Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1160 ? Magpie Bridge

Chapter 1160 Magpie Bridge

On the preparation table of the Jing Kingdom, Xia Houlie, the governor of Xiaoqi, pressed his forehead and sighed: "This child really follows her father! Why is it so uneasy? It's already the semi-finals, and I still don't know what to think! "

Murong Long's expression was still grim: "It doesn't matter what you think, or even what you do, what matters is whether you can win or not. If you win, it's called 'informal, unrestrained'. If you lose, it's called 'arrogant, asking for trouble'." eat'."

Xia Houlie's hand pressing his forehead became heavier.

This Murong Long is good at everything, but he is too serious in everything he does. I complained casually, you just listen to it and it’s over, why did you give me an analysis?

Although it is necessary to be serious and desperate to watch the national war on the river platform, it is not so serious... You are just watching the battle now, and we are just chatting!

Today's young people are really rigid and quite boring. Or the old guys are more interesting. If Monk Huang is here, maybe...

Thinking of that 'Monk Huang', Xia Houlie put down his hand on his forehead, shook his head and retorted: "No, Monk Huang is here. If Relic wins, it's called 'the demeanor of a strong man, the true nature of arrogance'. If he loses, It’s called ‘I’ve tried my best, what else do I want to do’.”

Murong Long silently chewed for a while, and really couldn't disagree. Or the governor is more insightful!

The two chatted happily.

Zhongshan Weisun on the side remained silent.

Although the injury has been healed under the medical treatment at any cost.

But his heart was still aching...

Every sentence was like a knife piercing him.

Why do the same people have different fates!


The two countries, Jing and Mu, have been neighbors for many years. In history, there were times when "Chen Bing bordered and the country fell to the other country", and there were also times when "they were relatives by marriage, brothers and neighbors".

Cooperation and confrontation have never disappeared, but the relationship is very complicated.

Because of the existence of deserts and the threat of "demons", the long line of life and death requires coordinated defense. It is impossible to fight a big war, but both are in the Northern Territory and are both hegemony countries, so conflicts of interests are inevitable.

Of course, most of the vassal states below fought in the dark, and Jing Mu and the two countries themselves retained great restraint.

However, it is reasonable to see each other's signs on the viewing platform.

Usually there is no chance to do it in a fair manner.

For this battle, the people of the two countries are looking forward to it. After all, who is the strongest in the Northern Territory, after so many years of quarreling, there must always be some actual records to support it.

Although the meeting of the Yellow River cannot fully represent the national power of various countries, to some extent, it is indeed a manifestation of future potential.

The top talents from all over the world come here to compete. They not only represent themselves, but also the young people who are their peers and those who are defeated by them.

He Lianyun looked at Huang Sheli on the martial arts stage, and had a lot of opinions on this exotic beauty with bronze skin. Although the two of them were confronting each other on the stage, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that Huang Sheli from Muguo looked as if he wanted to eat Rucheng!

Damn it, there will always be unscrupulous people who want to rob you!

She was sitting here, her face was unmoved, but her heart was overwhelmed.

The black-clothed nun sitting next to her asked aloud at this time: "His Royal Highness, I don't know who this Deng Qi is? Seeing how rich his skills are, he should be from a famous family, but Xiao Ni has never done this before. heard about it."

Helian Yunyun asked herself that she was a woman with great ambitions who clearly separated her relationship and career.

So the rivers and seas calmed down immediately.

Without moving his eyes, he just asked quietly: "Why, Xiyuean is interested in him?"

Yu Wenduo, who was sitting quite some distance away, had no expression on his face, but pricked up his ears. As Zhao Rucheng's close friend, he must of course care about how His Highness Yun and his close friends discuss Zhao Rucheng.

Ru Chengyao doesn't understand style, he, Yu Wenduo, has to take on the heavy responsibility of helping Ru Chengyao maintain the relationship, and if he finds any problem, he can remedy it quickly... In short, he must help Ru Chengyao cook this bowl of soft rice Hello!

It turns out that this female nun is from Xiyue Nunnery! It means how can I get along with His Highness Yun and be qualified to sit next to His Highness Yun.

