Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1161 Killing and burning, reaching bliss early

Huang Sheli, who was under the Bodhi supernatural power, was completely natural in his actions. With the least consumption and the simplest movements, he smashed Zhao Rucheng's attack.

The beauty of simplicity and clarity is astonishing.

One trick and one style, pointing directly at the truth.

Technology is close to Tao!

But seeing the yellow-faced Buddha's head tap lightly, he found the place where Zhao Rucheng's true energy gathered and the joint of sword energy, and directly smashed the Gengjin sword.

Amid the flying shattered black-golden sword energy, the brass-colored subduing pestle walked forward, and the carved yellow-faced Buddha head seemed to be smiling in a compassionate manner.

All living beings are suffering, my Buddha is merciful.

But he knocked on Zhao Rucheng's face!

Zhao Rucheng stepped forward directly, as if he was going to face him, but when he landed, he had already turned to the left.

The big five elements walk in the sky, control the wind of the five elements, and are used to confusing the direction and reversing the way forward.

But Huang Sheli just turned his right foot slightly, his posture remained the same, and the Buddha's head was still facing Zhao Rucheng!

Her steps are also so concise and clear.

She is aware of this moment, this situation, and this path, and has found the right path amidst the upside-down chaos!

Bodhi supernatural powers, as far as this!

Through the bronze mask, the opponent's expression could not be seen clearly.

But Huang Sheli saw a right hand protruding suddenly, with five fingers blooming like flowers. Stretching towards the Buddha's head like picking up a flower, trying to pick it off.

It was Xiao Wuxiang who pointed with his sword.

The opponent's reaction was of course extremely fast and fierce. Xiao Wuxiang picked up the flower sword finger, which is also a first-class finger sword killing method.

However, she had no fear at all and responded calmly.

The left hand is slightly retracted, gathered into a flower bud shape, straight forward, and penetrated into the envelope of Xiao Wuxiang's flickering sword finger, as if throwing himself into a trap... Then five fingers one at a time!

Bodhi is also blooming!

The five fingers of her open left hand fit into the five fingers of Zhao Rucheng's right hand, and the fingers of both sides intertwined!

In such a wonderful way, so well stopped Xiao Wuxiang's sword finger.

In normal times, let alone interlocking fingers with an ugly man, just thinking of that scene would make Huang Sheli so sick that he couldn't sleep for days and nights.

But in battle, she only seeks the best fighting ideas.

The Sixteen Sanshou to save the world was created by Huang Fu in the army, and it is the most famous unarmed fighting technique in Jing country. Huang Longwei's core generals have all learned a thing or two.

Naturally, there is no such hand as interlocking fingers.

It is Huang Sheli who controls it in the state of Bodhi, and naturally turns it into behavior.

The real application comes from the heart.

While clasping the opponent's five fingers, the five palaces in her body moved together, and Tongtian Palace also roared. With Zhao Rucheng's right hand in his left hand, he leaned to the side and forcibly pulled out his empty door, as if the Bodhisattva of Compassion wanted to rescue the suffering people from the sea of ​​suffering.

But the head of the Buddha continued to knock on the door!

This time the knock was different from before. Before the yellow-faced Buddha's head fell down, a bell suddenly rang around the entire martial arts arena.

It is the kind of ephemerality of the ancient temple in the deep mountain, and it is also the kind of compassion and warmth that the sea of ​​bitterness persuades to turn back.

Obviously there was no terrifying power, but Zhao Rucheng's body was stiff on the spot.


Before the rigidity of the body, there is the rigidity of the soul first!

This is created by Huang Fu, Great Compassion and Purdue Heart Sutra!

What is Purdue?

To kill is to save people!

What is compassion?

To kill is to be kind!

Purdue the Heart Sutra with this great compassion, and kill the body and soul!

Who could have imagined that Xiao Wuxiang, who had been brilliant in the battle with Yin Wenhua, could be deciphered in such a clever way?

God came to hand, completely natural.

Huang Sheli at this moment is too scary!

As an opponent, Zhao Rucheng's response in the battle has been called wonderful, almost impeccable.

But she forcibly changed to save the world's sixteen hands, made Bodhi blossom, artificially created a loophole, and then expanded this loophole infinitely, instantly pulling the opponent into a deadlock!

This moment.

The Sixteen Sanshou of Saving the World has already opened Zhao Rucheng's empty door, at the same time blocked the air mechanism, strangled the true essence, and also frightened and killed the opponent's body and soul with the Great Compassionate Purdue Heart Sutra, making him inescapable and inescapable...

And the Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle is about to "subdue the demon"!

