Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1141 He Is Like the Scorching Sun

At the beginning of Jiang Wang's sword learning, he understood deeply, "A sword has two edges, it hurts others and hurts oneself."

When killing the enemy, self-control is also required.

When striving for victory, do not forget self-denial.

This is how he understood the sentence.

But it was the first time that I felt so profoundly what it meant to "injure myself".

Yan Shaofei's sword was too heavy.

so sad.

This is the swordplay of a sad man.

Sadness is inevitable in the world.

Therefore, no one can escape the sword of sadness.

After this battle, Shenshang swordsmanship must be famous all over the world.

Xia Houlie, the governor of Xiaoqi, came to the stage in person and carried Zhongshan Weisun down.

Although losing the battle, and losing to a non-hegemonic country like Wei, made the Jing people look ugly, but the people of Jing saw the outcome of the battlefield most clearly.

Victory or defeat is standard issue.

What's more, the person lying on the stage is the grandson of Zhongshan Yanwen, even if it is His Majesty the military master, it is impossible to let him go.

Xia Houlie naturally wanted to show some importance.

Before the battle started, he had raised eyebrows with Wu Xun, the great general of Wei State, but now that the battle is over, he would not do anything else.

After all, a victory or defeat at the Yellow River Meeting will not shake the status of Jing State.

The hegemony has its own climate.

After treating Zhongshan Weisun's injuries personally, he handed him over to the team's medical repairer, and sat back in the stands.

"Shame on me," he muttered.

Murong Long said softly: "During the battle, Weisun is not afraid of death, but that Wei man seems to be begging for death. This is the reason for losing this round."

Xia Houlie sighed in his heart, he finished the beating, why are you still analyzing it?

Huang Sheli on the side patted his chest: "Don't worry, Governor, I will help you get your face back tomorrow!"

Xia Houlie was still expressionless. He deliberately reminded Huang Sheli that you are a girl. But thinking about it won't work.

Who said that Huang Sheli didn't look like a girl and was out of style?

The grass on the grave is three feet high...

Huang Fu's fellow ordered all the soldiers and horses to kill him, without bringing any overnight ones.

"A girl is not a girl, a man is not a man. My Shili can do whatever he wants." This sentence was clearly remembered by everyone in Jingguo.

Forget it, tired.

Xia Houlie closed his eyes. Out of sight out of mind.

Zhongshan Weisun was carried away, Yan Shaofei got off the martial arts stage, and the second battle between the top four was about to begin.

Dou Zhao and Zhong Xuanzun, who were cross-legged on both sides of the Yanwu stage, opened their eyes at the same time.

With a wave of Yu Xi's hand, the martial arts platform in front of him returned to its original state, and the blood, sword marks, fist marks...all disappeared.

Then he declared: "Qi State respects Xuan Zun, and fight against Chu State Dou Zhao!"

Dou Zhao's military uniform is gold with a red background.

The shape can be regarded as simple, but the "golden border" also has complicated and tight patterns, adhering to the consistent gorgeous style of Chu State.

He was standing on the martial arts stage, holding Tianxiao Dao in his hand, looking handsome and splendid.

In a trance, like a god.

As for Chong Xuanzun, who was dressed in white and wins snow, he stood very casually. The collar is not rigorous either, the jade bowl-like clavicle and deep muscle gully can be seen faintly. With empty hands, it is rare to have a serious expression at this time.

He became more and more handsome and extraordinary.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, unwilling to miss this battle.

Even in the minds of the vast majority of people, this is a battle to determine the title.

The performance of Zhongshan Weisun and Yan Shaofei can never be said to be bad, and they can even be said to be extremely strong.

Among other things, only the two killing methods of dragon sparrow soldier killing and sword picking red lotus can be used to determine the outcome in many games.

But their performance is not as powerful as Chongxuanzun and Dou Zhao after all.

Gan Chang'an and Na Liang are both performances of top talents, but Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun are also repressive victories.

The level of the strong is verified by the opponent.

Before Jiang Wang opened his veins, he was able to kill several Xishan bandits in Fenglin City by himself. Could this record be called the pride of heaven?

Standing out from the crowd is not something to be proud of. The battlefield of cranes is in the sky, not chicken coops!

