Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1139

Seeing the sea of ​​flames clashing furiously, the waves of flames devoured each other.

All elemental forces other than the fire line were expelled.

Jiang Wang, who was on the sidelines, could hardly hold back the magical seeds in the First Inner Palace.

At the same time, he can see two powerful fire attribute supernatural powers, and his Samadhi true fire is eager to try!

As far as the development of supernatural powers is concerned, he may not be able to participate in it for the time being.

But relying on the fire realm, where all things are born and extinguished, it might not be impossible to compete with it. In particular, this kind of environment where only fire is alive is very suitable for the germination of the fire world.

This is the occasion where the arrogance of the nations gathers, and there are people who can stir up his fighting spirit almost all the time.

Great, this feels so good!

The two people submerged in the sea of ​​fire can be seen clearly in his Qianyang pupil.

Even if he has not cultivated the pupil of Qianyang, it is not difficult to make an insight based on his attainments in the fire element.

in his field of vision. The fiery red Suzaku confronted the scarlet lotus.

The two seas of fire collided with each other, and it was hard to distinguish who was the best.

Devouring each other, they also cancel each other out.

And in that distant sky, two star points lit up almost at the same time.

The two people in the battle lit up the Starlight Holy Building standing in the southern Vermilion Bird Starfield together!

Starlight falls like a waterfall.

The Suzaku behind Zhongshan Weisun, with a circle of golden flames burning around his body, looks more and more miraculous.

The red lotus behind Yan Shaofei has two slender silver fires flowing around its base, like a dragon or a snake.

The two people in the collision made the same choice again.

Bless the supernatural powers with the starlight of the Xingqiong Holy Building.

A kind of understanding arose in Jiang Wang's heart, perhaps not because they had a perfect understanding, but because... this is probably the right way for the supernatural power of the fire attribute to be at the level of the outer building.

Use the corresponding starlight holy building to assist in the development of supernatural powers, giving birth to supernatural powers...

Like this Suzaku, like this red lotus.

These two people just go the same way.

Then after he was promoted to the outer building, he probably knew how to continue to develop the true fire of Samadhi. Yinxing Building, pregnant spirit phase, just walk on this road.

The Golden Flame Suzaku flew around the field, continuously strengthening the power of the fiery red sea of ​​flames.

The silver fire red lotus also spun around, giving support to the crimson fire sea.

The levels of development of magical powers of the two warring parties are almost the same, and it is difficult to see whether they understand and use the Starlight Holy Building.

If it continues like this, it will probably be just the purest cultivation collision.

No one knows the outcome until the supernatural power is exhausted and the flames are burned out.

As the pride of the Jing Kingdom, Zhongshan Weisun certainly didn't want to see such a situation. He should win the victory with an overwhelming advantage, instead of relying on hard work and competition.

The opponent is not from the six great powers, but a ranger from Wei!

He has more choices, how can he be willing to pin the outcome on the collision of simple supernatural powers?

The strong do nothing.

Zhongshan Weisun sent his fist forward, and the whole person retreated quickly.

While retreating rapidly, one punch in one fell swoop!

But I saw soldiers flying like tornadoes.

And that Golden Flame Vermilion Bird raised its head to the sky and crowed, swallowed the flames into its stomach, and the endless sea of ​​flames returned to its body.

The wings fluttered, with long flame tails, entangled with the Bingsha Tornado.

Black and red are mixed, dragons and birds are intertwined.

Following Zhongshan Weisun's punch forward, there was a whistling sound, and he went straight to Yan Shaofei.

This is a killing method that combines supernatural powers, holy buildings, and military secrets, and it is one of his trump cards in the battle.

Not at this time, when should we wait?

Its name, Longque Bingsha!

But at this moment, Zhongshan Weisun heard the sound of the sword.

It was an extremely light whistle, but it was also extremely heavy, as if there were countless unbearable past events falling on this sword.

The old dream of the hometown is nowhere to be found.

The crimson sea of ​​flames did not take the opportunity to sweep away, on the contrary, almost at the same time that the golden flame Suzaku took back the sea of ​​flames, all the red lotus karma that belonged to Yan Shaofei also returned to the silver fire red lotus.

He has the pride of the overlord Tianjiao, and Yan Shaofei also has the pride of being a hero of the Wei Kingdom.

What he doesn't want, Yan Shaofei doesn't want either!

So they made the same choice again.

The only difference is that when he punches, Yan Shaofei draws his sword.

Yan Shaofei's whole body was dressed in ordinary clothes, the kind of ordinary that can be seen everywhere on the street.

Only his sword, just looking at the scabbard, is priceless.

Hooked jade thread, washed silver pattern, staggered gold luan, inlaid with gemstones.

Master's handwriting, a rare treasure.

When the sword is unsheathed, it is the dragon soaring to the nine heavens, the phoenix singing to the eight wildernesses, like the rising sun hanging high, with a peerless appearance.

The sword is three and a half feet long, and the blade shines brightly.

This sword has no sword tan.

Before the hilt is the blade.

Because its sharpness cannot be blocked.

This is an extremely dazzling sword, a sword born to take away all light.

But it is in Yan Shaofei's hands, so gentle, so sad... so heavy.

Yan Shaofei drew out his sword, and the sword picked up Honglian.

The red lotus, which was as gorgeous as a blood-carved jade, lightly stopped on the tip of the sword, never trembling in the slightest.

But it feels too heavy.

Life is unbearable.

The sins of a lifetime are all in it, and all are borne on this sword.

So even if it is such a dazzling and eye-catching sword, it is also so bleak.

This sword is already overwhelmed!

Yan Shaofei's sword picked up the red lotus and sent it to Zhongshan Weisun.

It was as if this heavy red lotus was given to that arrogant dragon sparrow.

There are mixed dragons and sparrows, all with angry mouths. The red lotus has thanked and is about to wither.

They collide.

The dragon bird soldiers kill, the sword picks the red lotus.

frontal collision.

There is no sound.

Even light and shadow are slow.

Pieces of red lotus petals fluttered down.

One by one, the broken feathers of the Suzaku were spinning in the air.

Bing Sha and Jian Qi escaped separately.

Everything becomes very slow.

It is the kind of "slowness" that kills vision.

Because it is difficult to keep up with the details of this terrifying picture, there is a false perception of "slowness" in the senses.


The first red lotus petal fell to the ground.


A loud noise woke up the spectators on the ring stand.

It also seemed to "wake up" the martial arts stage.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

There were repeated explosions.

The chopped Suzaku broken feathers and the withered red lotus petals exploded one after another.

The shattered sword energy flew wildly, and the severed soldiers danced wildly in the sky.

Groups of flames swirled in all directions.

The fiery red ones are like flowers, and the red ones are like blood.

In this world of flowers and blood, Yan Shaofei stepped forward.

Like stepping into a flower garden, he drew out his sword amidst the colorful fallen flowers, stabbing straight with it.

This sword erupted into a brilliant light that people couldn't look directly at, agile, free, free!

There is a kind of momentum of "I will be the top of the mountain, and I will be the peak when the mountain is high".

Frank, natural, bright!

It is to wash away all the lead and shine all over the dragon.

It seems that after picking up the flying red lotus, it can see its true self!

Please try the long sword, the character is full of romance.

This person is Yan Shaofei, a knight-errant in Wei.

The name of this sword 【Proud】

A gift from Emperor Wei before his departure.

At that time it was said——

Heroes in the world should see Yan proud!

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