Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1145 ? Who can compete for the title?

Chapter 1145 Who can compete for the title?

On July 12th, it was still sunny and sunny.

During the duration of the meeting of the Yellow River, there is no possibility of any bad weather.

The pillars of heaven and earth are still towering, and people from all over the world come in one after another.

The six supreme dharma figures descended, standing upright.

Yu Jingshan Zhenjun Yu Yi appeared to preside over the main match, and that Mr. Ao also took his seat again.

Everything is no different from yesterday, except that Tianjiao, who participated in the battle, has been replaced by the Inner Palace.

Jiang Wang was still sitting in the front row.

Qidi's friends were all sitting not far behind.

The words of encouragement have already been said, and no one will interfere with him.

Ye Lingxiao and his daughter were sitting in the northwest stand, talking in low voices.

He followed Ye Zhenren's orders, and kept hiding his ears and stealing the bell in front of Du Ruhui, pretending not to know him.

Chong Xuanzun also came today, and still sat beside him. After a night of treatment, although he still looked weak, he was fine after all.

In short, the scenery is the same as before, and the song is waiting for a good day.

Jiang Wang held his sword horizontally on his knees, resting his hands lightly on the sword, and sat silently.

When it comes to the days of practice, he started when he was young.

It's just that those disciples from the famous sect have taken care of their bodies under the guidance of the strong since they were young, so as to increase the possibility of successful meridian opening. There are the most suitable arrangements for all exercises, secret techniques, and even experiences.

And Jiang Wang relied on his own hard training, starting from ordinary martial arts, and tempering himself bit by bit.

It was officially opened on June 15, 3917 in the Dao calendar, and the success was extraordinary. It has been more than two years.

Before Transcendence, it was cold and hot, and never slack. Needless to say how many hardships there are, he will never forget the moment when Xishan returned in blood.

In the past two years or so since Chaofan, he has experienced too many... so many difficulties, so many pains, so many moments of despair.

But no matter when and where, he never gave up his efforts. No matter what he faced, he never gave up on himself.

Find hope in despair, open up a way of life in poverty.

This journey, every day, every hour, every moment, he is moving forward.

Go forward unswervingly.

So today, it's time to verify all this.

All eyes are on today.

Today, on the Guanhe platform, the heavenly prides of all countries gathered.

Today he and his Sauvignon Blanc have been waiting for a long time.

The world should be waiting for a name called "Jiang Wang".

Ten years of sharpening a sword in a should be called Shuanghua in the world!

Unlike the eagerness to try a few days ago, at a moment like today, Sauvignon Blanc is surprisingly quiet, not even a whistling sound.

Probably it also knows that today it can bloom to its heart's content.

There are still eight Yanwu platforms, divided into A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng and Xin.

Merge once every round. Eight in four, four in one.

Zhenjun Yuxi stood on the stage, and the voice spread to everyone's ears: "Today's Inner Palace is the main match, the sixteen heavenly talents will compete for the first prize, please prepare!"

The light curtain unfolded like a scroll, and the names of the sixteen Inner Mansion Realm Talents shone like stars on the light curtain.

Each of the above names represents the pride of a country, the "most outstanding" in this area of ​​the inner palace that stands out from thousands of people.

But only one person can take off the title.

The extremely short time for the name change was extraordinarily long in the anxious waiting.

When the names on the light curtain finally stopped, many people breathed a sigh of relief. The match list has been confirmed and there is no possibility of change.

Huang Sheli, the pride of Jing Kingdom, faced Yeluzhi of Liao Kingdom.

Xiang Bei, the pride of Chu, faced off against Bai Yuxia, the pride of Yue.

Qin Zhizhen, the pride of the Qin Kingdom, faced Xiao Shu, the pride of the Dan Kingdom.

Tianjiao of the Inner Mansion, who was temporarily replaced by Mu Guo, is probably the most concerned. Its name is Deng Qi, and it is said that it is from the Yuwen family, but there is no more specific information. The opponent is Yin Wenhua, the genius of the Song Dynasty.

Its people did not choose a relatively weak opponent as many people thought, but chose a regional power like Song State, which highlighted the confidence of the hegemony...

The sixteen Inner Mansion Realm Talents looked at the light curtain with different expressions.

Some are calm and determined, some are full of confidence, and some are high-spirited.

But none of them could be as complex as Lin Zhengren's expression at the moment.

It's the kind of facial expressions controlled with amazing willpower, and the eyes with violent changes of emotions... The complex conflicts give people a very contradictory and complicated look.

He was elegant and calm at first, with the mentality of "one step forward is a step, and if you can't make further progress, it is considered brilliant", he sat on the front preparation seat.

Among the 16 countries that were included in the main match of the Yellow River Conference, Zhuang Guo was the least likely to squeeze in.

He has created the best results in the history of Zhuang Guo, and Zhuang Guo only asked him to "show his style". Compared with the other fifteen Tianjiao, it should be said that they have a psychological advantage.

Moreover, he has carefully studied the several opponents he may encounter, and has prepared more than one set of countermeasures. Not necessarily that there is no further possibility.


It was displayed on the light screen that the opponent Lin Zhengren was going to face was Jiang Wang, the genius of the Qi Kingdom!

In contrast, Jiang Shaohua of Shen Guo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Xia Guotianjiao Tengmin showed determination on his face to avenge his country - he also thought that he would definitely be selected by Qi Guotianjiao and made a desperate plan - his eyes at this moment were obviously relieved.

Of course, some people laughed secretly.

Qi Guo Tianjiao neither targeted Xia Guo nor beat Shen Guo, but chose Zhuang Guo Tianjiao, who was relatively weak on paper in the top 16... Is this a sign of lack of confidence?

It's just that Ji Zhaonan and Chong Xuanzun's performances were too dazzling, and even made these people more cautious about Jiang Wang's strength, so they dared not express their opinions for the time being.

As for Jiang Wang himself, he had a peaceful expression and calm eyes.

He just made the choice he wanted to make, and what others think and evaluate has nothing to do with him.

Standing up and leaving the table, he greeted Cao Jie, Ji Zhaonan, and Chongxuanzun very politely, and exchanged glances with several friends in the stands. Then he pressed his long sword, walked down to the viewing area, and walked to the Gengzihao Yanwu Stage .

He held his head straight and walked calmly, as if walking in his own courtyard, getting along with the flowers, plants and trees he was familiar with, without any nervousness, let alone any anxiety.

Those who watched him could feel that there was an unspeakable sense of beauty when he walked.

That is the ethereal charm brought by the immortal technique's smooth progress, "stepping through the void and stepping on the void, it is like walking on the flat ground", and now walking on the flat ground, it is also like a fairy.

But only in Lin Zhengren's vision.

He felt that the opponent's footsteps were heavy, and every step was stepping on his own heartbeat.

He was sitting on the spectator stand, watching that familiar figure that often appeared in nightmares, step by step, he got off the spectator stand and walked towards the martial arts stage.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of the heartbeat is so clear.

He began to have difficulty breathing.

From the moment he saw the match list, he had difficulty breathing.

It was as if there was an invisible hand tightly clutching... his heart.

Because with his wisdom, it is easy to figure out why he looks at Jiang Wang!

A voice inside him shouted—

"He wants to kill me!"

"He wants to... kill me!"

On the martial arts stage of the main match of the Yellow River Meeting, under the watchful eye of Zhenjun Yu Xi, Jiang Wang wanted to kill him!

Thanks to the book friend Time Is Gone _ Time flies like water, and become the leader of this book!

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