Only when Tianjiao collides with Tianjiao can he show his true edge.

People expect more, expect a stronger Tianjiao, and expect more exciting performances.

And whether it is Dou Zhao or Chong Xuan Zun, it seems that they still have a lot of reservations, and they can meet the infinite expectations-infinite is impossible, but their strength is to give people such room for imagination.

How strong can it be?

At the level of the outer building environment, how strong can it be?

Everyone will wait and see.

The two supreme geniuses stood still, and there was an instant silence in the arena.

Everything became very quiet.

It was so quiet that there was only the sound of a heartbeat.

Boom, boom, boom.

Time passed too slowly.

When Yu Yi's announcement sounded, the clear light of the two people on the isolation stage faded away.

Wang Yiwu actually had an illusion that he seemed to be in another world.

In fact, he is also looking forward to such an occasion as the Tianjiao of the Nations.

I yearn for it.

He has been invincible in the army, fighting for the first in every realm, and even left a monument of being the number one in the past and present in the Tongtian Realm. How could he not yearn for the real number one in the world?

But military law is like a mountain.

The three-year sentence sent to the death row ruined his possibility of competing for the Yellow River Club.

He doesn't blame anyone.

Don't blame yourself either.

He chooses, he undertakes, that's all.

Even for Jiang Wang, he has no hatred.

He only wants to win.

But he can't fight now.

Fortunately, Zhong Xuanzun is fighting.

He looked at Chong Xuanzun in fluttering white clothes, and had the illusion that he was also on the stage.

An opponent like Dou Zhao...

It's so exciting.


What resounded together with Yu Yu's flat voice was a crack in the air.

Dou Zhao's Heaven's Punishment Style!

At the same time, a beam of pure and white moonlight descended from the sky, fixing Dou Zhao on the spot.

Chong Xuanzun's hand is the moon wheel! The moonlight is like a prison, imprisoning Dou Zhao!

This is the first time that Chongxuanzun has changed his fighting style since so many battles at Guanhe Terrace, starting with the magic power of the moon.

This shows how much he attaches importance to Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao didn't think he was treated special, because he, Dou Zhao, should have enjoyed such treatment, and should have been treated wholeheartedly by all the top talents in the world!

In front of the name "Dou Zhao", who dares to be careless!

He doesn't resist.

If the opponent doesn't burst into the strongest state, why should he try his long sword?

The Tianxiao knife was directly turned horizontally in his hand, cutting forward in one stroke.

The indifference in the eyes has already told the visitor that this is the destruction of the divine nature of the Seven Styles of Dou Zhan!

There was a glint of light on the blade, cutting on the beam of moonlight that imprisoned itself, there was a trance feeling of fire splashing everywhere.

It's just that the broken ones are the streamer of the moon.

This knife is specifically aimed at magical effects.

It is of course a cost-effective choice to solve supernatural powers with sword skills.

But the so-called profit and loss also varies from time to time.

Under such circumstances, it is really consumed, and the light of the moon is almost endless, but it is impossible for Dou Zhao's divine extinction to be cut out infinitely. This kind of consumption is not good for Dou Zhao.

For this battle, both sides have a clear understanding.

The opponent is by no means an opponent that can be easily resolved, and even they have to be cautious to avoid being "easy to resolve".

Since it is beneficial to Consumption, Chongxuanzun must insist on Combat Consumption, accumulating small advantages to become great ones, is the grand way of fighting. The five fingers with distinct joints, like playing a piano, flicked lightly in mid-air...

Then I saw the moonlight shining down again.

Fall to Dou Zhao.

Almost at the same time, the crack in the sky above Chong Xuanzun's head also fell.

Dou Zhao's divine punishment is also here.

The light of the moon and the rift of the sky approached the opponent almost at the same time.

But Dou Zhao's figure is gone!

By using his sword, he directly let Chongxuanzun's moon wheel shine in the sky, and even avoided the power of supernatural power!

In the momentum of the sword, the man jumped out of the crack cut in the sky, jumped above Chong Xuanzun's head, and slashed down from top to bottom!

It is for the death of the body and soul!

The body and soul are both rotten, and the life and soul are all rested.

