Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1140 Sustained Joy

[Proud] is a famous sword in the world hidden in the palace of Wei Dynasty.

Emperor Wei gave this sword as a gift, and his expectations for Yan Shaofei are self-evident.

Yan Shaofei is a knight-errant, but he can beat all the heroes in the state of Wei, and he is "proud" in Guanhetai. Of course it can be called the pride of heaven.

At this moment, he used the red lotus karmic fire to enter the sword, and then used Zhongshan Weisun's dragon sparrow soldiers to kill "Xi" to remove the red lotus, which revealed the true nature of the sword.

Then a sword came straight.

Washing away all the lead is like waking up from a dream.

This is a sword that directly reflects the heart, and it is also an amazing sword.

As far as this sword is concerned, it is almost as good as Gan Changan's karma saber technique!

But Zhongshan Weisun did not give up.

Dragon Sparrow Bing Killing and Sword Picking Red Lotus are both extremely powerful killing methods. After colliding with each other, the sky is scattered.

Yan Shaofei was able to stab the sword of "satisfaction" from "Luoying Brilliant" to return to his true nature, which is indeed a step ahead.

But that doesn't explain anything.

It's just that this sword is more suitable at this moment, that's all.

And his fist is stronger!

In the world of flowers and blood, facing Yan Shaofei who is stepping forward.

Facing this hero, and his proud sword.

Zhongshan Weisun's fist "drummed".

To be precise, it was the surging soldiers that wrapped his fist. Flowing like water, rushing like waves, to the point of... enveloping his whole body.

The ferocious soldier spirit surged, shrunk in an instant, and condensed into a real thing.

That's one piece...

Black shiny nail leaves.

Layer upon layer, covering Zhongshan Weisun's whole body.

The top of the helmet is like the horns of an ox, and the top of the armor is like fire patterns.

Only a pair of indifferent eyes were revealed.

The rich and noble son with a refined temperament turned into a bloody and ruthless battlefield killer in an instant.

The untold secret of the Zhongshan Clan, 【Demonstrating Soldiers and Slaying Demon Armor】.

It is not a piece of armor and treasure, but a top-level combat skill that strengthens all aspects of the practitioner.

Zhongshan Yanwen, the current Yingyangwei General of the Jing Kingdom, relied on this technique back then to go deep into the frontier for eight thousand miles, and returned after beheading the true demons that crossed the border. His fame moved the world!

After Zhongshan Yanwen created this technique, it replaced the Zhongshan family's original inheritance technique and became the family's core secret book.

This shows how powerful it is.

Zhongshan Weisun's Bingtu Demon Armor has his own understanding that is different from the original scriptures, and it is more suitable for him to incorporate the power of Nanming Lihuo.

At this moment, Zhongshan Weisun, who was wearing his helmet and armor, stood on the spot like a steel statue.

Indifferent, rigid.

And he shook his fist...


"I shall die in the enemy's line!"

"I will never back down!"


clang clang clang!

In an instant, the "blood" and "flowers" flying all over the sky were all pushed away. The breath of terror swept over.

Zhongshan Weisun punched out, and the phantoms of countless army souls were born and died behind him.

Or ride a horse, or shout to kill, or charge, or behead...

Exactly, the iron cavalry protruding with swords and guns!

Under such a fist, even the proud sword had to bend slightly, even Yan Shaofei had to retreat!

With their fists against the long sword, the two advanced and retreated.

The blood and flowers all over the sky are collapsing at an accelerated rate.

When everyone was amazed by this scene, Cao Jie leaned back slightly, and a silent and invisible force spread, blocking Jiang Wang from left and right——

Just now, he felt the sword intent emanating from this young man, and knew that he had realized something.

In order not to let others see through, he quietly covered it up.

What impressed Jiang Wang suddenly was not the killing of the dragon sparrow or the picking of the red lotus with the sword. It is true that these two killing methods are superb, and they are on the same level as his fire realm technique. Even because of the skill of the caster, the performance of these two styles is much stronger than his technique of the fire realm.

