Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1154 Entering the Battle Alone

Xiang Bei's arrogance belongs to arrogance, but he will not really despise Qi Guo Tianjiao.

Tianjiao, who can represent the hegemony in the battle, cannot be weak.

So even though he beat Bai Yuxia to the brink of death with three punches, when he faced Qi Guo Tianjiao, he immediately took out his trump card and set off a battle of souls.

He was born with double pupils, his control over the power of the soul is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he has the inheritance of the famous Xiang family of the Great Chu. He has mastered many soul killing methods in advance at the level of the inner palace.

In the same realm, he has never met a monk who can confront him at the level of spirit and soul.

He once wanted to try Dou Zhao's body and soul decaying style, but when he achieved perfection, Dou Zhao, who pushed Chu's domestic government to be invincible, had already stepped into the outer building.

Thus missed.

But in the state of Chu, whether it is Zuo Guangshu from the Zuo clan or Chu Yuzhi, who was born in the army and took the country as his surname, they are all defeated by him.

Even the Qu family, Qu Shunhua, could cause some trouble, but it was only at the level of trouble, not a threat.

Later, in the hands of Dou Mian, who also won the Dou Zhan Golden Body and learned the Dou Zhan Seven Styles, he tried the body and soul decay, and it can only be said that he is ashamed of his name!

Many people in the state of Chu believed that he, who became the number one in Chu's domestic government, did not have the dominance at the inner government level of Dou Zhao, let alone be compared with Zuo Guanglie, who won the first place in the Yellow River Meeting at the age of fifteen.

But in his opinion, that's just because it's not easy for people to see the strength of a confrontation at the level of spirit and soul.

Often one step is life and death.

Of course, yesterday on the Guanhe Terrace, Dou Zhao's saber body and soul rotted, breaking Gan Chang'an's fugue. It made him realize the power of this move again. Even Gan Chang'an's fugue showed a power of spirit that surpassed him.

But when he also went to the outer building and erected the Four Sacred Buildings, his spiritual power was also not comparable to what it is today.

The natural phenomenon of double pupils can be regarded as a natural supernatural power, and it is born to be connected with the first inner palace. With the growth of age and cultivation, the seeds of supernatural powers will be manifested directly in the first inner palace.

Or it can be said that it itself is the manifestation of supernatural power seeds.

It is a generation with extraordinary talents, with supernatural powers born with it.

Cultivators with natural visions, from Tenglong to Neifu, there is no pass at all. Before the great revolution in the path of practice, he also looked directly at the existence of "supernatural powers", and he was a genius among geniuses.

Since ancient times, there are three kinds of double-pupil anomalies recorded in history books.

Said, the sky crosses the double sun.

Said, the sun and the moon are equal to the sky.

Say, Tiangou eats the sun!

The external manifestation is that the double pupils are juxtaposed, the pupils of the circles and gaps are facing each other, and the pupils of the big and small circles are embedded. [∞, o), ◎. 】

Among these three double-pupil visions, the Tianheng Shuangsun vision has the most subtle control over the power of the soul, and the power of the soul is naturally multiplied by ordinary people.

The double pupils that Xiang Bei possesses are Tianheng Shuangri!

The longer the practice years and the higher the realm, the greater the gap between his soul power and ordinary monks.

Xiang Bei naturally has absolute confidence in his own soul power.

And he gave up the temptation to fight outside the body, invaded the Tongtian Palace, and set off a battle of souls, which is precisely because of the importance he attaches to the overlord Tianjiao.

Both are powerful countries in the world, respecting Qi is respecting Chu, and valuing opponents is valuing oneself.

As for Tianjiao outside the hegemony country, naturally they cannot be counted as opponents.

In Xiang Bei's double pupils of Tianheng and Sun, a picture scroll spread out in an instant.

Far away and ancient, there seems to be the sound of knives and guns, the neighing of war horses, and the rain of arrows is empty, full of murderous intent.