It was only a few blinks of an eye from when the magpie bridge was destroyed and Zhao Rucheng stepped on the broken bridge to attack, and now he was in a dead end.

The battle of the supreme celestial pride is so fierce and dangerous.

But at this moment, behind Zhao Rucheng, a moon-white rhinoceros horn appeared in a trance.

Only fleeting, like a phantom.

Supernatural powers, consonance!

The body has no colorful phoenix and double flying wings, but the heart has a tacit understanding.

This is also a supernatural power that can be used for both cultivation and combat.

In practice, one can often overcome barriers and capture inspiration.

The embodiment in the battle is to capture the fighting inspiration. For example, to grasp the opponent's fighting intention more accurately, so as to "understand" without saying a word! For example, jumping out of the stereotype of thinking, making a flash of choice in battle...

The Buddha's head of Pudu Jiangma pestle has already rushed to the front door.

He can't avoid it, he can't retreat far, and he can't stop it in a hurry!

No matter how thick the bronze mask is, it cannot withstand this blow. It itself does not have any ability other than to cover the face, otherwise it would not be possible to wear it on the martial arts field.

In an instant, the field seemed to be deadlocked.

But as a spectator just off the stage, although Jiang Wang couldn't see the expression of Mu Guo, Deng Qi, he could detect that the eyes under his mask didn't even blink!

And the five fingers of his right hand, which were firmly held by Huang Sheli, suddenly shone with golden light at this moment!

The phantom of the golden-winged roc loomed in midair.

Garuda Luo breaks the formation of swords!

Mu Guo Tianjiao's five fingers were all turned into brilliant gold, and a terrifying sword energy shot out from the fingers, trying to twist Huang Sheli's five fingers into a fleshy paste. And aggressively, pointing at the vital point between the eyebrows!

To gain the favor of the Buddha, to destroy heretics. Break the enemy's lock and capture the king of thieves.

It is for Garuda to break the formation.

This formula is so appropriate.

Although this Garuda Luo Po Formation sword finger is a combination of military methods and killing methods, and belongs to the same class as Shi Bing, the true meaning of Buddhism in it is also very pure. Even the heirs of Xiyue Temple had previously recognized it.

Isn't the so-called "yellow-faced Buddha" created by Huang Fu just heretics? As one of the Eight Dragons, Garuda often listens to the Dharma in front of the Buddha, and "protecting the Dharma" is also a matter of course.


It is obvious that he has been rescued by the world's sixteen Sanshou to seal Daoyuan, lock up the Qi mechanism, and restrain the joints. Where did this Garuda Breaking Formation Sword Finger come from?

It came so suddenly!

It was as if the two sides had clearly exhausted all their troops, and when the two armies were stalking each other, suddenly another surprise soldier came from nowhere!

This is unexpected existence!

Many spectators outside the stadium couldn't understand it.

Huang Sheli, who was in the state of Bodhi, knew it clearly.

She has clear awareness. Just now, after this Deng Qi activated the consonant supernatural power, the Gengjin sword energy that had dissipated earlier was controlled again, and came around his fingers!

At this time, this form of Garuda breaking formation sword finger is not from the inside out, and Deng Qi did not break through the shackles of saving the world's 16 Sanshou, but used Gengjin sword energy as the Garuda breaking formation The foundation of the sword finger is formed directly outside the body!

Therefore, it can not be hindered, so it can become a strange soldier.

This is simply a stroke of genius. It is simply unimaginable that there can be such a combination of Magpie Bridge Xiangeng Jin Sword Qi and Jialou Luo Pozhen Sword Finger.

If it is placed in a battle with other people, this should be a coup that is enough to turn the tables.

But he was facing Huang Sheli!

It was almost as soon as Garuda Luo's sword finger shone brightly, Huang Sheli's five fingers had already loosened and retreated, leaving in time.

At this moment, Zhao Rucheng failed to strangle Huang Sheli's left hand with his Jialou Luo Pozhen sword, but he also released the restraint at the same time, giving him room to evacuate.

Huang Sheli's 16th Sanshou to save the world was opened, and he was facing the danger of his opponent Garuda breaking the formation, but at the same time, the Pudu Jiangmo pestle was still heading towards the opponent's door.

Both sides are faced with new choices.

This is a contest of courage, wit and talent.

The choice of battle under the blessing of supernatural powers.

Bodhi and Consonance!

The golden Garuda broke through the formation with his sword pointing without any hesitation, and still went towards Huang Sheli's eyebrows.

Zhao Rucheng took the lead in making a choice!

Instead of retreating or evading, he wanted to attack his opponent by force!

He was sure that before his own forehead was knocked into pieces, he would come first and break Huang Sheli's eyebrows first!

