Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1171: The Sword Can Conquer Gods

Chapter 1171 The sword can pass through the gods (add 33 for the leader Yang Saosao)

clang! clang! clang!

Qin Zhizhen kept disappearing and reappearing, cutting out a lore knife.

And that green shirt was constantly flying in the air.

In fact, of course he was beaten back by Qin Zhizhen time and time again, but his figure was elegant and he came and went gracefully.

Walking in the air is like walking in a courtyard.

It is true that Qin Zhizhen took the initiative, but he couldn't do it if he wanted to cause more damage!

And as the attacks became more frequent, he felt more and more that Jiang Wang's blocking became more precise. Almost when the long sword arrives, the green front will arrive.

With the peak state of the Five Houses Tongyao, he walked through the void, but he couldn't get more gains for a long time!

In Qin Zhizhen's perception, Jiang Wang certainly lived up to his reputation and was unparalleled in dominance.

In the eyes of the audience, these two are extremely talented, and the confrontation is wonderful.

However, the difficulty Jiang Wang felt was only chewed by himself.

Who in this world can face Qin Zhizhen in the same situation without any pressure?

In this battle between him and Qin Zhizhen, the transition between offense and defense was very rapid.

The situation of winning and losing keeps turning and changing rapidly.

But up to now, the time of "ten thousand voices coming to court" has passed sixteen breaths.

this means……

The time limit for the savanna fairy state is approaching.

This near-immortal Taoism combines the sound perception of the mysterious strong man in the primordial space, and the sound-hearing fairy scriptures inherited from the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and the formation mechanism is too complicated.

Although it is engraved in the inner palace, it cannot be used again and again. Even if you put everything aside, go all out to recover, and open it again, at least it will be after a stick of incense.

The time for a stick of incense may not be long on weekdays. But in the battle of Jue Tianjiao, thousands of life and death are enough to happen.

And without the blessing of Shengwen's fairy state, it would be difficult for his swordsmanship to match Qin Zhizhen's swordsmanship. Not to mention quickly capturing Qin Zhizhen walking in the void.

But Jiang Wang's expression remained calm. His eyes are still calm.

Seeing the figure in the green shirt pressing the sword, people felt a trance.

There is nothing that cannot be defeated by him.

Nothing can stop him from moving forward.

The seventeenth breath.

Anxious and unbearable, tormented and painful... This kind of waiting!

The viewers scratched their hearts and minds, but Qin Zhizhen did not appear again.

He hides in the void, not knowing where.

Jiang Wang's clothes fluttered, and he looked around with his sword. You can't see your opponent, but you can't relax.

Eighteenth breath.

Jiang Wang flicked his long sword suddenly, and said loudly in the air: "There is a famous eight-tone tea in Qidi, please taste it!"

Press with your left hand.

The time has come to the nineteenth breath of the savanna fairy state.

Chirp, chirp, chirp!

The Flame Sparrows rose up around them, screaming in unison.

Then the sound of the piano, the bell, the pipa... the eight tones played in unison, playing the tide together.

Jiang Wang's original eight-tone burning sea was launched on the stage of martial arts.

This technique blends the eight sounds of tea and the sound of the sea tide. It is corrected after hearing the fairy state. Regardless of its power, only its sound and its sound flow into the ears like the sound of heaven, making the listener enchanted. It is called wonderful. Unspeakable.

On the stands of Qi State, everyone held their heads high.

The eight-tone famous tea in Qidi is proud of the people of Qi!

For Jiang Wang, his consideration in this battle.

So the octave burns the sea and temporarily replaces the spread of the fire world.

Still using ranged damage to limit Qin Zhizhen's elusive magical powers.

If Qin Zhizhen wanted to attack, he had to go through the sea of ​​fire first.

Even if there is only a slight delay, sometimes it is enough to change the direction of the outcome.

In this way, the lack of saravaka fairy state is made up for.

Combat is never a one-man game.

At the same time Jiang Wang pressed the octave to burn the sea, Qin Zhizhen's figure also appeared.

At that time, Eight Sounds Burning Sea was rapidly expanding outwards with Jiang Wang as the center.