This is Xiang's untold secret, the secret art of killing souls, riding alone into the formation!

What first appeared on this picture scroll was the "battlefield environment".

All the details of the scenery are vivid in the "picture scroll".

But seeing the sea waves rippling, there is a big dragon entrenched on the unusually vast isolated island of heaven and earth.

This "big dragon" has been well-raised, its majesty is faint, and its scales and horns are flourishing.

This is the foundation of the human body, the foundation of the extraordinary.

It is the Tongtian Palace where the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom manifests itself!

And Xiang Bei himself, riding alone and holding a halberd, also stepped into this picture scroll.

Man is the manifestation of the soul, and the crotch under the crotch is also formed by the power of the soul. Only the halberd in his hand is called Unrivaled World.

It is the soldier of Xiang Longxiang, a famous general in the world.

In the battle of Hegu, Xiang Longxiang, as the commander-in-chief of the Chu army, died in the army. His body was trampled by thousands of horses, and his head hung in Xianyang.

The glory of a lifetime is shattered.

Only this famous soldier in the world was sent back by him before his death, and he died in Xiang's Lin'er.

Apart from Xiang Bei, there is no other person who can do it.

At this time, the spirit of the halberd holding the unrivaled halberd manifested, and Xiang Bei rode the Wuzhi into the battle alone!

The horse stepped on the blue waves and jumped to the isolated island of heaven and earth. The manifested soul was still mighty and strong. Xiang Bei rode his horse and raised his halberd high, directly facing the big dragon, and smashed it down!

It is instinct for Tongtian Palace to reject others and maintain itself, like a small world, it will naturally protect itself and expel external forces.

If you compare Tongtian Palace to a city, you can't help the power of Dao Yuan, the power of spirit...all kinds of power come in and out. The "guards" only do a little inspection and often let them go.

Because the Tongtian Palace originally transmits power all the time, it is the source of personal power, and it is also the foundation of the extraordinary. Prohibiting the entry and exit of forces is to abolish martial arts.

In this analogy.

Jiang Wang's spirit hides the snake's invasion, it is an assassin lurking, disguised as "common people", sneaked into the city, and then revealed his hideous face.

But Xiang's single-rider entry plan is to connect two Tongtian Palaces and directly launch a strong attack!

In a sense, the secret method of riding alone into the battle map is to build an offensive channel and make a strong attack possible.

The difficulty of the two breaking into the Tongtian Palace is not the same.

The effect that can be achieved is naturally very different.

Assassins lurking into the city will at most cause some riots, which can be suppressed with a single palm.

The army stormed and smashed the city, but they wanted to destroy the city and destroy the country, and change the sun and the moon!

At this time, Xiang Bei, riding alone into the battle map, approached Tongtian Palace.

The Tongtian Palace of the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom is tough in defense, but it is nothing more than that.

Under the gaze of the double pupil, the weak points can be seen at a glance.

When the horse arrived, he directly smashed it with a halberd, and jumped into it with his horse.

Break through the enemy city alone!

Because of the secret technique effect of riding alone into the formation map, when he broke through the formation, he had already directly competed for power with the original owner of Tongtian Palace.

Just like after the army breaks through the enemy city, the order of the city will be redefined. Let's see the outcome of street fighting.

In other words, Tongtian Palace's protection of the original owner and rejection of invasion has been reduced to the weakest level!

Just wait for him to kill the enemy general and plunder the enemy city!

The attack and defense of Tongtian Palace can be compared to the siege battle in reality, but it cannot be completely replaced. For example, at any time, Tongtian Palace is repelling invasion and sheltering the original owner. In reality, siege warfare is not the case, and city destruction depends on elimination.

The reason why Xiang Bei was able to do this and weaken Tongtian Palace's rejection of the invasion was because of the power of the Soul Killing method to enter the battle alone.

Xiang's secret biography is naturally extraordinary.