But this terrifying move was almost cut in half before it was stopped.

A beam of moonlight is like a prison, fixing Dou Zhao in mid-air!

Chong Xuanzun turned the moon wheel, and two beams of moonlight fell at the same time, one aimed at Dou Zhao, and the other aimed at himself!

It looks like Dou Zhao threw himself into the trap.

The light of the moon that fell in advance accurately fixed Dou Zhao's figure.

Chong Xuanzun immediately raised his right hand high, and suddenly a scorching sun appeared in the sky!

Inspired by it, a crescent moon also revealed its whereabouts, hanging on the other side.

The sky above the entire Martial Arts Stage is full of light, and the sun and the moon shine together!

That brilliance even enveloped the entire platform of the world.

There is a certain connection between the sun disc and the moon disc.

So the sun shines brighter!

The sun wheel had been severely consumed in the battle with Naliang, and the short-term nurturing of the light of the five supernatural powers failed to recover. At this moment, it was stimulated by the moon wheel, and it seemed to have completely returned to the old view!

Above the sky, the sun and the moon appear at the same time, shining on the martial arts platform.

In such a spectacle, the scorching sun crashed down, hitting Dou Zhao bound by the moonlight.

With the blessing of Chongxuan, the natural force is like a mountain!

The air was so compressed that there was a loud bang.


The scorching sun came roaring.

At the same time, thousands of gravitational and repulsive forces crazily tore at Dou Zhao, affected his movements, and tore his body apart. With the power of the moon, Dou Zhao was imprisoned tightly.

Dou Zhao leaped out of the "sky gap", cut off his body and soul, and it happened in a split second.

But Chong Xuanzun firmly grasped this moment, and immediately completed the attack that integrated the three magical powers.

Set first and then kill, fierce and fierce.

In any previous battle, he had never been so fierce and active.

Let this battle rise to the pinnacle of the entire outer court just from the very beginning!

At that time also.

The visible power of moonlight is like a prison, while the invisible power of profound mystery is like a quagmire.

And a round of scorching sun came whistling, and there seemed to be black tracks in the air. I don't know if the viewer's vision was injured, or the air had been burned into smoke.

The light of the sun disc is too dazzling at this moment, as if it wants to release all the accumulated power in an instant.

Even the bright moon in the sky was covered up at this moment.

Dou Zhao's sword-wielding figure frozen in mid-air was almost submerged by the blazing light.

It's slow to say, but at this moment, Dou Zhao is only maintaining the saber posture of half-cutting the body and soul.

Everything happened so fast!

Almost halfway down the Tianxiao knife, Dou Zhao's bright eyes turned indifferent, and the thick-backed four-foot knife directly pulled horizontally, cutting away the power of heavy mystery and the moonlight surrounding him.

Divinity is destroyed, supernatural powers are cut!

The tangible and the intangible are cut into pieces together.

With such a strong killing method as Dou Zhan Seven Styles, he was able to complete such a quick change of move!

It looked as if his previous strike of the knife was the foreground of the extinction of the divine nature.

If he hadn't completely perfected this world's first killing technique, he definitely wouldn't be able to do this.

This level of proficiency is equivalent to Jiang Wang's incorporation of Ziqi Donglai Sword Code into every style.

But the difficulty between the two can't be compared together at all. How can the Seven Styles of Dou Zhan be comparable to the Zi Qi Dong Lai Sword Code?

Zuo Guangshu said that Dou Zhao's seven fighting styles are complete, and the magic of using them is in one mind, and there is no falsehood.

This is really a fight between dragons and tigers, a peak duel!

On the martial arts arena, Dou Zhao escaped from the cage with a memory of divinity, and raised his hand to slash the air!

The first form of fighting, God's punishment!

A crack just appeared in mid-air, and the whistling solar disk just fell into it!

The sun disc disappears with the rift.

Fall into the "sky gap"!

The daylight naturally went out.

[Heaven's Punishment] This kind of extremely lethal attacking knife was first used by Dou Zhao to move, and now he was used to defend.

Just now, he was still in a life-and-death dilemma, but after two slashes, it was already calm!

But as strong as Dou Zhao, what he is looking for is naturally not just the clouds and the wind.