Looking at Buddhist sects all over the world, apart from Xuankong Temple and Mount Sumeru, the two holy places in the east and west, Xiyue Temple has the deepest foundation. It is naturally a first-class sect force.

What I don't know is, how did the nun in Xiyue Nunnery know His Highness Yun, and what is the relationship?

Hearing Helian Yunyun's question, the black-clothed nun was silent for a while, and then said: "Your Highness Yun, don't worry, Xiyue Nunnery does not accept male disciples."

Her voice was holy and warm, but to Yu Wenduo's ears, it was "du, du, du", a dull sound of wooden fish.

Yu Wenduo's heart trembled, knowing that his eavesdropping had been discovered.

Quickly retract your hearing, and look back at the martial arts arena seriously.

After the black-clothed nun explained, Helian Yunyun not only didn't 'rest assured', but seemed more vigilant: "Master Yuzhen, I remember that you disciples of Xiyue Temple are not allowed to marry?"

The nun in black with the dharma name "Yu Zhen" was speechless for a while, but finally couldn't help but said: "His Royal Highness, the little nun is indeed just asking out of curiosity. You don't need to be too defensive. The little nun is a monk!"

"It should be like this!" Helian Yunyun said with a smile: "As the saying goes, the man at the bottom of the mountain is a tiger. Master, you must not disturb the Buddha's heart!"

Yu Zhen didn't reply, but the black veil on the cloak fluttered slightly, obviously her mood was not calm.

Helian Yunyun laughed again: "Speaking of which, why are you interested in the meeting of the Yellow River, Mrs. Yuhua? I was quite surprised when Yuhua said in the letter that a junior sister was coming to watch the ceremony. She is as reassured as a mirror." I once thought that everyone in Xiyue Temple was like this."

It can be seen from the address that it is obvious that "Yuhua" is Helian Yunyun's old acquaintance, and this Yuzhen teacher is also acquainted.

And Helian Yunyun didn't hide her doubts. Although they met for the first time, she obviously already concluded that Yuzhen and Yuhua are two completely different people.

The black cloak covered up all the colors, and the nun Yuzhen only said softly: "Experiencing in the world of mortals is also a practice. The heroes of the world on the viewing platform, all kinds of beings, stories after stories, ups and downs. Little nun can come It is of great benefit to one's practice. Speaking of which, His Royal Highness Yun should take care of it."

"Efforts with a little effort, what's the point?"

Helian Yunyun waved his hand boldly, very imposing.

But suddenly lowered his voice again: "Your experience in the world of mortals does not include love between men and women?"

Yuzhen: ...



Outsiders have stories about outsiders.

The people on the field have the beginning of the people on the field.

Huang Sheli glared at Zhao Rucheng, of course he could only see the engraving on the thick bronze mask. The other party's expression was hidden under the mask, and even the eyes were only exposed with a small round hole, which could not be seen completely.

Her weapon is in her hand.

This is a three-foot three-foot-three demon-subduing pestle.

One end is the Buddha's head, and the other end is a triangular pointed cone.

The relief on the pestle is a group of pilgrimage pictures.

The "sacred" that is facing is the Buddha head at the end.

The entire body is the road of pilgrimage.

There are three pilgrims, one beggar, one commoner, and one noble.

This group of metal reliefs covers the entire body of the pestle, leaving only two handles.

The two handles just separate the three sections of the pilgrimage picture, and also divide the subduing magic pestle into three equal parts.

It is worth mentioning that the Buddha head at the end is not any Buddha worshiped by mainstream Buddhism.

The sculpture is "yellow-faced Buddha".

This Buddha, of course, has never been seen in any legends or Buddhist scriptures, because it is a Buddha made by Huang Fu, the general of Huanglongwei.

It is conceivable how much Huanglongwei and even Jingguo are not treated by orthodox Buddhism.

This pestle is called "Pudu".

It was originally Huang Fu's own weapon, and he fought with it for many years. On Huang Sheli's tenth birthday, he gave it to Huang Sheli. On the other hand, I asked someone to make a magic subduing pestle, which has been used until now.

There is a saying that has been widely circulated in the state of Jing, which is called "It is better to recruit and kill the gods, than to provoke Pudu."