And Qin Zhizhen stood on the edge of the martial arts stage, facing Jiang Wang across the rapidly expanding sea of ​​flames.

The five blazing light sources in the body are so bright.

This scene is so similar to the scene where the fire world descended earlier, Jiang Wang also spread out a wide range of Taoism. Qin Zhizhen also jumped out of the void, and also chose to distance himself.

The battle between them seemed to be repeating itself.

In a sense, both men are firmly executing their fighting strategies.

This is a comprehensive collision of will, strength and wisdom.

Facing the engulfing sea of ​​flames and waves of sound, Qin Zhizhen held a long saber vertically, and with the power of the five palaces, he only made a vertical chop!

The knife opened the sea of ​​flames and the sound wave.

The eight-tone burning sea shunted it for him.

And he said slowly: "The sound of the sky is pleasant to the ear, making a certain person feel refreshed."

His voice is firm, it is determined, it is irreversible.

Hold the handle with both hands, move the handle to the left abdomen, and point the long knife obliquely to the front right. Continuing——

"Someone also has a knife, please appreciate it!"

He seemed to be there, but he didn't seem to be there.

His hand seemed to move, but it didn't seem to move.

But the light of the sword has come out, and the sound of the sword has already started.

The dark blade cut out from all directions in an instant, completely covering Jiang Wang!

it's for--

Refining the Void Baji Saber!

This saber technique was developed by Qin Zhizhen combined with the magical power of refining the virtual world.

Although there is still a gap compared to the Slashing III Asura Saber, because he created it himself, his understanding is deeper and he can wield it more freely. At this moment, it is being promoted in the state of the Five Houses of Glory, and its performance in battle is not bad at all.

He has been walking in the void, and has attacked Jiang Wang many times. Although he has never been able to complete the lore, he has already thoroughly familiarized himself with the void of this Yanwu stage and established a connection that belongs to him alone. Therefore, at this time, Cut out this Void Refining Baji Saber!

The principle is still to move forward through the void, but after getting familiar with this void, the speed is accelerated to the greatest extent.

It seems that when the person is far away, the knife is close to him, as if he has crossed the distance of space, it is simply a magical knife technique!

This was Qin Zhizhen's knife that was determined to be the ultimate killer!

The terrifying knife light overturned like rain.

Dark blades swept the night from every direction.

And Jiang Wang is already in the night!

Can one person fight against Changye?

An can be undefeated?

At this moment, only a green blade appeared.

The bright moon is born in the long night.

The sword light shines instantly!

Jiang Wang, who is independent in green shirt, wields a sword like a solo dancer.

Call Chang Yeming with one sword!

But only to hear—

Dang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Eight consecutive sounds!

To be precise, among the seven clashes of swords and swords, there was a sharp sound of cold front cutting flesh.

Qin Zhizhen stood on the spot with a long knife in his hand, his black military uniform chattering. Across the flame tide and sea of ​​fire, he faced Jiang Wang.

And Jiang Wang stood holding the sword, there was a slanted wound on the chest, deep bones were visible, and blood flowed down, covering the "red plum blossoms" that Zhao Rucheng had left on the blue shirt earlier.

It is different from the worries of many spectators.

Jiang Wang himself didn't seem to feel the pain, and didn't feel it at all.

Still holding his sword tightly, Ning Ding looked into Qin Zhizhen's eyes.

With a chuckle in his mouth, he said, "Good knife!"

Sauvignon Blanc turned slightly sideways in his hand: "Please try again!"

Among the eight knives cut down instantly by the Baji Sword of Lianxu, this person was hit by one.

Moreover, a lot of power has been removed from this knife, which is far from fatal.

Qin Zhizhen must not be satisfied with this!

The Void Baji Saber he used in the void and the present world has never been able to kill the enemy. Why was he caught so easily?

What's more, he is motivating with the state of the five mansions shining together!

Is this person's swordsmanship really capable of supernatural powers?

He doesn't believe it!

"Stick what you want!"

Qin Zhizhen only said this sentence, and the horizontal and vertical swords had already penetrated into the void, and there was another violent storm. Refining Void Baji!

