf after another...

Or wolf ghosts, appearing on the martial arts stage.

The ancient prohibition made the space on the martial arts stage so wide.

But those wolf ghosts, so many.

Dense and increasing, those pairs of eyes seem to be stars in the sky!

Almost covered the Yanwu stage, surrounded by Chong Xuanzun.

In the past, when the Shinto Dao flourished, it was also the time when the Ghost Dao flourished.

The so-called "gods and ghosts don't separate families".

Muguo is the only powerful country in the world with Shinto as its main practice school.

When it comes to raising ghosts and serving ghosts, the practitioners in Muguo are the experts!

Of course, the Cangtu Temple on Qionglu Mountain is mainly based on Shinto.

Raising ghosts and serving ghosts is another school and does not belong to the mainstream.

Under the cover of the night, densely packed wolf ghosts approached Zhong Xuanzun.

Some spectators outside the venue have already exclaimed.

The destruction of "beauty" is always unbearable.

But it was precisely on the Qi side that few people were moved.

Needless to say, Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan.

Wang Yiwu, who watched the battle from beginning to end, had no expression on his face.

He knew how powerful Chong Xuan Zun was.

what is this?

But I saw wolves and ghosts in groups on the martial arts stage.

And that figure of Shengxue in white was still standing in the air, stepping on the extinguished sun disc.

His handsome face still glows in the dark.

At this moment, the left hand was raised high.

From the heights of infinity and depth, there is a ray of light.

A beam of moonlight fell and spread out in midair.

One bunch scattered into thousands of bunches.

Each wolf ghost corresponds to a beam of moonlight.

On this martial arts stage, it seemed that some grand performance was going on.

Thousands of beams of moonlight, rippling in the night, what a beautiful scene?

The night is like a dream.

The moonlight is like a forest.

And every wolf ghost illuminated by the moonlight was frozen in place, unable to move!

This is Chong Xuanzun's supernatural power that has never been seen before, and it is called [Moon Wheel]!

The effect of this supernatural power is known as "the moonlight is like a prison, there is nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape!"

Isn't the moon and eternal night a perfect match?

The wolf ghost struggled under Naliang's control, but none of them could escape the shackles of the moon.

Even Naliang himself was fixed in the moonlight for a while.

Chongxuanzun floated down, and Shengxue's white clothes made him more and more handsome. He walked through the moonlight like a forest, fluttering like a fairy.

How can such characters be seen in the world?

He floated down in front of Naliang, raised his right hand, and the extinguished red sun fell into his hand again.

Then hit it on the head!

Like smashing Taiyin.

This time, it was still aimed at Naliang's forehead!


After all, Naliang is not Taiyin.

Under the constraints of the moon, he still moved his hand.

On the claws of Star Edge Sirius, the pattern of wolf's head twinkles with starlight.

Borrowing the power from the Sifang Holy Building, his hands were freed from the restraints, and he swung the Xingyuan Heavenly Wolf's claws to block Chong Xuanzun's inevitable blow.

Sparks fly.

Chong Xuanzun still had a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, which made him look not indifferent.

But he completely ignored those wolf ghosts who were fixed by the moon wheel, and did not do anything else, he still lifted the sun wheel and smashed it down again!

Being imprisoned in a beam of moonlight, Naliang's fast-moving ghostly body skills have nowhere to display.

You can't avoid it, you can only block it.

Xingyuan Sirius claws intertwined on the top of the head, the muscles on the arms bulged, and the most primitive strength was swelled, blocking the sun wheel again.

clang! ! !

This sound was particularly loud, because Chongxuan Zun was also on the sun wheel, and blessed the power of Chongxuan.

This is the collision of force and force.

Of course, Naliang didn't want to be beaten blindly, while blocking, he also used his magical powers to control Qi. The air becomes a cone and stabs out from the front!

Chongxuanzun suddenly moved to the left, avoiding the thorn, without hesitation, the sun wheel fell again.

