Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1147

Since the start of the main match, except for the time when Yu Xi asked Chongxuan about the victory and defeat of Zun Douzhao, the six supreme beings watched the battle in silence and did not speak. Their Dharma visit to Guanhe Terrace is based on tradition and is also a gesture.

They watched the battle of Tianjiao with their supreme personalities. I am only a bystander and will never interfere with the entire race.

Only at this moment, Emperor Jing took the initiative to speak out.

Among the six supreme beings watching the battle, Emperor Jing certainly had reasons to be angry.

Zhuang State is a state belonging to Dao, and it is ruled by him in name.

Jing Guo's own inner man, Tianjiao, died behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and in name he abandoned the game.

The first Tianjiao, the inner mansion of the Guosheng Kingdom, left the stage early under the painstaking calculations of Lin Zhengren, Zhuangguo.

That is to say, in the whole country belonging to the same line of Taoism, there is only one Zhuang country that is still in the main match in the inner court.

Now that Lin Zhengren is not on the stage, he will admit defeat?

Where is the face of the entire Taoist lineage?

If it only stopped here, Emperor Jing might not have opened his mouth.

As noble and great as him, he naturally has the capacity to tolerate the world. It is reasonable to say that things at the government level have little impact.

But what is the occasion of the meeting of the Yellow River?

This is a meeting where the heavenly prides of the nations compete, and in terms of tradition, it is also a meeting for the human race to show off their martial arts at Guanhetai.

From the ancient times to the present, the Human Race Tianjiao is here to show wisdom, courage, and the future. To frighten the long river aquarium.

Long River Suicune is here now.

What does your country show?

Show cringe?

Show cowardice?

Show how to flee without fighting, and lose without fighting?

This ridiculous trick of "feeling back in battle" can certainly fool most of the people present because of the real injury, but how could it be fooled by the eyes of Changhe Shuijun?

Lin Zhengren didn't lose face alone!

Finally, these two people knew how to cover up, otherwise Emperor Jing would have the desire to kill people on the spot.

He spoke calmly, but speaking out was already an attitude.

Now, he gave Du Ruhui a choice.

To be honest, the people who participated in the battle have fainted, and the one who surrendered is Du Ruhui, so this is not the final result.

People who fainted can wake up, injuries can be healed, and if he, Du Ruhui, forfeit the game, he can take it back.

Of course Du Ruhui could understand that this was Jing Tianzi giving Zhuang Guo a chance, a chance to make up for it.

With his wisdom, he certainly knew that he should seize this opportunity well. As a member of the Taoist kingdom, if he hates Jing Tianzi, can there be any good fruit to eat?

But the premise of being able to make up for it——

It was he who was able to control Lin Zhengren.

It was he who was able to "cure" Lin Zhengren, let Lin Zhengren bravely stand on the stage of martial arts, and perform a show that despite being backlashed, he used his life to be the Zhuangguo and the Taoist lineage, and it was even exaggerated to say that for The arrogance of the human race on the entire viewing platform earned back the face that he had lost with his own hands.

But can he do it?

If it was before today, Du Ruhui could still say that he was somewhat sure.

However, today Lin Zhengren decisively self-mutilated to avoid the war, it was under his "comfort" and "urging" that he decisively made the decision!

Now, it was time for Du Ruhui to make a choice.

He was silent for a moment.

As if he didn't understand anything, he brought up Lin Zhengren who was in a coma, lowered his head, hurriedly left the viewing seats, and walked outside the platform of the world.

Here is his answer.

He told Emperor Jing that he had no face to face.

As the Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, he was unable to control the pride of the country who represented the Zhuang Kingdom in battle.

In order not to lose even more face, he could only maintain a lie. Then... really go down to recuperate!

It was an accident!

Like many times in the past, Du Ruhui is like a diligent tinkerer, always doing his best to repair every aspect of this country.

I thought that coming to the Yellow River meeting this time was just a formality, but then there was an unexpected joy, it seems that I can bear the honor...

It became an illusion in a blink of an eye, and it still needs to be repaired!

But not all leaks can be repaired. Not all mistakes can be made up for. Du Ruhui is a rare talent in Zhuangdi, but looking at the world, there are very limited things he can do.

Today he got to know Lin Zhengren again, he was able to give up the game on such an occasion, and he would do anything to survive.

He didn't think he could set any conditions for Lin Zhengren to come to power and work hard.

If Lin Zhengren was to be rescued, and he was forced to be thrown onto the stage, the ugly appearance would be even uglier...

For Zhuang Guo, it was tearing off the last fig leaf—the fig leaf that Lin Zhengren used to self-mutilate with a vampire before he fainted.

He can only choose the lesser of two evils.

Even the top 16 resources, more quotas for Yaozu, and more Pills to open the veins... don't mention it from now on.

That's all he can do.