And this time—

Dang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Jiang Wang is like a helpless green leaf, floating in the violent wind and rain.

But after the wind stopped, the showers stopped.

Aoba remains the same.

Qin Zhizhen couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Wang who was floating down, his eyes couldn't hide the surprise. This time, his elusive Baji Sword of Refining Void was caught every time!

The knife returned without success!

How can this be? !

Why was Qin Zhizhen's Void Refining Baji Saber blocked so easily? He will probably never know why.

Because Jiang Wang didn't intend to let him know the wrong way.

This Void Refining Baji Saber uses the power of saber technique to travel in the void and the present world, spanning spatial distances. Of course it can be called powerful.

Absolutely top-notch knife skills.

But Jiang Wang had already seen similar attacks. It's not a stranger to meet suddenly today.

That was the supernatural power of Yu Siqing, a strong Sea Clan strongman that he encountered when he was in the Lost Realm.

The innate supernatural power of "ignoring distance and attacking across space" is faster and more sudden than the Lianxu Baji Saber. Because Qin Zhizhen's knife still needs to travel through a void, but Yu Siqing's attack does not need it.

At that time, Jiang Wang faced Yu Siqing, relying on prediction.

The first time he almost died, the second time he was still injured, and the third time he was able to avoid it... Finally, Yu Siqing was killed in the boundary river.

The longer the battle lasts, the more he understands the opponent, the richer his "knowledge" and the more accurate the prediction.

And he and Qin Zhizhen have clashed swords thousands of times!

One of the worst choices Qin Zhizhen made was to finish the battle with Yongguo Beigongke slowly in front of him in order to gain power.

The battle between them started from that conversation in the trials.

At that time, Qin Zhizhen had already started to gain momentum. And why didn't Jiang Wang start studying him at that time?

It's not just him, Qin Zhizhen.

Jiang Wang has carefully observed every one of the Tianjiao on the platform of the world. He watched each scene and studied every move, just to make up for his "knowledge".

And Qin Zhizhen, in order to create an invincible situation, gave Bei Gongke enough time to show - that also gave Jiang Wang enough time to understand?

From the two sides to the martial arts stage, until now. Jiang Wang didn't waste any of the nineteen breaths of time in the fairy state. In the world of voices, he didn't miss any of the voices about Qin Zhizhen that he could collect!

Why did Qin Zhizhen walk in the void in the state of the five palaces, but every knife he slashed was blocked by him?

That's why.

Now, although the fairy state of the savanna has faded away, the "knowledge" has made up for it.

Speaking of which, his "knowledge" about Qin Zhizhen is much richer than his "knowledge" about Yu Siqing back then.

Especially knife skills!

Qin Zhizhen's most powerful Slaying III Shura Knife has already been cut by him. Although it was mainly due to the countermeasure of "being manipulated" by the misguided magical powers, Jiang Wang had already fully understood the state of Qin Zhizhen's strongest swordsmanship through such confrontation.

At this point in the battle, he was already very familiar with Qin Zhizhen's sword!

The strongest point of the Lianxu Baji Saber is that it appears like a ghost, but once the landing point is predicted, for Jiang Wang, this saber is nothing more than ordinary!

"It's really good knife skills!"

In the amazed eyes of the people, Jiang Wang lightly held a sword flower. He did not intend to explain Qin Zhizhen's surprise, but said, "Come again!"

At that time, Eight Tone Fenhai was still floating on the field.

With Jiang Wang holding the sword, the sword energy leaped into a flower, and was caught by a flame sparrow.

The flame bird holds the sword flower.

Then came the second flower, the third flower...

Flowers of translucent sword energy rose around the body of the young man in green shirt, and fiery red flame sparrows flew to pick them up.

With the sword flower in its mouth, Yanque flew up with Jiang Wang as the center.

In an instant, the sight has been covered!

The entire Martial Arts Stage, beneath it was a sea of ​​flames, and within the sea of ​​fire was a wave of sound,

On it, the flame sparrow holds the sword flower and dances.

This picture is like a dream, it is like seeing a spring scene!