Killing God is the soldier of Zhongshan Yanwen, the general of Yingyangwei, and among the seven guards of Jing State, Yingyangwei is the first.

There is no doubt that Zhongshan Yanwen is strong.

It can also be felt from the name "Killing God". Zhongshan Yanwen's weapons are so fierce.

But nonetheless.

In people's minds, as a weapon, it is not as fierce as "Pudu".

Now, such a murder weapon.

Being held by Huang Sheli with one hand, it doesn't feel harsh, but rather compassionate.

Even Huang Sheli's fierce eyes looked like a little girl's fighting spirit.

Zhao Rucheng, who was standing opposite Huang Sheli, did not speak, nor did he respond with his eyes. It's just that under the slightly clasped five fingers, the black-golden sword energy is swimming.

The sword energy is like a dragon snake, swimming between the five fingers.

He likes to practice swords.

Natural love.

I like him so much that he needs to use force to restrain himself, otherwise he will become stronger easily.

Even in the most decadent and laissez-faire days, he still wanted to learn Jiang Sange's Ziqi Donglai Sword Art with a playful smile.

The Gengjin Sword Qi that is swimming between his five fingers at this moment is one of the many secret techniques passed down from previous generations.

Funny to say.

Those ancestors built a treasury and passed it on from generation to generation... all thinking about restoring the country.

I don't know how bad my brain is.

In this boundless and vast present world, there are only six hegemonic countries standing side by side. The name is a powerful country in the world, and it is a great vision of the world.

No matter how many heroes and lords, peerless heroes, they cannot replace him.

You want no one, no soldiers, just one mouth, and you want to restore the country?

That treasury is also quite funny, the practice world is changing with each passing day, which powerful country in the world has a secret art library that hasn't been innovated from generation to generation?

You have accumulated so many secret methods, more than half of them are already out of date, okay? There is still a small half, and it will not last for a few years. There are only a few that can make do with it——

Just start learning it. An extremely complicated breaking technique like the Great Five Elements Chaos Sky Step would be a ghost if it was not eliminated. In another hundred years, it is estimated that there would be no possibility of practicing it.

Today, where can I find the pure wind of the five elements? If it wasn't for Uncle Deng...

Uncle Deng has only worked hard.

Before you die, you leave a suicide note and say, "Don't forget the ambition of your father's generation", and I will spend my whole life to die.

Before I die, I have to give birth to a child, leave blood, and let future generations continue to die.

Like you, like your dad, like your grandpa.

Go to hell!

I haven't even seen what you look like!

Until seeing the severed finger, Zhao Rucheng said this to himself in his heart. In order to fight against the inexplicable fetters of blood, the so-called "ancestral hatred, five generations of blood feud" bondage.

He is born smart, unwilling to continue the hopeless so-called "career", let alone become the continuation of the will of the dead.

He wants to live himself, even if it is "meaningless" to live himself.

Why should life be meaningful?

He has no future, and the more conspicuous he is, the sooner he will die. It's better to just pass by in a muddle and enjoy every day.

Uncle Deng never asked him to respect all his choices...

But after seeing the severed finger, everything was different.

He's too smart to believe in himself.

You can't always hope like those "fools".

But he finally realized so deeply——

It is useless to escape.

At this moment, the black-golden sword energy flowing between his fingers has an extremely beautiful luster.

The vast majority of people present could only recognize it as a unique usage of Seventh Gold Sword Qi, but they couldn't see its root.

It actually has a nice name called...

"Magpie Bridge Immortal".

The fight with Yin Wenhua did not reveal the true face of this technique at all.

Only the arrogance of the overlord country like Huang Sheli can get the fundamental treatment.

Now, he wants to let the world know.

The clear light that shrouded the martial arts stage was scattered like water. Yu Yu has announced the start of the battle.

Zhao Rucheng immediately raised his hand and pushed forward!

The strong contend for each other, and the struggle is fleeting.

Huang Sheli has already gained momentum, but Zhao Rucheng's Gengjin Sword Qi has arrived!

Thousands of black golden sword qi, after leaving the hand, turned into sword magpies, and each sword magpie held the tail of the previous sword magpie. Every time it connects, it suddenly speeds up.

