Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1155 I come to the Yellow River and climb the Qingyun Ladder! (Add 2/3 more for the leader L

Chapter 1155 I come to the Yellow River and climb the Qingyun Ladder! (Add 23 more for the leader Langlang!)

The platform of the world, the west entrance and exit.

A man and a woman, two gorgeously dressed young men walked in.

The woman walking in front looked dignified and dignified, with red phoenix eyes, thin willow eyebrows, oval face, and a tall figure.

The boy walking behind her was slightly shorter by half his head. He has a clean temperament and bright features. Although his face is still childish, it can be seen that if he grows up a few more years, he must be a rare handsome man.

While walking, he murmured and complained: "I just said I won't come, and you insist on dragging me to see it. What's there to see? Interrupt my practice..."

The woman walking in front gave him a hand: "Hurry up!"

"Hey, don't hold my hand." The boy was a little twitchy, lowered his voice, and said anxiously: "There are so many people."

The woman in front suddenly turned her head and stared at the boy.

The boy shrank subconsciously, but his hands were tightly clenched and he couldn't move away.

The beautiful woman raised her slender index finger and pressed it to her lips: "Hush!"

Then he moved his index finger and pointed to the supreme dharma figure standing upright beside the pillar of heaven and earth.

The red dragon robe with intricate patterns pointed to was exactly worn by Emperor Chu.

Tell this young man that Emperor Chu is here, so don't talk nonsense.

Then he continued to drag him forward and squeezed into the spectating team of Chu State.

The boy reluctantly walked behind, lowering his head and eyes, wishing that the whole world would not recognize him.

But suddenly he heard the cry of a flame sparrow.

This familiar voice...

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the martial arts stage. A vibrant and fiery world filled his field of vision.

His eyes suddenly lit up!

It's not just this boy.

In the field of vision of the audience.

Xiang Bei struck out the halberd of the West Pole, and this halberd was "from now on to the west, all under the halberd".

Really overbearing.

It is a move to avoid the inevitable, and it is bound to crush the opponent.

Jiang Wang couldn't get rid of it even with his immortal skills.

But in the next moment, the crimson flames had already covered the entire Martial Arts Field.

If the flame is alive, it is lively and flowing, catalyzing all things.

The heaven and the earth unite, and the raging fire forms a world of its own!

Xiang Bei's Gai Shiji can be as poor as the West, but at the same time he has been shrouded in the world of fire. The concept of the West Pole is also in the Fire Realm.

A halberd fell, separated by countless streams of fire.

The flame sparrow pecks and the meteor falls.

All kinds of derived fire-walking techniques attack this heavy halberd frantically, and it takes a lot of courage to make it move forward every inch.

It is simply "traversing mountains and rivers" all the way to get close to the opponent.

If it hadn't been for the power of swallowing the thief's domineering body and the ability of foreign thieves not to invade, this move would have almost failed!

When Xiang Bei's West Pole finally came to an end, he came to the end of the West Pole of the Fire Realm here. Jiang Wang's retreat steps are certain, he will not retreat or avoid, but advance instead.

He took a light step forward, and when he stepped out, he raised his left hand forward with one hand, holding Sauvignon Blanc, and greeted him with the scabbard.

When the Shenlong wooden scabbard collided with Geshiji, his footsteps were barely settled.


The step he took lightly, actually made a heavy impact on the martial arts stage!

And the long sword with sheath that he holds in one hand is like iron poured with stone, wherever it is stretched, it will stop there, unwavering.

At the end of the crossbow, the arrow cannot penetrate Lu Jin.

With the power of swallowing a thief's domineering body, the strength of the halberd without returning to the world, and Xiang Bei's innate physique, this unrivaled halberd fell on the Shenlong wooden scabbard, and it couldn't be shaken at all!

And Jiang Wang drew his sword again!

He raised the scabbard with his left hand to fight, and drew his sword with his right to advance further.

Swordsman's sword.