Cultivators at the inner palace level will hardly experience the battle for Tongtian Palace.

Among the opponents encountered by extraordinary monks of this level. The monks in the same realm basically cannot invade Tongtian Palace and compete for the rights of Tongtian Palace, but the monks who can do it don’t need to take this risk. There are many simpler ways to kill the opponent, and there is no need to forcibly weaken themselves. Fighting in the palace.

Da Chu Xiang's single-riding battle plan has never been mastered by the monks in the inner palace.

Xiang Bei is the only exception.

And since he practiced this technique, he has never encountered any obstacles. Even a famous disciple like Dou Mian, when the sovereignty of Tongtian Palace was lost, he lost ground and was completely defeated by him!

How can there be an accident today?

Entering the enemy city with a single halberd and horse, what you see is different.

This is an ancient and majestic Tongtian Palace.

It is not exquisite and complicated, but it has an ancient atmosphere and a vast world.

Xiang Bei rode his horse in, and when he raised his eyes, he saw——

The nine avenues swirl like a galaxy, the dome is suspended high, and it rotates slowly. The streamer of starlight is deep and distant, like a dream.

The plump and round Dao Yuan is spat out by Dao Xuan from time to time, scattered into the heaven and earth, filling the power reserve of this Tongtian Palace.

A gigantic python with dense scales and dots of starlight is half-hanging in one of the starlight channels, as if a starlight ring is wrapped around its body.

And the python's head was lowered, and a pair of indifferent vertical eyes were looking down at him.

On top of the star-wrapped python, stood a young man in a green shirt with a ribbon in his hand, holding a sword in his hand, with his head held high, his eyes calm.

Regarding the struggle for power in the Tongtian Palace, the person is so calm!

Through the picture of riding alone into the battle, Xiang Bei could clearly feel the counterattack force coming from the Tongtian Palace.

All aspects of the response are methodical. Like a famous general in the world, sitting in the city, even though the city gate was broken, he organized defense lines one after another, calmly counterattacking.

Where is the slightest panic?

With the power of Tianheng Shuangri's double pupils, and with the help of top-level soul-killing techniques such as riding alone into the battle, he couldn't win any power at all. It can only barely guarantee that it will not be too suppressed.

What Xiang Bei didn't know was.

As for the fight for the power of Tongtian Palace, Jiang Wang was already very familiar with it, and he would never forget it.

He has fought with the demon who makes practitioners discolored by hearing it, and with Zhuang Chengqian, a real person who deceives gods and ghosts, all of them have been fought, and it is a life-and-death fight!

What's more, if he didn't open the "city gate" wide open on purpose, relying on his profound spiritual power, which has been strengthened many times through the red makeup mirror, is equivalent to stationing a heavy army in Xiongcheng, how could Xiang Bei "break through" so easily?

Opening the door to meet the enemy is naturally for...

Close the door and beat the dog!

At this moment, Jiang Wang stood on the dome with his feet on the star-bound python.

Xiang Bei sat astride the Wu-Zi, stepping on the ground.

The two of them were in the Tongtian Palace, one high and the other low, their eyes facing each other.

There is no dialogue.

Soul is the most dangerous fight.

In one thought, there are thousands of turns.

It is only a blink of an eye from the outside world, but at the level of the soul, life and death may have been separated.

Xiang Bei rode his horse, its hooves were like climbing high steps.

Da da da, stepping up.

Bottom up, launch a charge.

Only one person with one halberd seems to have the potential to be concealed by thousands of troops!

And Jiang Wang held the long sword in his hand, looked at each other coldly, neither avoiding nor retreating.

Xiang Bei stared at the pride of the Qi Kingdom. In those clean and peaceful eyes, he could not see any wavering or frightening emotions.