He had already turned back almost as soon as the Heaven's Punishment came out.

Don't look at the result at all, the result is already in the heart.

He turned his back to the falling sun, the sky gap that had just opened... and faced the magnificent young man in white, he made a defeat of his own skin!

Holding a knife in both hands, it fell from the sky.

The beauty and ugliness in the world are nothing more than stinky skin.

Israel's pleasure in man's color will eventually fade away.

This style is designed to kill the skin!

Facing Dou Zhao, who was holding a knife and slashing like a god, and whose description was extremely brilliant, Chong Xuanzun just flipped his right palm and raised his head to greet him.

The five brilliant light sources in the body suddenly lit up, and the star building on the horizon was bright.

He instantly entered the state of defeating Naliangshi's Five Houses, holding a bright sun in the palm of his hand, blocking the Tianxiao knife!

The five mansions shine together, and the sudden increase in power allows him to find the sun wheel in an instant.

It saves the long circle of the sun wheel in the sky gap.

And the sun wheel collided head-on with the Tianxiao knife, and there was only a loud noise.

Like thunder, like a drum.

Chong Xuanzun had no expression on his face, and his body showed no signs of decay.

The light of the five mansions together, combined with the starlight around the body, not only made him block Dou Zhao's saber momentum, but also avoided the "decay" of this saber. Save Gan Chang'an from the calamity.


With one move of his right hand, Dou Zhao was easily pushed and pushed away!

Even Dou Zhao can't compete in strength with him who shines in the five houses and blesses him with the power of Chong Xuan!

But on the martial arts stage, Chongxuanzun in white clothes Shengxue, holding the sun wheel in his palm, holding the Tianxiao knife, pushed Dou Zhao, who was in a red background and gold-rimmed military uniform, to fly upside down into the sky.

This scene is very similar to the battle between Dou Zhao and Gan Chang'an.

At that time, Gan Chang'an also reversed the fight with the limit of palm dance.

But Chong Xuanzun's actions were naturally not for the same result as Gan Chang'an.

The true peerless arrogance, who dares to do what others dare not do, and who can do what others cannot.

What Gan Changan can't do, he can!

How terrifying is Zhongxuanzun in the state of the Five Houses of Glory?

Naliang showed a body close to God, and was suppressed so that he could not move!

Under this terrifying force, Dou Zhao couldn't even move the knife. As long as the strength of Tianxiao's knife is released, the terrifying force will destroy his internal organs.

It is definitely not something that can be solved by a drop of blood!

What's more, in the high altitude, there is still the moon wheel of Chongxuanzun hanging.

If the sun and moon coincide, Dou Zhao will be crushed into meatloaf in no time.

Gan Chang'an also channeled the escaped saber energy before, and used the saber technique of fate to cut out the sky gap and "welcome" Dou Zhao.

At that time, Dou Zhao moved his knife and cut Gan Chang'an at the cost of a drop of blood.

At this time, the scene repeats itself, what will happen to Dou Zhao who cannot move the knife?

Of course he would not choose to harden the moon with his physical body.

I am even more unwilling to try the result of the coincidence of the sun and the moon.

His hands holding the knife had already had blue veins, and his bulging muscles supported the military uniform.

Looking at Chong Xuanzun, Dou Zhao smiled brightly: "Tai Yin said that you don't understand the outer building, he is right. You have built the outer building for too short a time, why don't you turn around and build it for a few more years!"

Before the words were finished, in the distant star dome, the four star towers that belonged to him all shone together.

It's better to turn back!

Only this sentence, as if repeating itself infinitely, rang in Chongxuanzun's ears.

Great Freedom, the Sea of ​​Bitterness is just sounding!

Dou Zhao gained it through honing in the outer world.

It was originally a very powerful killing method, and it was used at this time, but it was just a foreshadowing.

Dou Zhao's eyes were clear as a mirror at first, and then cloudy like mud.

The knife rest has not moved, and the momentum of the knife has not changed.

The sword intent has changed!

He controlled the sword intent and slashed twice in succession.

One is to cut sex and see me, and the other is to say man-made disaster!

This is the killing of the sword.

