Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1170 ?

Chapter 1170

Three swords for three swords, forcing Qin Zhizhen, whose sword skills surpassed the top line, to escape into the void.

The fire world was spread out again, making it impossible for Qin Zhizhen to get close for a while.

Then, when Qin Zhizhen attacked the Fire Realm, he directly activated the pupil technique to fight for life and death at the level of spirit and soul.

Every choice is perfect.

Jiang Wang's fighting talent displayed in this battle is shocking!

As the winner of the first half, of course Huang Sheli must focus on her opponent in the final. According to her aesthetic standards, Jiang Wang is more or less a "temperament beauty" now, and she needs to look more often.

However, regarding Jiang Wang's current series of responses, she thought to herself that even if she turned on Bodhi, she would only be able to grasp the fighting opportunity, but Jiang Wang obviously did not use his magical powers!

on my own...

Only rely on your own fighting talents!

How terrible is this?

Many people watching the battle, including Chu Yuzhi, couldn't know how strong Jiang Wang was at the level of spirit and soul, but they could guess a thing or two just by thinking about Xiang Bei.

Could it be that the high-profile cultivator of Tianfu is going to be defeated here?

As soon as this thought came out, he was startled. Why did he who always thought that Qin Zhizhen would meet Huang Sheli in the final, and even who was already analyzing the outcome of the Tianfu battle, now think that Jiang Wang was going to win?

As a native of Chu, he certainly hoped that the native of Qin would lose, but Qin Zhizhen's Wufu Tongyao is there, and he has a knife that surpasses the peers, no matter how he thinks, he shouldn't lose!

Zuo Guangshu, who was sitting next to him, whispered to Qu Shunhua, "It's more than that!"

There was a little pride in his tone.

Qu Shunhua raised his chin, but did not speak.

The pupil technique of Qianyang Zhitong that Jiang Wang has learned is only one style.

However, only this style was used to the extreme by him.

With the help of the remnants of the picture of riding alone into the battle, forcefully break into the Qin Zhizhen Tongtian Palace, and use all the power of the soul to complete the feat in one battle.

"The sun crashed, and the heaven and the earth are cut off." The scene burned Qin Zhizhen's body and mind.

Faced with this scene and this prestige, he had to wonder, could it be that his soul was also dragged into the Fire Realm?

Since the body is in the fire element, the mind is also in the fire element?

But Qin Zhizhen was Qin Zhizhen after all, this suspicion only existed for a moment, and was immediately cut off.

He realized very clearly that he was in his Tongtian Palace, and at this moment, it was a chance of life and death!

At this time, escaping into the void cannot escape the attack of the spirit, and being limited by the fire realm, escaping into the void is no longer without stagnation. At this time, a slow step is already the distance between life and death.

However, Qin Zhizhen, who was in a state of mind and soul, just grabbed his body with his right hand, and directly tore off a black dress as thin as cicada's wings!

This "black dress" is different from the one he wears in this world, it is between the virtual and the real, thin but impenetrable, with a faint evil spirit circulating on it.

When he tore off the "black clothes", the entire Tongtian Palace was instantly emptied!

The picture of riding alone into the battle, the scene of the scorching sun falling into the world, and the terrifyingly powerful spiritual power were all printed on this thin layer of black clothes, and became the paintings on the black clothes, which were torn off by him!

It's for supernatural powers, no clothes!

Do you say no clothes? The soul of battle is the robe!

This garment is transformed by the spirit of war, when it goes out it becomes war, and when it enters it becomes defense.

When fighting, it manifests outside the body, punching and stabbing, in addition to the original killing, it also comes with killing the soul.

When it is for defense, it is draped in the soul to resist attacks at the level of the soul.

At this moment, Qin Zhizhen just pulled the soul clothes, and Jiang Wang's terrifying attack of spirit and soul disappeared in smoke!

In the battle with Yongguo Beigongke, he took the absolute initiative and was able to handle tasks with ease. In fact, he watched the battle between Jiang Wang and Xiang Bei very calmly.

