Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1146 Please advise (doing bad things for the leader will not be punished by God!)

Lin Zhengren sat on the preparation bench, with his hands on his knees, sitting upright.

Among the crowd of arrogances who got up and left the table one after another, he seemed more calm and calm, as if he was not moving.

But his hands on his knees were almost pinched into the bones.

His legs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn't move.

This is the meeting of the Yellow River, the time when winds and clouds gather, where the pride of nations compete and the stars shine in the sky.

He, Lin Zhengren, is also in a great age, why doesn't he want to show his holiness in front of others and be famous in the world?

Putting these aside, if you can shine in an occasion like the Yellow River Meeting, the benefits for the future will be immeasurable.

Regardless of how much support Zhuang Guo can provide, it is the host of the main match of the Yellow River Meeting, and that is also the real king of Yujingshan!

Fighting under Yu Yu's nose, if you can perform well and show your talent, will you worry about not having the opportunity to go to Yujing Mountain for further training?

Of course he was willing to fight for it.

The night when the entire Lin family died in Wangjiang City, wasn't it just for a moment like today?

Every day he came to Guanhetai, he was studying his opponents.

Discussing with Du Ruhui last night also lasted all night.

He gave his best effort.

So of course he wanted to show off!


But Jiang Wang...

Lin Zhengren wanted to get up several times, but was pushed back by himself.

Next to my ear is the sound transmission of Du Ruhui, the prime minister of the country——

"If something goes wrong later, you will admit defeat. Compared with winning or losing, your safety is more important."

At this time, Transsion has not forgotten to perform, my lord.

Lin Zhengren was silent.

He knew very well that with Du Ruhui's wisdom, Du Ruhui would definitely be able to think of things he could think of. He probably thinks that Jiang Wang's resolute killing intent is just to target Zhuang Guo, right?

But he himself has to understand that he and Jiang Wang have a blood feud that must be killed. He sent the blood debt of the whole Lin family to Jiang Wang, so between him and Jiang Wang, one must die.

The question is...who died?

"Admit defeat if something goes wrong."

This is certainly a good strategy.

But would Jiang Wang not think of it?

Lin Zhengren asked repeatedly in his heart.

As the pride of heaven representing the Qi country, he gave up his efforts to beat Xia Guo and Shen Guo, and came to me specifically. How much did he pay?

Didn't he think that I would focus on saving my life on the court?

He knew that I would focus on saving my life, and he knew that Zhen Jun Yu Yu would do his best to protect the life of Zheng Sai Tianjiao, but he still chose this way!

He was sure he could kill me!

"Arrogance from various domestic governments, please enter."

The voice of Zhenjun Yuxi reached the ears of everyone present.

But in fact, all the fifteen arrogances had already left their seats and went to the martial arts stage, only Lin Zhengren was left, still sitting on the preparation table. It looked like he was telling everyone to wait for him on purpose.

"Isn't it too rude to be a genius from a small country?"

Lin Zhengren also heard people complaining like this.

He didn't find out whose voice it was, and any country that could come to watch Hetai would not be afraid of Zhuang country.

he just...

He just kept asking himself——

What does Jiang Wang rely on? Can I bear it?

He found he had no answers.

It is impossible to accurately judge what means he can have to become the No. 1 pride of the inner palace in a hegemonic country like Qi!

Lin Zhengren once again clearly realized the limitations of being born in a small country.

The strongest Inner Palace Realm Tianjiao he has known up close is Jiang Limeng from Shengguo. He couldn't even imagine what Tianjiao, the inner court of the overlord country, would look like.

I could have learned a little bit in the first round of the main match, but the first round was Qi Guojiang Wang!

He has no answer.

Lin Zhengren didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that the unknown deepened his fear.

It's not that he doesn't dare to work hard, but he doesn't want to go to the ending designed by others!

How hard he has worked so hard to get to the present, the only reason that can make him work so hard is himself. It's not about national honor, or about bullshit.