Put it into the sheath to raise it, take it out of the sheath to kill it.

Suddenly there was a flash of cold light, and then it was like the setting sun falling, burning out the afterglow, tragic and tragic.

This is the first form of the humane sword style, the veteran is late!

This is the most tragic sword in the human sword style, and it is also the most sudden and fastest sword. Jiang Wangchang started with this style.

Facing a top talent like Xiang Bei, the humane sword style that has not been sublimated in the past is really powerless.

But this moment is different.

On the blade of Sauvignon Blanc Ruxue's sword, at the spine of the sword, there is a red line of fire.

The power of the Fire Realm, held by the sword!

Red and white, so bright and bright.

This sword is heavy and brave.

It seems to be explaining the story in this world of fire!

This fiery world has an epic history. This sense of history undoubtedly enriches the background of this world and makes it more real and vivid.

There was once such a white-haired veteran who died for his country in his old age.

His man is dead, but his god is always there.

Even if it is a life and death opponent on the battlefield, it is impossible not to respect him.

His spine supports the broken world.

His bravery is the setting sun of the Fire Realm.

This sword came suddenly with the momentum of the Fire Realm, and Xiang Bei returned to block with his halberd.


The tip of the sword hit the halberd, and Xiang Bei was knocked back several feet!

Many people outside the arena widened their eyes, and even let out an uncontrollable exclamation.

This is Xiang Bei under the body of Swallow Thief!

He was actually repelled by a sword!

How terrifying is this sword?

Before they could finish their astonishment, the handsome Qi Guotianjiao in the green shirt had already crushed Qing Yun and chased after him.

Ge Shiji twirled in Xiang Bei's hand and raised the tip of the halberd.

Such a heavy halberd was as light as a light grass in his hand.

But the momentum is like stirring the sea and moving mountains, breaking through thousands of miles.

The sky-shaking style of the Eight Desolation Wuhui Halberd Technique!

This style of bravery is unparalleled, and Xiang Bei glared at him. Against everything, against all directions.

The sky is going to crush me and overturn this day!

Jiang Wang's figure coming from stepping on the cloud suddenly swayed, floating like Qingping in the strong wind.

From extremely brave to extremely weak, the transformation is so natural, light and wonderful!

It was fluttering in this overwhelming momentum, but it still refused to shatter.

Not only does it refuse to be shattered, but when it is powerless and precarious, it suddenly becomes cold!

Involuntary, do not forget to fight!

Such a wonderful confrontation made the spectators mesmerized.

"This halberd is a bit weaker, it doesn't look like Xiang Bei's strength. He's injured too badly, can't swallow the Thief's Overlord Body anymore?"

On the ring stand, among the watching team of Chu State, a young man of medium stature frowned and said this.

Two figures appeared out of the corner of the eye, his brows stretched, and he said in surprise, "Shunhua, Guangshu, you're here too?"

Qu Shunhua still held Zuo Guangshu with one hand, and put his index finger in front of his lips with the other hand: "Hush."

Squeezing a few steps forward, he sat next to the person who made the sound. It can be seen that the friendship is good.

But Zuo Guangshu let her drag him, and sat down with his eyes firmly fixed on the martial arts platform, forgetting himself completely.

In this world, on occasions like the Yellow River Meeting, seeing the blooming of the fire realm with his own eyes made him, who had practiced the water realm technique for a long time, mesmerized for a moment.

This technique is so subtle and vivid, the more you think about it, the more you feel its potential is endless.

In the eyes of some people outside the court, Xiang Bei's offensive was not as good as before, thinking that it was caused by injuries.

But probably only Xiang Bei himself, who is on the field, can feel the difficulty.

It is true that his mind and soul suffered heavy injuries, but in the state of swallowing the thief's domineering body, it can be ignored for the time being. It just restricts more spiritual means, and does not affect his performance in other aspects-this is nothing at all, he will never try to rush into Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace again, that is, to strengthen himself with the dragon and demon soldier map It's nothing more than the ability to capture fighter jets.