In the spectator seats, Wen Tinglan, who was completely focused on Yan Fu, couldn't help asking in surprise, "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword?"

During the past few days, she and Zishu were not close friends, but they were always acquainted.

Zi Shu stared at the martial arts platform, and said in a daze, "Not exactly."

Although it is only similar in spirit, it is already the capital of heaven!

Waiting for Tao Shihua at the beginning of Jingzhe, waiting for Tong Shihua at the beginning of Qingming.

Yin Wenhua's Peach Sword Flower and Tong Jianhua were all seen by Jiang Wang.

His imitated sword flower is only five points similar, of course it is far inferior to the twenty-four solar terms sword. But he ingeniously incorporated the Taoism of the flame sparrow holding the flower.

Playing the sword into a flower, and holding it with a flame sparrow.

This style combines swordsmanship with Taoism, which is already amazing.

Replace flames with sword flowers.

The power suddenly increased!

It's hard to imagine this scene without someone who has seen it firsthand.

The Flame Sparrow in the air held the sword flower and flew towards Qin Zhizhen. The flame bird hides the fire, and the sword flower contains the front.

The sea of ​​fire and sound waves on the ground split and rejoined.

Such a combined attack sweeping through the Yanwu stage is simply suffocating and oppressive!

In an instant, heaven and earth deceived each other!

Facing such a sudden attack, Qin Zhizhen turned around and stepped into the void. Finally, he gave up and tried again with the Refining Baji Saber.

I was forced to retreat again!

He performed two supreme saber techniques, but was forced into the void twice.

The sword technique he is proud of, which is stronger than the top of the world, is completely powerless in the face of Jiang Wang!

Now that this battle has been fought, no one will doubt Jiang Wang's strength.

But on the other hand, the horror of refining virtual supernatural powers has also been fully revealed.

After cutting off the fire world, Qin Zhizhen can be said to be able to advance and retreat freely, taking the initiative. If something goes wrong, he will escape into the void, and jump out to fight whenever he has the opportunity.

However, it was precisely because Qin Zhizhen took the initiative that Jiang Wang's fearfulness was even more highlighted!

at the same time……

All the powerhouses who pay attention to this battle should think about these questions——

How long has Qin Zhizhen been walking in the void since the start of the war?

To what extent has his refining supernatural power been developed, and how much has it been consumed in the use so far? How much room to splurge?

How long can the light of his Void Refining Divine Ability shine on?

As for these issues, Qin Zhizhen and Jiang Wang in the battle, of course, would not miss them.

As soon as Qin Zhizhen disappeared, Jiang Wang immediately urged the Eight Sounds to burn the sea, completely covering the martial arts stage. At the same time, it controls the flame sparrow holding the sword flower, flying everywhere, forming a big net.

The way the Sword Flower Flame Sparrow "weaves a net" was inspired by the hunting and killing of him by the army of the Sea Clan in the Lost Realm.

Every Sword Flower Flame Sparrow has almost the most connections with other Sword Flower Flame Sparrows. Wherever there is an attack, support can be obtained as soon as possible.

Gan Changan in the spectator seat frowned and remained silent.

Jiang Wang of Qi State is like the most seasoned hunter. Facing the alchemy supernatural powers, he obviously doesn't take the initiative, but he can calmly lay traps, adapting the location to the weather, and often arrives late, but seems to have the upper hand!

What a terrifying fighting talent.

There should be no more delay... he thought.

The judgment of the strong is often the same.

Almost at the same time Gan Changan was thinking.

On the martial arts arena, opposite Jiang Wang, a dark door appeared.

The faint black light covered the first three steps of the portal, forming a fan-shaped black shadow.

Wearing a black military uniform, Qin Zhizhen walked out of the dark door with a black horizontal and vertical knife in his hand.

The way he walked out of the void this time is so different!

The Sword Flower Flame Sparrow hovering near him swooped in almost immediately, forming an formation to attack and kill.

And Qin Zhizhen stood at the door, standing in the fan-shaped shadow without moving, even took a look at Jiang Wang from a distance, and then closed his eyes.

Something terrible happened.