Du Ruhui's voice rang in his ears.

The Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom has already sensed that something is wrong. None of the opponents who studied hard last night were met. Of course, he could see Jiang Wang's killing intent towards Lin Zhengren from this matchup list.

He could also understand Lin Zhengren's fear. After he supported Lin Zhengren on stage, he conceded defeat once he had the strongest performance.

But you must not even go to the martial arts stage!

In the history of the main match of the Yellow River Club, no one has ever conceded defeat.

At least he, Du Ruhui, had never heard of it.

It is all fighting to the last moment, burning all the talent, and showing all the hard work before accepting the result of victory or defeat.

If you don't even dare to stand on stage.

Zhuang Guo's face is about to be lost!

Throw it in front of the more than one hundred countries participating in the meeting, and you can't pick it up!

He speaks now.

It is a kind of relief, but also a kind of urging.

Reassure Lin Zhengren not to be afraid, there is a true king to take care of him. Lin Zhengren was urged not to embarrass the country.

Lin Zhengren did not respond.

He looked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang at this time. He has already set foot on the Gengzi Brand Yanwu Stage. Standing tall with his head held high and holding his sword in his green shirt, he has his own unique demeanor among all the fifteen arrogances on stage.

That pair of clear and calm eyes cast it over so casually.

"Please advise."

The guy named Jiang Wang said with a smile like this.

Calm, determined and confident.


On the preparation table, Lin Zhengren spat out a mouthful of blood on his back!

Jiang Wang's smile...

Destroyed his last ray of courage that was still struggling.

"My lord!" Lin Zhengren yelled in horror, "My vampire is back!"

Before he finished speaking, he screamed, fainted, bleeding from his orifices!

With so many strong people present and so many smart people present, feigning injuries can't be hidden from anyone.

So he was really backlashed by vampires!

He let go of all the control over the vampire, intensified the vampire's crazy instinct, and made the vampire immediately attack the owner.

this means……

He gave up the vampire he had worked so hard to cultivate for so long!

The resources consumed to cultivate this vampire up to now are already incalculable.

Such a painful price was used to achieve this "performance".

He just wants to live!

On the basis of survival, eliminate the negative impact as much as possible.

Injured and repulsed, he himself has fainted, so he can't be regarded as cowardly.

This is the best way he can think of in a short time.

Du Ruhui pressed his palm on the top of Lin Zhengren's head, instantly destroying the raging vampire.

Lin Zhengren, who was "seriously injured and fainted" with one hand, seemed to have aged a lot, and looked at Zhenjun Yu Xi wearily: "Please forgive me, Zhuang Guo Lin Zhengren was attacked by the vampire and was unable to appear on the stage, so he had to give up the battle!"

For a moment just now, he almost wanted to press Lin Zhengren to death with his palm. He had already placed high hopes on this young man, but he did not expect that he would be so cowardly at a critical moment.

Of course he knew that the vampires had no chance of retaliation. Last night he accompanied Lin Zhengren to deliberate on the battle plan for the whole night!

But how is he willing to make Zhuang Guo the laughing stock of the world?

Maybe it is now.

But in any case, we have to save a little bit.

So he cooperated immediately!

Yu Yi didn't even look at Zhuang Guo's side, and didn't comment on it.

The performance of Du Ruhui and Lin Zhengren could have been fooled by others, but it is impossible to fool the true king.

But although he refused to comment, another voice sounded——

"That's it. You take him to recuperate."

The voice has no emotion, very flat.

But this voice is grand and vast, as if it is spreading a great will to the whole world.

Emperor Jing's voice!

Du Ruhui's heart sank into the abyss!

In view of everyone's strong desire to read the new chapter, I had to add this update.

The repair time is relatively short, and the meeting is not energetic enough, and there may be typos and omissions. Please excuse me.

The update at 8 o'clock tomorrow night may not be available.

So be it.

I wish you all a good reading experience.

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