Then it was a targeted exposure of the Five Houses of Tongyao, trying to destroy Jiang Wang's fighting spirit and his confidence in defeating a powerful enemy.

Why did he give Jiang Wang a chance to set off a battle of spirits after he clearly watched the battle between Jiang Wang and Xiang Bei and knew that Jiang Wang's spirit power must be strong?

Because although this is Jiang Wang's opportunity, it is also his opportunity!

When Jiang Wang was plotting against him, he was also plotting against Jiang Wang!

People are most dangerous when they are proud, and they are most likely to fall to death when they are at their peak. Because standing too high and too relaxed.

Jiang Wang wants to finish his work and kill him with his soul.

This is the time for him to kill Jiang Wang!

The battle of spirits and souls is fought in an instant.

The soul clothes were torn off, and all the attacks encountered at the level of the soul were removed, and the Tongtian Palace was already clean. In the Fire Realm, Qin Zhizhen, who was still holding the knife, suddenly sped up the long knife, and quickly completed the extermination of the world, cutting a hole in the Fire Realm!


The meteor collapsed and the flame sparrow fell.

The world of fire begins to destroy.

After all, Jiang Wang's technique of the fire realm did not reach the state of mind-controlled birth and death. Although it is full of vitality, it still does not have the ability to automatically repair once a "heavenly defect" occurs, and it can only quickly collapse.

It's not that the Fire Realm is not strong, but that the opponents it encounters are too terrifying.

Qin Zhizhen held the knife in his right hand, grabbed an illusory black dress again with his left hand, and pressed it on his body.

Wearing the clothes of fighting spirit!


Very light, like the sound of a bubble breaking.

On the illusory black clothes, the image of the setting sun falling into the world continued, but suddenly disintegrated, and the "black clothes" together, turned into countless fragments and disappeared.

Qin Zhizhen only missed this point——

That was Jiang Wang's soul attack, which was stronger than he imagined, so strong that it was close to the limit of his unclothed supernatural power!

Although he erased it with Wuyi magical power, the manifested soul clothes were also shattered on the spot, making it difficult to reunite for a while.

In the confrontation just now, if Jiang Wang's spirit offensive was stronger, his Wuyi supernatural power would not even be able to erase it, and I'm afraid the false defeat would turn into a real defeat!

Fortunately, this round is over, and a new confrontation is about to begin.

Wanting to wear the clothes of the fighting spirit is only out of the importance he attaches to Jiang Wang.

In fact, seizing the gap between Jiang Wang's failed attacks on the soul, he already had a great advantage.

Shattering the Fire Realm is just one of them.

Like countless battles in the past, he stepped firmly every step of the way, stepping on the advantages one by one, leading to an unshakable victory.

Seen in the eyes of all--

Qin Zhizhen failed to put on the clothes of the fighting spirit, but his movements did not stop at all, and he still leaped forward, walking through the world of shattered fire.

Boom boom boom boom!

Five light sources suddenly lit up in his body, turning on the Five Houses of Glory!

The huge distance between the two disappeared in a flash.

Through the remaining flowers, cracked feathers, and gravel, in the doomsday of the fire world, kill the master of the fire world!

This is the demeanor of the supreme arrogance!

Just left the killing game, and started the killing game again.

The situation of victory and defeat changes rapidly.

People can see, in the scene of shattered brilliance, a black dress flits by, and the black blade cuts through the sky.

Qin Zhizhen is in the apocalypse of the fire world, and he will come out!


Something is blowing in your face.

Soul felt the cold.

In my was the gentle sound of the wind.

A ray of frost-white wind turned into a long nail with a dark body and a frost-white tip, suddenly appeared in front of Qin Zhizhen, and nailed towards his heart!

For Qin Zhizhen, who was in the same glory state of the Five Houses, Jiang Wang greeted him head-on with the nail of death!