The previous knife cut through the original heart, and asked Chong Xuanzun to witness the despicableness of himself.

The last knife started despicably from then on, shaking man-made disasters! Human nature is evil, and evil causes disasters.

The two knives overlapped back and forth, at the level of the outer building, cutting into the battle of spirits and souls!

But for such a strong intention knife.

The five palaces shine together, and the splendid Chongxuanzun...

He only asked in a low voice: "Tai Yin also said that he would not lose. Do you not remember the result?"

How about turning back?

What Tai Yin says doesn't count, and what you say doesn't count either.

Want to see me?

I have already "seen me".

I know who I am, I know why I came here, I know where I want to go.

Father, grandfather, the Chongxuan family, the God of War...even the Qi Kingdom, the entire present world.

Nothing can change my will!

If I want to climb high, the height of the mountain is not high.

Where I am going, I will definitely be there.

The world is wrong, what should I add?

I am Chong Xuan Zun, this life...

What you think is what you do!

The light of the five supernatural powers is entangled with the starlight, and they are integrated as one, firmly isolating the Italian knife that Dou Zhao cut off!

At the same time as the confrontation, the two sides are still rising rapidly.

Chongxuanzun's moon wheel suddenly moved at this moment, roaring and turning, spinning the moonlight like a streamer, rushing towards Dou Zhao's back, attacking up and down!

Care about the situation where the knife is fruitless, the heavy knife is blocked, and you can't get out.

The four Starlight Holy Buildings standing in the distant starry sky shook together.

The starlight of the holy building was falling, and just behind Dou Zhao, it actually condensed into a hand.

A hand with a knife!

The starlight extends into a long knife, which is the same shape as the Tianxiao knife in Dou Zhao's hand.

This starlight hand held the Starlight Knife, and it slashed back from the momentum. It was slashing directly on the moon wheel, and it cut the moon wheel a little bit dimly, and cut it open with a single blow!

It's for 【Divine Destroyer】!

Dou Zhao said that Chong Xuanzun really didn't understand Wailou's sentence, and this is the end!

His Starlight Holy Building interprets his "Tao".

The Way of Fighting!

And Starlight controls the God Slaying Sword!

The fighting hand gathered by the starlight slashed the moon wheel with a single blow. The blade turned, and the momentum of the sword evolved, and it was immediately a skinny defeat, crossing Dou Zhao, and slashing towards Chongxuanzun!

Dou Zhao is a strong man who has really embarked on his own path.

For example, Gan Chang'an, Naliang, Zhongshan Weisun... all saw their own way, but they were not as good as him, and they could already manifest the lethal power of the way.

Really understand the terrifying power of the outer building at this level!

Among all the outer building monks that Jiang Wang has met, only Su She and Yin Guan have shown the "way". Especially the latter is stronger.

Now that Su She is dead, Yin Guan is here. Most of the other outhouse powerhouses that Jiang Wang has seen focus on the development of supernatural powers and the control of various outhouse-level secret techniques.

Naturally, it is because the theory of "Tao and Tao" can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words.

Even if the world is famous, it is just a little guidance with the four characters of Star Building, and a little support with the development of the Four Spirits Starfield... This is already the great power of the sages.

The "Tao" is hard to find, but "holding the Tao" is a hundred times more difficult than "seeking the Tao". It is even more difficult to reach the point of showing lethality.

And the development of supernatural powers is immediate and tyrannical. The secret technique at the outer building level is extremely universal, and everyone has the possibility to control it.

In comparison, the choice of most outhouse monks is obvious.

And the word "Taotu" is not too late to explore after the god comes, with a golden body and chalcedony, and a life span of five hundred. At that time, I had a higher vision, more time, and naturally more confidence.

Come back to the fight.

Dou Zhao is without a doubt the top-notch Tianjiao of the Outer Tower. While fighting with Chongxuan Zun, he controls the Starlight Sacred Tower from afar, using the way of fighting to activate the God-Slaying Saber.

Cut off the moon wheel, and cut towards Chongxuanzun.

Now that the knife fell, how would Chong Xuanzun respond?

I'm afraid I can only avoid it, give up the advantage at the moment, and switch from offense to defense.

This is the consensus of many spectators in the stands.