In a certain sense, the black warhorse condensed with the mystic arts of the soul encroached on the authority of the true spirit of the Dao veins in the Tongtian Palace. He could clearly sense the restlessness in the vertical eyes of that giant star-bound python. However, under the suppression of the Lord of Tongtian Palace, he remained motionless.

Everything I saw in front of me undoubtedly showed that the enemy must be ready!

But Xiang Bei not only didn't retreat, but urged Wu Zai to speed up.

Once a charge is launched on the battlefield, one cannot consider turning back.

There is a hand to break the hand, and there are traps to clear the trap.

Thousands of troops subdue me, nothing more than defeating thousands of troops!

He has already charged halfway, and he has absolute confidence in his soul fighting power.

But in the face of him whose aura had skyrocketed again, there was still no wave in Jiang Wang's eyes!

Although his eyes were calm, Xiang Bei suddenly felt that at the end of his charge, he turned into a volcano!

The power of the soul, which was so huge that he couldn't hide his astonishment, came out from the opponent's upright soul!

this force...

This soul power is as mighty as the deep sea!

Come overwhelmingly.

Half of it is in the sky, flying as the soul flame sparrow.

Half of it is on the ground, swimming as the soul hides the snake.

The soul flame sparrow chirped and flew, and the soul snake hissed and swam.

In an instant, Xiang Bei was under siege!

Riding into the battle alone, the result is in the battle!

Only this time, it was not so easy to break out.

It is simply unimaginable that a cultivator in the inner palace can have such a powerful power of soul!

He, Xiang Bei, is proficient in many kinds of soul killing methods, and his power of soul is also innately extraordinary, often times that of his opponents. But compared with Jiang Wang. It's not in the same order of magnitude at all. Even in terms of quality, he did not lose at all!

Perhaps at the level of the soul, his only advantage is that his control over the power of the soul is far more subtle than the opponent. If the two sides make it clear that chariots and horses are fighting, he may not have no chance of winning.

But at this moment, he is in the opponent's Tongtian Palace!

Although the single-riding entry map resisted most of Tongtian Palace's suppression, it also restrained a large part of the power of the soul.

Using war as an analogy, he led a thousand elite soldiers to break into the city, but needed at least two hundred soldiers to hold the city gate. However, in the city... there are tens of thousands of powerful soldiers waiting for them.

His mind-soul killing technique can be compared to the subtle art of war, but with such a huge disparity, why does the opponent need art of war!

One swarm is enough to overthrow him!

In fact, Jiang Wang did exactly that.

In Xiang Bei's double pupils, Jiang Wang could no longer be seen at all, and all the space he could see and feel was filled with overwhelming spirit flame sparrows and spirit hidden snakes.

He prides himself on the bravery of the world, with a halberd that is unrivaled in the world, he kills south and north, but he can't kill and cut.

There is no need for any skills at all, with such majestic spiritual power as the backing, it is absolutely impossible for Xiang Bei to capture this Tongtian Palace!

Perhaps after the Outer Building, the power of Shuangri Hengtian and Double Eyes has skyrocketed again, which can break this situation. But in the Inner Palace, there is nothing I can do!

Can't last long!

Xiang Bei quickly made a decision. The vision of double pupils that spanned the sky turned in his eyes, and the plan of riding alone into the battle that had been laid out for a long time quickly "rolled up".

His figure with a halberd began to peel off in this scroll.

The war is unfavorable, Ming Jin withdraws troops!

But at this moment, Jiang Wang, who had been standing on top of the star-winding python without moving, suddenly stepped out.

Just a moment ago he was still standing like a cliff and a green pine, but now he is moving like a bow!

Stepping down the sky with one step, the sword has been drawn!

From top to bottom, a sword cut horizontally.

Between heaven and earth, a horizontal line was drawn.

This is a sword style that combines Chaoyu's ten-year hidden sword and one kill.

The title is "Ten Years of Down and Out, Life and Death for Enmity!"

A sword was cut on the single-rider entry map.