Among the eight wind supernatural powers, Buzhou Feng has the most lethal power.

The swallow owl is immortal, the beak of the swallow owl, which annihilates the vitality, becomes a nail for killing life.

The combination of these two has unmatched killing power. He once crucified and killed Ji Shaoqing in front of a group of monks near the sea on Crescent Island overseas. It is ordered that the real people in the world who spend their money on setting up the altar can't save them.

Qin Zhizhen, who is in the state of the five mansions, is it possible to beat Qifeng?

People are doomed to wait for an answer.

Because it's the next moment.

In people's sight, Qin Zhizhen suddenly disappeared!

After the fire realm was shattered, he could walk in the void calmly again.

And in the state of the Five Houses of Glory, he is more comfortable and faster in the void, and can ignore many dangers.

Killing nails came out to no avail, and turned into a frosty wind again.

And from behind Jiang Wang, a dark long knife poked out.


The sound of chains!

The pitch-black iron chains also drilled out of the void and crossed behind Jiang Wang.

Legalist secrets, imprisoned in chains!

Jiang Wang had already prepared to use the bondage from the void to fight against the attack from the void.

But the pitch-black horizontal and vertical knife was just one turn.


The two pitch-black chains became four pieces and swung open.

Jiang Wang's prison chain was found in the void, and it was cut in two!


The long knife continued to move forward, but was blocked by the sharp sword edge.

Jiang Wang even brought a sword, and his whole body was cut back three feet away!

This is an absolute and powerful suppression, the five houses are shining together, and the five power sources are mixed, Jiang Wang is not strong enough to resist!

But when he was retreating, he tapped his foot lightly, and the Qingyun imprint appeared and disappeared.

There is an elegant and calm aesthetic feeling.

It seems to be cut back, and it seems to take the initiative to avoid, in order to fight again.


Qin Zhizhen, who had already suffered from close combat, was not in love with fighting. Once he retracted his long knife, he was hidden in the void again.

The martial arts stage was empty for a while.

Only Jiang Wang retreated mistyly with a sword in his hand, with extraordinary grace.

A wisp of frosty white wind floats in the distance.

And the rain of fire is falling all over the sky, it seems to be crying for people, it seems to be singing for people——

This is the process of the collapse of a bright world.

Viewers may be able to appreciate such a scroll. To be able to look past its cruelty and appreciate its beauty.

The people on the stage only want to win or lose.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Up, down, left, right, rear.

A total of five pale bone-like chains, shuttled between the virtual and the real, entangled Jiang Wang.

Confined to the body, bound to the soul.

One of the top ten chains of the Legalists, called the soul-binding chain!

Jiang Wang attacked him to imprison his body, and Qin Zhizhen returned him to bind his soul.

And it was obvious that he surpassed Jiang Wang in terms of the cultivation of the ten major chains of Legalism.

These five soul-binding chains are extremely fast, coming and going suddenly.

But just looking at the crimson Qianyang pupils, the soul-binding chains that galloped between reality and reality suddenly paused for a moment, and then... disintegrated!

Jiang Wang's eyes turned around, and five pale soul-binding chains collapsed one after another!

In the eyes of the spectators, this scene was so powerful that it was terrifying!

Actually nature is not so simple.

Among the ten chains of legalism, the chains of the prison body imprison the physical body, and the body cannot be released if touched. The soul-binding chain is to imprison the soul, but the prisoner is powerless.

With this technique, Qin Zhizhen also has the ability to conquer the soul. Of course, binding is more than killing.

After all, he is not the core true biography of San Xinggong, and the soul-binding chains he repaired are the same as Jiang Wangxiu's prison chains, both of which are "foreign biography" versions. Although it is also very precious, it is not top-notch, and it is not enough to truly match the reputation of the legalist ten chains.

Although Qin Zhizhen has cultivated this soul-binding chain to a certain level, coupled with Wuyi's supernatural power, it is enough to deal with most scenes of conquest of the soul.