The demon pestle that Huang Sheli knocked in front suddenly pulled back, and the triangular cone pierced Zhao Rucheng's hand.

She has also noticed Zhao Rucheng's backhand, and she is sure that she really can't break Zhao Rucheng's head first, and her choice is also not to evacuate.

Masters compete, compete for time, compete for potential, and compete for will.

One step back, it is very likely that the opponent will be bullied every step of the way!

She used offense instead of defense, and the strike was equally precise, precisely at Zhao Rucheng's wrist bone.

This distance, neither too far nor too close, was just enough to cut off Zhao Rucheng's Garou Luo Breaking Formation sword finger.

This timing, neither fast nor slow, happened precisely at the time when Zhao Rucheng was "ineffective in advancing and weak in retreat".

The conical front of Pudu Jiangmo pestle has three edges.

This triangular ridge represents the third generation.

It is past life, present life, future life.

When the magic subduing pestle is pierced with a cone, it is to erase the past, kill the present, and cut off the future.

According to Bodhi, ten thousand deaths have no birth.

Faced with such a precise, so uncomfortable strike.

Zhao Rucheng's Jialou Luo Pozhen sword finger suddenly turned around, and his golden five fingers bloomed like golden flowers.

The index finger and middle finger actually pinched the tip of the cone!

Picking flowers in the third generation!

Based on the sword energy of Queqiao Xiangeng, he used Garuda Luo's method of moving the sword to break the array, but it turned into Xiao Wuxiang's trick of holding the flower sword finger!

In the earlier battle with Yin Wenhua, many people felt that Deng Qi, Mu Guo, had learned too much and the road might be difficult.

Looking at it now, his seemingly irrelevant and powerful secret arts have been completely penetrated by him, and they are integrated into one furnace!

What a talent, what a talent!

But see the field -

The right hand is holding the flower in the third world, pinching Huang Sheli's Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle, and gently lifting it up to avoid its sharp edge, creating a Buddhist door. Zhao Rucheng raised his foot as if to retreat, but when he landed, he was within a foot of him!

The most natural and suitable attack range of the Pudu Jiangma pestle is just one foot away!

And Zhao Rucheng raised his left hand slightly, with five fingers pointing downwards, as if he was pressing something. If you observe carefully, you can find that each of his fingers is pressed on a different level, high and low.

Like a carefully pruned flower branch.

His five fingers are slender, white and shiny, as perfect as sculptures.

So much so that in such a fierce battle, Huang Sheli still had such miscellaneous thoughts in his heart - this guy Mu Guo is too ugly to be seen, but his hands are pretty.

Then flick the index finger forward.


Between heaven and earth, the sound of the piano resounds!

The sound pattern suddenly appeared, the translucent air gathered into a sword shape, awe-inspiring and chilling, Xiao Xiaoran pierced through the air, and stabbed directly at Huang Sheli's neck.

End of the World No Seeking Qi Swordsmanship!

Naliang, the Tianjiao of Muguo, has the supernatural power of controlling qi, and he claims to "use qi for me", so of course he has the top-level ability of controlling qi.

Zhao Rucheng's swordsmanship is also the manipulation of qi. It's just guided by the secret method, with the sword style as the body, and the piano way is mixed.

But I saw his right hand holding the flower for the third generation, "twisting" and holding it between his fingers to drop the magic pestle.

The left hand is like playing a harp, like playing a pipa.

The index finger moves, the ring finger flicks again, the thumb presses a string, and the little finger lifts up again.

One after another is like a wave.

but hear-




The five fingers of the left hand are like butterflies wearing flowers, playing games in the world.

And the air is either in the shape of a sword, or a gathering of knives, or a spear or an arrow...

Overwhelming, covering Huang Sheli's vital points.

The vertical air is a string, flowing out a melodious tune.

A hundred qi will kill each other, vowing to never end the world.

"Close gently, slowly twist, wipe, and pick again. It was first "Neon Clothes" and then "Six Yao."

Where is playing the piano and asking a bosom friend, it is clear that ambush from all sides is killing the enemy!

The offensive and defensive momentum is different!

This battle was too exciting, and in a very short period of time, the trend of victory and defeat was reversed crazily. Can't guess the change at all. Every time it is unexpected, it is wonderful to think about it carefully.

This time it seems that it is Huang Sheli's turn to be in danger again.

The spectators in the spectator seats held their breaths for this wonderful battle.

Only Jiang Wang in the audience, staring fixedly at the fluttering fingers like butterflies, suddenly felt flustered.

Watching the river and tower fights, fighting with the top Tianjiao, he never panicked.