The horizontal line fell on the scroll, like a naughty child's pen, easily dirtying the painting without cherishing it.

Tear ~ pull!

There was such a sharp and painful voice at the level of the soul.

The entire "Single Rider Entering the Battle Map" was cut open!

The ancient and detailed picture scroll is divided into two sections, one section shows Xiang Bei's figure holding a halberd riding a horse, floating out of Tongtian Palace, and the other section shows the picture of Tongtian Palace, but falls into a group of hidden snakes and flame birds, instantly Torn apart and devoured!

The entire battle of spirits and souls that took place in Tongtian Palace was so fierce and dangerous. However, in the outside world, only a few breaths passed.

In the eyes of everyone watching the battle, they could only see that as soon as Yu Yu announced the start of the eight-in-four battle, the martial arts stage next to him was already screaming and killing fiercely. But the arrogance of the Qi and Chu countries seems to have settled down.

Xiang Bei and Jiang Wang stood by each other.

Startled each other for a few breaths.

Although the pause was short, it was enough to tell the difference between life and death for this kind of Tianjiao!


Those who can come to Guanhetai to watch the ceremony will not be too low-sighted. Even if you don't know it, you will understand it after listening to others.

The Tianjiao of the Inner Palace of the Qi and Chu countries actually fought at the level of spirit and soul!

And the initiator of this battle of spirits and souls is obviously Xiang Bei.

This is an extremely rare confrontation at the outer building level.

Xiang Bei was still at the level of the Inner Palace, so he dared to break into the opponent's Tongtian Palace. And can really fight strongly in the opponent's Tongtian Palace!

Is there any barrier for him in God's presence?

It's really arrogance!

Most of the people present couldn't gain insight into the battle at the soul level. What's more, Xiang Bei has already gone deep into Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace, and the battle that took place in Tongtian Palace is even less likely to be observed by outsiders.

But fortunately, this seemed to be a few breaths of time in a daze, and it ended soon.

Many people are still wondering whether Xiang Bei will be the one who ends the battle the fastest in the eight-to-four battle.

Even those who had more confidence in Jiang Wang before the battle started couldn't help worrying about how much Jiang Wang would suffer in this round of confrontation.

After all, the double-pupil vision is rare in ancient and modern times, and it is the first-class eyes that control the soul.

Ye Lingxiao glanced unintentionally, and found that her daughter had unconsciously clenched her hand.

He curled his lips and said nothing.

However, after a little more than two breaths and less than three breaths, the people watching the battle have already seen——

The tall and burly Xiang Bei stepped back three steps in a row, his double pupils were closed tightly, and the corners of his eyes were bleeding like tears.

And Jiang Wang, who was fluttering in the green shirt, stepped forward, and Sauvignon Blanc came out of the sheath!

In the battle at the level of spirit and soul, Xiang Bei, who was born with the vision of double suns and double pupils, and Xiang Bei, who was able to attack the opponent's Tongtian Palace at the level of the inner palace, was actually the one who was defeated!

This is simply appalling!


The whistling sound of Sauvignon Blanc is like the roar of a dragon, like the whistling of the wind, like gold and jade, with clangs.

This is the first time that Sauvignon Blanc has been unsheathed on Guanhe Terrace.

It seems that everyone must hear its voice and see its sharpness!

The young man in green shirt who was moving forward with his sword was high-spirited, confident, and full of spirits!

He had a smile on his face and a light on his body.

A young and frivolous sword cuts away the distance on the martial arts field and cuts away all visible or invisible obstacles. It is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and leopards, and is a proud young man in life!

This is the sublimation of the sword of youth and frivolity.

Watch the sword to get the sword, watch others to get yourself.

This sword, rampage!

It must never be stopped, and it will never look back.

Everyone who saw this sword could feel its firmness, appreciate its strength, and understand Jiang Qingyang's self-confidence.

Xiang Bei couldn't see it.