However, the entire Fire World is resisting and suppressing him.

Swallowing Thieves Overlord Body greatly weakened this suppression, but Xiang Bei could still feel the heavy pressure amidst the black smoke.

The West Pole Form is easily cut off, and the Fantian Form is simply broken. It's all because of this kind of suppression for oneself and blessing for others.

It is simply unimaginable how long he can persist in this world of fire without the Swallow Thief Overlord Body at this moment.

This feeling is the same as invading the Tongtian Palace with a solo entry into the formation before.

The sky will fall, the earth will fall, and the whole world will be enemies!

The situation can be similar, but Xiang Bei will never accept the reappearance of the results.

Facing Jiang Wang's stabbing sword from Fantian Style.

Xiang Bei let go of the halberd!

At that time also.

Surrounded by black smoke and standing two feet high, he hangs in the sky, with a peerless halberd hanging in front of him.

The figure in the green shirt has already floated like a leisurely walk.

Xiang Bei clapped his palms together!

Behind him, a phantom of a nine-headed human-faced bird body flashed.

And in front of him, an iceberg rose from the ground!

In the Fire Realm, when the water element was completely expelled, an iceberg was uprooted from the ground!

If it wasn't for Swallow Thief Overlord's body "No thief inside will die", it would definitely not be able to do this.

This mountain is called "Arctic Sky Cabinet".

This technique also has the same name as the mountain.

According to legend, the divine bird Jiufeng inhabits this famous mountain.

Chu State's magic is the best in the world, and at the inner government level, this Taoism can be said to be among the strongest defenses.

This iceberg seemed to prop up the sky of the Fire Realm, and of course it was fighting fiercely with the Fire Realm.

Jiang Wang's sword, which was struggling while wandering, hit the North Pole Tiangui Mountain, making an extremely crisp and sharp sound.

The flowing Sauvignon Blanc pierces an inch into the iceberg, and Jiang Wang has already drawn his sword!

The inch of Sauvignon Blanc piercing into Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole has already made Jiang Wang feel the defense strength of the iceberg in front of him.

He quickly made a decision, stopped his involuntary momentum, and drew his sword to change his moves.

The cold light flickered.

After being involuntary, he handed out two swords one after another.

A sword cut horizontally, and a sword pierced boldly!

Celebrity down and out!

Young and crazy!

How strong are the two sublimated Human Dao Sword Styles under the blessing of the power of the Fire Realm?

In the Fire Realm where the flame sparrows are flying and the flames are blooming, the cold and cold icebergs rise from the ground and stand firm.

And between heaven and earth, a horizontal line was drawn.

On that indestructible iceberg, cracks spread like cobwebs... and then a hole opened!


The Arctic Sky Cabinet Mountain is falling!

However, in the battle of Tianjiao, each has its own means.

While blocking the enemy with the technique of the Arctic Tiancai Mountain, Xiang Bei was not idle.

He set up the iceberg, but he pulled himself up and went to the sky.

In Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace, he couldn't win the battle of spirit and soul, and he couldn't defeat Jiang Wang in the Fire Realm.

It is because the heaven and the earth have different strengths, and the whole world is our enemy.

Now he admits that it is absolutely impossible for him to win against an opponent like Jiang Wang.

So of course he had to evacuate from the unfavorable terrain.

However, this Fire Realm is full of vitality, self-contained, and operates in a consistent manner. Even with the assistance of the Dragon Demon Trooping Map, in a short period of time, there is no flaw at all.

He chose to attack.

Lifting the World Halberd upside down, the tall and burly figure flew towards the sky.

Black smoke swam away, resisting the billowing heat.

Countless flame sparrows swooped in chirping, blocking his way. Rumbling fireworks and meteors fell like rain.

Sensing the sluggishness of Swallow Thief's body, Xiang Bei clenched the pole tightly.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed on the crescent blades on both sides of the Kaishihalberd.