But the moonlight was like a forest on the field, and it stopped the densely packed wolf ghosts.

And in the middle position, Chong Xuanzun spun around Na Liang, while dodging Na Liang's attack, while crazily smashing his forehead with the sun wheel.

Naliang was within the range bound by the moon beam, while blocking the sun with the star edge Sirius claws, while manipulating "Qi", he frantically attacked Chongxuanzun.

In the mysterious night, under the bright moonlight.

I saw a white shadow surrounded by a beam of moonlight.

For a while, I could only hear——

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

It was like an endless crashing sound.



A star edge sky wolf claw came out and fell to the ground.

The star edge sky wolf claws with sharp claws made a clear collision sound with the ground of the martial arts platform with ancient restrictions.

Naliang is finally, can't stop the heavy blow of the sun wheel blessed by the heavy mysterious supernatural power?

Many people have this idea in their minds.

But facing the sun disc falling down again.

Naliang smiled.

Extremely cruel, but also extremely innocent smile.

He made a surprising move.

Not only did he not panic, he did not avoid it, and he did not think about how to make up for it.

Instead, he flicked his left hand... and threw away the other Xingyuan Sirius Claw!

It looked as if he had given up fighting.

"Is he waiting to die?"

There was already a voice in the stands asking this question.

However, Naliang was bound in the moonlight.

Naliang was already empty-handed.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and grabbed the sun wheel!

He and Chong Xuanzun were holding onto one side of the sun wheel.

Across the beam of moonlight that imprisoned him. Her green pupils met those dark and bright eyes.

Naliang noticed that the pupils of the man in white in front of him looked like black chess pieces. It's the kind of chess pieces on Go that he doesn't quite understand.

If you fall, you will not be able to go back on your word.

Na Liang grinned: "Do you know why this pair of Star Edge Sirius Claws exists?"

Chongxuanzun was also laughing, the power of Chongxuan continued to strengthen, he grasped the sun wheel and kept pressing down, coaxing a child with a soft smile: "Why?"

This frivolous smile made Naliang lose interest in saying a few words.

People are worse than wolves, and most people are worse than wolves.

Hypocrisy, courtesy, hypocrisy.

Love and hate are both hidden.

His arms quickly grew silver-white hair.

His fangs lengthened again, thick and cold.

His body swelled rapidly, he lay on the ground, roared to the sky, and completely turned into a giant silver-white wolf with a height of two feet!

Sensen's green eyes focused on Chong Xuanzun, and with a flip of his right paw, he had already pressed the sun wheel to the ground.

The beam of moonlight that imprisoned him has disappeared, or rather, it is flowing on his silver-white hair.


Almost all the shepherds in the stands folded their hands in front of them. The left hand and the right hand with the four fingers together are interlaced, and the two thumbs are separately separated. With a reverent face, they say: "Kunaba!"

In the language of "God", "Hunaba" is the wolf figure, the wolf god who protects Cangtu God.

But in the grassland shrouded in divine favor, only the "God's Favored Ones" who are truly recognized by Cangtu God can awaken this body.

This is supernatural power, [Wolf Picture].

Its birth requires obliterating the characteristics of a supernatural seed first, and then adding it to it. It is above the supernatural powers, and it is also conceived by supernatural powers.

After spending such a lot of trouble, its power is naturally far beyond the comparison of ordinary supernatural powers.

It also has sacred significance.

A person with a wolf picture has a high status on the grassland.

The pair of star edge sky wolf claws scattered beside his wolf feet were not for making Naliang stronger.

It was to suppress him and make him less powerful!

The power of the wolf picture is always in self-conflict.

Xingyuan Sirius Claw exists to imprison his killing nature.

The Naliang at this time is the real Naliang at his peak!

The silver-white giant wolf looked down at Chong Xuanzun, its miserable green eyes showed no emotion at all.

Raising the claw is just one click.