He closed his eyes tightly, using secret techniques to raise his severely injured eyes.

With the blessing of Shuangri Hengtian and double pupils, the battle at the level of the soul is always unfavorable, which makes him underestimate the heroes of the world, and he has never considered the possibility of defeat at the level of the soul. In fact, he has never lost the battle of the soul.

First tasted failure today.

And he was almost besieged and killed in Tongtian Palace!

The confrontation at the level of spirit and soul is often only a short-lived, and even if it is the real king Yu Yi, if he wants to save the life of the loser, he must pay more attention.

Of course, the concept of time is not the same for Inner Palace monks and Yan Dao powerhouses.

But no matter whether Yu Xi had time or not, he almost lost!

He was almost defeated in one match, this is the price he paid for his arrogance!

The price is more than that, half of the picture of riding alone into the formation was cut off, and it would take at least a year of hard work to restore it.

In the subsequent battles, it is impossible to use it again.

Of course, he will not enter Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace to die again.

At this moment, blood flowed from the corner of his eyes.

He closed his eyes to see the battle from another angle and another level.

Qi Guo Jiangwang's sword gave him a familiar feeling. With a little thought, I was connected to the scene where Jing Guo Tianjiao vs. Wei Guo Tianjiao in the outer building field.

This sword is proud and full of meaning.

In my mind, a scroll slowly unfolded.

On the picture scroll, there is a man in blue shirt, holding a sword proudly.

Front, side, front, back, overlooking, looking up...

All angles appear on the scroll.

Jiang Wang one after another.

The secret biography of the Xiang family, the picture of the dragon and the devil's military performance!

It is used to assist in combat, so as to control the enemy's situation and predict the enemy's opportunities.

With his eyes closed, Xiang Bei stretched out his big hand.

The body of the Unrivaled Halberd appeared in his hand, and he held it tightly.

Black smoke climbed over his face.

The blood dripping from the corners of his eyes, and even his entire eyes, were covered by black ghost lines.

His muscles swelled violently, exploding half of his military uniform.

The upper body is naked, the terrifying muscles are knotted in one place, and the blue veins are bursting like dragons and snakes.

Originally, he was eight feet tall and mighty, but now he is as tall as one foot and two feet.

Black smoke lingered all over his body, looming.

The terrifying aura instantly shocked the audience.

Supernatural powers, swallowing a thief's domineering body!

There are seven spirits in the human body, and the fourth one is also strength!

With this supernatural power, it greatly weakens all negative effects, including injuries, restraints, poisonous diseases, pain... and it is extremely powerful.

It is said that "no thief from inside will die, and no thief from outside will invade."

It is a first-class killing supernatural power.

All this sounds slow, but in fact it only happened in an instant.

Xiang Bei was defeated in the battle of spirit and soul, and Jiang Wang immediately killed him with the sword style of a young man who had just been sublimated.

And Xiang Bei immediately unfolded the dragon demon's troop performance, showing the thief-swallowing overlord.

The unrivaled halberd rises like a giant dragon, like a high wall rises from the plain, and a high mountain rises from the plain. Stand firmly in front of you!

According to the family biography of Xiang's family in Dachu, there is no halberd in the eight wildernesses.

This halberd technique was once called together with the karma knife technique, and it has been fought several times in history, and it is difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior.

Deyi's sword cannot be stopped, but this halberd just stops Deyi!


The tip of the sword of Sauvignon Blanc pierces to the face of the halberd.

After a loud clang, the scene stood still for a while!

Gai Shiji is a square halberd, that is, there are crescent blades on both sides.

In everyone's field of vision, the huge halberd of Ge Shiji was barred. Standing in front of Xiang Bei's burly face, the snowy sword of Chang Xiangsi just hit one of the halberd blades.

This interception seems to be lifted lightly, and it is so wonderful.

But only Xiang Bei knew how strong Jiang Wang's sword was.