Breaking through from the lost world, struggling to survive in the sea clan army, he never panicked.

But at this moment, his heart was flustered.

He wanted it to be true, but was afraid to prove it wasn't true.

Once upon a time in Fenglin City, there was a person who needed to be refined for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Because it looks too good-looking, in order to avoid "reckless waste", it also pays great attention to maintenance.

As thin as a hair, as small as a finger...

The left and right hands should be wiped with different handkerchiefs.

He often wiped the blade of the sword with the man's gold-painted handkerchief, and every time he was so angry that the man shouted for a duel. Of course, wiping the sword with that man's handkerchief was not his first initiative.

He once danced a sword under the moon, and this man was very drunk and played the piano for him.

At that time, when he looked back under the moon, what he saw was also such a pair of hands that looked like flowers!

is that true?

This is incredible!

In the gloomy Fenglin City, the old man who thought he would never see him again...

How could a hegemonic country like Muguo allow an outsider to represent his country in the battle at Guanhetai? I have the support of Zhong Xuansheng, Yan Fu, Li Longchuan, and even Lu Zongxiao, etc., to have the qualifications to compete for fame, and to win the election with dignity, so I came to Guanhetai.

If it was him, how did he do it...

So it's not true?

So is it just wishful thinking?

Jiang Wang pursed his lips and remained silent, his eyes fixed.

But no one paid attention to his mood.

On the Martial Arts Stage, Mu Guo Tianjiao's killer moves had already been encircled.

Everyone was waiting for Huang Sheli's response.

She certainly did not disappoint.

Jing Guo Huang Sheli has a plump and sexy lips.

Of course, it is difficult to hear anything good from this mouth.

At this moment, the lips suddenly parted——


One sound is like a thousand sounds. Shocked in the outer ear, intimidated in the heart.

It is for Purdue Sanskrit!

This top-notch sound-killing technique is used to injure the mind, destroy the will, seize the sound, and save one's life.

There was a faint echo in the void, as if there was a Sanskrit singing echoing.

The people watching the battle listened intently, and couldn't help but look weird.

Especially audiences outside the country of Jing, frowning frowns, bewildered bewildered, bewildered bewildered.

The content of Gainarvan's singing is as follows——

"There are people in the world who slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, belittle me, belittle me, hate me, and lie to me. How should I deal with it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill his whole family!"

Most people are very speechless to this so-called Sanskrit singing.

The inconsistency of its content has completely subverted people's common understanding of Buddhism.

Only some people who understand the situation know that this is the scripture of the "Great Compassion Purdue Heart Sutra"!

The Great Compassion Purdue Heart Sutra is a method of killing that works on the body and soul at the same time.

Huang Sheli has also performed it before.

But at the same time, there really is such a Heart Sutra in the world.

It was also compiled by Huang Fu, the general of Huanglongwei. It is said that it was completed after ten years of retreat.

its content...

After Huang Sheli launched the Purdue Sanskrit, most of the chanting in the sky is in this style...

Huang Longwei's bald general is really a genius in the world.

Of course, at this moment, the scriptures are not the focus, the focus is on the technique of killing Sanskrit sounds.

Following Huang Sheli's "Zha" word exit.

The Sanskrit singing began, the statement of the Sanskrit singing was faintly visible, very powerless, but it completely suppressed the piano sound caused by Zhao Rucheng's Tian Ya Wu Mi Qi swordsmanship!

The qi sword and qi knife had just rushed in front of Huang Sheli, before they collapsed and dissipated back into qi.

Zhao Rucheng kept plucking the strings with five fingers in the void, and Huang Sheli made Pudu Sanskrit sounds repeatedly.

The scene suddenly became intense!

Countless air swords and sound patterns collided crazily.

The power of Qi and the power of sound are fighting in all the spaces between the two.

This is an extremely subtle battle that is specific to every sound, every strand of breath, and every inch of space.

This is an extremely wonderful top-level collision!

One uses consonant supernatural powers to control Tianya Wumiqi swordsmanship.

One uses Bodhi supernatural powers to control the Purdue Sanskrit.

One is "heart-to-heart", and the other is "awakened".

The subtle changes of "Qi" and "Sound" are dizzying.

It is difficult to decide the outcome lightly.

Huang Sheli didn't know how long the opponent's supernatural powers could last, but in this battle, it was she who opened the bodhi supernatural power first. If the development levels of the two sides are equal, then the opponent must end the supernatural state after her.

Stalemate is of no benefit to her.


It's time for a change again.

In the state of enlightenment, everything you know and feel is crystal clear. All possible outcomes are rehearsed in the mind.