But it was Yan Shaofei's "satisfaction" sword that made Chang Acacia scream, and made his sword spirit burst forth, and even escaped from his body.

too fit.

When he saw the sword, he immediately realized it.

His youthful and frivolous sword almost jumped out of his mind. The sword spirit of Sauvignon Blanc leaps and flies in the sea of ​​five houses,

Young and frivolous, nothing is more "proud"!

Just because he is full of ambition, he looks forward to being a hero.

Because he was young and proud, he was indulgent and frivolous!

Jiang Wang once saw Chaoyu's ten years of possession of a sword and killed him once, and realized the famous sword's "ten years of desolation, life and death for revenge".

Seeing Yan Shaofei's proud sword style today, I realized the "satisfaction" of young swords.

The so-called humane sword style is the elucidation of the word "human". This is to observe people, the world, and oneself, and it is a summary and analysis of all experiences.

Chaoyu first, then Yan Shaofei.

Realize your own true meaning with the true meaning of others.

Really wonderful.

The emotion that sprouted at this moment made Jiang Wang almost want to jump onto the stage, cut out his own sword in the colorful blood and flowers of the falling flowers, and sang and sang again.

Of course I can only hold back.

Except for Yu Yi, who presided over the main match, and the Supreme Being who descended from the six dharma figures, anyone who interferes with the main match of the Yellow River Meeting is courting death.

Jiang Wang calmed down, restrained his sword intent, and continued to watch the battle, completely unaware of what Cao Jie had done just now.

Cao Jie himself remained silent.

Sitting next to him, Ji Zhaonan didn't look sideways.

But see the field -

Zhongshan Weisun used the armor to slay demons, urged Zhongshan's secret Jiuhe Killing Fist, and repelled Yan Shaofei with a strike of "iron cavalry with protruding swords and guns".

The fists are surging and the soldiers are fierce, overwhelming the audience.

Explode the air and sword energy, sealing off the opponent's room for maneuver.

For a while, he had the upper hand, like a god and a demon.

And Yan Shaofei retreated again and again.

His retreating speed couldn't keep up with Zhongshan Weisun's advancing speed, and the proud sword was bent more and more by the armored fist.

However, his expression was not frightened, his eyes were actually sad.


Zhongshan Weisun couldn't figure it out.

The spectators in the stands couldn't figure it out either.

This vast world, the vast sea of ​​people, each has its own joys and sorrows.

All living beings in this world, all people outside of us...

I am a spectator.

This heart is so sad that there is no answer, this hatred is endless and no one knows.

No one needs to know!

Zhongshan Weisun, who was under the armor of performing soldiers and killing demons, saw that Yan Shaofei looked at all this with sad eyes, and the jade ring that hooped his hair suddenly exploded, and his long hair danced wildly.

The sadness in his eyes disappeared and became bright and joyful.

The extreme, overflowing joy almost flowed from his eyes.

However, for some reason, seeing this kind of "joy" actually makes people's hearts feel heavier.

For Zhongshan Weisun, the change in the opponent's mood was secondary. The key point was that at this moment, he clearly felt that the opponent's momentum was soaring rapidly!

The sword that was suppressed by his iron fist, the power transmitted from it was as mighty as a long river and raging sea in an instant!

The triumphant sword suddenly straightened, Zhongshan Weisun, who was wearing his helmet and armor, was thrown thirteen steps away!

Bang bang bang bang!

Step on the ground step by step, step by step hard, just barely stand firm!

what happened?

In the state of playing soldiers and killing demon armor, his strength in all aspects has soared, why was he overwhelmed by his opponent?

What Zhongshan Weisun didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

Yan Shaofei, whose long hair fluttered wildly and whose eyes were full of extreme joy, suddenly burst out laughing wildly.

This was a very abrupt scene, but it happened very naturally.

His momentum, his will, his Dao Yuan, his blood... everything about him is consuming himself, and at this moment he is ostentatious!

Supernatural powers, [Shou Jin Huan]!

Do everything, just for a moment of youth.

If you can't enjoy yourself, you will die!

This is the real supernatural power of fighting for life. When using this supernatural power, the practitioner consumes everything, boils everything, and devotes everything... to bloom the brilliance of a lifetime in a moment, and enhance the combat power in all aspects.