The thief-swallowing overlord body appeared, and the dragon-and-demon troop-playing map of the mysterious technique of the soul was used to assist in capturing the fighter.

But when the sword was pointed in front of him, he was able to use the Eight Desolation No Return Halberd to stop it.

However, although the process is not simple, but to stop is to stop.

When losing the battle of spirit and soul and suffering heavy injuries, he can attack the enemy later and stop the sword without any damage. It means that at least at this moment, facing this sword, he has an overwhelming advantage!

Chong Xuanzun, who was on the sidelines, seemed to be recovering from a serious injury, and it was difficult to endure for a long time, so he leaned back gently.

He was not surprised that Jiang Wang was able to win the battle of spirit and soul.

He has known for a long time that Jiang Wang's soul is so strong that it is different from ordinary people, and he will never lose to any opponent in the same realm when fighting in his Tongtian Palace. Xiang Bei broke into Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace rashly, and he could only suffer for himself.

But Xiang Bei's halberd that he lifted so lightly made him unable to ignore it.

The world should know today that the powerful killing methods of the Great Chu Empire are not only the seven fighting styles, but also the Eight Desolation Without Returning Halberd.

Especially Xiang Bei, doesn't he look injured in the slightest?

Although he has been severely injured, he can still show his peak. This is a strong man who has truly experienced life and death.

performance of both parties.

Let him very much look forward to the next development!

At this moment, Xiang Bei, who appeared in the body of the thief-swallowing domineering body, wrapped in black smoke, and as tall as two feet, was like a god and a demon.

Jiang Wang, who was dressed in blue and held his sword, looked so thin and dangerous in comparison.

But Sauvignon Blanc...

go on!

The point of the sword hit the lower moon blade of the Geshihalberd, pushing it inwards, facing Xiang Bei's face sharply.

This is a difficult move forward, and the sword is still moving forward.

But Xiang Bei opened his eyes.

Surrounded by black ghost patterns, his double-day horizontal double pupils look even more mysterious.

He glanced at Jiang Wang lightly, and twisted his muscular right hand lightly.

The blade of Unrivaled Halberd suddenly rebounded and straightened!

A terrifying force struck back at Sauvignon Blanc, and Jiang Wang was sent flying several feet away with his sword in hand!


That was the sound of Xiang Bei stepping on the ground.

He stepped on the ground of the martial arts arena, making a muffled sound like a heavy drum. The next moment, he had already caught up with Jiang Wang, raised the halberd high, and smashed it down with one halberd!

In mid-air, there was a mark of Qingyun flashing away, Jiang Wang was still flying upside down, but as if he was walking on the ground, with a light turn, the halberd smashed into the air.

Then turn around and cut across!

This sword is too graceful.

So chic!

Before the terrifying heavy halberd, fluttering like a fairy. Like a crazy man in a wave, drunk and splashing ink.

Only one stroke is one stroke.

Celebrities in the Humane Sword Style are down and out!

Ten years of down and out, with life and death for revenge.

The sword that split the single rider into the formation in Tongtian Palace reappeared on the field!

Xiang Bei smashed the halberd into the air, immediately let go of his left hand, held the tail of the halberd with his right hand, lifted the body of the halberd upside down, and only raised it in front of him!


Then blocked the sword!

It's not enough to just be like this, it can block the body of the sword, but it can't block the power and intent of the sword.

That's why the roaring black smoke billowed in the halberd, and the terrifying halberd intent erupted.

Turning his right hand over and holding it with his left, Ge Shiji made a big circle in the air, suddenly roaring out with infinite killing intent!

The West Pole Style of the Eight Desolation Without Returning Halberd!

The phantom of killing the white tiger disappeared in an instant, and Kai Shiji roared and rushed straight to Jiang Wang's face!

Everyone, including Xiang Bei himself, was waiting for Jiang Wang's reaction.

And Jiang Wang seemed to be frightened, but at this moment, he retreated and put his sword back into its sheath!

