Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1159 ? Going Alone

Chapter 1159 Walking Alone

In the final battle of the Neifu field, Qin Zhizhen won without any suspense.

Although there was no suspense in the result, the process brought many "surprises", or "scares".

Beigongke really lived up to the reputation of Beigongyu, and also lived up to the high hopes of Yong Kingdom.

His tenacity and strength are impressive.

In the end, the Galaxy Sword Qi Formation detonated with one hand is even more impossible to underestimate.

And what really deserves the attention of the public is of course Qin Zhizhen's "Five Houses of Glory".

First came a nine-year-old Gan Chang'an who was able to be in Chang'an, and now there is a Qin Zhizhen who is a man of heaven, the arrogance of the Great Qin, and he is not inferior to anyone in the slightest.

One can't help but wonder, how terrifying would that little old man who looked like a little old man, the arrogant Huang Budong on the first day under the age of 30, show his strength?

This meeting of the Yellow River is worthy of the name of Fengyun!

People are thinking, or looking forward to a question——

Chongxuanzun, a magnificent monk of Tianfu, is accompanied by an invincible Dou Zhao, each showing his style.

Who can resist Qin Zhizhen who also showed Tianfu?

So far, the list of the top four in Neifuchang has been determined.

According to the order in which the winner is determined, they are——

Deng Qi of the Mu State, Huang Sheli of the Jing State, Jiang Wang of the Qi State, and Qin Zhizhen of the Qin State.

After Yu Yu announced the final result, someone would naturally carry the loser down for treatment. Tianjiao, who ranked among the top four in the inner court, also walked down the stage.

The four martial arts platforms merged into one amidst the roar.

The next semi-finals will be held on this stage.

Yu Yu stretched out his hand, and once again opened the light curtain that determined the battle list.

Shining on it are the names of the four strongest Inner Palace Realm Tianjiao in the world.

Yes, in the cultivation realm of the Inner Palace, they are already the strongest in the world.

Of course, the order of confrontation is important. For example, Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun almost died together in the semi-finals, so that there is no leader in this year's foreign court.

For example, if Yan Shaofei was standing behind a powerful country in the world, he might not be afraid of rumors and easily win the first place...

In the battle in the Neifu field, the strongest performers so far are of course Qin Zhizhen from Qin State and Jiang Wang from Qi State.

The former is the peerless arrogance of the Five Houses, and the latter strongly defeated Xiang Bei who was almost invincible.

Mu Guo's Deng Qi has many killing methods, which are of course unfathomable, and Jing Guo's Huang Sheli easily crushed his opponent without any effort. But as far as the existing performance is concerned, it is indeed not as good as the first two.

The strong need the strong to set off. Fighting against the weak does not show style at all.

That is to say, this meeting of the geniuses of all countries can allow so many geniuses to show their strength to the fullest. On weekdays, the top talents in these countries rarely have the opportunity to show their full strength.

As an audience, it is also very interesting to observe the expressions of the four Tianjiao who are waiting.

Qin Zhizhen was still as silent as a reef, as if he didn't care about anyone. As a monk of Tianfu, he certainly had such qualifications.

Deng Qi is wearing a bronze mask, so his expression cannot be seen. However, his physical condition is very relaxed, without the slightest sense of tension. From this, you can probably get a glimpse of your heart.

Huang Sheli looked at Jiang Wang generously, wondering if he valued this opponent very much, whether he was observing or provoking.

Jiang Wang was always calm and indifferent, and nodded at Huang Sheli, as if some agreement had been reached.

The final four in this Neifu field is really interesting.

Even if Qin Zhizhen has shown the posture of the five houses together, at least in terms of momentum, none of the arrogance is vain.

On the contrary, everyone is proud and confident.

Chong Xuanzun from the outer building has already demonstrated how terrifying the monks of Tianfu can do.

These arrogances in Neifuchang are all full of energy.

Could there be another Dou Zhao?

I don’t know if it’s because of a swollen face...

Everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for the final result on the roll of light.

When it was established, the spectator seats were boiling!

Mu Guo Deng Qi, against Jing Guo Huang Sheli.

Jiang Wang of Qi, against Qin Zhizhen of Qin!

It was as if the battle of Tianjiao in Wailouchang was repeated. In the previous rounds of battles, the two Tianjiao who performed the strongest met again in advance!

Whether people are expecting, dissatisfied, or happy.

The list has been fixed and no one can change it.

According to the order displayed on the light curtain, the semi-finals in the inner mansion of the Yellow River Club will start first with the battle of Jingmu Tianjiao.

Qin Zhizhen turned around and went back to the preparation seat.

Jiang Wang took a deep look at Deng Qi, then took a few steps back and stood still. He didn't mean to return to the state of Qi to prepare for the battle, and made it clear that he was watching the battle from the audience.

In this match, Qin Zhizhen and Jiang Wang made different choices from Wailouchang Douzhao and Chongxuanzun. At that time, the two peerless geniuses in Wailouchang had already demonstrated their superhuman strength and looked at each other. They are each other's biggest opponents, so they must seize every breath to recover their state. Meditate directly under the martial arts stage.

The current Qin Zhizhen has no consumption at all.

Although Jiang Wang fought fiercely with Xiang Bei, he had the upper hand from the battle of Tongtian Palace to the battle outside his body. With his powerful soul power and powerful Dao Yuan reserves, the loss can be easily made up for.

Relatively speaking, he wants to watch the battle at close range.

One was Huang Sheli, who had met him for a decisive battle early on, and the other was Deng Qi, who made him extremely curious and vaguely looking forward to it.

There should be an answer to that gloomy hope...

Come to think of it, in front of Huang Sheli who possesses four supernatural powers, everyone needs to deal with it with all their strength, and it is impossible to hold back.

In such a battle, Jiang Wang didn't want to miss any details.

Zhao Rucheng, whose pseudonym was Deng Qi, of course noticed Jiang Wang's attention, but he was unmoved.

Today is the first step in his decision to return the gift. The gift he wants to return is too big, and the person he wants to return the gift to is too huge. He absolutely does not want to involve that sincere and resolute Jiang Sange.

So instead, he had to be extra distant.

In fact, the moment Brother Jiang asked him if he knew each other before, how could he not hear the trembling and anticipation in that question? Why didn't he want to imitate Du Huhu's tone and say loudly——

"Of course I know! I know you even after you've been burned to ashes!"

But he can't.

Everyone in the world has their own path, and most of the time they can only walk by themselves.

Step onto the martial arts stage and stand still.

Zhao Rucheng looked at his opponent quietly.

At this point, the only thought in his mind is to win.

Facing Tianjiao, who represents the hegemony in the battle at Guanhetai, if he still has thoughts other than winning in his heart, whether it is hiding his tracks or something...then there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

The two people who were also standing on the martial arts stage had completely different moods.

Compared with Zhao Rucheng's heaviness, Huang Sheli was obviously much more relaxed.

She stepped onto the martial arts stage, and first looked at Ye Lan'er, the number one beauty in the Chu Kingdom.

Very good, following me.

Then he looked at Chong Xuanzun who was on the preparation table of Qi State.

Very good, following me.

Then he took a look at Jiang Wang who was standing still under the Yanwu stage.

Very good, follow me too.

Then it's time for the snow country to thank you.

thank you...

Huang Sheli turned her head abruptly, staring at Zhao Rucheng to death——

Boy, you are dead!

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