The snow-bright halberd blade of the entire Unrivaled Halberd was immediately dyed in a smoky blue color. Before the blade of the halberd even moved, the space that the blade of the halberd was facing was already covered with black marks... That was a sign that it was about to crack!

Supernatural powers, broken spells with green blades!

This supernatural power has only one very simple effect——

"Splitting Dao Technique"!

With a swipe of Kai Shihalberd, groups of flame sparrows collapsed and crumbled!

The firework meteor that fell from the sky was still at a high place, but it was divided into two halves under the sharp edge of Kaishiji.

Falling stars fell like rain, they all avoided Gai Shiji and fell from around Xiang Bei's body without touching him in the slightest.

The tall and burly Swallowing Overlord with black smoke was flying in the noisy and scorching world of fire.

Going all the way, the meteor has been shattered, and the flame sparrow has turned into flying ashes.

The Unrivaled Halberd, blessed with the law-breaking green blade, is unimpeded wherever it goes. All kinds of fire-walking techniques evolved in the fire world can't even do the hysteresis.

Ge Shiji is as straight as a sharp knife cutting thin paper, without any hindrance. There is nothing to stop, nothing to stop.

This scene is really like a god coming to the world, and his majesty is so powerful!

Swallowing Thief Overlord Body combined with Magic-Breaking Green Blade, the combination of these two supernatural powers has the potential to be invincible.

At the same time as the Arctic Tiangui Mountain collapsed.

Xiang Bei also rushed to the limit of the high dome of the fire realm, raised the heavy halberd with one hand, and stabbed fiercely on the dome!


It sounded like the thunder of destroying the world!

The endless rain of fire passed around Xiang Bei's burly figure, as if he was also afraid of him.

The fireworks and shooting stars that kept flashing across the sky came to an abrupt end.

The flames blooming all over the world are withered piece by piece.

The flame sparrows flying everywhere collapsed one by one.

The entire world of flames began to disintegrate!

The Fire Realm has been broken!

Appears the thief-swallowing body, blesses the law-breaking green blade, breaks through the opponent's fire realm, and stands proudly in the sky.

Xiang Bei at this moment is undoubtedly at his peak.

Unparalleled bravery, peerless in the world!

The Chu people outside the field were almost about to cheer for him.

But Xiang Bei, who looked like a god and a demon on the field, lowered his head in astonishment. He had already seen——

Among the withered flames, among the fragments of the crumbling flame sparrow, in the stream of flames all over the sky, in the world of collapsing fire... suddenly a figure rushed out.

A pair of calm and clear eyes that never waver.

He was dressed in a clean, well-fitting green shirt.

A sword with a handle like the night and a blade like the moon!

He is obviously rushing so fast and in such a hurry, but he has a kind of calm fairy air, like a leisurely stroll.

Groups of Qingyun imprints appeared and then shattered.

This person came up.

Stepping on the Qingyun Ladder, behind you is the collapsed fireworks of the entire fire world.

The disappearing line of fire on the spine of the sword indicates that it has lost the blessing of the power of the fire realm.

But Xiang Bei's double pupil clearly saw that there was a touch of frost in the moon white of the sword!

Moon White and Frost White are both white, almost indistinguishable.

Probably the only difference is that the moon white is clearer and the frost white is colder.

This difference could not be hidden from Xiang Bei's double pupil.


frost color?

The speed at which Jiang Wang broke through the Tiangui Mountain in the North Pole was beyond imagination.

The collapsing Fire Realm also completely covered his traces.

This is a sword with excellent timing.

This sword was too fast and too sharp, almost as soon as Xiang Bei saw it, he was already on his body!

So he was stunned!

He subconsciously flipped the celestial halberd upside down, and his body had instinctively reacted as quickly as possible.

The earth carries things with virtue.

If the earth has no virtue, I will overthrow it!

The ground-covering style of Bahuang Wuhui's halberd has been covered.