Two figures, one high and one low, flew in the air.

One advances, the other retreats.

One strikes furiously with a halberd, while the other sheaths his sword.

One is surrounded by black smoke, like a god or a demon, and the other is calm in a green shirt, walking leisurely in the garden.

Only wind hunting!

"What does he want to do? Let the water go?" Someone in the Qi State spectator team asked.

This person is a descendant of the Cao family, and he came to Guanhetai to watch the ceremony. Except for a few battles, he was not familiar enough with Jiang Wang.

Of course, he also had high hopes for the victory of his own country's pride, but at this moment, it seemed that Jiang Qingyang deliberately let go of the water!

He couldn't understand it.

Facing this halberd, no matter what, you shouldn't retreat!

This is not in line with his choice, so he even uttered such cruel words as "let the water go"!

What is the occasion of the meeting of the Yellow River? Who dares to abandon the dignity of the country and release water on the viewing platform?

Some people are like this, the mind is too barren to think. As long as you don't see what you want, just open your mouth and "let the water go". But it's also hard to tell whether this kind of person is stupid or bad.

Chong Xuansheng said softly: "You don't have to ask Jiang Qingyang what he wants to do. When fighting, he will always do the right thing."

He turned his head and looked at the man: "What's your name?"

Those who are stupid should be scolded, and those who are bad should be killed!

He was too dumb to speak.

Li Longchuan's voice sounded at this moment, but it was much colder and shorter: "Supernatural power."

It can be regarded as an explanation for others who have the same doubts.

With a small body, he can easily see details that ordinary people cannot see.

Including Huo Yuan who was trembling around Jiang Wang's body at this moment!

As for Jiang Wang, who was on the blue sky and retreated quickly, he never had the heart to give up the battle, and he never acted timidly.

Among all humane sword styles, the sublimated celebrity sword and youth sword are now the two swords with the strongest killing power.

One sword cuts horizontally, and the other vertically.

Yijian is down and out full of hatred, Yijian is young and frivolous and proud of life.

A sword is a force that divides life and death, and a sword is an unstoppable force.

These two styles are hardly inferior to the supreme halberd technique such as the Bahuang Wuhui halberd. Or to be more precise, in Jiang Wang's hands, they can compete with the Eight Desolation Never Returning Halberd in the hands of Xiang Bei and other Tianjiao.

He cut out the peak of human sword style, but Xiang Bei failed to truly show the perfection of the Eight Desolation Without Returning Halberd.

But this is already a great achievement, which shows that humane swordsmanship has achieved the ultimate swordsmanship posture!

But stop there.

In the face of the Eight Desolation No Return Halberd controlled by the Swallowing Thief Overlord Body, the existing humane sword style cannot continue to support it.

A sword like Sauvignon Blanc is not meant to be used against a heavy halberd like Gai Shi.

So Jiang Wang put the sword back into the sheath and hid his intentions in his heart.

Retreat five feet away quickly with the flat step Qingyun fairy technique.

Xiang Bei's Halberd of the West Pole also chased him five zhang.

This is a dangerous distance of five feet.

One is going down, the other is going up.

The battle situation seemed to have come to an end, and the halberd was almost head-on.

The eight wastes and the six unions exhausted the West Pole.

And Jiang Wang opened his mouth and sprayed!

This is a bright spectacle.

A crimson seed, blooming beautiful flames.

Choo Choo Choo!

When the flame flower blooms, it flies out chirping like a flame sparrow carved from red jade.

The foundation of fire, the vitality of fire.

The star power surged into the sky, and the power of the totem rammed into the earth.

The sky is round and the earth is unique.

The volcano erupted and the sea of ​​fire roared.

Meteors streaked across the sky, and flame sparrows sang in all directions.

The world of fire has come!

More than eight thousand words.

Two chapters plus more, it is 17,500 monthly tickets.

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