If you can defeat your opponent to "enjoy yourself", youth will be the same.

If you can't defeat your opponent, you will die on the spot.

The same is an all-round increase in combat power.

The supernatural power of Xu Jinhuan, who paid such a terrible price, is definitely far stronger than ordinary supernatural powers in terms of boosting effect, let alone Zhongshan Weisun's Demon Slayer Armor.

So Yan Shaofei swung his long sword and forced Zhongshan Weisun back.

The two people who were originally of equal strength widened the gap at this time,

In the state of Xu Jinhuan, Yan Shaofei went straight with his sword.

A sword pierces through colorful blood and flowers, so brilliant and eye-catching.

But for some unknown reason, her footsteps seemed suddenly and unsteadily, some staggered, some stumbled.

Like drunk!

In the vision, the movement seems to have slowed down.

But in perception, this sword became so heavy and so strong.

He laughed, rejoiced, and triumphantly.

But his sword was mourning, struggling, and suffering.

With such a sword strike, the cuckoo wept blood and mourned everything.

Watching the wobbly sword being handed over.

Zhongshan Weisun found that he could only retreat, only retreat!

He can't bear such pain, he can't bear such sadness.

What kind of sword is this?

While retreating, Zhongshan Weisun summoned up his Bingsha, and in the state of performing Bingtu Demon Armor, he punched out a nine-in-one killing fist.

Bingsha rose from behind, covered the sky, covered the clouds and covered the sun, and swept forward.

This is a punch that condenses the general trend, and it is a punch that sweeps through the torrent.

The army is invincible.

The so-called "black clouds overwhelm the city and want to destroy it"!

But the sword stabbed in unexpectedly.

It pierced crookedly.

Separate the black clouds and pierce the evil spirit.

After disintegrating his fist, Yan Shaofei just laughed and staggered into it.

A sword has been crossed!

Zhongshan Weisun felt a chill down his spine!

This opponent, this hero of Wei who didn't pay much attention beforehand, and couldn't find out more about his background later.

He used a sword called "Deyi".

What he picked was the supernatural power called "Xu Jin Huan".

His eyes were full of joy and his face was full of laughter.

However, his sword moves seemed to be carrying out a sinful act, with a heavy sadness.

What has this person been through?

What kind of story does this person have?

What kind of swordsmanship is this! ?

The Starlight Holy Building in the distant star dome, the Holy Building of Zhongshan Weisun and the Holy Building of Yan Shaofei complement each other.

And the five houses in the body vibrate.

Zhongshan Weisun looked straight at Yan Shaofei, his eyes were as deep as a prison for an instant.

He activated the supernatural powers that had been revealed in the previous rounds of battle...


Torturing the opponent's soul, endowing him with endless torture and pain.

With the continuous development of supernatural powers, the prison will become more and more "rich".

In the first round of the battle, as soon as the prison came out, the opponents from the Five Northwest Alliance had already collapsed on the spot. He was born in a place of bitter cold and known for his firm will, the pride of the Five Kingdoms in the Northwest!

When the opponent is proud, it is a good time for the prison to show off its power.

There could not be a more suitable choice.

Zhongshan Weisun clenched his iron fist, ready to take over the attack at any time.


The supernatural powers of the prison fell.

Yan Shaofei's expression did not change at all, he was still smiling brightly, his eyes full of joy. But stumbled, a sword was already on the body!

The supernatural powers of the prison had no effect on him!

Or to be more precise, the prison had already had an effect, but Yan Shaofei endured the pain.

This can only show that the pain that the person is feeling now is deeper and more tormented!

Zhongshan Weisun suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

This person's current state may have been fueled by pain and sin.

Then he came to a conclusion, Yan Shaofei in this state is invincible!

So he blasted out a "iron cavalry protruding swords and guns", and without hesitation rose up into the air and turned his body away.

Unknowingly, his will to fight has changed again and again.

From defeating the opponent strongly, to defeating the opponent seriously, and now...surviving the opponent's magical state, waiting for a good opportunity.