Huang Sheli raised his defensive hand.

At this time, the opponent's Xiao Wuxiang held the flower sword finger, and also held the cone, and was fighting with her for the Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle.

And while she was performing the Pudu Sanskrit sound, the hand she raised suddenly also grasped the handle of the Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle.

Hold the demon pestle with both hands!

She turned and shouted: "My Buddha is merciful, save the world! If you die, you will be burned, and you will reach bliss early!"

The power of Purdue Sanskrit sound suddenly strengthened, and the sound pierced the world. The Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle she held in both hands also turned along the trend, intending to crush the opponent's sword finger.

It's like breaking free from the shackles, and the dragon is waiting to ascend to heaven.

Right now.

Zhao Rucheng said suddenly: "Since it is bliss, why don't you go."

The Bodhi magical power and the consonant magical power have found an opportunity at the same time!

Zhao Rucheng's right hand barely maintained the shape of a flower, and was still making a final struggle at the cone.

His left hand suddenly retracted at this moment!

Tian Ya Wu Mi Qi's swordplay came to an abrupt end.

All the power of qi detonated in the mantra at once.

This is the final collision between Tianya Wumiqi swordsmanship and Pudu Sanskrit.

Both sides of the war did not wait for the result.

Zhao Rucheng's left hand changed again, the index finger, middle finger, and little finger stood upright, and only the ring finger was half-bent to catch the thumb that was also bent.

In this form, he directly pushed towards Huang Sheli.

Deng Yue's unique secret biography, Nine Tribulation Cave Immortal Finger!

In this way, it penetrates the magic of immortals.

Deng Yuezhang became famous because he once cut off the Wei River with one finger, so he was called "Ban Jiang with one finger".

This technique has a total of nine calamities, Zhao Rucheng has only practiced to the seventh calamity, and has not yet reached the peak.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to use the ten fingers to complement each other to issue this finger. Every time you enter a kalpa, you can put away a finger. At the peak, only one finger will be issued, and he will become a fairy of the Nine Tribulations Cave.

But this finger that has not yet reached the peak is already shocking ghosts and gods!

When he was in the frontier, Deng Yue pointed to the director of Shenlinjing, the prison director of Daqin Town, pointing to the wind through the ground, and he didn't know the end.

Now that Zhao Rucheng uses this finger, he is about to kill the enemy and return!

Crack, crack, crack... crack!

There was such a continuous explosion in the air.

The killing power of this finger is so terrifying that even the viewers are terrified.

Huang Sheli has not yet completely regained the Pudu Jiangmo pestle.

Nine Tribulations Cave Immortal Finger is here!


Thunder burst!

Around Huang Sheli's body, thunder suddenly sounded.

Mysterious sound patterns and majestic thunder patterns gathered and intertwined above her head, weaving into a tower of thunder.

The light of thunder and the sound of thunder hung down like a waterfall, protecting Huang Sheli's body.

Zhao Rucheng's frightening Nine Tribulations Cave Immortal pointed at it, but he saw the thunder ripple like ripples, and only heard the thunder rolling back and forth.

Huang Sheli was not injured at all!

This is supernatural power, Leiyin Tower!

This supernatural power is known as "all evils cannot invade, and all magic can not hurt."

It is a first-class defensive supernatural power!

Powerful to despair!

And under the protection of Leiyin Tower, Huang Sheli twisted his hands, pulled back the Pudu Subduing Demon Pestle, and tapped forward lightly!

Zhao Rucheng withdrew his hand in time, so that his five fingers were not cut off by Zhui Feng, but the golden color on his fingers had already faded.

Because the Nine Tribulation Cave Immortal Finger returned in vain, he immediately fell into a passive situation.

Relying on the keenness of consonance and supernatural powers, he narrowly saved his hand. Immediately cast the Great Five Elements Chaotian Step, step forward, and when the footsteps fall, they have retreated three feet away!

It is undoubtedly a sober judgment to never fight Huang Sheli who is under the protection of Lei Yinta in close combat, and to keep a distance in order to change.



Such a subtle, but thrilling crack sounded.

The thick bronze mask covering his face was torn apart and fell silently!

The face of Deng Qi, the mysterious arrogance of Muguo, was revealed in front of everyone!

Couldn't avoid the knock!

Thanks to book friend Neo for becoming the leader of this book!

Six thousand characters, of which two thousand characters are added to the monthly ticket of eighteen thousand.

The last time I repaid the 16,005 monthly ticket, I actually repaid it twice.

Later, I found out, changed it back, and paid back 17,500...

Really miserable.

Brother Di said that only he and I still remember the monthly bill debt, and he has a bold idea...

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