But at such a moment, above that height.

The light of the five supernatural powers surrounding Chongxuanzun surged.

Part of it actually separated and rushed to the sky, converging with the brilliance of the stars projected from the distant Azure Dragon Starfield, interweaving and blending with each other, "casting" a hand.

A radiant, strong and powerful hand.

This hand clenched into a fist, and with a sudden movement, it hit Dou Zhao's Starlight Saber!

Chong Xuanzun also found his way, and he was able to manifest the lethal power of the way!

The knife and the fist collided suddenly, and they collapsed for a while, exploding into stars all over the sky, fluttering and floating.

Two people in the star rain.

The military uniform with red background and gold border, and He Shengxue's white clothes...

It is still rising at a very high speed, as if flying through the stars, flying higher and farther.

This scene is dreamlike and intoxicating.

On Dou Zhao's side, Xing Guang controls the God Slaying Saber.

On Chongxuanzun's side, Xingguang should use the fist of five supernatural powers!

This is the collision of the peak level of the real outer building!

In every aspect, the pinnacle in every sense!

It was only then that Chongxuanzun gave his final response: "It has been forty-nine days since I completed the Outer Building."

He looked up at Dou Zhao, and said with a calm smile: "Every one of you talked about how senior you are and how rare you are... It's not difficult to understand like the outer building!"

When he was speaking, he was still holding the sun wheel with one hand, holding Dou Zhao and his Tianxiao knife... Ascending!

At such a moment, the two people who were still colliding crazily with the Tianxiao Saber and the sun, had already flown past the split moon and soared to a higher place.

The speed of the two people soaring to the sky became faster and faster, and the sound of the piercing wind became more and more sharp, but also more and more distant...

The two of them had already flown away from the Martial Arts Stage and headed for a higher place in the sky.

The splendor and splendor, the red gold and the snow white, keep going away in people's sight... far away.

Where is the final destination?

Where is the wind? Even, where is the real scorching sun hanging?

But no matter where it falls.

This is the advantage of Chongxuan Zun.

Because he is holding Dou Zhao up, he is advancing, and Dou Zhao is retreating. In Yuan Gaoqiong, no matter what dangers are encountered, Dou Zhao will bear them first.

Then all possible dangers are Zhongxuanzun's help!

Speaking of which, the battle has evolved to such a situation.

It was nothing more than Dou Zhao cutting through the predicament with two sabers, and then attacking the opponent with one saber, only to be blocked again.

This is not a flaw at all.

Dou Zhao also responded perfectly from beginning to end, without revealing any flaws.

But facing Chongxuan Zun who was in the state of the Five Houses Tongyao, this is the flaw!

Rilun just blocked and pushed again, and pushed Dou Zhao into a predicament!

And Dou Zhao struggled and struggled, even slashing out the Starlight Slaying God Saber, all of which were resolved by Chong Xuanzun one by one.

Chong Xuanzun now made it clear that he should guard against greed and arrogance, and didn't try to expand his advantages in other areas, but held on to this advantage, which was not considered an advantage, and pushed Dou Zhao to the end!

If there is really a step to push to the place where the scorching sun hangs in this world, Dou Zhao will be burned to death first.

Of course, it was his victory in respecting Xuan Zun!

Everyone in the ring stand raised their heads eagerly.

Watching the figures of the two peerless geniuses getting further and further away...

Vision is also getting blurred.

In particular, the background of their rising is the clear sky and scorching sun, making it difficult to look directly at.

Gradually, many people could no longer see the battle group clearly, only two vague figures, or even two black dots...

Inevitably, there was a lot of discussion.

"What! Where did this call go?"

"If you hit something out of sight and someone secretly interfered, can you still explain it?"

"Can I fly up to see it?"

"How long are we going to wait here? What if they don't come back?"

Of course, many people just complain based on their inability to see the wonderful chapters. Of course they knew that the battle between Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun would never be out of Zhen Jun Yu Yu's sight.

There is no such thing as playing too far, affecting fairness, and not coming back.

They either just complained, or hoped that Yu Yu would take action to bring back the battlefield of Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun into their field of vision, so that they could continue to enjoy it - this is of course impossible.

The so-called noise is nothing more than this.