At this time, the fire realm has collapsed. In the absence of any suppression, he is not afraid of any challenge with the Eight Desolation No Return Halberd Technique controlled by the Swallowing Thieves Overlord Body.

What he faced was a familiar sword.

This is the sword of youth and frivolity.

This is the proud sword after stepping on the Qingyun ladder and rising step by step!

He has seen and recognized the power of this sword.

Outside the Fire Realm, he responded with a ground-covering style, and he was full of confidence.

Halberd and sword meet.

The scene seemed to stand still.

Gai Shiji and Sauvignon Blanc meet in the sky.

One is from top to bottom, overwhelming the world, and the other is from bottom to top, ascending step by step.

Xiang Bei's tall and burly figure is like a god like a demon, and Jiang Wangning's calm and calm figure will never look back.

Behind Jiang Wang is the destruction of the Fire Realm, the collapse of a whole brilliant world.

In front of him is the brave and unparalleled Thief Swallowing Overlord Body.

But he ascends, but he moves forward!

Unstoppable, unstoppable!

I come to the Yellow River and climb the Qingyun Ladder!

Don't let the world be without heroes, you must teach the world to know my name!

At that time, the flames collapsed, and the sky was full of flames.

The life and death of a splendid world, the head-on confrontation of two supreme geniuses.

This scene is so beautiful and shocking that it almost takes your breath away.

Then, there seemed to be a sound of wind.

The sound was too small, it should have been lost in the terrifying noise of the collision of halberds and swords.

But the sound of the wind was too cold, it was chilling to the bone and lingering, but it was clear amidst the loud noise.

It was the lonely sound of withered vitality.


The moment when the halberd and sword collided.

A ray of frost-white wind broke away from the Sauvignon Blanc sword, and blew through the mouth of Ge Shiji's well, turning into a long nail with a pitch-black body and a frost-white tip, nailing Xiang Bei's abdomen.

Swallow Thief Overlord's Body "There is no death for a thief inside, no invasion for a thief outside", a mere manifested spike, even if it is not a supernatural power like Zhou Feng...

This thought just continued in Xiang Bei's mind.


He raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

What was sprayed out was not only fresh blood, but also endless black smoke.

That was his Thief Swallowing Soul that started to collapse!

The killing nail is annihilating his soul!

The Thieves Swallowing Overlord's body was broken by a nail, and the previously suppressed injuries also exploded at the same time!

A clear light enveloped Xiang Bei.

Stopping the killing nails that were still raging in Xiang Bei's body also helped to stabilize his soul.

True Monarch Yu moved to make a move, and the victory and defeat were already divided.

But Jiang Wang still took a step forward and approached Xiang Bei, as if trying to break through Yu Yu's barrier and kill him here!

Yet he just held out a hand.

In his palm, only one flame flower bloomed.

Such a beautiful, delicate... But in this level of battle, it can never be considered a powerful flame.

Originally created by Zuo Guanglie, the great Chu Tianjiao, and now imitated by the world... Yanhua!

This flower of flame with great vitality pressed against Xiang Bei's arrogant face through the dim light.

Press his whole body down.

"You know what it is."

Jiang Wang said quietly.

Then he grabbed it casually, grabbed back the killing nail that penetrated through the Thief Swallowing Overlord's body, scattered it into the wind, and put it in his body.

Returning the sword to its sheath, turned around calmly, and strolled down the high vault.

Shrouded in the clear light, with a flame blooming on his face, Xiang Bei, who was still falling in a straight line, was still emitting black smoke from his body...

In this picture, the youth in green shirt freezes as the background.

Because I saw everyone's strong request, I finished writing this battle and sent it out today.

This chapter has more than 5,000 words.

Count two more.

I owe three shifts to the lord who took away the glory of his peers, and I will pay back two shifts today.

There may not be an update tomorrow.

If so, it is a normal update. If not, count what I owe, and I will make up for it later.

that's all.

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