The gorgeous but fierce sword flower flame sparrows that swooped in, one by one, suddenly disappeared after bumping into Qin Zhizhen's side! Not even a sound, not a trace!

The sword energy is gone, and the flame is gone.

Also at this time, the sea of ​​flames and waves of sound that covered the martial arts stage had already rolled in, killing Qin Zhizhen.

But it seemed to flow into the shadows.

You can't get close to Qin Zhizhen's body at all!

Jiang Wang's perception was very clear, his swordsmanship power and Taoism power poured into the dark portal without any collision at all.

Qin Zhizhen was clearly standing there, but the damage was taken by that door.

What is this door?

What kind of power is this?

Among the intelligence collected by Qi State, there is no relevant information at all.

This is the time when fighting talent is most tested.

Jiang Wang didn't move again hastily, but immediately controlled the power of Bayin Fenhai and Jianhua Yanque, holding the sword and waiting silently.

His wait didn't last long.

Suddenly there was a sound of whimpering and whimpering on the field.

Behind Qin Zhizhen, from the dark portal, two teams of armored ghosts floated out.

They filed out from both sides of Qin Zhizhen, with a ghostly aura around them.

Dressed in broken armor, it seemed as if he had "resurrected" from an ancient battlefield, but the long spear in his hand was sharp, flowing with black light.

From these ghosts, Jiang Wang felt the breath of the netherworld, but it didn't belong to the netherworld completely.

Having had the experience of dealing with the Bone Cthulhu, he is no stranger to the power of the underworld.

What Qin Zhizhen is showing now is some kind of supernatural power that can summon ghosts?

Nether Gate?

At the same time, Jiang Wang could feel that there was indeed a change in the atmosphere of this world of Yanwutai. Slowly, but it's happening.

Can Qin Zhizhen's supernatural powers change the environment and create battlefields...

He quickly captured the information, analyzed the situation, and supplemented his "knowledge".

At this moment, on the huge martial arts arena, there is still a sea of ​​flames, and swords, flowers, and sparrows are flying.

The dark portal and the fan-shaped shadow in front of the portal seem to be isolated islands in the sea. In the sound wave of the sea of ​​flames, occasionally scattered "sprays" poured in, and were swallowed by the dark portal in an instant.

Qin Zhizhen, with his eyes closed, was standing in this "isolated island".

The eight-tone burning sea and sword flower flame bird that continued at the same time consumed Jiang Wang's terrifying dao yuan reserve.

But this is a necessary consumption, he must use these powers to create enough buffer zone for himself. When avoiding encountering an ultimate move like Dou Zhao Tian Ren Wu Fai, it is too late.

Fortunately, what Qin Zhizhen consumed was even more supernatural power.

The person is in the state of opening the five palaces to shine together, and walking in the void, and at this time showing this magical power... His consumption will only be more terrifying,

Combat is a confrontation of strength and a game of wisdom.

Each other constantly restricts, weakens, speculates, and targets.

Burning the limit of will and strength, vying for the final victory.

Of course, Qin Zhizhen would not spend unwisely.

After the two teams of ghost soldiers floated out of the dark gate, they held long daggers and rushed towards Jiang Wang silently.

But it is different from what many people imagined.

These two groups of menacing ghost pawns were engulfed by the surrounding sea of ​​fire and sound almost as soon as they rushed out of the range of the black fan-shaped shadow!

Qin Zhizhen's ultimate move was so weak?

Only Jiang Wang on the field, his eyes were slightly condensed.

He didn't think how weak the two teams of ghost soldiers were, after all, only he knew the consumption of the eight-tone burning sea. But seriously, ghost pawns of this level really shouldn't appear in battles of this level.

Anything abnormal must be a demon!

No matter what people guessed, Qin Zhizhen always closed his eyes and remained silent like a hidden reef.

After a while, two figures, one black and one white, floated out from behind him.

One is covered in white all over, with a smile on his face, tall and thin, with a pale face, a long tongue, and a pointed official hat.

One is dressed in black, has a fierce face, a broad body and a fat body, a small black face, and there are four characters on the official hat, which say "the world is peaceful".