Extraordinary monks are not immune either.

Those who can see the subtlety of battle will not be distracted at all, and have no time to make noise.

At this time, Jiang Wang has opened the pupil of Qianyang.

The left eye turned into a red eye, and the red light surged, staring firmly at the figures of Chongxuan Zun and Dou Zhao.

This is definitely the most unmissable battle in the world.

he sees—

Above the altitude of thousands of feet, Dou Zhao was still pushed up by Chong Xuanzun, and continued to accelerate.

The air was collided and exploded.

The god-slaying sword controlled by Xingguang and the fist of five magical powers controlled by Xingguang fought frantically around the two of them. But evenly matched, neither of them could really affect the other party. They smashed countless streamers and flew around the two Tianjiao, as if they were cheering them on.

This terrifying height is still limited to the area covered by the pillar of heaven and earth.

Still, it has never exceeded the height of the six supreme figures.

Even if you have poor eyesight, you can't see the end of the pillar of heaven and earth, and of course you can't see the faces of the six supreme beings.

The corner of the dragon robe is a sky.

A clear realization arose in Jiang Wang's heart that the pillars of Liuhe and the six supreme Dharma figures "upright" are within the scope of Guanhetai.

It's not true, it supports the entire "heaven" of this world.

He couldn't understand the existence of the six supreme beings, and he didn't know if they could do this.

But it is obvious that the pillar of heaven and earth should be limited to the viewing platform, otherwise, in any place in this world, you should have seen the pillar of heaven and earth early.

However, in fact, only by stepping on the river viewing platform can you see the pillars of Liuhe.

It's just that his attention was never on this before, and he didn't think about it.

At this time, following the two people in the battle, the field of vision continued to increase, seeing more, and thinking more involuntarily.

This side is unique? Or accept this world in Guanhetai?

This kind of greatness is not enough to understand with Jiang Wang's current cultivation base and vision.

His only cognition is that although Chong Xuanzun and Dou Zhao are currently fighting at a terrifying height, they have never really surpassed Guanhetai.

No matter how high they fly, no matter how far they fly, even get into the strong wind and crash into the sun, they are all within the range of Guanhetai.

It really deserves to be the number one majestic platform in the world, the great existence of Yongzhen Changhe.

The more you know, the more you know what "great" means.

The dome of the sky at Guanhetai is also the real dome of the sky.

So when the wind like a knife came and went suddenly, cutting down Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun who were fighting...

Changes had to happen.

Because in a peak duel like Dou Zhao and Chong Xuan Zun, any increase or decrease in strength may determine the direction of victory or defeat. In the current situation, all external influences are not good for Dou Zhao.

This is the reason why Dou Zhao keeps trying to break free, but Chong Xuanzun resists him with all his might.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to see your fifth magical power."

With the help of Shengwen Xiantai, Jiang Wang's ears caught such a sound.

That was Dou Zhao's bright and confident voice.

Why did he say that?

This really doesn't sound like a downwind tone.

Then came the voice of Zhong Xuanzun who responded, proudly and calmly: "Regret is the right of the loser."

"Hahahahaha!" Dou Zhao suddenly laughed wildly in the sky.

This sound is arrogant.

His entire demeanor suddenly changed.

From that kind of warm and splendid state, it became arrogant and arrogant!

The clothes are hunting and the eyes are shining.

Starting from his hands holding the knife, little by little gold began to spread.

The golden glow quickly "flowed" through the whole body.

His eyebrows, eyes, hair... his body, even his clothes, and even his Tianxiao knife.

All were shrouded in a brilliant golden color.

He is like the scorching sun, arrogant and unruly.

At that lofty height, Dou Zhao showed his golden body!


It was an explosion at a very high altitude.

Like thunder rolling across the clear sky.

Jiang Wang was shocked to see——

Above the ten thousand zhang high sky, under the state of the five palaces shining together, Chongxuanzun, who is like a god and a demon...

It was chopped down with a knife!

Yesterday more than 6,000 more, because it is not easy to dismantle.

Today it is eight thousand, because it is more beautiful here...

It was agreed to keep 4,000 words, but I did not do it.

I repent!

There must be less and more tomorrow!

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