Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1158 ? Bathing in the Milky Way

Chapter 1158 Bathing in the Milky Way

Everyone could see that Bei Gongke had no chance in this battle.

Especially the spectators who have been paying attention to this battle from the beginning, some of them are already tired of watching it. Because from the beginning to the end, Qin Zhizhen's fists seemed to be the same. Although Bei Gongke's attack was full of flowers, it was always the result of no waves.

The repeated scene appeared too many times, and the ending was already predetermined.

So why isn't it over yet?

Magical powers, secret techniques, and swordsmanship.

Bei Gongke has shown everything he can, but he still can't break through Qin Zhizhen's simple fist.

But Qin Zhizhen didn't mean to end the fight.

Bei Gongke didn't mean to give up either.

It seems that as long as Bei Gongke can always have new performances, Qin Zhizhen is willing to defend forever.

It seems that as long as the battle does not really tell the winner, Bei Gongke can keep fighting.

Such two people actually have a weird tacit understanding.

Many spectators were bored.

But Huang Sheli, Deng Qi, and Jiang Wang, the three Tianjiao who had set the semi-finals, looked more and more seriously.

Those who are not strong enough see the same fists.

But the real strong man can be found in Qin Zhizhen's fist. See that constant terror. Thousands of tricks, one punch to break it.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Zhizhen's feet never moved a step, and his fist strength never increased. How precise judgment and terrifying control is required for this?

This is absolutely top performance.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems to have only passed for an instant.

The former is because this scene has been going on, making people anxious.

The latter is because, from the beginning to the present, this battle does not seem to have changed much.

And Qin Zhizhen finally spoke.

"Your sword is slow," he said.

He seems to have finally lost his patience.

At this time, Bei Gongke just jumped up and slashed with two swords interlaced.


The staggered blades just hit the fist.

"Yes." Bei Gongke said.

His hands were separated, and his swords were drawn outward.

Two swords slanted across the steely fist.

Make a piercing, high-pitched sound.

The change happened at this time.


In the previous continuous attacks, the sword energy that returned without success time and time again finally dissipated from the field...

It was like hearing the big drum to urge the battle and seeing the flag of attack.

Walking around the field, the seemingly scattered and disorderly sword energy was instantly detonated!

The terrifying sound of howling swords swept through everyone's ears.

Countless, thousands of paths of silver-white sword energy come and go.

The sword qi whistled into a Milky Way, extremely gorgeous, traversed the sky, and fell towards Qin Zhizhen!

The world is in the sword energy.

Falling Galaxy Sword Qi Formation!

Many people felt that the previous Bei Gongke was struggling in vain.

No one expects him, or even finds it boring.

But probably only he himself never gave up the possibility of victory. In the seemingly futile attacks again and again, a series of introductions of sword energy were buried.

Finally at this time, his strongest offensive so far broke out.

Gathering sword energy into a sword array, it seems that the Milky Way is falling, overwhelming the world!

If it hadn't already started to weaken, he might be able to condense more sword energy to make this burst stronger and more perfect!

This extremely gorgeous scene.

This resplendent and terrifying killing method instantly silenced the audience.

No one would have imagined that Bei Gongke, who had already demonstrated supernatural powers, used secret techniques, and was blocked by Qin Zhizhen's pair of iron fists time and time again, could have such a terrifying killing move.

The power of this Galaxy Falling Sword Qi Formation even caught up with Xiang Bei's Eight Desolation No Return Halberd Technique activated by Swallowing Thieves Overlord Body!

But Qin Zhizhen, who suddenly faced this style, defended for too long with almost constant and within-range strength!

How can I react?

How can I accept it?

If you compare the roaring Galaxy Falling Sword Qi Formation to a silver dragon.

Then Qin Zhizhen, who was dressed in black and had red fists, was like an ant facing a dragon.

Because this outbreak was too sudden, it was difficult to have room for timely response.

But at this moment, people suddenly saw that a light source suddenly lit up in Qin Zhizhen's body as hard as a rock.

One, two, three... five!


In the spectator seats, someone stood up and exclaimed.

"Another Tianfu!"

The spectators couldn't hide their emotions!

Real people in this world can see the light of supernatural powers in a monk's body, and they can often find out at a glance how many supernatural powers this person possesses.

But if another real person helps to cover it up, even a strong person in the Realm of Hole Realm will not be able to detect it.

Almost every Tianjiao who came to participate in the battle at the Yellow River Meeting, there is almost no shortage of strong people to help cover them.

In all the achievements of Qin State in the past, Qin Zhizhen has never displayed more than two supernatural powers.

That's why no one knew beforehand that in this year's Yellow River Meeting, there is still a peerless arrogance of heaven hidden!

until now.

At this moment, his five residences are shining together, and on this river viewing platform, the light of five supernatural powers is reappearing!

People couldn't help turning their eyes to Chong Xuanzun who was on the preparation table.

Cultivators with supernatural powers are already rare. They are hardly at the same level as ordinary inner palace monks, and they often enjoy the title of genius.

Tianfu monks are rare in ancient and modern times.

This year's two monks of Tianfu and the river tower are shining together, and they are destined to become a wonderful stroke in the history books.

But Chong Xuanzun just watched quietly on the martial arts stage, watching very intently.

He was a little surprised by Qin Zhizhen's performance, but that was all.

His pride is not because he possesses the Heavenly Mansion, but because...he is Chongxuan Zun!

On the martial arts stage, under the glory of the five houses, Qin Zhizhen, who was dressed in black and glowing, still punched out.

The lights of the five supernatural powers were entangled together and crashed into the galaxy of sword energy!

The bright galaxy of sword energy collided with Qin Zhizhen's fist wrapped in the light of the five magical powers, like a torrent colliding with a rock.

The reef stood still.

The torrent parted and went.

The mighty Milky Way fell towards Qin Zhizhen, and the sword energy splashed like waves, never staining the corner of his clothes.

It's like bathing in the Milky Way!


too strong!

Strong enough to be terrifying, strong enough to make people desperate!

It seemed that no matter what the opponent did, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break that eternal fist!

The Falling Galaxy sword formation was blown away, and Qin Zhizhen praised: "Good sword formation!"

He spoke with anticipation: "Do you have a stronger method? Just use it!"

Bei Gongke lifted the double-strand sword upside down, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Too much consumption, too much weakened control over his body, he couldn't even control his sweat...

But he gasped: "Ha, stronger, ha... I can!"

He gritted his teeth and gripped his swords tightly...

But Qin Zhizhen looked at him and shook his head: "It seems that there are no more."

His previous expectations were very tolerant, but the shaking of his head at this time was particularly ruthless.

However, tolerance or ruthlessness are actually not him.

He just looks forward to a more peak combat experience. If Bei Gongke can give it, he will be patient. If Bei Gongke can't, he will end it.

It's that simple.

After shaking his head, step forward.

One step forward, he was already facing Bei Gongke.

When facing each other, it's a simple punch forward!


At the same time Qin Zhizhen's fist hit Beigongke's abdomen, a ray of light had already enveloped Beigongke.

It also blocked the fist that was entangled with the light of the five supernatural powers.

But Bei Gongke still spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a fist mark bulged out of flesh and blood protruded from the position corresponding to the back and front abdomen!

It wasn't that Yu Yu's clear light couldn't stop the punch, but that the damage had already happened before Yu Yu made a move!

If you haven't made a move at this time, Bei Gongke is already dead!

Thanks to the book friend for the soymilk machine, and become a new ally of this book!

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