But it was still far from being able to compare with Xiang Bei.

It's even worse than Jiang Wang.

Using the soul-binding chain at this time was obviously afraid of Jiang Wang's soul power and wanted to temporarily block his soul power.

And Jiang Wang only looked at it with Qianyang's pupils.

Eyes have weight.

He has practiced until now, and he who has opened the pupil of Qianyang has been able to affect the weight of his eyes to a certain extent.

So when he glanced over, the galloping soul-binding chains stopped, which was forced to stop by the power of the pupil and the soul.

Of course, with just this one glance, it is impossible to change the soul-binding chains.

What really worked was at this moment, when they were printed into the single-riding formation map, Jiang Wang used the secret method left by Xiang Bei to help them "enter the formation", and then used a large number of spirits to hide snakes and spirit flames to attack them. Sparrow, tear it up.

No matter how strong the soul-binding chains are, there are only five. Jiang Wang's spirit hides snakes and flame sparrows, but there are thousands of them. Can't tie it down at all!

But because the confrontation at the level of spirit and soul is difficult to detect, even if it turns around a thousand times and the offense and defense are fierce, in the eyes of many people, just Jiang Wang glanced over and the soul-binding chain disintegrated.

It's hard not to be intimidated.

Qin Zhizhen's use of soul-binding chains was useless, and he was also hidden in the void.

At that time, the fire realm had not yet collapsed.

Jiang Wang, who had a broken soul, raised his sword and looked around.


The whole world is so quiet that it seems that there is nothing left but breathing.

But in fact, all the voices surrendered to Jiang Wang's ears.

Can hear, can hear...

A small, crackling sound as sparks shatter.

Flame Sparrow's collapsed, unwilling whine...

The flames bloom and thank you, leaving yesterday and leaving today.

The corner of the clothes rolled slightly, with a slightly sad sound. as well as……

On another person, the sound of blood flowing!

Jiang Wang turned around and cut across with his sword!

"Celebrities are down and out, life and death are enmity" style!

Between heaven and earth, a horizontal line was born.

This horizontal line divides heaven and earth, life and death.

In front of the rolling night.


Swords clashed.

Jiang Wang recovered again, stepped on Qingyun and retreated!

Qin Zhizhen disappeared into the void again.


Qi and blood surged and stopped in the body.

Dao spins, replenishing true essence.

He was absolutely at a disadvantage in terms of strength, but Jiang Wang still had a calm expression.

Such a collision with Qin Zhizhen, who was in the same glory state of the Five Houses, of course inevitably suffered some hidden injuries.

It can also be called a luxury to use the Immortal Technique of Smooth Steps to Unwind.

However, there is a steady stream of Shanfu Qingyun media, and they don't care about this consumption at all.

Facing Qin Zhizhen, who had unlocked the Five Houses of Glory and blessed the Void Refining Ability, under the pressure of terrifying power, it was already a good result to suffer some unavoidable hidden injuries after the collision.

In the final analysis, it was because he was able to catch Qin Zhizhen's elusive knife!

Since you can catch it, resist it, and die, there is nothing to worry about.

Every confrontation now is supplementing "knowledge".

The more rounds of confrontation, the more accurate his "capture".


Every cut of Qin Zhizhen was seen by him.

Thanks to the book friend Taiwan Junior Brother, who became the leader of this book!

Thanks to Book Friends Empire|Qin Shang for rewarding Jiang An'an with silver, so that An'an has her own character gift and character avatar! (The gift is tentatively set to be candied haws.)

Thank you book friends for becoming the leader of this book after tomorrow!

Thank you book friend Eternal Silence for becoming the leader of this book!

Thanks to the leader Di D for the new alliance rewarded!

Thanks to the leader ADEM for rewarding the new alliance!

The 4,000 words in this chapter count as a basic update.

The next chapter will be updated at 8pm.

It is [20:00 on the evening of May 2nd. 】

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