Lin Zhengren had to be really backlashed and injured, he had to really faint, not shrink back and fight timidly. In this way, he can also give a lift to Shengguo Tianjiao by the way, saying that Jiang Limeng is too strong, so that the remaining injuries are hard to heal.

if not……

In front of representatives from more than a hundred countries, Zhuang Guo lost face again and again!

With Emperor Jing getting angry, the only thing he can do now is to keep a low profile as much as possible, try to reduce Zhuang Guo's sense of existence, and downplay this matter as much as possible.

It is useless to argue, and even more futile to explain.

Punishment... can only be endured.

Who told him that Du Ruhui was old and dim-sighted, the Yellow River Club chose the wrong person!

In the entire Tianxiataitai, after Emperor Jing uttered his voice, he fell into a strange silence.

Many people didn't know the inside story, and they didn't understand why Emperor Jing would open his mouth, and even cared about a weak and small Taoist country's inner court arrogance. Is it because the whole army of the Dao family was wiped out in the Neifu field?

The other part of the people watch their noses and noses and their hearts, and dare not think too much. After all, God's grace is unpredictable.

But smart people are by no means a minority.

Wearing a thick bronze mask, "Deng Qi", the arrogance of the shepherd country, looked at Du Ruhui's back with a very deep look in his eyes.

Of course he knew Lin Zhengren.

Back then when discussing Daoism in the Three Cities, this Lin Zhengren was very imposing, outwitting students from the Daoist Academy of the same rank. He stomped on Fu Baosong, beat Zhang Linchuan brutally, pushed open the gate of heaven and earth before the battle, and beat Sun Xiaoman in Sanshan City to vomit blood.

Later, when Third Brother Jiang went to Wangjiang City, Lin's Sword Crossing Gate, he had prepared another plan.

As a result, the gun was exhausted, and the man was silenced.

At that time, he felt that this person was cautious enough, and there was indeed no shortage of city mansions, but he was too prudent and courageous, and his future was very limited.

It was when he was looking at the list of participants in the main match that he noticed that this person had also joined Guanhetai, and he was quite surprised.

He knew why the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom chose the Tianjiao of the Zhuang Kingdom to participate in the battle.

But he really did not expect that in this kind of occasion where "the pride of the nations are competing, everyone must win the first place", this Lin Zhengren can still perform a show of vomiting blood and abandoning the game.

Unlike other people who were full of contempt after seeing through the trick, he actually gave him a high look because of it.

Not everyone has this kind of determination.

But that's all.

He didn't care about Zhuang Guo. He didn't care about Lin Zhengren or anything like that.

What makes him re-examine is...

Did that Jiang Sange already have such a terrifying deterrent power without knowing it?

To be able to force the opponent to retire without hesitation before the battle begins!

"Deng Qi" glanced casually at the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom, then turned his gaze back to his opponent, the Tianjiao of the Song Dynasty, Yin Wenhua, who had already stepped onto the stage.

Now, he too has his own way to go. At the meeting of the Yellow River, he is no longer just a bystander.

Yu Yi's voice sounded at this moment: "The Geng brand is performing martial arts, and the winner is Qi Guo Jiangwang!"

"Congratulations." He looked at Jiang Wang and said in a low voice, "You are the one who won the fastest time in history. This record is unprecedented, and it will be difficult for anyone to come later."

As a true monarch, Yu Yi's words already contained resentment.

Of course not for Jiang Wang.

In his opinion, Zhuang Guo, Lin Zhengren, was so timid as to be rare in the world.

Especially with this kind of timidity, he insulted Yu Yi.

Could it be that I am a majestic true monarch, not enough to protect your life? Need you to use self-mutilation to avoid fighting?

Are you so afraid of this opponent named Jiang Wang and have so little confidence in me?

Originally, as the True Monarch of Yujing Mountain lineage, he appreciated Lin Zhengren's performance in the previous decisive battle against Jiang Limeng.

Now it's as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

Facing Yu Yu's "praise", Jiang Wang saluted calmly, neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you, Lord Zhenjun, for announcing it."

With that said, stand still and stop talking.

With a long sword in his hand, he stood alone on the martial arts platform. His calm and confident attitude, which can face anything at any time, explained to everyone on the scene what a true "Heavenly Talent" is.

On the other side of the stand, Jiang Limeng, who had not yet recovered and insisted on coming to watch the match, almost gritted his silver teeth, feeling a great humiliation--I lost to this kind of person?

She came here today to observe Lin Zhengren carefully, to find out the reason for her defeat.

Facing failure bravely is the mentality of the strong.

But in Lin Zhengren's contrived abandonment, her mentality completely collapsed.

Others may not know, but she who has experienced it herself, can she not know Lin Zhengren's ability to control those ghosts?

If there really was a problem of easy backlash, no matter how careless she was Jiang Limeng, how could she lose so badly?

This Lin Zhengren, facing the first vassal's arrogance, tried his best to trick him, and was indomitable. Although she lost, she also admitted that she was a character.

Turning his head to face Tianjiao of the overlord country, he didn't even dare to go on stage, and would rather self-mutilate to avoid war!