Of course, the desire to win has not been extinguished from beginning to end.

For war, winning or losing is always more important than the process.

Knowing how to avoid its edge is one who understands war.

But at this moment.

Facing Zhongshan Weisun's Jiuhe punch, Yan Shaofei didn't dodge or evade.

He just staggered forward and drew his sword at Zhongshan Weisun!


Quan Sha bombarded Yan Shaofei mercilessly, directly blasting through his body-protecting starlight, and dented his breastbone. Make a harsh, painful sound,

But Yan Shaofei was still laughing.

He who was in the state of Xu Jinhuan was not killed by this punch.

He laughed happily, stumbled forward and fell down.

Like an innocent and happy child, waving a wooden sword, laughing and running, but his footsteps were unsteady, and he fell down on the spot.

But that's the drop.

Zhongshan Weisun's rising momentum was blocked on the spot, and his whole body was hacked and chopped by countless sword qi generated out of thin air.

Ding ding ding ding!

That was the sound of sword energy cutting through the Demon Slayer Armor.

In this crazy cutting of sword energy, Zhongshan Weisun was forced back to the ground.

And Yan Shaofei fell down in front of him!

Like a drunk who drank his sorrows, like a child who fell down, he fell and jumped forward in front of him.

Coincidentally, the proud sword pierced right into his heart!

Zhongshan Weisun is not reconciled, not convinced, not angry!

He still has supernatural powers yet to use, and he still hasn't played his hole cards, and he hasn't finished performing the nine-fold killing fist yet!

How could he be the pride of Jing country!

But the extremely sad and painful sword energy raged wildly in his body.

His pain and his sins have been ignited again, and even the red lotus has been ignited. Painful flames burn in my body...

A clear light soothed him.

Soothed his body, but his heart was more painful!

Because Yu Yi intervened.

In the announcement of Zhenjun Yuyi about the outcome.

Zhongshan Weisun looked at Yan Shaofei who fell halfway in front of him, piercing his heart with a long sword and supporting himself at the same time.

He spat out blood, and asked with difficulty: "What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

After asking the question, he suddenly remembered that the person opposite seemed to be dumb.

Probably because he was born unable to speak, this guy was in such pain.

You can only be so focused, so you are so powerful...

At such a moment, Zhongshan Weisun still had a strange idea inexplicably in his mind - if Huang Sheli becomes dumb someday, he should become stronger, right?

"God hurt."

Yan Shaofei said.

He drew his proud sword.

The moment Jianfeng left the body, Zhongshan Weisun really wanted Zhao Tiezhu to come out and say a few words.

But looking at the guy who drew his sword and retreated, feeling the bleakness and desolation, he suddenly felt dull.

Are you going to be beaten again when you go back?

There is no way to do that, failing to show the peak is itself equal to lack of strength.

But Grandpa, I really worked hard.

Forget it, you won't listen, will you?

so be it...

A person lying on the ground, lying flat.

Those who stood and retreated were expressionless.

The extreme joy just now dissipated, and then only endless desolation remained.

Although he won this match, he seemed to be a bit stooped.

It's not that you have to be happy and not return your youth, but that this sword hurts yourself and then hurts others!

People can't help asking, what kind of story does he have with his sword style?

The victory and defeat on the stage of martial arts has been divided, but there is a sudden uproar under the stage of martial arts!

This battle was actually won by Wei Guotianjiao!

Tianjiao, who was not born in a hegemonic country, has reached the final step and is qualified to compete for the leader of the Yellow River Club!

The Jing people looked ugly and couldn't believe it.

The Wei people were overjoyed and cheered.

And Wu Xun, the general of the Wei State, stood up directly, with an excited expression: "Yan Shaofei! When I return to the country, I will lead the horse for you!"

But Yan Shaofei just held his sword, his eyelids drooped slightly, and his expression was lonely. Standing alone on the stage, it seems to be abandoned by the whole world.

Although today...

The world is proud of watching the river platform!

The writing is too smooth and inseparable, so I can only post more than 4,000 words together.

I was so angry that I couldn't save manuscripts.

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