This time it was so casual.

But horribly fast!

Almost as soon as he lifted it up, he had already landed in front of Chong Xuanzun.

His strength and speed have jumped to an unprecedented level.

Liberate the wolf map, known as the "body close to God"!

Every move, every movement, is carried out with divine power.

Chong Xuanzun wanted to retreat, but he was obviously a step slower.

His always calm expression finally revealed a look of surprise.


It was covered on the forehead with a claw!

On the stands outside, Wang Yiwu clenched his fist subconsciously.

Even though his eyes are higher than the top, he has to admit that Naliang in the wolf state is simply terrifyingly strong.

In this round of confrontation just now, it wasn't that Chongxuan's magical powers were not enough to let Chongxuanzun get rid of the attack.

It was Naliang's claw that cut off Chongxuan Zun's non-stop temptations and pulls of gravitational repulsion thousands of times!

Chongxuanzun was caught off guard, and was thrown off by Naliang's claws.

Naliang obviously had a strong sense of revenge, and the point where this claw landed was very targeted.

If you hit me on the head, I will hit your head too.

The silver-white wolf claws fell.


There seemed to be such a crisp sound.

It didn't seem to ring at all.

Above Chong Xuanzun's head, a bright, jewel-like thing shattered.

The white-clothed figure floated up, jumped back a few times, and stepped on the head of a wolf ghost bound by moonlight.

The expression is very serious.

Just now, his life-saving supernatural power was triggered. This means that Naliang has been able to kill him just now.

And it wasn't the kind of supernatural power he used to buy time when he faced Bob Zhao and the others, but was really forced to an extremely dangerous level and had to be triggered.

The power of heavy mystery was cut off suddenly, and he was caught off guard, which was the main reason for this.

Stronger than Chong Xuan Zun, he will not hide his mistakes, but he will not lose confidence in himself.

Naliang's silvery white giant wolf looked down at the ants in front of him.

He who liberated the wolf figure supernatural power immediately broke the shackles of the moon wheel supernatural power, cut off Chong Xuanzun's heavy mystic technique with a lift of his claws, and unleashed his life-saving supernatural power.

The body close to the gods naturally overlooks all living beings.

"Very useful supernatural powers."

The silver-white giant wolf said.

He stomped on the already dim sun with one paw, completely dimming it.

Then he jumped up, leaped a graceful arc in the air, and asked cruelly, "How many times can you use it?"

Chong Xuanzun, who stepped on the wolf ghost's head, glanced at his own sun wheel, his eyes were indifferent.

He stretched out his five fingers and squeezed it hard, a bright spot of light suddenly appeared, and then it was squeezed out.

He actually took the initiative to stop the life-saving magic power!

"From now on, I won't use it once."

Chong Xuanzun looked up at the silver-white giant wolf, and said calmly: "Then you can ask yourself. Your wolf body..."

Inside his body, five groups of bright light sources suddenly glowed.

The light shines through the white clothes, reflecting his mountain-like muscle lines so clearly.

From the distant star dome, there is also a star tower standing up.

The five houses shine together, and the stars surround the body!

Chongxuan Zun at this moment is like a god and a demon.

He stomped the wolf ghost into black smoke with one foot, and jumped up. This was an extremely terrifying high speed, chasing Naliang who showed his "body close to God"!

In the middle of the sky, Chong Xuanzun met the two-foot-tall silver-white giant wolf head-on.

Stretched out his hands, and accurately grasped the two front paws of the divine wolf!

As before in the moonlight cage, Naliang grabbed his sun disk.

Naliang will hold grudges, and so will he.

Chong Xuanzun looked at the pair of miserable green wolf eyes, and picked up half of his own words: "How long can it last?!"

Before the inner palace, the Tongtian Palace provided all the power of the extraordinary monks.

After knocking open the inner mansion, each inner mansion is a new source of power.