You dare not go up, you honestly admit defeat before, let me go up.

I'm going to die on stage!

Such cowardly and courageous actions can be cast aside...

But she just lost to such a person!

So what is she, Jiang Limeng?

This is simply a lifelong shame!

It seemed that Du Ruhui took Lin Zhengren and left without incident. But the actual shocks are far from over.

Even the number one beauty in Da Chu in the spectator seats couldn't help but look at Jiang Wang more.

What does this person rely on? How strong is it?

You know, even if it is Dou Zhao who pushes everything horizontally in the seven styles of Dou Zhan, even if it is Chong Xuan Zun who shines in the same way and Zhan Huang stunned the world with his sword, there has never been an opponent who gave up without a fight!

Could it be that Jiang Wang, at the level of the inner government, actually has a stronger ruling power than the previous two?

Huang Sheli, who had already stood on the A-rank Yanwu stage, was full of ambition, looking left and right.

It's time for the old lady to show her face!

Look at me, look at me, Yelan'er, a beautiful woman, a handsome man of Chongxuan, take a good look at me!

But looking to the left, Chong Xuanzun stared at Jiang Wang. Sweeping to the right, Ye Lan'er also stared at Jiang Wang.

How unreasonable!

Huang Sheli was furious, and gave Jiang a hard look.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know what was going on with this Jing Guo Tianjiao, but his heart was dark.

This woman is so murderous...

Unexpectedly, he didn't pay attention to his opponent, but came to release murderous aura against himself on another martial arts stage.

Although Yeluzhi in Liao Kingdom might not be enough for her to fight, why is there any need to be so arrogant?

Does this mean that they will play all over the court and meet in the finals?

Are you dating me?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang returned a positive look, and nodded——

I, Jiang Qingyang, have no fear! See you in the finals then!

Huang Sheli, who received this look, almost stepped up, and went to the Yanwu Stage of the Gengzihao. Faced with the soul torture of his old lady, not only did this kid not reflect, he even dared to demonstrate to his old lady? Nodding to show off!

Looks so ordinary, but so confident!

At any rate, she remembered that this was the main match of the Yellow River Club, the list of opponents had been determined, and the rules could not be broken.

Just wait and see.

She gritted her teeth and looked back at Yeluzhi fiercely.

Yeluzhi's lungs were about to explode. Jing people are too bullying! First, I looked around and looked around as if I didn't exist, and now I'm threatening face to face. If I dare to come to the meeting of the Yellow River, am I afraid of you?

He stared back hard.

Not to mention how Yeluzhi regards death as home, how the other Tianjiao on the eight martial arts arenas are fully prepared to fight.

Jiang Wang, the genius of Qi who forced his opponent to abandon the game with a single smile on the stage, suddenly became the most idle person at this moment.

He looked calmly, looked left and right, then stared at Deng Qi and Yin Wenhua on the stage C, assuming a full stance of watching the battle.

The reason why he chose to watch this match was that Deng Qi, Mu Guo, made him very curious, and secondly, Yin Wenhua's Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword, which he was also very interested in.

Cao Jie off the field was still a little worried that Jiang Wang would not be able to achieve his goal, and he was unwilling to do so.

But Jiang Wang doesn't have this problem at all.

Lin Zhengren was surprised by the sudden "backlash of blood ghosts".

He had already prepared two plans, trying to kill him on stage. Unexpectedly, the other party did not appear on stage at all.

But apart from the accident, he was not unwilling, on the contrary, it was a little... funny.

I feel that my seriousness is a bit of a big deal.

Is this person worthy?

He originally attached great importance to Lin Zhengren as an opponent. In order to completely eliminate him, he did not hesitate to ask Cao Jie to change the list of duels, and wanted to try to kill people under the eyes of Zhenjun Yu Yu.

But just now Lin Zhengren fainted from self-mutilation, the moment he stood alone on the martial arts stage.

He asked himself, why did I come to Guanhetai?

Kill Lin Zhengren? Humiliate Zhuangjun Johnson?


I am here to fight for the number one in the world!

Lin Zhengren didn't even have the qualifications to stand on this road that was the best in the world.

Because he has already got down on his own.

In such an occasion where the geniuses gather and the world pays attention, they don't even have the courage to act.

Don't even dare to try it!

Such a person, no matter how deep the city is, can he really be regarded as an opponent?

The road is long and difficult, and it is not always possible to be ready before going on the road!

Without bravery, how to be diligent?

Today, Jiang Wang is stepping on this bright road, advancing towards the number one in the world. No matter whether the result is good or bad, whether he succeeds or not, he has already moved to a higher place. Lin Zhengren, on the other hand, has been left on the side of the road forever.

He will never stop and wait.

If I see you again someday, just kill him casually.

Thanks to the lord tree for such a rewarding new alliance! Accumulated to become the silver alliance of this book!

Engage in a sneak attack, tree man. Didn't you agree to take it easy after I paid off my debts and took my vacation?

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