One is in shackles and the other is in handcuffs.

Very imposing and majestic.

There is no ghost aura on her body, but a divine fragrance hidden in her body!

Black and white impermanence in myths and legends!

It is also one of the images of gods most often driven by manifestation in the era of Shinto Dachang.

Off the court, Zhao Wuyan couldn't help but lose his voice: "This is Yan Luodian!"

Qin Zhizhen has traveled back and forth to the void many times since the start of the war. It turns out that it is also running this temple!

The top supernatural power Yama Temple, rare in the world.

She also found similar records in the ancient books of Longmen Academy.

This exclamation was naturally annihilated outside the arena and could not be conveyed to the martial arts stage.

Any factors that affect the fairness of the battle will be erased by the remnant who presided over the battle.

But Jiang Wang on the field also felt the unusual meaning from this impermanent appearance.

This black and white impermanence is obviously better than those two teams of ghost soldiers. That being the case, what is the significance of the appearance of the ghost pawns of the two teams?

Perhaps... it is they that satisfy a certain requirement for the appearance of black and white impermanence!

Qin Zhizhen closed his eyes and didn't move, maybe he was doing something in the void...

Can't wait any longer!

Jiang Wang immediately made a judgment in his heart.

People only saw that behind Qin Zhizhen, as soon as the black and white impermanence appeared, it immediately flew out of the shadow in front of the dark door and crashed into the sea of ​​flames.

And Jiang Wang held his left hand, and the sound of the sea of ​​fire flowed back in an instant, and was contained in his body.

The flame sparrows in the sky scattered into fire elements, leaving only flame flowers floating in the air.

With a swipe of the sword in his right hand, the sword flowers scattered all over the sky.

For a moment the world was empty.

Most of the spectators were puzzled.

Facing the black and white impermanence who stepped out of the dark door, Jiang Wang didn't want to strangle, but instead dispersed the range of Taoism. What's the point?

But at this moment, not many people would doubt Jiang Wang's choice. After all, Jiang Wang has already proved himself. They can only think about where they didn't think enough and what they missed.

On Mu Guo's preparation table, Cang Ming, whose face was hidden under the cloak and who had been meditating all the time, suddenly said, "This will be much more interesting."

what did he see

The thin and thin Na Liang didn't speak, but looked more seriously at the martial arts stage.

The sword flower and flame sparrow dispersed, and the sound wave of the sea of ​​fire disappeared.

The black and white impermanence that has walked out of the dark portal has not stagnated in the slightest.

But seeing that Bai Wuchang with his long tongue flicked his shackles in his hand, the black shackles exuding a cold air roared out, stretched infinitely in the air, and looked straight at Jiang.

But the chunky Heiwuchang made a mistake with his hands, and only separated the pair of handcuffs, holding them into a pair of knuckles.

Boom boom boom!

Footsteps slammed on the ground and rushed straight to Jiang Wang.






(8,000 words yesterday, 10,000 words today. I originally wanted to split 2,000 words, because the goal of 8,000 words in seven days is very tiring, and I can make up 2,000. But I don’t want to spoil the reading experience. So that’s it.

I am describing a vast world myself, and I should also know that in a real world, everyone will have it.

For example, if you have only written five chapters, they will try their best to hack you. When your grades are poor, say that your grades prove that you are bad. When your grades are better, it is said that the data is all fake, and the leader is yourself... It seems that they have blood feuds with you, but in fact you have never known them.

In this world, there is everything for everyone.

Someone hurts you and someone heals you.

I think I need to get used to it.

After breaking the defense, they were happy instead. Make relatives hurt enemies quickly, wise men don't do it.

I will walk with people who like this novel. Take a good look at how I will give the Yellow River Meeting a bright ending!

Try to continue with 8,000 words tomorrow.

Of course, just trying to write, may not be able to do it. )

Thanks to book friend No. 18, who became the leader of this book!

These more than 6,000 words were added to the three chapters of the leader Yang Saosao and returned together.

Debt (√)

Well, the third watch owed to Langlang was still one watch away.

The next update is at twelve o'clock. 12:00 noon on May 3rd.

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