But the power of the five inner governments is actually independent. It can be superimposed one by one, but it is impossible to exist as a whole. Because the supernatural powers are different, the inner palace is also different.

There is only one exception.

That is the Tianfu cultivator of the five palaces.

The reason why it is called "Tianfu".

The reason why it is "the first house in the world".

There is a very important reason why it is so powerful, that is...

The power of the five inner mansions of the monks of Tianfu can be completely mixed into one!

How would you describe this power?

Five fingers attack alone, no matter how poked, the strength is limited. When they are clenched into fists, they can easily knock down opponents.

Chong Xuanzun, who was tall and straight, looked so thin in front of the two-foot-tall silver-white giant wolf.

But he grabbed the giant wolf's front paws.

The five inner palaces exerted their strength at the same time.

The Chongxuan supernatural power developed to an extremely high level blesses his strength.

The light of the five mansions shining together, and the light of the Xingdome Holy Building shine at the same time.

Muscles bulged, turned his body sideways, and flicked his hands.


The two-foot-tall silver-white giant wolf was thrown flying.

A simple over-the-shoulder fall!

But if the "body close to God" is knocked down, who can say it is ordinary?

Naliang was also aroused fiercely, rolled on the ground, and was about to get up.

But Chong Xuanzun, who was surrounded by brilliant brilliance, had already fallen at a terrifying speed, kneeling directly on the neck of his wolf body, and punched the huge wolf head!

This is an absolute, crushing power.

Even if Liang turned into a divine wolf, possessed the power bestowed by the gods, and had a huge wolf body as a support, he couldn't resist him in terms of strength.

He resisted the power of the moon, obliterated the power of the sun, and cut the power of the profound mystery... He showed his might in the collision of supernatural powers.

But it was firmly suppressed by the purest power.

The divine power shines, but is blown away by a more brilliant brilliance.

He twisted his neck, trying to kill him.

But the terrifying force coming from his neck made him unable to move.

And Chongxuanzun grabbed his wolf ears with one hand, and clenched his fist with the other hand. The fist was full of divine light, and he smashed his forehead hard!

Naliang felt that the god-given power covering him was dispelling.

What kind of power is this?

boom! boom! boom!

Chong Xuanzun didn't care what he was thinking, he just held him tightly, like a mortal fighting a beast, simply and roughly... throwing his fist!

Outside the arena, Jiang Wang had strange eyes, and he saw a familiar feeling on Chongxuanzun's fist.

Taiyin's reverse four-image Hunyuan energy?


It is the light of the five palaces together... It is the entanglement of the lights of the five supernatural powers, the combined power.

However, although it is not the real inverse four-image Hunyuan energy, it does have its shadow.

It must be the inspiration from Tai Yin.

He smashed Tai Yin for a whole field, throwing out his own fist that blended the light of the five supernatural powers.

I don't know how the Xia people feel in their hearts now...




Zhong Xuanzun doesn't care how the spectators feel.

He just knocked down his opponent again and cemented his victory once again.

The silver-white giant wolf with a divine body was knelt down by Chong Xuanzun, who looked much smaller.

The moonlight is like a forest, and the white clothes are like snow.

Kneeling on the wolf's neck, holding the wolf's ear with one hand, and punching with the other, Chong Xuanzun had five bright light sources in his body, so dazzling.

Every muscle line revealed is interpreting the extremely violent beauty.

And his fist is so heavy.

Every time the wolf's head was smashed down, not only could the cracking of the bones of the body near the god be heard, but also the trembling sound of the martial arts platform with ancient restrictions could be heard.

Tianfu, Tianfu.

I have only listened to legends, and rarely appeared in front of people.

And what Chongxuanzun showed today is the real majesty of a monk in Tianfu!

Try to finish this fight without tearing it apart. Lest readers be unhappy.

More than seven thousand words.

Only three shifts.

One of the changes is to add 15,000 to the February monthly pass.

The night is gone.

Let's go tomorrow.

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