Connected end to end in this way, swords and magpies form a bridge.

This black-golden bridge formed by swords and magpies almost fell into Huang Sheli's body just after leaving Zhao Rucheng's hands, so fast!

The so-called sword qi forming threads, sword qi condensing sword, and sword qi raining like flying needles and arrows are just simple applications.

The real mystery of Magpie Bridge Xiangeng Jin Jianqi lies in this style of "Magpie Bridge"!

There is a name for this style, which is called "magpie bridge once a year, see this move once in a lifetime."

Because after seeing this trick, the so-called "life" no longer exists.

How fast is this sword?

Jiang Wang, who was in the audience, thought to himself, even if he is stepping on the sky, even if he is a veteran swordsman, he will not be so fast!

This sword is coming...

Huang Sheli had just raised his hand, and the Demon Subduing Pestle named Pudu in his hand just turned his head.

The magpie bridge has arrived.

What it pierces is not only the distance, but also Huang Sheli's aura covering her body, and it is the space for her to give a reaction!

The audience almost stopped breathing.

Mu Guo Tianjiao wants to finish his opponent with one blow! !


Of course not.

Almost at the same time as seeing the Magpie Bridge.

A verdant, oval, jewel-like object emerged in Huang Sheli's bright black eyes.

It's fleeting.

It is for supernatural powers, Bodhi.

Many people in Jing country know about Huang Sheli's supernatural powers. Of course, this information is no stranger to Tianjiao in other countries.

The effect of this supernatural power is——

"Turn on the state of consciousness."

It can be used both in practice and in combat.

What is "consciousness"?

Always awake, with a new awareness of everything.

To put it more intuitively, under the Bodhi supernatural power, Huang Sheli's combat response, combat understanding, and grasp of combat opportunities... will all be improved in all aspects!

When Magpie Bridge saw it, he fell in front of him.

And when Bodhi appears, everything will be revealed.

Huang Sheli turned the subduing magic pestle over, held the handle with both hands, and stabbed it in front of him with the triangular cone without hesitation!

Too fast, too decisive!

Almost at the same time as the bridge of swords and magpies extended, her Pudu subduing magic pestle fell down.

And the sharp tip of the pestle precisely pierced a sword magpie three feet away in front of her, smashing it to pieces, and shattering back into the disintegrated masterless sword energy.

Why do you say this is accurate?

Because this sword magpie is precisely the core of the entire sword magpie bridge, and it is also the trigger point for Zhao Rucheng's next wave of offensive. That is to say, the next change of Queqiao's pose is stillborn.

People can clearly see that the magnificent bridge of swords and magpies comes across the sky.

The dazzling bright yellow robe floated behind him, and Huang Sheli held the subduing pestle with both hands, and tied it on the bridge of swords and magpies, showing a very fit figure.

The black-gold bridge of swords and magpies complemented her bronze-colored complexion.

And the entire beautiful and dazzling bridge of swords and magpies collapsed one after another in front of her.

The good is broken before the good.

Just one stab, and the magpie bridge dies!

Zhao Rucheng didn't seem surprised.

He held his left hand empty and drew his right hand empty. He pulled out a black-gold long sword entangled with Gengjin sword energy, and then stepped on the disintegrating bridge of swords and magpies.

Come on the bridge.

Before the bridge of swords and magpies completely disintegrated, he came to Huang Sheli with the Gengjin sword in his hand!

Under the stage, Jiang Wang's eyes moved slightly.

The horizontal stroke of his sword actually has the charm of being down and out, life and death!

Of course, the actual application method and force technique are different.

Just like the ten years he learned from Chaoyu, it is also the artistic conception of learning.

Facing this sword, Huang Sheli, who was in the bodhi state, pulled back the magic pestle directly, let go of his left hand, and held the pestle with his right hand. With the position of the Buddha's head, he was hitting the opponent's horizontal sword!

This series of movements is simple, direct, and natural, with an almost Taoist aesthetic.

And Zhao Rucheng's Gengjin Sword was directly knocked apart, and exploded into a black golden sword energy all over the sky!

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